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Sample Reflection

It is almost a year since Coronavirus 2019 existed and started infecting lives
of human beings across the globe. The pandemic caused nothing but problems
financially, mentally, psychologically, and socially to the people. This caused
unfortunate families to experience more hunger. Jobless persons experience more
difficulty in being employed since more restrictions and considerations are
implemented by entities. Moreover, as much as other groups in the community,
students also face problems in pursuing their studies amidst this Covid crisis. There
may seem no exceptions in who will battle against the enemy which cannot be seen
with the naked eye.
I, too, like any students engaging online classes, encounter various setbacks
in any aspect. I belong to a simple family, enough to have ourselves fed three times
a day. My father is unemployed, and my mother is a professional teacher assigned in
the southernmost part of the island. Thus, considering I and my two other siblings
are brought to school, my parents oftentimes have a hard time in paying our tuition
fees. Truly, my family experiences financial distress even before Covid outbreak
occurred and so its existence worsened the case. As a result, my mother and
younger sister were forced to stay in her workplace to cut costs and to avoid
excessive exposure to different individuals during trips. My father, on the other hand,
doubles his effort to provide me and my younger brother food well and to sustain our
school requirements and miscellaneous expenses.
Inextricably, I also experience problems with regards to my online classes.
There are times when chores and school activities intersect within the day. Also,
handling minor and major subjects is more difficult when done online because
students can only have virtual interaction with professors and left with manuals to
self-study onwards. Thus, a major adaptation with regards to the new normal is
As of this moment, I am quite sure that I am not alone facing these problems.
Like me, there can be someone financially limited or struggling to adjust with their
online classes. Yet despite the crisis, I have made some realizations and
conclusions. Life can possibly this cruel sometimes. Life is not always cupcakes and
rainbows. It is bound to change every day as we wake up in the morning. Thus, what
people can only do is either fight or surrender. But if one waits for a brighter future
and success, one will want to thrive in the new normal. If my family is in financial
distress, I can help my parents lessen the expenses by prioritizing my essential
needs from mere luho. I can sacrifice some of my happiness for the betterment of
the majority. After all, gratitude is all it takes to accept the simple things I currently
have. Additionally, I can still excel in my studies despite the limitations in sources
and learnings. I can still excel if only I communicate with the right people who can
influence and help me to study more and be a better person. I can still be excellent
through doubling my efforts and observing proper time management in handling both
chores and school activities. Besides as what Ma’am Maricel Feuntes mentioned in
her talk, excellence refers to the consistent effort to grow and become the best
version of yourself based on talents, abilities and gifts given by God. It is not about
IQ, recognition, grades, ranking and being an honor student or scholar.
There can always be dark days where I stop being productive. These days
are those when I take a rest, think of all my problems and cry to loosen out. These
days are those when I start comparing my life to others, concluding how unfortunate
and petty I am. But do you know what kept me going? My dreams do. Every time I
witness my parents’ sacrifices, and how my mother does her best to provide me
tertiary education, pushes me to not give up. Every time I hear my special persons
cheering me up and helping me carry my burden reminds me that I am not alone and
that I’m still connected to them although we don’t see each other that much. Every
time I pray, and God blesses me even though I am a sinner, reminds me of hope and
existence of unconditional love. These are my trinity, my family, my special persons,
and God. These are what keeps me going and these are the most important to get
connected to with or without this pandemic.
Someday, we will not be needing those face masks and face shields on the
streets. Someday, all will be well, and hospitals will not be bombarded with sick
people. Someday, families will be prosperous, and we will be back to our previous
lives. Someday, human beings will celebrate with gratitude for being Covid-free and
for God healed our land and His people.

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