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Basrah University

Engineering College

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Tests

For 2nd Stage - Second Semester
Edited by Dr. Ammar Ashour Al-Suraifi
Fluid mechanics laboratory


This manual deals with six experiments of fluid mechanics science,

which studying in the engineering colleges in the engineering branches
such as Petroleum engineering, Civil engineering, Mechanical
engineering and Chemical engineering for the second season only.

The experiment No. 1 measures the Proof of Bernoulli’s theorem and

determination of the exact section in the Venturi’s tube. In the
experiment No.2, studies three types of flow meter measurements:
Venturi tube, orifice plate and rotameter. The demonstration Pitot static
tube that flow speed is proportional to the pressure difference between
total pressure and static pressure are presented in the experiment No. 3.
The different types of wears and discharge below a floodgate and design
of a floodgate are presented in experiment No. 4. Reynolds number
demonstration and type of flow (laminar or turbulent) are studied in
experiment No. 5. The experiment No. 6 Finally, studied the main and
minor losses in the pipes.

Thanks to God that helped me to complete this manual.

Ammar A. Alsuraifi
Fluid mechanics laboratory

Requirements for Laboratory Reports:


• Report format:The following format is required.

0TU The U

justification for having a fixed format for information

presented. The following format includes the most commonly
included components in technical reports and papers. All
data is to be reported in SI units.
Title page

1 Name of testing , your name, title, and date of submission

1v0T vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

2 Description of testing program and methods


3 Summarize devises and materials and steps in test method


4. test results as well as any applicable Tables


5. Sample calculations 0T

6. 0T
0T Discuss results; reference all tables and figures; compare Graphs
7. 0T Raw data sheet
Fluid mechanics laboratory

No. of experiment Title Page
1 Bernoulli´s Theorem Demonstration 1

2 Flow meter measurement 5

3 Pitot static tube 9

4 Reynolds number 12

5 Wears and slice gates 15

6 Losses at Pipes and Fittings 19

Fluid mechanics laboratory 1

Experiment No.1 Bernoulli´s Theorem

To verify Bernoulli's theorem for a viscous and incompressible fluid
Bernoulli's theorem
Bernoulli's equation is applicable to the steady flow of an incompressible and inviscid fluid.
Bernoulli's equation shows that the sum of the three quantities :

are constant. Therefore the three terms must be interchangeable so that, for example, if in a
horizontal system the velocity head is increased then the pressure head must decrease

where, in this equipment, z1=z2. ; and P=γ.h

That is, we want to demonstrate with these practices that in one given pipe with two sections,
1 and 2, the energy between its sections is constant. The sum of the three previous terms is
constant and so, Bernoulli’ theorem can be shown as:

1. Bernoulli's apparatus (Figure 1).
2. Hydraulic bench.

1. Measure the area of conduit at various gauge points.
2. Open the supply valve and adjust the flow
3. Measure the height of water level (above the arbitrarily selected plane) in different piezometric
4. Measure the discharge of the conduit with the help of GMPXNFUFS
5. Repeat the step (1) to (4) for two more readings.
Fluid mechanics laboratory 2

Figure 1 Bernoullis Apparatus








S0 S1 S2S3 S4 S5 S6

Figure 2 Bernoullis Apparatus Digram

Section S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Dia.(mm) 25 10 10.8 11.3 12.5 14.5 25
Fluid mechanics laboratory 3

Data & Results:R

Record the Piezometers head for each discharge Q as in observation table

Observation Table

Q(l/h) Section S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

Result Table

Section S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Kinematic head
Pressure head (hi)
Total Theoretical
Energy head
Total Actual Energy
head (ht)(m)
Kinematic head
Pressure head (hi)
Total Theoretical
Energy head
Total Actual Energy
head (ht)(m)
Kinematic head
Pressure head (hi)
Total Theoretical
Energy head
Total Actual Energy
head (ht)(m)
Fluid mechanics laboratory 4

Results Ploat

.Draw H.G.L. & Theorotical T.E.L. & Actual T.E.L.along the duct on same paper

Q. Do these total heights match up with the total height measured with the probe
If they are different, what are the reasons?

1. Practically the total head of liquid at a point does not remain constant during the flow,
2. The liquid level in the piezometric tube connected to minimum c/s area is lowest, Why?
3. Why the water levels in the various piezometric tubes are different?
4. State one practical application of bernouli's theorem
5. What is Bernoulli's theorem?
6. What is the head loss between Piezometer 1 & 6
7. what do you mean by piezometric head ?
8. .Why does the pressure measured by the Pitot tube decrease along the pipe
Fluid mechanics laboratory 5

Experiment No.2 Flow meter measurement

To determine the coefficient of discharge of Venturi &Orifice meter


1#Venturi meter
If Bernoulli equation is applied between points 1 (upstream section) and 2 (throat). And
taking into account that the energy loss due to the height difference (z1 - z2) is negligible

v1: velocity of the fluid in section 1 [m/s].

v2: velocity of the fluid in section 2 [m/s].
h: energy loss [m].
P1: pressure in section 1 [Pa].
P2: pressure in section 2 [Pa].
g: acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]. Ideal conditions for a Venturi meter
ρ: density of the working fluid [Kg/m^3].
When applying the flow continuity equation:
Fluid mechanics laboratory 6

2#Orifice plate meter

An orifice plate is a flat plate with an orifice. The orifice can be concentric, eccentric or a

Applying Bernoulli equation before and after the orifice plate:

ΔH: level difference of manometric tubes between tap 1 and 3 [m].
As A3 is the transverse area of the vena contracta and it is unknown, the area of the orifice
A2 is used, and the quotient C is added to take into account the difference.

C: corrective coefficient [non dimensional].

ΔH: level difference of manometric tubes between tap 1 and 2 [m].

The accessory consists of a Venturi meter, a variable area meter and an orifice plate,
installed in series to allow a direct comparison as shown in fig.1
Each element includes one pressure tap at the inlet and one pressure tap at the outlet.
The unit consists of different elements used together with the Hydraulic Bench:
Fluid mechanics laboratory 7

Figure 1 Flow meter Apparatus

Experimental procedure
.Step 1: Connect the hydraulic bench to the unit and switch on the hydraulic bench
. Step 2: Proceed to fill the manometric tubes
. Step 3: Vary the flow of 5 l/min
Step 4: Take the measurements of the manometric tubes no. 1, 2 and 6,7. for each flow
.Step 5: Switch off the hydraulic bench

Data & Results:R

Fill the following observation table

Observation Table
Venturi meter Orifice meter
H1(mm) H2(mm) H6(mm) H7(mm)
Fluid mechanics laboratory 8

From the observation data calculate Q and LogQ & ∆H and Log∆H
arrange the result as in table below
Result Table
Venturi meter Orifice meter
Q(m3/s) Log(Q)
∆H (m) Log(∆H) ∆H (m) Log(∆H)

Arrange the flow equation as below:

𝐴1 . 𝐴2
𝑄𝑣 = 𝐶𝑑. . �2𝑔. (∆𝐻)0.5 → 𝑄𝑣 = 𝐾. (∆𝐻)0.5 → log(𝑄) = 𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐾) + 0.5log(∆𝐻)
2 2
�𝐴1 − 𝐴2
Results Ploat
Plot the linear relationship between Log(Q) as y-axes & log(∆H) as x-axes for the two
devises and then estimate K from intersection value with y-axes.

From this estimate the accurate valyue of Discharge coefficient (Cd) for Venturi meter &
Orifice meter:

Discharge Venturi meter Orifice meter

1. Difference between Orificemeter and Venturimeter?
2. Define co efficient of discharge?
Fluid mechanics laboratory 9

Experiment No.3 Pitot static tube

Study of the function of a Pitot static tube &Determination of flow speed profiles in a pipe

Pitot’s tube
The operation with Pitot’s tube is: First of all, we consider a fix obstacle in the moving fluid

The ΔP line finishes in the impact point (P), if we make an orifice in this point P and we link
it with a manometric tube, we are measuring the total pressure.
We can also know the velocity in the pipe, that is:

V1 = V (Particles velocity), V2 = 0

Apparatus: R
Pitot tube Composed of 8 static holes and total pressure tapping D-2.5 mm. Transparent tube.
32mm internal diameter and 430 mm length approx. Hose connections. Water manometer, 480
mm length Easy and quick coupling system built-in as shown in figure

Pitot tube Devise

Fluid mechanics laboratory 10
Practical procedure for flow comparation
1.- Connect the unit to the hydraulic bench or hydraulic group and connect the pipe with the
quick connector. Introduce the end of the pipe in the Pitot tube.
2.- Fill all the manometric tubes as indicated in previous section.
3.- Open the flow valve of the hydraulic bench slowly.
4.- Fix the water flow.
5.- When the heights of both tubes are stable, determine the difference of
height between the two manometric tubes; static pressure and total pressure (Pitot tube).
6.- This difference corresponds to the kinetic pressure given by “V2/2g”.
7.- Determine the section area from its diameter

9.- Repeat all the previous steps different water flows.

Experimental procedure
With this simple exercise, the difference between the flow measurement with the hydraulic
bench and the calculated flow from the mathematical expressions will be observed.
Put the Pitot tube in the middle of the pipe and connect the hydraulic bench pump. Write
down the pressure measured with the Pitot tube and the flow measured with the hydraulic
So, the real volume Qr (the flow introduced in the unit) will be directly given by the
electromagnetic flowmeter. It is supposed that the volume measured with the Pitot should be
the same (there is no loss) and it will be given by the following expression:

Determination of the tube flow speed profiles

Practical procedure
1.- Connect the unit to the hydraulic bench or hydraulic group and connect the pipe with a
quick connector. Introduce the end of the pipe in the Pitot tube.
2.- Fill all the manometric tubes as indicated in the previous section.
3.- Open the flow valve of the hydraulic bench slowly.
4.- Fix the water flow.
5.- Place the Pitot tube to the bottom of the pipe and write down the measurement of the
Pitot tube at that point.
6.- Move the Pitot tube slightly to the top and write down the measurement of the Pitot tube.
7.- Repeat the measurement placing the Pitot tube in all positions along the pipe.
8.- Repeat the experiment with other flows.

Data & Results:R

Fill the following observation table

Fluid mechanics laboratory 11
Observation Table
Pitot Tube
Position (mm)
Ho(mm) Ht(mm) Ho(mm) Ht(mm) Ho(mm) Ht(mm)

From the observation data calculate (∆H) & V & A and Q

arrange the result as in table below
Result Table
Pitot Qact.(m3/s)
(mm) ∆H(m) V(m/s) Qth.(m3/s) ∆H(m) V(m/s) Qth.(m3/s) ∆H(m) V(m/s) Qth.(m3/s)

Results Ploat
Plot the linear relationship between (Qth.) as y-axes & (Qact.) as x-axes for the values at the
pitute tube at pipe center only and discuse the ploat
However, although a straight line is obtained, Qreal≠ Qv , because an experimental factor must
be introduced.
Ploat graph the position of the Pitot tube with the velosity measurement of the Pitot tube and
obtain the different speed profiles in the pipe for the three Q values

Finally, to determine the error it is necessary to take into account that it is defined by the difference between
the actual volume and the volume obtained with the Pitot tube
Q.1. It is supposed that the error is given by a constant but if the error depends on the volume, when and
why does it happen
Fluid mechanics laboratory 12
Experiment No. 4 Reynolds number
Object:a To determine the type of flow by using Reynold’s Number.
Theory:1 ρ .V.y
Re =
Where :
Re = Reynold’s number ( Dimensionless Parameter ).
V = Average velocity in cm / sec
y = Flow depth in chanel cm.
ρ = Mass density of fluid ( Kg / m3 )
µ = Dynamic viscosity ( N - s / m2 or Kg / m. sec)

Reynolds carried decide whether the flow is laminar, turbulent or transition

These limits are as below

Reynolds number for various flow regimes

Flow Regime Reynolds Number
Laminar < 2000
Transitional 2000-4000
Turbulent > 4000

The flow can be visualized by passing a streak of dye and observing its motion. In
the laminar, low velocity flow the streak line is only slightly zig – zag. In the turbulent flow,
the dye thoroughly mixes up in the flow. Thus passing through a glass chanel and observing
the velocity at different mixing stages of the dye is the principle on which Reynolds
apparatus is based.

Apparatus: R
1. Hydraulics Bench.
2. Osborne Reynolds Apparatus.
3. Measuring Cylinder (graduated cylinder).
4. Stop Watch.
5. Vegetable Dye.
6. Thermometer.

Re Devise
Fluid mechanics laboratory 13

Procedure:at R
* Dimension of the chanel & temperature was noted down.
* The tank was filled to some height by opening inlet valve and closing control valve.
* Colour dye was filled in dye tank.
* Control valve was open slightly and also the inlet valve such a way that the
water level in the tank remains constant. This happens when in coming
discharge is equal to the out going discharge.
* The discharge was measured.
* The whole procedure is repeated for 3 times.

Data & Results:R

Draw a diagram showing the shape of ink lines inside the tube according to what has
been observed under each regime

Fill the following observation table

Observation Table

Discharge Type of
Q l/h Flow
Water vescosity µ = 5

Determine water kinematic viscosity suitable for the measured temperature.
Calculate the flow for each sampling (flow measurement).
Knowing that the Area of the glass chanel and knowing the flow which flows through it,
obtain the fluid velocity value.
With the equation of Re- calculate the Reynolds number for each flow.
Fill in the following table:

Result Table
Fluid mechanics laboratory 14

Results Ploat
Plot the linear relationship between (Q) as y-axes & (Re) as x-axes for the results values

Q1. How does the Reynolds number change with the flow increase?
Q2. Up to which Reynolds number can a laminar flow be obtained?
Q3. From which Reynolds number range do we obtain a transition flow?
Q4. From which Reynolds number does the turbulent flow appear?
Q5. Do these results have coherence with those obtained by Osborne Reynolds?
1. Reynolds number importance?
2. Describe the Reynolds number experiments to demonstrate the two type of flow?
3. Define laminar flow, transition flow and turbulent flow?




Flow types shape

Fluid mechanics laboratory 15

Experiment No. 5 Wears

Object:aTo calculate the coefficient of discharge for wears

Rectangular Notch

Then, the flow over the weir will be, approximately:

Sluice gate
The practical estimation of Q below a Sluice gate is

𝑄 = 𝐶. 𝐵. 𝑊. �2𝑔(𝑦1 − 𝑦2 )

Apparatus: R
1. Hydraulics Bench.
2. Open chanel Apparatus
3. Hydrodynamic models
4. Rectangle proad weir with rounded edges
5. Sharp weir
6. Sluice gate

Sharp weir Proad weir Sluice gate

Fluid mechanics laboratory 16

Procedure:at R
* Place the model in use in the channel using the setscrews supplied. The model will be
placed in the appropriate hole in the lower part of the channel

* Dimension of the chanel & temperature was noted down.

* Control valve was open slightly and also the inlet valve such a way that the
water level in the tank remains constant. This happens when in coming
discharge is equal to the out going discharge.
* The discharge was measured.
* Measure the heights upstream of the weirs and at ubstream & dwonstream of sluice gate fordifferent flows.
Take note of the flow obtained by the Hydraulic Bench or Group

* The whole procedure is repeated for 3 times.

Data & Results:R

Fill the following observation table

Observation Table
Sharp weir Broad weir Sluice gate
H (mm) H (mm) y1 (mm) y2 (mm)

And record the folwing data:

B(mm) W(mm) Y(sharp)(mm) Y(broad)(mm)

From the observation data calculate Q & LogQ & H & LogH & ∆y and Log∆y
arrange the result as in table below

Result Table

Sharp weir Broad weir Sluice gate

Log(H)(m) Log(H)(m) ∆y (m) Log(∆y)
Fluid mechanics laboratory 17
Arrange the flow equation as below:
For weirs:

𝑄𝑤 = 𝐶𝑑. . 𝐵. �2𝑔. (𝐻)1.5 → 𝑄𝑤 = 𝐾. (𝐻)1.5 → log(𝑄) = 𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐾) + 1.5log(𝐻)
For Sluice gate:
𝑄𝑠 = 𝐶𝑑. 𝐵. 𝑤. �2𝑔. (∆𝑦)0.5 → 𝑄𝑠 = 𝐾. (∆𝑦)0.5 → log(𝑄) = 𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐾) + 0.5log(∆𝑦)

Results Ploat

Plot the linear relationship between Log(Q) as y-axes & Log(H) for the two weirs type.
And plot the linear relationship between Log(Q) as y-axes log(∆y) as x-axes for the sluice
gate and then estimate K from intersection value with y-axes for each model.

Sharp weir Proad weir Sluice gate

Intersection = Log(K)
𝐾 = 𝐶𝑑. . 𝐵. �2𝑔. for the weirs
𝐾 = 𝐶𝑑. 𝐵. 𝑊. �2𝑔. for the sluice gate

From this estimate the accurate value of Discharge coefficient (Cd) for Sharp weir, Broad
weir and Sluice gate :

Discharge Sharp weir Broad weir Sluice gate

coefficient (Cd)
Fluid mechanics laboratory 18
Q.1 Being the height for different flows known, determine the coefficient of the sharp weir

where Y is the weir height and H the height measured over the channel.
Does the Rehbock’s formula coincide with the values obtained experimentally?
Q.2 Do the flows experimentally calculated, taking the weir and Cw as flowmeter, coincide
with the flows given by the Hydraulic Bench or Group? If there are any difference, which
could be the reason?

Q.3 As happened with the thin-wall weirs, it is more correct to use a formula where we have
introduced a weir coefficient. The theoretical coefficient would be:1
and the formula recommended:

From the values measured of the weir upstream height and of the weir height, check the
value of the coefficient.
Q.4 Calculate the flow, taking the weir as flowmeter.
For the measures of the heights upstream taken, check that the flows obtained by using the
latter formula and those obtained directly by the Hydraulic Bench or Group: are equal? if
they aren’t, which could be the reason of this difference?

1. Differentiate between :-
•Uniform and non uniform flow
•Steady and unsteady flow
2. Define notch?
3. What is coefficient of discharge?
Fluid mechanics laboratory 19

Experiment No. 6 Losses at Pipes and Fittings

To determine the relationship between head loss due to fluid friction and velocity for flow of water
through pipes and to confirm the head loss predicted by a pipe friction equation
To determine the loss factors for flow through a range of pipe fittings including bends, a contraction,
an enlargement and a gate valve
Figure 2: Fluid friction apparatus

Furthermore, for a circular pipe flowing full, the head loss due to friction may be calculated from
the formula:

where L is the length of the pipe between tappings, d is the internal diameter of the pipe, u is the
mean velocity of water through the pipe in m/s, g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 and f is
pipe friction coefficient.
The Reynolds' number, Re, can be found using the following equation:

Where is the molecular viscosity and is the density

Having established the value of Reynolds' number for flow in the pipe, the value of f may be
.determined using a Moody diagram. as shown below
The energy loss which occurs in a pipe fitting (so-called secondary loss) is commonly expressed in
terms of a head loss (h, metres) in the form:
𝐾𝑣 2
∆ℎ =
Where K = the loss coefficient and v = mean velocity of flow into the fitting.
Because of the complexity of flow in many fittings, K is usually determined by experiment. For the
pipe fitting experiment, the head loss is calculated from two manometer readings, taken before and
after each fitting, and K is then determined as :
𝑣 2 /2𝑔
Due to the change in pipe cross-sectional area through the enlargement and contraction, the system
experiences an additional change in static pressure. This change can be calculated as :
𝑣12 𝑣22

2𝑔 2𝑔
To eliminate the effects of this area change on the measured head losses, this value should be added
to the head loss readings for the enlargement and the contraction. Note that (ℎ1 − ℎ2 ) will be
Fluid mechanics laboratory 20
𝑣12 𝑣22
negative for the enlargement and ( − ) will be negative for the contraction.
2𝑔 2𝑔

For the gate valve experiment, pressure difference before and after the gate is measured directly
using a pressure gauge. This can then be converted to an equivalent head loss using the equation :
1 bar = 10.2 m water
The loss coefficient may then be calculated as above for the gate valve.

Apparatus: R
1. Fluid friction apparatus.
2. Hydraulics bench to supply water to the fluid friction apparatus
3. Energy losses in bends and fittings apparatus (Figure 1).
4.1Clamps for pressure tapping connection tubes.

Figure 1: Fluid friction apparatus

Procedure:at R
 Measure & records all the pipes and fittings data Measure the internal diameter of each test pipe
 Prime the pipe network with water. Open and close the appropriate valves to obtain flow of
water through the required test pipe.
 Measure flow rates using the Rotameter. Measure head loss between the required
tappings using the pressure gages
• Take readings at several different flow rates, altering the flow using the control valve on the

hydraulics bench
• Obtain readings on all test pipes and fittings

 Long bend.
 Area enlargement.
 Area contraction.
 Elbow bend.
 Short bend.
 Valve fitting.
 Mitre bend.
Fluid mechanics laboratory 21

Data & Results:R

Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter and length of pipe between the pressure
tapping, area of collecting tank etc.
Record the folwing data:1
Pipe No. D(mm) L(m) Type Ɛ(mm) Fitting & Other Data

Fill the following observation tables:1

Observation Tables
Pipe No. or
P1(bar) P2(bar) P1(bar) P2(bar) P1(bar) P2(bar)

Fitting Type.
P1(bar) P2(bar) P1(bar) P2(bar) P1(bar) P2(bar)

From the observation data calculate V , Re, f, hL & ∆P and actual losses hL arrange
the result as in tables below
Fluid mechanics laboratory 22
Result Tables

Pipe No. Q(m3/s) ∆P D(m) L(m) V(m/s) Re f hL(theo.)(m) hL(act.)(m)

Fitting Type Q(m3/s) ∆P D(m) K V(m/s) hL(theo.) hL(act.)

Confirm that the head loss can be predicted using the pipe friction equation provided the
velocity of the fluid and the pipe dimensions are known.

Results Ploat

1. Plot a graph of h versus u for each size of pipe. Identify the laminar, transition and turbulent
zones on the graphs.
2. Confirm that the graph is a straight line for the zone of laminar flow h α u .
3. Plot a graph of pipe friction coefficient versus Reynolds' number (log scale).
Fluid mechanics laboratory 23


1. Compare the values of head loss determined by calculation with those measured using the
2. Define hydraulic gradient and total energy lines?
3. Define eddy loss?
4. Define friction factor in the pipe?
5. Define major loss in pipe?
6. Define equilent pipe?

This unit allows the detailed study of fluid friction pressure losses, which occur when a non-compressible fluid flows through pipes, valves, pipe
fittings and flow metering devices.
Anodized aluminum structure with panel of painted steel. Main metallic elements made of stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
5 Pipes of different diameter, material and roughness:
Rough pipe (PVC): external diameter: 25mm. and internal diameter: 17mm.
Rough pipe (PVC): external diameter: 32mm. and internal diameter: 23mm.
Smooth pipe (PMMA): external diameter: 10mm. and internal diameter: 6.5mm.
Smooth pipe (PVC): external diameter: 20mm. and internal diameter: 16.5mm.
Smooth pipe (PVC): external diameter: 32mm. and internal diameter: 26.5mm.
Types of valves:
Angle-seat valve: internal diameter: 20mm.
Gate valve: internal diameter: 20mm.
Diaphragm valve: internal diameter: 20mm.
Ball valve: internal diameter: 20mm.
Types of couplings:
In-line strainer, internal diameter: 20mm.
Sudden widening. Its section changes from 25mm to 40mm.
Sudden contraction. Its section changes from 40mm to 25mm.
90º elbow: inner diameter: 20mm.
“T” junction: inner diameter: 20mm.
45º elbow: inner diameter: 20mm.
45º “T” junction: inner diameter: 20mm.
Symmetrical “Y” branch: inner diameter of each pipe: 20 mm.
Double 90º elbow: inner diameter: 20mm.
Special couplings (methacrylate):
Pitot tube: length:30mm., external diameter:4mm and internal diameter: 2.5mm.
Venturi tube: length: 180mm. , larger section: 32mm. and smaller section: 20mm.
Diaphragm with measuring plate: larger diameter: 25mm. and smaller diameter: 20mm.
1.-Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe with 29.- Determination of pressure loss in a gradual widening.
an internal diameter of 17mm.
30.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm.
2.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe with
an internal diameter of 23mm. 31.- Comparison of pressure loss in the different fittings.

3.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe 32.- Measurement of the flow with the Venturi tube.
with an internal diameter of 6.5mm.
33.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Venturi
4.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe tube.
with an internal diameter of 16.5mm.
34.- Measurement of the flow with the Pitot tube.
5.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe
with an internal diameter of 26.5mm. 35.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Pitot tube.

6.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due to 36.- Comparison between the flow measured in the Venturi and Pitot
friction in rough pipes. tubes.

7.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due to Additional practical possibilities:
friction in smooth pipes.
37.- Study of the relationship between pressure losses due to fluid
8.- Study of the influence of the roughness in the pressure loss. friction and the water flow rate.

9.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an 38.- Determining the relationship between the pipe friction
internal diameter of 17 mm. coefficients and Reynolds number for flow through a pipe with
roughened bore.
10.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an
internal diameter of 23 mm. 39.- Determining of the resistance coefficients for bends,
enlargements and contractions.
11.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an
internal diameter of 6.5 mm. 40.- Determining of characteristic curves of valves and fittings.

12.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an

internal diameter of 16.5 mm.
13.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an
internal diameter of 26.5 mm.
14.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in
rough pipes.
15.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in
smooth pipes.
16.- Comparison of the friction coefficient in smooth and rough pipes.
17.- Determination of pressure loss in an angle-seat valve.
18.- Determination of pressure loss in a gate valve.
19.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm valve.
20.- Determination of pressure loss in a ball valve.
21.- Comparison of pressure loss in different types of valves.
22.- Determination of pressure loss in an in-line strainer.
23.- Determination of pressure loss in a 90º elbow.
24.- Determination of pressure loss in a double 90º elbow.
25.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45º elbow.
26.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45º “T”.
27.- Determination of pressure loss in a symmetrical “Y” branch.
28.- Determination of pressure loss in a narrowing.

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