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Week 3

January 21, 2019 was our 7th day. Upon entering the LMC’s premises, I
smiled to some employees who turned my way. I found my supervisor who is
focus enough to fit on her job. I greeted her and she did the same as well. She
gave me a heads up that she’s about to go at the Laguna Sports Complex. Apart
from that, she told me that I would accompany her to fetch the 100 pieces of
tarpaulins, after she had her lunch. While waiting for Ms. Cao’s call, I did some
filings and arranged them into their right order. When Ms. Cao was ordering me
to get ready, I knew by then that we’re gonna depart from LMC. And so we did,
riding the ambulance is kinda new to me, yet comfortable. It really was a short
ride going to Sports Complex and back to LMC. I continued on doing some filing
after a short break. Even though Ms. Cao is not like the other supervisors who
were always giving tasks or activities to their immersionist, she told me that the
knowledge I gained during my stay at LMC is the most important lesson that she
could give me. Learning the techniques that she’s executing as the Chief’s
Secretary will be useful for me. It might not be useful for me right now, but it will
surely be effective in the future.

Our 8th day was January 22, 2019. When I came in, Ms. Cao is not there.
She’s having her not-that-late lunch break. I kinda got used to the routines of Ms.
Cao, it’s a part of being an observant person. Greeting other people with a smile
is like a natural thing to me. It helps the stressed-out employees lessen their
stress. As usual, I did filings of papers for Ms. Cao and Ms. Barbs. I even helped
them organize and find papers that they needed. Talking with other employees
during their free time, makes the place less strict. Me and my classmates had a
not-that-short break. I feel so full after eating. We went back to our assigned
departments after the break. I did a little filing before the time of our duty ends.
Ms. Cao made me take a Personality test at the website that she told me. My
personality was later in revealed. I am an ESTJ, Extraverted Sensing Thinking
Judging person.

Upon arriving at my designated department, I did my usual greetings with

the employees and the important personnel. Oh by the way, it is January 23,
2019. I never thought that this day would be busy. I filed papers and arranged
them the way it should be. But before doing those things, I had my lunch at the
office. I have no time eating at school because of a practice that I attended. Ms.
Cao is still having her lunch when I arrived, so I waited for whoever could give
me a task and I would comply attend to it. Ms. Cao has arrived and she
continued on doing her job. She’s sharing techniques and their importance, while
is doing her job. A slight problem has occured about the floor plan that the Chief
needs. I volunteered to accompany Ms. Cao at the Engineering Office. We
stayed there for like 30 minutes and talked about personal stuffs. Once we got
back to LMC, we continued doing our own task. My task is to file the papers and

January 24, 2019 was our ninth day as an immersionist. Ms. Cao is having
her lunch, so Ms.Gj told me to just organize the things that should be organized.
And so I did what I was told. But not long after, I asked permission if I could go
out to buy some lunch, and they agreed. Upon Ms. Cao’s arrival, she was told to
go the Chief’s Office. But before that, she greeted me. I sat back to my
designated place and attempted to start doing the report. Ms. Cao came back to
our department and she asked for my assistance on putting stamps on the 100
pieces of tarpaulins that we fetch from the Sports Complex. And so I proceeded
on doing the task given to me. While I’m stamping the tarpaulins, I bite from the
snack I bought every now and then. Dr. Palacol even bullied for a while, a
friendly bully he added. I did a little bit of filings, answered a phone call and then I
was ready to go. Asking for Ms. Cao’s signature on my list of tasks marks the
end of my third week at LMC.

Student/ Work Immersionist

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