English Oral Communication Week 5 PDF

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Oral 1
in Context
Module 5

Luzviminda P. Laureniana


Identifies the various types of speech context.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Section: _________________________________


Good day student!

Before we begin with our lesson, I want you to make yourself ready and put away anything that
will distract you. Now, read and follow the given instructions to achieve our goals. Enjoy learning with
our module!

1. Read carefully and follow all the guidelines, contents, procedures and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.

2. This module provides learning activity sheets where you can write your answers.

3. Apply what you have learned. Answer all the activities carefully.

4. Take note important ideas that you will encounter in this lesson. Noting detail is one strategy that helps
you to remember some important information easily.

5. Consult your parent/guardian/teacher for any clarification regarding the instruction or content of this

6. Have fun learning!


This module will help you learn the various types of speech context. It will help you identify how
communication occurs in different situation and circumstances. It also explains how to use verbal and
nonverbal cues to convey the appropriate message of the speaker.

In addition, this module provides lessons and activities which will allow you to relate the concepts to
the real world and will give you some insights on how to communicate effectively based on the speech

Moreover, this learning material provides discussion, and learning task which will help you to
communicate better with your family, peers and other people.

Lesson 1: Types of Speech Context


Directions: Read the following scenes. Take a photo of you while doing each scene. You may ask your
family members to help you do the parts. Weave the scenes together into a story by making a photo
collage. You are free to interchange the order of the scenes. Write the story in an essay form in the box.

Scene 1. Someone making an announcement to the public.

Scene 2. One person talking to herself.
Scene 3. Two people speaking with each other on the phone.
Scene 4. A reporter appearing live on TV.


Directions: Describe the pictures according to instruction being asked.

1. Write a dialogue in the speech bubble. Explain what model of communication is being used.


2. What elements of communication are involved in the picture. Write the elements and describe them in
the box.


 Speech context refers to the situation in which communication occurs. There are four
types of speech context; intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication,
public speech context, and mass communication.

 Intrapersonal communication involves one participant. He/She is both the sender and
the receiver of the message in the communication process.

 Interpersonal communication is an interaction between two or more participants. These

are the two kinds of interpersonal communication; a dyad, which is composed of two
participants who take turns as the sender and the receiver in the interaction, and a small
group communication which is composed of three or more participants, or a group of

 Public Speech Context involves a single speaker and a sizable number of persons or an

 Mass Communication takes place on television, newspaper, internet and so on.


Activity 1.1. Graphic Organizer

Directions: Discuss each of the following speech context using a graphic organizer. You can make your
own style of graphic organizer. Use a separate paper for your output.

one memorization
Intrapersonal ?
Communication ?
1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Public Speech Context
4. Mass Communication

Activity 1.2. I can act

Directions: Make a short video of yourself acting out one type of speech context and ask your classmate
to evaluate your video using the RUBRIC below. You may send the video through FB messenger. Write
your classmate’s evaluation in an essay form. Have fun!


Perfect Very good Good Poor Very Poor
5 4 3 2 1
1. The ideas in the presentation are
2. The use of the speech context is evident.
3. Time limit: Minimum-10 seconds and
Maximum-20 seconds.
4. The choice of words is appropriate and
5. Nonverbal cues (Refer to Module 1) are
appropriate and decent.



Speech context refers to the situation or environment in which communication occurs. Each
circumstance you encounter, you will need to equip yourself with a set of skills that will help you
communicate with others in different contexts.

The Four Types of Speech Context

1. Intrapersonal communication is when one participant is both the sender and the receiver
of the message in the communication process. You are simply communicating within yourself. Some
examples are memorizing, daydreaming, and mumbling.
2. Interpersonal communication is an interaction between two or more participants. It can
be direct (face-to-face encounter) or indirect (done through the use of a tool or technology such as
telephone or Internet)

The Two Kinds of Interpersonal Communication

 a dyad which is composed of two participants who take turns as the sender and the receiver in the
interaction like interviewing an applicant and talking to your mother about something.
 a small group communication which is composed of three or more participants, or a group of
participants like a company meeting and a group discussion.

3. Public Speech Context involves a single speaker and a sizable number of persons or an audience like
a seminar and a political campaign. The speaker has a definite or prescribed time limit, and both the
speaker and the audience maintain their roles throughout the speech event (the audience may, however,
convey nonverbal messages). Thus, the speaker needs to use and sustain appropriate verbal and nonverbal
cues to convey his/her message to the audience.
4. Mass Communication refers to communication that takes place on television, newspaper, internet and
so on like a TV journalist, a news writer and a blogger.


Directions: Write on the space provided the type of speech context being describe in the following


1. You are going to join the group assigned to
you for your research output.
2. You are sick, and you need to see a doctor.

3, You are sending a text message to your friend

on how are you going to meet later in the
4. Your mother told you to reflect on your
5. You are reading aloud your script for the
drama presentation tomorrow.
6. You have started a video call with your close
7. You have attended an orientation regarding the
rules and regulations of the school.
8. You talk to yourself about the decision that

you need to make.
9. You are writing an article for your school
10. The billboards show the best fried chicken in


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which speech context does news reporting belong?
A. Intrapersonal communication
B. Interpersonal communication
C. Mass communication
D. Public speech context
2. What do you call the type of communication that is composed of two participants who are the sender
and the receiver?
A. Mass communication
B. Dyad
C. Small group
D. Public speech context
3. Which speech context tells you that the speaker needs to use and sustain appropriate verbal and
nonverbal cues to convey his/her message to the audience?
A. Interpersonal communication
B. Mass communication
C. Intrapersonal communication
D. Public speech context
4. Which speech context can be direct or indirect communication?
A. Interpersonal communication
B. Public speech context
C. Intrapersonal communication
D. Mass Communication
5. Which speech context is composed of three or more participants like a company meeting?
A. Mass communication
B. Public speech context
C. Dyad
D. Small group


Module 5

A. Direction: Check the box of your answer.

I agree I disagree I don’t know
1. I am aware that there are different types of speech
2. I know that the group activity we are doing in class
is one of the types of speech context
3. I don’t believe that thinking is also a kind of

4. I can explain the different speech context to my
5. I know that the previous modules are relevant to
the lesson in this module.
6. Now, I can identify the types of speech context
that other people is using.
7. I can improve my communication skill through
the help of this module.
8. I can explain the need of an effective
communication in a particular context.
9. The lesson I learned in this module help me to
understand myself better with regards to
10. I like the way this module presents the lesson.

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