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· to do judo: (not go or play)

· a football fan: someone who likes football

· a fitness programme: a schedule of activities to keep fit
· a football match: a game of football
· a football pitch: the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which
is the building)
· a football season: a period in the year when football is played
· to get into shape: to become fit
· to go jogging: to run around the streets
· a home game: a football match played in the teams own stadium
· to keep fit: to stay in good physically condition
· to be out of condition: to not be physically fit
· a personal best: to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport
· a personal trainer: a sports coach that helps you on a one-to-one basis
· to play tennis/football: (not do or go)
· to run the marathon: to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres
· a season ticket: a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team’s home games during the
sporting year.
· to set a record: to achieve the best result in a sport
· a sports centre: a public building where people can do various sports
· sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport
· a squash/tennis/badminton court: the surface where you play these sports
· strenuous exercise: exercise that needs a lot of physical effort
· a strong swimmer: a good swimmer
· a swimming pool: the place where you swim
· to take up exercise: to start doing exercise
· to train hard: to train with a lot of effort

Lesson 5: Food
The topic of food often comes up in the IELTS Speaking exam. You might be
asked questions about what you like to eat, your favourite restaurants or about a
popular dish in your country.

Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to
the phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check
the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you like to cook?

Mandy: Not really no … most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways …
that’s one of the reasons I love visiting my mum … you can always guarantee
lovely home-cooked food …

Examiner: What time do you usually eat dinner?
Michelle: We have our main meal at around 7.00 … I’m usually starving
hungry by then … in fact I often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from
college … a sandwich perhaps … but not too much to spoil my appetite …

Examiner: Are there any types of food you don’t like?

Lionel: No not really … I’m not a fussy eater at all … actually I eat like a
horse … I do a lot of sport and work up quite an appetite …

Part 2-style task

Describe a restaurant that you like to use. You should say

· where this restaurant is
· what kind of food it serves
· how often you go there

and say why you like eating there so much.

Howard: OK … this is a nice topic to talk about … there’s a restaurant just around
the corner from where I live … it’s an Italian restaurant so as you’d expect you can
eat various pasta dishes and pizzas and I usually go there with my family for a slap-
up meal if we have anything to celebrate … it’s quite a posh restaurant … the kind
of place you would take someone if you wanted to wine and dine them … we
usually order a 3-course meal … a light starter then a main dish … and I have
quite a sweet tooth so I always look forward to the dessert … I usually order
Tiramisu … it makes my mouth water just to think about it … I’m always
totally full up by the end … why do I enjoy it there … well … it’s not cheap … my
parents always foot the bill and we couldn’t afford to go there regularly so it’s
always a nice treat …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: How can we encourage people to eat more healthily?

Anna: I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation … processed
food won’t kill you if you only eat it occasionally … but people should also be
encouraged to eat a balanced diet… try to cook fresh ingredients at home a few
times a week …

Examiner: Do you think people enjoy their food as much as they should?
Florrie: I don’t know really … I suppose it’s true that people will often eat a quick
snack because they’re bored not because they’re dying of hunger … and often
they just bolt it down and don’t savour it … so yes … perhaps we could take more
time over our food …
Examiner: Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy
Julie: Well … whether you follow a recipe or make something up as you go along
… I think cooking is a very creative process … and cooking for other people is a
particular pleasure … there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you
love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself …

· to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
· to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
· to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly
· to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
· to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
· to eat like a horse: to eat a lot
· to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions
· to foot the bill: to pay the bill
· a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat
· to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush)
· to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
· home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients
· the main meal: the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
· to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for something
· to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating it
· processed food: commercially prepared food bought for convenience
· a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals
· a ready meal: see ‘processed food’
· a slap up meal: a large meal
· to spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it’s meal-
· a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
· to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
· to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink
· to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry

Lesson 6: Education
You’re likely to be asked questions about your studies during Part 1, you might
have to talk about a class, a teacher or a school memory in Part 2 or give your
opinions on education in Part 3. Therefore, being able to call on a wide range of
vocabulary to talk about education is very important.

TEST 8 Modals
1. Why didn’t you help him? You ___ have done it. 17. Visitors ___ stay in the hospital after ten pm.
A) must B) can C) could A) might not B) needn’t C) couldn’t
D) were to E) was able to D) must not E) didn’t have to

2. A: ___ I phone you tonight? 18. We had an appointment yesterday afternoon but he ___ see me.
B: Yes, you ___ . A) might not B) cannot C) have to
A) may / may B) must / might D) mustn’t E) wasn’t able to
C) could / can’t D) shouldn’t / shouldn’t
E) have to / had to 19. I didn’t ___ ring her up for she did it herself.
A) had to B) could C) be to
3. But I ___ stay in England for six months, and not for a fortnight as D) have to E) must
I had planned.
A) had to B) have to C) am able to 20. The rain was so sudden that everybody ___ take a shelter.
D) can E) shall have A) can B) could C) have to
D) are to E) had to
4. -I ___ draw a circle with a pencil only, and you?
-Neither can I. 21. If you ___ fix a radio, you ___ repair a TV too.
A) can’t B) can C) may A) can / will be able to B) must / may C) couldn’t / can
D) shan’t E) couldn’t D) need / has to E) may / needn’t to

5. Last week I ___ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of 22. -I’ve examined you very carefully. I think all you ___ is a good
Education had asked me to come. rest.
A) had to B) might C) should -But I’m still feeling sick. Why don’t you look at my tongue?
D) could E) was able to -It ___ a rest too.
A) must / may B) might / can C) need / could
6. If one person is careless with a library book, then it ___ be read D) should / have to E) need / needs
by others.
A) can’t B) couldn’t C) may 23. You ___ do this work yourself, if you try.
D) can E) mightn’t A) can B) had to C) must
D) was able to E) were to do
7. After a book is written, it passes through the heads of very many
different workers. Each worker works carefully, for there ___ not 24. Guests of the hotel ___ warn the clerk in advance when they
be any mistakes. leave.
A) must B) couldn’t C) could A) can B) may C) must
D) might E) has to D) is to E) had to

8. He tried, but ___ persuade nobody. 25. My mother ___ neither read nor write after the operation and
A) could B) couldn’t C) can now I ___ help her.
D) might E) won’t A) have to / must B) could / have to
C) couldn’t / had to D) were able / can
9. People who know a foreign language ___ learn a second one E) might / need
A) may B) should C) mustn’t 26. ___ I borrow your text-book? I’ve left mine at home.
D) can E) needn’t A) am able to B) must C) have to
D) need E) may
10. ___ I have a word with you, please?
A) may B) had to C) have to 27. People ___ exercise regularly, otherwise they will get out of
D) must E) am able to shape.
A) must not B) should C) can
11. At first I ___ skate well, now I ___ . D) might E) has to
A) couldn’t / can B) may / can C) mustn’t / can
D) should / shouldn’t E) must / needn’t 28. “Ma,” said a little girl, “Willie wants the biggest piece of cake,
and I think I ___ have it, because he was eating cakes two years
12. She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked. before I was born.”
A) must B) may C) can A) couldn’t B) has to C) is to
D) had to E) could D) should E) had to

13. - What is your sister doing? 29. -I live near my work.

- She ___ be watching TV. -So you ___ go to the office by crowded buses.
A) may B) can’t C) needn’t A) have to B) are able to C) don’t have to
D) has to E) could D) would have to E) can’t

14. I didn’t want to go there but I ___ . 30. -I ___ go to the cinema yesterday.
A) must B) might C) shall -Why?
D) can’t E) had to -Because I ___ complete my work.
A) can’t / must B) couldn’t / had to
15. - ___ I go there now? C) didn’t have to / may D) wasn’t to / need
- No, you ___ . E) should / have to
A) can / hadn’t to B) am / aren’t C) must / needn’t
D) might / could E) should / will 31. The skier broke his leg and ___ compete in the recent Olympic
16. - Where is he? A) couldn’t B) mustn’t C) had to
- He ___ be walking in the park. D) can’t E) might
A) can’t B) is able to C) has to
D) must E) ought to

Book 1 Part C 124 Modals

32. I ___ not translate this text yesterday. ___ you help me to translate it 49. “Never put off till tomorrow what you ___ do today.”
tonight? A) have to B) must C) might
A) could / can B) can / can C) may / may D) can E) should
D) had to / could E) can / must
50. -I ___ understand the rule; ___ I take the examination another
33. Does Larry ___ leave home at 7.30? time?
A) have to B) must C) has to -Yes, of course.
D) need E) should A) could / can B) may / may C) can’t / may
D) mustn’t / must E) may / can
34. -___ any of you speak Italian?
-No, but we are learning it and I hope we ___ speak it next year. 51. Pupils ___ speak only English at their English lessons.
A) must / will have to B) may / have got to A) must not B) must C) cannot
C) can / shall be able to D) could / could D) has to E) had to
E) might / had to
52. The lecturer mentioned the name of the town several times, but
35. - ___ I take your pen for a moment? unfortunately I ___ remember it.
- Certainly. A) can B) could C) may
A) must B) may C) might D) could not E) may not
D) should E) will
53. -Must I do this exercise too?
36. I ___ speak English last year but I ___ do it now. -No, you ___ . It isn’t necessary.
A) must / can B) could / can C) might / may A) can’t B) may not C) mustn’t
D) couldn’t / can E) might / could D) needn’t E) oughtn’t to

37. Mother, ___ I go for a walk? I’ve done all my work. 54. Mother, look, I ___ skate well.
A) have to B) am to C) may A) can B) may C) must
D) must E) might D) have to E) ought to

38. I was ill and ___ go to school for some days. 55. I’m sorry you ___ smoke here.
A) can’t B) must C) could A) had to B) can’t C) could
D) couldn’t E) can D) must E) have to

39. - ___ we do this work now? 56. We ___ protect our nature from pollution.
- ___ . You can do it tomorrow. A) need B) had to C) are to
A) Can / Yes, you can B) Must / No, you needn’t D) may E) must
C) May / Yes, you may D) Could / Yes, you must
E) Might / No, you might not 57. He is very helpless, I ___ help him.
A) need B) might C) have to
40. “___ I do anything for you?”, the secretary asked the stranger. D) can E) may
A) can B) had to C) must
D) have to E) am 58. Excuse me, ___ you tell me the time?
A) may B) must C) might
41. - ___ we finish our work today? D) can E) are able to
- No, you ___ .
A) Can / couldn’t B) May / can C) Have to / can 59. My grandfather’s ill and I ___ go to see him today, I ___ go with
D) Must / needn’t E) Had / needn’t you.
A) can / can’t B) have to / can’t C) may / have to
42. I ___ go to the library for books as I often write compositions at school. D) need / must E) be able to / may not
A) can B) could C) may
D) might E) have to 60. The Browns ___ not return on Sunday, as the weather was bad.
A) may B) could C) have to
43. It ___ rain this afternoon. D) must E) can’t
A) had to B) may C) is able to
D) could E) might 61. I looked through this book about 2 hours, but ___ find anything
44. ___ the director receive me now? A) can’t B) couldn’t C) had to
A) Have to B) Is able C) Can D) can E) hadn’t to
D) Is to E) Has to
62. You ___ do this for it’s necessary.
45. Who ___ help him at 2 yesterday? A) may B) can C) have to
A) have to B) is to C) can D) has E) could
D) need E) had to
63. You ___ work hard at your English.
46. I said that after all that had happened I ___ run away to my aunt’s. A) must B) mustn’t C) can’t
A) could B) might C) had to D) has to E) may not
D) need E) was able to
64. We ___ read much in the original if we want to learn a foreign
47. - ___ I go to the cinema? language.
- No, you ___ . The film is for grown ups. A) had to B) can C) must
A) may / mustn’t B) can / needn’t C) could / can’t D) may E) could
D) must / may not E) shall / haven’t
65. We ___ do it by midday if we had the instruments.
48. Teacher: “You ___ ring me up when you ___ my advice. A) may B) can C) must
A) could / need B) may / need C) can / will need D) could E) might
D) must / needed E) have to / need
66. You ___ get a visa before you go abroad next summer.
A) may B) can C) could
D) have to E) will have to

Book 1 Part C 125 Modals

Reading and
Use of English
Name: ..................................................................

Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0).


0 A familiar B usual C typical D widespread

Slow Food Chef

Twenty-four-year-old chef Tina Carlson has become a (0) ..... face on our television screens. She had been (1) ..... a living as
assistant chef in an Italian restaurant when, in 2005, she was named Young Cook of the Year in a televised competition. On
live TV, Tina proved she could put together a superb meal from the most basic (2) ..... and could learn and apply herself to
(3) ..... about any cooking style with a flair. It was then that her career really (4) ..... off; job offers began to pour in, and before
long she was in demand as a TV personality.

Now Tina has become a champion of the international “slow food” movement. Slow food was (5) ..... in response to the rise in
fast-food restaurants and processed food. People now (6) ..... more and more on unhealthy fast food and microwave meals.
Slow food wants to change that, so it promotes the relaxed preparation of home-cooked meals from locally grown produce. It
also aims to (7) ..... traditional foods from disappearing and to protect regional varieties of fruits and vegetables, many of
which are also in (8) ..... of disappearing.

1 A receiving B making C having D winning

2 A parts B contents C ingredients D features
3 A much B right C round D just
4 A set B took C came D went
5 A based B constructed C done D founded
6 A use B consume C rely D purchase
7 A avoid B prevent C reduce D defend
8 A danger B risk C fear D threat


FCE Practice Test 7 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1

Reading and
Use of English
Name: ..................................................................

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Example: 0 O N

The Cinema
During the 1930s and ’40s, many people used to go to the cinema (0) ........................... a regular basis. Apart
(9) ........................... the entertainment value it offered, the cinema also played an important role (10) ...........................
informing people about the world beyond their own locality. In (11) ........................... days, cinema programmes would
typically include newsreels as (12) ........................... as a main feature film.

By the mid-1950s, TV sets were becoming affordable and (13) ........................... of making a trip to the cinema, people were
choosing to enjoy similar entertainment in the comfort of their own homes.

Realising their industry was under threat, many cinema owners began to offer unique viewing experiences. Films
(14) ........................... allowed viewers to see three-dimensional images through special glasses began to appear. But within
a couple of decades, home entertainment technology had once again caught (15) ........................... with developments such as
these, and 3-D films (16) ........................... being broadcast on TV. So, will there be a neighbourhood cinema in the future?

Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that
fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Example: 0 E X T E N T

Learn to Surf!
To some (0) ........................... , surfing is still considered an American sport. However, EXTEND
surfing is now a global phenomenon, having spread to countries all around the world.
England is no (17) ........................... . In England, surfing has grown considerably in EXCEPT
(18) ........................... , particularly on the south coast. There are now some organisations POPULAR
in this area offering lessons in surfing for everyone from complete (19) ........................... BEGIN
to advanced surfers.
If you are a newcomer to surfing, you should get professional advice, since this is
(20) ........................... an extreme sport. As in other extreme sports, there is an element of ESSENTIAL
danger involved in surfing. This is part of the fun, but it also means that surfing can be
very risky, especially if you’re (21) ........................... . For example, many new surfers, EXPERIENCE
determined to progress too quickly, find themselves quite literally out of their
(22) ........................... , as they make the mistake of paddling their boards too far out in DEEP
search of larger and larger waves.
A good surfing (23) ........................... will help you make the right choice of board and INSTRUCT
ensure that you begin by learning techniques that are well within your (24) ........................... . CAPABLE
Once you’ve grasped the basics, that’s when the fun really starts!

FCE Practice Test 7 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 2

Reading and
Use of English
Name: ..................................................................

Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 They talked on the phone for two hours.
They .......................................................................................................................... on the phone.

The gap can be filled by the words ‘spent two hours talking’, so you write:


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

25 My interest in art began when I was in high school.

I have .......................................................................................................................... I was in high school.

26 I’m sorry that I was unable to attend your wedding.

I wish .......................................................................................................................... to your wedding.

27 Mr Jameson was the one who suggested that I enter the writing competition.
It was Mr Jameson .......................................................................................................................... enter the writing

28 We were late for the meeting because of the heavy traffic.

The heavy traffic .......................................................................................................................... to the meeting on time.

29 People say that Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
Prague .......................................................................................................................... one of the most beautiful cities in

30 To learn to play the violin, you need to be very patient.

You need .......................................................................................................................... to learn to play the violin.

FCE Practice Test 7 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 3

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