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Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research

University of Babylon
College of Science

Ethical Issues of Research


Wisam Abdul Jaleel Jawad

Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry

PhD Student

Ethics at applied of social research that concerned with
the creation of a trusting relationship researcher and who
researched, and risks are minised and benefits are maximized.
1- Beneficence (doing good):
Research should only be carried out if some sort of
benefit or good can be derived from it, that means
contribution to know or improve service and treatment. If
there is no benefit can be regard the project is unethical.
2- Self-Rule (Autonomy):
Researchers are an obligation to disclose information
at a level and that participtants can understand so that they
can reject or agree to participate.
3- Non-maleficence (do no harm):
The obligation on researchers is not harmful to the
others or epose people to different risks. Such as: loss of
funding, frustration and time wasting .
4- Justice
The principle is that everyone should be treated fairly
eared equally.
5- Truth Telling :
Here the researcher is responsible to provide
comprehensive and accurate information in a manner that
enhances understanding. Researchers should be honest
with participants and keep all promises he made.
6- Confidentiality :
The agreement is made between the researchers and
participants about what can and cannot one with an
information collected over a course of a project.

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