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Review of Related Literature

“Marriage must involve a man and a woman.”

Opponents of the idea argues that marriage should be strictly heterogenous and
cannot include same-sex couples [CITATION Wil93 \l 13321 ]. This was also seconded with
their explanation that marriage follows procreation and one with the same sex fails to
accomplish the latter. Moreover, it points out that partnerships relating to marriage must
be participated with sexes that are potentially able for producing and raising children.
Thus, same-sex couples with their physical incapability cannot simply bear a child.
William N. Eskridge (n.d.) also mentioned that to define marriage as involving two
opposite sex is undeniably morally justified and one that maintains traditional family
values and ethical norms. Truly, the fact that it is different from what is used makes it
questionable with regards to societal norms.

Religious institutions also added on the ‘NO-zone’ when it comes to same-sex

marriage. Majority of these opponents used Biblical scriptures as their argument to
express their disagreement on the latter [CITATION Nic10 \l 13321 ]. This brings the idea
that it takes a man and a woman to create marriage and roots back to the belief of
Adam and Eve as held in passages from Genesis, Deuteronomy, Matthew, and
Ephesians. Lastly, these opponents believe that homosexuality go against the natural
law or divine intentions [ CITATION Sam18 \l 13321 ]. This idea reiterates that homosexuality
is immoral and should be discouraged.

“Same-sex couples are no different from heterosexual couples.”

On this prerogative, proponents argues that the state’s withholding of the legal
recognition of same-sex marriage violates the right to marry [ CITATION Wil93 \l 13321 ].
The right to marry in this sense emphasizes that the liberty to marry the person of one's
choosing stands as a fundamental due process of law. Further, the same also
mentioned that by refusing same-sex marriage, the state commits sex discrimination.
The state gives full license to marriage to woman-man couple but not to woman-woman
couple. Thus, degrading same-sex intimacy is the one that is immoral because it
comprises irrational discrimination, thereby impairing the community [ CITATION Sam18 \l
13321 ].

With regards to raising a child, studies show that being raised by same-sex
couples has no negative psychological impact and may actually benefit children
[ CITATION Ber15 \l 13321 ] . The study further resulted to a conclusion that children from
same-sex couples excelled better in academic, social, and psychological aspects
compared to those from traditional homes. From these findings, lesbians and gay men
are fit to parenting and may indirectly produce a generation that can place a good
position in the society.

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