The Advantages of Using Computerized Maintenance Management System

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Computerized Maintenance Management

The Advantages of Using Computerized Maintenance Management
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems offer a way for companies to
track equipment andinventory assets and accumulate all of the associated costs for
labor, materials and tools. A computerizedmaintenance management system
(CMMS) is a computer software program designed to assist in theplanning,
management, and administrative functions required for effective maintenance.
CMMS is not justa means of controlling maintenance. It is now used as a means to
ensure the high quality of both equipmentcondition and output.

CMMS features
 Maintenance: work order management, scheduling, estimating, workflow,
preventive maintenance,
 equipment hierarchies, equipment tracking, capital project management.
 Inventory management: parts list, repairable item management, catalogs,
 Procurement: purchase order processing, vendor agreements, contractor
management & admin.
 Human resources: health and safety, time control, skills management, payroll,
benefits,recruitment, training
 Financials: accounting, receivable, payable, fixes assets, budgeting.
 Performance measurement and reporting
 What-if scenarios, optimization, simulation features, condition based
maintenance, conditionmonitoring.
 Internet technology: relational database, paper-less transactions, paper-less
reporting, performancemonitoring, electronic queries, online and graphical
instructions, e-procurement, software installation,Function time-sharing,
global implementation, etc.

CMMS is the solution to these problems

The top five problems encountered by maintenance managers and suggest that
CMMS is the solution tothese problems. The problems are outlined as follows:
 Little or no support from management to implement world class maintenance
practices, CMMSreports can highlight the levels of downtime and reduce
 Inventory problems, the need to reduce spares and still have parts on hand.
Control of sparesmodules is part of most of the modern CMMS packages.
 The problems associated with maintenance personnel excelling at some jobs
and lacking skills inother craft areas. CMMS allows managers to review this

information, what work has been done and by whoover a period and assign
work appropriately in a variety of craft areas in the future.
 Not enough maintenance personnel to handle the workload. CMMS can
generate reports on laborrequirements for each work order totaling the
information by craft and week, showing imbalances andrequirements for
additional personnel.
 Machines breakdown just before preventative maintenance is due CMMS can
provide reports foreach item of equipment, which can help pinpoint problem
parts or requirements to reduce the preventativemaintenance interval.

The relation between tool and successfully implementing a CMMS

If a CMMS is poorly selected, designed, and implemented, then the CMMS will fail
to meet organizational requirements. The CMMS itself may have little to do with the
failure. It is well established that application software may contain defects. These
defects can compound the challenges associated with implementation. Even if the
CMMS is perfect, the organization will encounter difficulty if the system is poorly
selected, designed, or implemented. Solutions to organizational problems are seldom
relieved through technology. It is the appropriate use of technology within a given
business context that provides solutions. Some might argue that buying the newest
technology helps.

The benefits of CMMS

 The reduction of production cost.
 Rise of utilization of production capacities and improved production.
 A savings in maintenance time.
 Increased labor productivity
(Reduction of overtime, Reduction of outside contract work).
 Increased equipment availability.
 Longer useful life of equipment.
 Inventory control (Reduced inventory costs)
 Environment control (Safety issues, Compliance issues)
 Improve Maintenance Productivity
 Improve Machine Quality
 Reduce Down Time
 Provide Better Service to Other Departments
 Monitor/Control Maintenance Costs


Considerable sums of money are wasted in business annually, because of ineffective
or poorly organized maintenance. However, maintenance is only one element, which

contributes to effective operation during the life cycle of an item of equipment.
Maintenance has a very important part to play, but must be coordinated with other
disciplines such as training personnel in appropriate skills, maintaining motivation
and effective people management. Taken together, this approach—aimed at
achieving economic life-cycle cost for an item—has been called ‘terotechnology’, and
defined by Wild as “the multidisciplinary approach to the specification, design,
installation, commissioning, use and disposal of facilities, equipment and buildings,
in pursuit of economic life-cycle costs”. The formal definition of ‘terotechnology’
according to the British Standard, BS 3811:1984 is “a combination of management,
financial, engineering, building and other practices applied to the physical assets in
pursuit of economic life cycle costs”. Further it isexplained as “‘terotechnology’ is
concerned with the specification and design for reliability and maintainability of
plant, machinery, equipment, buildings and structures, with their installation,
commissioning, operation, maintenance, modification and replacement, and
withfeedback of information on design, performance and costs”. Hodges simplifies
these definitions by explaining ‘terotechnology’ as “the achievement of the best
value for money using techniques which are many and various in their forms,
approach and application”. Life cycle costing (LCC) involves collecting all the cost
information incurred during equipment life.
Decisions made at an early stage in the design phase can have significant effects on
the cost of running a particular machine throughout its life. There is evidence to
show that the breakdown of lifecycle costs is as outlined in Table 1.The objective of
maintenance is to try to maximize the performance of equipment by ensuring that,
items of equipment function regularly and efficiently, by attempting to prevent
breakdowns or failures, and by minimizing the losses incurred by breakdowns or
failures. In fact, it is the objective of the maintenance function to maintain or increase
the reliability of the operating system taken as a whole.

Good management of maintenance can reduce costs. Figure 1 shows the relation
between management of maintenance and cost which indicates that increased effort

in preventative maintenance should reduce the cost of repair. If it were possible to
define both of these curves, then it would be a simple task to determine the
minimum cost maintenance policy. However, it is not as clear-cut as this and
therefore maintenance policy is much more difficult to formulate. The overall
objective is to minimize the total cost of maintenance by minimizing one or both of
the costs that contribute to it.
Reducing the cost of preventative maintenance (PM) by minimizing the level of PM
carried out in the manufacturing facility can increase downtime due to breakdowns
and consequently necessitate the need for more repairs. On the other hand,
increasing the level of PM to too high a level will introduce unnecessary extra
maintenance cost without necessarily minimizing the risk of breakdown. The overall
objective is to obtain an optimum level of preventative maintenance so as to reduce
total maintenance cost. Achieving this optimum delivers other benefits such as
increased morale, reduction in random breakdowns, improved quality of product,
increased equipment availability, reduced delivery times and of course increases in
The strategies utilized successfully in the area of maintenance management
optimization include:
 Reliability Centered
Maintenance (RCM),
 Profit Centered Maintenance
 Asset Management (AM),
 Condition Based
Maintenance (CBM),
 Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM),
 World Class Manufacturing
(WCM) through CMMS
These management philosophies
essentially comprise of different techniques and tools with varying emphasis on
individual factors, but achieve a very similar final objective, the optimization of
maintenance. The goal is to obtain the maximum production output with the best
organization and administration of maintenance management that Computer
Maintenance Management Systems (CMMSs) have proved to be very beneficial.

Conclusion for Cmms

Most organizations view maintenance as an expense and a cost center. A properly
implemented CMMS can help maintenance cope with downsizing and turn

maintenance into a profit center. It is important to bridge the communication gap
between executive and maintenance management to increase overall productivity.
The best idea is that the advantages of implementation of CMMS far outweigh its
disadvantages provided that all situations related to costs should be considered and
all steps to implement CMMS should be done one by one to reach to successfully

Autonomous Maintenance (AM)

 Jishu Hozen, which means autonomous or self-maintenance is daily
preventive maintenance (cleaning, inspection, lubrication and re-tightening)
performed by the equipment operator.
 Autonomous maintenance is one of the most important basic building blocks
of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) program.
 Autonomous maintenance, promotes development of production operators
who are able to take care of small maintenance tasks, such as cleaning,
inspecting, and lubricating their equipment, thus freeing the maintenance
associates to spend time on more value-added activities and technical repairs.
 The operators are responsible for keeping their equipment from
 Operators can make or break maintenance effectiveness.
 When implemented fully, Autonomous Maintenance could dramatically
improve productivity, quality and reduce costs.
 Autonomous Maintenance is an approach to eliminate/reduce losses in the
plant (time & cost).
 the operators should work closely together with the maintenance people, and
they can do this in 3 ways:
 They can alert maintenance people
 They can provide excellent information
 They can perform routine maintenance

Benefits of Autonomous Maintenance

 Ensuring equipment is properly cleaned and lubricated.
 Noticing issues before they lead to critical failures. 

 Freeing maintenance personnel for higher-level tasks.
 Improving employee participation and a sense of relevance in the bigger
 Improving overall safety. 

Steps taken to implement : Autonomous Maintenance

 Training of the employees
 Initial clean up of machines
 Counter measures
 Tentative standard
 General Inspection
 Autonomous Inspection
 Standardization
 Autonomous management: OEE and OPE and other TPM targets must be
achieved by continuous improve through Kaizen. PDCA (Plan Do Check Act)
cycle must be implemented for Kaizen

KAIZEN: Quality Maintenance & Planned Maintenance-

 "Kai" means change, and "Zen" means good (for the better). Basically kaizen
is for small improvements, but carried out on a continual basis and involve all
people in the organization.

 The principle behind Kaizen is that "a very large number of small
improvements are more effective in an organizational environment than a few
improvements of large value.
 Quality Maintenance targets customer satisfaction through defect free
manufacturing of the highest quality products. The focus is on eliminating
non-conformances in a systematic manner.
 The goal of planned maintenance is to have trouble-free machines and
equipment that produce defect-free products for total customer satisfaction.

Conclusion for Autonomous Maintenance

So finally, it can be expressed that autonomous maintenance & kaizen can be used to
enhance the overall equipment efficiency in an apparel manufacturing unit where
AM and kaizen fully depends on the mind set and willingness of management. It
also gives an opportunity to the operators to raise their skills and know-how to
promote improvement suggestions. The role of management is to provide the tools
to help operators make the right decisions and to ensure that those decisions are
sensible and defensible. At the same time success has to be spread throughout the
plant so that everyone can get the flavour of success.

Autonomous Maintenance Steps

Condition monitoring is an important tool in the predictive maintenance of
machines by collecting and analyzing certain signals from machine components,

developing faults and inefficiencies can be identified, and unplanned downtime can
be avoided.
Smart Condition Monitoring in Industry 4.0 ManufacturingProcesses:
An Ontology-Based Approach
What is Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, and it describes the growing
trend towards automation and data exchange in technology and processes within
the manufacturing industry, including:

 The internet of things (IoT)

 The industrial internet of things (IioT)
 Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
 Smart manufacture
 Smart factories
 Cloud computing
 Cognitive computing
 Artificial intelligence
This automation creates a manufacturing
system whereby machines in factories are
augmented with wireless connectivity and
sensors to monitor and visualize an entire production process and make
autonomous decisions.
Industry 4.0 has triggered automation
processes through the extensive use of
intelligent condition monitoring systems
that tends to improvement in productivity
and availability of production systems.
The following ontology represents the
development of an automated condition
monitoring system, formalizing domains
of this monitoring and evaluating the
proposed case study that reveals a
conditional maintenance task of bearings
in rotating machinery.

What is Cyber Physical System?

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) comprise interacting digital, analogue, physical, and
human components engineered for function through integrated physics and logic.
These systems will provide the
foundation of our critical infrastructure,
form the basis of emerging and future
smart services, and improve our quality of life in many areas. Cyber-physical
systems will bring advances in personalized health care, emergency response, traffic
flow management.

A schematic diagram of a condition monitoring task based on an ICMS, in a a three-

layer collaboration between the cyber space and the physical space:

At the bottom is the Physical Space Layer, where machine

operating data is gathered using sensors located on the machines
and tools. Additional information is collected from the
manufacturing environment, the product itself as well as the
machine operators’ experience.
The collected sensor data are stored and processed at the
intermediate layer, named the Cyber Physical Interface. At this
layer, statistical techniques such as big data algorithms use the
collected data in order to understand the manufacturing processes
and to learn from operators’ experience.
The Cyber Space Layer provides decision-making about machine
failure prognostics and maintenance. Machine degradation
models that are extracted from the mining of sensor data are
obtained in the cyber space.

These predictive results are conveyed downwards to the physical space, which
allows manufacturing companies to make responses in a timelyandaccurate
Condition monitoring in general increases the quality of products and availability of
machines and factories, while at the same time reducing maintenance costs.
Today, many automated or semi-automated factories are running digitally isolated
legacy machines. This makes it difficult for factories to monitor data in real time. To
get more out of legacy equipment and make processes more productive and
efficient, it is essential to make existing factories flexible and digitally connected
Factories cannot afford machine failure that can dampen productivity and
profitability, unplanned breakdown; nor can they waste time in trouble-shooting
faults. Intelligent Condition monitoring can help the factory by allowing
determining areas for improvement and help manufacturers to identify potential
problems and take necessary action before failures occur. It is one of the efficient and
reliable solutions to keep machines and lines up and running.

This can be a cost-effective solution for factories, a new intelligent condition
monitoring system can transform existing ones smart and Industrial IoT ready .

5 Benefits of Intelligent Condition Monitoring system

Condition Monitoring has several benefits for a business, including the advantages
of reducing resources and costs.
The major benefits of condition monitoring are:
1. Maximizing production
New productivity levels can be reached by using extensive and accurate readings
from production machine sensors, combined with visibility into production
inefficiencies by using data analytics algorithms. This is particularly true where
condition monitoring is used in the oil and gas industry.
2. Reduction of maintenance costs
Repairs are performed before critical damage occurs and labor and travel costs are
cut as maintenance is done proactively and timely. A reduction in service time, and
improved customer satisfaction are also direct benefits of Condition Monitoring.
3. Product development is driven by relevant and accurate data
Data collected on asset behavior over time can be analyzed by engineers and help
them identify design flaws in a product that can then be corrected in later product
4. Optimizing spare part inventory
Rather than running out of spares, thereby increasing downtime, or overstocking on
expensive spare parts and impacting margins, Condition Monitoring allows for
accurate forecasting of spare part demand.
5. Extending the lifetime of machinery
Detailed monitored of the health of machines and all of their components is done.
Things like wear-and-tear, overheating, and other threats to a machine’s health are
resolved in a timely fashion, thereby lengthening the lifespan of a machine.

aim of any textile/apparel company is to develop and implement an
effective maintenance management strategy. The maintenance
management system of the organization was initially based on the
unplanned emergence maintenance management which meant machines
were only fixed after they breakdown. This reactive system was not
suitable for the organization as the company lost lot of time in reacting
to these emergency breakdowns. The system is now changed to
preventive maintenance which aims to prevent the machines from
breaking down hence ensuring that there is minimal downtime.
ABC(Always,Better,Control) control system has also been used to ensure
that machine spare parts are ordered optimally so that there is minimal
to no downtime of the machines due to unavailability of spare parts.



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