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Presented here is the preclosing trial balance information

for the
Presented here is the preclosing trial balance information for the total of Locklear County’s four
Enterprise Funds for the year ended September 30, 20X7.Additional Information1. The
Contribution from Locklear County resulted from general capital assets being reassigned for use
in Enterprise Fund departments.2. Expenses of the Golf Course, Transit Authority, and
Convention Center Enterprise Funds included charges for water and sewer services of $25,000,
$2,000, and $8,000, respectively.Requireda. Discuss the adjustments that are necessary to
convert this information to the data to be used for the business-type activities in preparing the
government-wide financial statements.b. Prepare the business-type activities column for the
government-wide Statement of Net Position and the business-type activities columns and rows
of the Statement ofActivities. View Solution: Presented here is the preclosing trial balance
information for the

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