Design and Modeling of The Photonic Crystal Wavegu

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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 8097841, 11 pages

Research Article
Design and Modeling of the Photonic Crystal Waveguide
Structure for Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording

Orrathai Watcharakitchakorn and Rardchawadee Silapunt

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok
10140, Thailand

Correspondence should be addressed to Rardchawadee Silapunt;

Received 7 December 2017; Accepted 10 January 2018; Published 28 February 2018

Academic Editor: Andres Sotelo

Copyright © 2018 Orrathai Watcharakitchakorn and Rardchawadee Silapunt. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.

The application of the photonic crystal (PC) waveguide (WG) as the light delivery system in the heat-assisted magnetic recording
(HAMR) system is demonstrated. The structure consists of a 90° bending PC waveguide and a ridge dielectric waveguide taper
coupler. Three-dimensional (3D) models of structures are built and simulated in order to determine light coupling and
transmission efficiencies. Geometric parameters including the taper length (LTP), coupler inlet width (WFW), and PC waveguide
width (WWG) are investigated. The initial simulation shows that the transmission efficiency of over 90% can be achieved with the
coupler integrated with the straight PC waveguide. However, the overall transmission efficiency is substantially reduced to 53.8%
when the coupler is attached to the 90° bending PC waveguide. Our analysis shows that the wave mode matching and light decay
rate in the waveguide cavity are significant contributing factors. The transmission efficiency increases to around 60.8% after some
modification of the bending region.

1. Introduction investigated [20–23]. These studies agree on one common

fact that the light propagation depends largely on the ge-
Photonic crystals (PCs) are periodical optical micro- and ometries of the coupler and guiding structure.
nanostructures that receive increasing attention due to their The capability of the PC to manipulate light as described
ability to manipulate light propagation while maintaining above suggests the use of the PC structure as a potential
high transmission efficiency. They are typically designed candidate for light delivery in the heat-assisted magnetic
based on their energy band gap to prohibit certain wave- recording (HAMR) system [24]. Several HAMR light delivery
lengths. They can be arranged in one dimension (1D) [1, 2], systems have been proposed, for example, the structure
two dimensions (2D) [3–5], and three dimensions (3D) consisting of grating, slab waveguide, and near-field trans-
depending on guiding requirements. The 2D PC structure is ducer (NFT) [24], the fiber optic connected with a spot-size
the most popular choice for optical devices and has found converter (SSC) [25], and the butt-grating structure associated
various applications such as integrated circuits (ICs), wave with multilayer core and cladding [26]. These proposed light
filters or multiplexers, and waveguides [6–13]. The PC’s deliveries, however, suffer from power losses at different lo-
excellent transmission properties [14–16] and physical cations and produce less than 50% transmission efficiency.
flexibility are attractive to minuscule WG fabrication. It can In this paper, the photonic crystal waveguide for the light
be bent to fit in a limited space and still achieve desirable delivery in HAMR is demonstrated. The proposed structure
performance [14, 15, 17–19]. A significant enhancement in shown in Figure 1 replaces the conventional structure [24]
operating bandwidth [18, 19] has also been reported. by combining grating, slab waveguide, and fixed curve
Coupling is an important issue when it comes to the WG mirror into a single piece through utilizing of coupling and
integration with other components of an optical commu- bending sections. Note that the NFT is not included in the
nication device. Several taper PC coupling structures were proposed design. The PC waveguide is attached at the front
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Zoomed-in picture

Photonic crystal

x Suspension

Head Gimbal Assembly (HGA)

Flexible print Suspension
circuit board Laser beam From


90° bending photonic
crystal waveguide

Figure 1: The proposed design of the HAMR light delivery system and light path.

0.6 1


Normalized frequency (ωa/2πc)

Normalized frequency (ωa/2πc)

Overlapping area 0.7
(complete band gap)
0.4 0.5


0.2 TE bands M K
TM bands Γ
0.2 0
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.43 0.45 0.5 Γ M K Γ
r/a Wave vector
(a) (b)

Figure 2: Gap map of the triangular lattice of air hole array in the p-Si substrate: (a) overall gap map and (b) photonic band structure related
to the case r/a  0.43.

of the slider. The light path can be guided directly to the Multiphysics [30]. The performances of the waveguide in-
waveguide via the coupler at the inlet, and the fixed curve cluding transmission and coupling efficiencies through
mirror is thus not required [24, 27, 28]. The light is then bending and coupling sections are investigated.
guided via a 90° bend and propagates in the straight guiding
section to the output. 2. Photonic Band Gap (PBG)
The 3-dimensional (3D) design of the 2D PC waveguide
is carried out using the basic Photonic Band Gap (PBG) The 2D photonic crystal structure is the dielectric constant
software [29]. The modeling is performed with the widely periodically modulated in two dimensions. In this paper, our
used finite element method (FEM) simulator COMSOL PC waveguide is operated at 1,550 nm [31], and our PC
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

waveguide is constructed using a 2D triangular lattice array The dielectric

Array of air holes
of air holes embedded in polysilicon (p-Si). At this wave- waveguide taper
length, the frequency-dependent refractive index of p-Si is structure
3.476 [9]. This structure is preferred since its band gap
contains a larger overlapping area than other PC lattices and
can be associated with both transverse electric (TE) and
transverse magnetic (TM) modes. A simple laser source can
thus be utilized without the need for a mode selector. In
Moreover, silicon has high refractive index and exhibits low
loss at the wavelength of interest [32]. Note that if the NFT is

included in the design, the waveguide must possess a certain

polarization as most NFTs are polarization specific. SiO2
The PBG diagram is created by calculating each PBG, the Z
X Silicon substrate
forbidden wavelength range for propagation, associated with
a specified ratio of air hole radius (r) and lattice constant (a). Figure 3: The 3D model of the PC waveguide as the HAMR light
The consolidation of band gaps can be depicted by the gap
map shown in Figure 2(a). The selected ratio of radius and
lattice space constant (r/a) is 0.43, a relatively low value in Taper structure for light coupling
the overlapping area known as the complete band [6]. A (ridge dielectric taper coupler)
lower r/a ratio is desirable in order to prevent structure
collapse during fabrication. The calculated photonic band
diagram of the lattice with r/a  0.43 is shown in Figure 2(b).
In this figure, the normalized frequency is plotted versus the In
wave vector into the lattice (Γ, M, and K). The calculations
show that the band gap width is about 49.45% (from 0.276 to
0.458) for the TE mode and 5.12% (from 0.385 to 0.406) for Sharp bend PC
the TM mode, respectively. An overlapping area with the waveguide structure
center normalized frequency (ωa/2πc) is chosen at 0.395.
The radius of the air hole (r) and lattice space constant Straight PC
(a) are determined by the following relation: x
ωa a z
Normalized frequency   , (1)
2πc λ
where ω is the angular frequency (rad/s), c is the light ve- Out
locity (m/s), and λ is the wavelength (m).
Therefore, the air hole radius (r) and the lattice space Figure 4: Top view of the 3D model of the PC waveguide as the
constant (a) are 263 and 612 nm, respectively. HAMR light delivery.

3. Design and Modeling of the PC

Waveguide for HAMR LTP LWG

The PC waveguide is designed as a slab waveguide with cou-

pling and bending sections. The 3D model and light path are
shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The coupling efficiencies
associated with different coupling structures will be determined θ
first. After the integration of the bending section, they will be
reevaluated along with the transmission efficiencies.
The length of the PC waveguide is about 24.48 (40a) µm, x
and there are 21 rows in the air hole array. The PC guiding A B
path is created by removing a center row. The slab thickness
(t) of the PC waveguide is chosen at 0.4a or around 245 nm. Figure 5: Design configuration of the dielectric waveguide taper
This thickness value is determined following the relation coupler.
between the gap size and the PC thickness described in [33].
The taper section is formed by a conventional ridge dielectric
where h is the dielectric taper slab thickness (m) and n1 is the
slab waveguide whose thickness can be expressed as follows
core material (silicon) refractive index.
[34, 35]:
At the operating wavelength of 1,550 nm, the thickness of
λ the taper slab is around 245 nm (t/a  0.4), similar to the
h≈ , (2)
2n1 thickness of the PC slab.
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering


90 WWG = 0.8a√3 Top view


Coupling efficiency (%)

60 (W/m2)


40 Min
3D view



0 y
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Taper length (m) z x

WFW = 5 m WFW = 20 m WFW = 10 m and LTP = 5 m

WFW = 10 m WFW = 25 m
WFW = 15 m WFW = 30 m

Top view
90 WWG = 1.0a√3 Max


Coupling efficiency (%)


3D view



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Taper length (m) y
z x
WFW = 5 m WFW = 20 m
WFW = 10 m WFW = 25 m
WFW = 25 m and LTP = 5 m
WFW = 15 m WFW = 30 m


Figure 6: Coupling efficiency for (a) WWG � 0.8a√3 and (b) WWG � 1.0a√3 for different inlet WG widths (WFW).

3.1. Ridge Dielectric Taper Coupler Integrated with the Straight The coupler inlet width (WFW) and the taper length (LTP)
PC Waveguide Structure. We perform an initial simulation are varied from 5 to 30 µm. Note that the initial coupler inlet
to observe light coupling into the straight PC waveguide width of 5 µm is selected based on the actual size of a typical
from a ridge dielectric taper coupler shown in Figure 5. The fiber optic outlet. A parametric study is performed to ob-
taper coupler is an inlet width converter that is employed to serve the dependence of the coupling efficiency on the
convert the large inlet to the smaller one. The ridge dielectric coupler inlet width (WFW) and taper length (LTP). Two sizes
waveguide taper structure, in particular, is simple and easy to of the PC waveguide inlet width (WWG) are considered
fabricate [36]. which are 0.8a√3 and 1.0a√3 (about 0.848 and 1.060 µm).
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

The former is selected to demonstrate the extreme case of A B

coupling. The PC waveguide length (LWG) is 24.48 µm (40a),
and the waveguide slab thickness is 0.245 µm (0.4a).
However, the computed power distribution is displayed as w
the net power. In order to accurately determine the coupling 40 periods
efficiency or the transmission efficiency over the coupler,
values of incoming and reflected powers are needed. The
coupling efficiency can be calculated from power density C
integration over the cross-sectional plane at the input
(Pin  Psource + Preflection) and output (Pout  Ptransmission) l
ports of the coupler. The transmission T is determined by 80 periods
T  2Pout/(Pin + Pout)  Ptransmission/Psource, whereby we as-
sume Psource  Preflection + Ptransmission [37]. Pout is the surface z
integration of power densities over the cross-sectional plane
at the output port (point B in Figure 5), and Pin is the surface D
integration of power densities over the cross-sectional plane
at the input port (point A in Figure 5). The input power is set Figure 7: The PC light delivery model with locations defined for
at 1 mW for convenience. Note that these formulas can be efficiency calculation.
applied to any kind of waveguiding structures.
Figure 6 shows the coupling efficiency profiles with WWG of interest and powers at the inputs. The coupling efficiency,
equal to 0.8a√3 and 1.0a√3, respectively. It can be seen that transmission efficiency after the bending section, and the
the coupling efficiency decreases as the taper length in- overall waveguide transmission efficiency are expressed by
creases. At WWG  0.8a√3, the maximum efficiency of 95.3%
is achieved with WFW  10 µm and LTP  5 µm, as shown in  2 × PB 
CT (%)  × 100,
Figure 6(a). The power density distribution associated with  PB + PA 
peak coupling efficiency is depicted on the right. The cou-
pling efficiencies obtained from other structures are much  2 × PC 
CB (%)  × 100, (3)
lower and stay between 30 and 45%.  PC + PA 
The results are however different for WWG  1.0a√3 as
shown in Figure 6(b). It is observed that there are 3 structures  2 × PD 
CO (%)  × 100.
that can achieve over 90% coupling efficiency, that is,  PD + PA 
WFW  15 µm and LTP  5 µm, WFW  25 µm and LTP  5 µm,
and WFW  30 µm and LTP  5 µm, respectively. The smaller Referring to Figure 7, PA is the power over the cross-
the LTP, the better the coupler efficiency. At higher taper sectional surface at point A (Watt), PB is the power over
lengths, the bell-shaped profiles are observed. In our case, the the cross-sectional surface at point B (Watt), PC is the
good matching condition appears at smaller taper lengths. The power over the cross-sectional surface at point C (Watt),
power density distribution of the WFW  25 µm and LTP  5 µm and PD is the power over the cross-sectional surface at
structure is shown on the right of Figure 6(b). Compared to the point D (Watt).
WWG  0.8a√3 PC structure, the WWG  1.0a√3 structure Figure 8(a) shows the plot of the taper coupling efficiency
provides better overall coupling efficiency. It is believed that (CT) where WFW is varied from 5 to 30 µm and LTP is varied
a certain amount of power loss occurs from a reflection at the from 2 to 30 µm. All structures exhibit bell-shaped efficiency
inlet of the PC waveguide. From the PC design standpoint, profiles as a result of reflection and scattering in the guiding
a bending section with a narrow inlet is difficult to construct. bodies at certain geometries. These findings indicate the strong
Therefore, the WWG  1.0a√3 structure is selected for fur- dependence of the light transmission on the geometry. The
ther study. highest CT of 97.2% is achieved with the WFW  15 µm and
LTP  5 µm structure. However, the highest overall efficiency is
achieved with the WFW  5 µm and LTP  10 µm structure.
3.2. Ridge Dielectric Taper Coupler Integrated with the Figures 8(b) and 8(c) show the plots of the bending trans-
Bending PC Waveguide Structure. The ridge dielectric taper mission efficiency (CB) and overall transmission efficiency
coupler is integrated with the 90° bending PC slab waveguide (CO), respectively. We observe that, for every case, the ef-
to form the light delivery structure of HAMR as shown in Figure ficiency decreases along the waveguide; moreover, it drops
7. The dimension of the 90° bending PC slab waveguide includes substantially after the bending section. The maximum overall
50 µm of width (w) and 55 µm of length (l). Unfortunately, we efficiency is achieved at around 53.8% with the WFW  5 µm
cannot enlarge the waveguide dimension due to processing and LTP  10 µm structure.
limitations. A number of periodic structures in the horizontal The coupling behavior of the proposed structure is
and vertical planes are 40 and 80 periods, respectively. analyzed as follows. According to the coupled-mode theory
The transmission efficiencies are determined at 3 loca- [38], the wave mode profiles of the ridge dielectric taper
tions, shown as points B, C, and D in Figure 7. These ef- waveguide and PC waveguide must be matched in order to
ficiencies are defined by ratios of power flows at the locations optimize the transmission. Some researchers have reported
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Coupling efficiency (%)

Coupling efficiency (%)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Taper length (ଧm) Taper length (ଧm)

WFW = 5 ଧm WFW = 20 ଧm WFW = 5 ଧm WFW = 20 ଧm

WFW = 10 ଧm WFW = 25 ଧm WFW = 10 ଧm WFW = 25 ଧm
WFW = 15 ଧm WFW = 30 ଧm WFW = 15 ଧm WFW = 30 ଧm

(a) (b)


Transmission efficiency (%)








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Taper length (ଧm)

WFW = 5 ଧm WFW = 20 ଧm
WFW = 10 ଧm WFW = 25 ଧm
WFW = 15 ଧm WFW = 30 ଧm


Figure 8: Coupling efficiency of (a) the coupler section, (b) transmission efficiency of the bending section, and (c) transmission efficiency of
the entire structure.

applications of the taper waveguide as a wave mode con- Our results show that the number of wave mode profiles
verter [39–41]. We then calculate the wave mode profiles increases when WFW increases. The second-order wave
displayed in terms of electric field distributions of a single mode profile of the WFW  5 µm structure is observed. In
piece of the ridge dielectric taper waveguide with WFW and particular, we found that the wave mode at the output of the
LTP both varying from 5 to 30 µm, with a 5 µm increment, ridge taper waveguide with the WFW  5 µm and LTP  10 µm
followed by those of a single-piece PC waveguide. Note structure exhibits a strong match with that at the input of the
that the wave mode profiles are determined at the outlet PC waveguide, as shown in Figure 9. This result supports the
of the ridge taper waveguide and at the input of the PC highest value of coupling efficiency achieved for this par-
waveguide. ticular structure.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

×10ρ8 V/m ×10ρ8 V/m

Max Max
20 20
10 10
y 0 0
ρ10 ρ10
x ρ20 ρ20
ρ30 ρ30
ρ40 Ez ρ40 Ey
ρ50 Min ρ50 Min
Single piece of ridge taper waveguide
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7
Ridge taper waveguide with WFW = 5 µm and LTP = 10 µm


×10ρ8 V/m ×10ρ8 V/m

Max Max
20 20
10 10
0 0
ρ10 ρ10
ρ20 ρ20
ρ30 ρ30
ρ40 Ez ρ40 Ey
ρ50 Min ρ50 Min
z x
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7

Single piece of 90° bending PC waveguide


Figure 9: The wave mode profiles (Ez and Ey) at (a) the output of the ridge taper waveguide and (b) the input of the PC waveguide of the
WFW  5 µm and LTP  10 µm structure.

×10ρ8 V/m ×10ρ8 V/m

Max Max
20 20
10 10
z y 0 0
ρ10 ρ10
x ρ20 ρ20
ρ30 ρ30
ρ40 Ez ρ40 Ey
ρ50 Min ρ50 Min
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7
Single piece of ridge taper waveguide Ridge taper waveguide with WFW = 10 µm and LTP = 10 µm

×10 ρ8 V/m ×10ρ8 V/m
Max Max
20 20
10 10
0 0
ρ10 ρ10
ρ20 ρ20
ρ30 ρ30
ρ40 ρ40
ρ50 Ez Min ρ50 Ey Min
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 ×10ρ7
z x

Single piece of 90º bending PC waveguide


Figure 10: The electric field profiles (Ez and Ey) at (a) the output of the ridge taper waveguide and (b) the input of the PC waveguide of the
WFW  10 µm and LTP  10 µm structure.

For comparison, an example of mismatched wave mode Although the matching wave modes between the ridge
profiles is illustrated in Figure 10. This structure has taper waveguide and PC waveguide can be obtained, power
WFW  10 µm and LTP  10 µm. The wave mode profile at loss in the waveguide is still realized. The well-known
the output of the ridge taper waveguide is in the third order, concept of temporal coupled-mode theory [33, 42] is then
while that at the input of the PC waveguide is in the second applied to analyze the optical phenomena inside the light
order. This could explain a nearly 0% efficiency obtained in delivery structure. We construct the equivalent diagram of
the coupling section. the light delivery structure as shown in Figure 11.
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Region Region Region Region


WG1 Resonance WG2

ଯ1 ଯ2 ଯ2
I1 I2
x R1 R2

z T2

I3 R3


Figure 11: The equivalent diagram of the proposed light delivery structure.

hij = position of air hole removal

for i = j = {1,2,3,4}

h41 h42 h43 h44 Row 4

h31 h32 h33 h34 Row 3

h21 h22 h23 h24 Row 2 hc6 hc7 hc12

h11 h12 h13 h14 Row 1 hc1 hc2 hc8 hc13

Taper hc3 hc9 hc14


hρ11 hρ12 hρ13 hρ14 Row 1 hc4 hc10

hρ21 hρ22 hρ23 hρ24 Row 2 hc5 hc11

hρ31 hρ32 hρ33 hρ34 Row 3

hρ41 hρ42 hρ43 hρ44 Row 4

(a) (b)

Figure 12: The air hole pattern removal at the (a) joint and (b) corner.

The light delivery structure can be separated into two into WG1 and WG2 with equal lifetimes τ 1  τ2, 100% trans-
regions. Region one is the ridge dielectric taper coupler mission can be achieved. Note that the resonant frequency and
waveguide (WG1) connected with PC waveguide (WG2). decay rate of the cavity-resonant mode strongly depend on
Region two is the horizontal PC waveguide (WG2) con- geometry [33, 43, 44]. Therefore, the geometry of the cavity
nected with vertical PC waveguide (WG3) to form a 90° should be modified to increase the coupling between WG1 and
bending. Region one is considered first. When the light I1 WG2. For region two, another cavity is formed between WG2
reaches WG2, some part will be reflected and some will be and WG3. Again, to achieve 100% transmission efficiency over
radiated away due to the difference between WG1 and WG2. this section, the abovementioned conditions must be applied.
The reflected and transmitted waves in WG1 are denoted as The improvement of cavity matching is then demon-
R1 and T1, respectively. strated here. Several modifying patterns of the WFW  5 µm
According to the temporal coupled-mode theory, the and LTP  10 µm structure are created by randomly removing
cavity that connects WG1 and WG2 is considered as the some air holes near the joint and corner. Figure 12(a) shows
resonator. Ideally, if the cavity resonates with a frequency the location of air hole removal, where hij is the coordinate of
(ω0) equal to the operating frequency (ω) and light decays removed hole position at the joint between the taper and PC
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9


96.9% 83.3% 83.3% 50.4% 62.8 % 62.8%

MOD#4 MOD#5 MOD#6 MOD#4 MOD#5 MOD#6 Remove air hole
Air hole

100% 97.2% 96.1% 60.3% 72.2% 65.4%




Figure 13: Modifying pattern 5 (MOD#5) provides the highest transmission efficiency.

waveguide for i � j � {1, 2, 3, 4}. The location of removed air bending structures. The PC waveguide model is created by
holes around the corner is depicted in Figure 12(b). More removing a single row of photonic crystals in a triangular
than 30 cases are run, and the six best cases are selected and lattice array of air holes in the silicon substrate. The PC
shown in Figure 13. The coupling and bending transmission waveguide operates at 1,550 nm and can accommodate both
efficiencies are displayed in the figure. TM- and TE-polarized sources. The lattice space (a) and air
It can be seen that the coupling and bending trans- hole radius (r) are 612 and 263 nm, respectively. The di-
mission efficiencies of the PC waveguide structure can ac- electric coupler model is designed by varying the inlet
tually be improved when joints and corners are modified. In waveguide width (WFW) and the taper length (LTP) from 5 to
our 6 best cases, MOD#5 provides the highest efficiency. 30 μm. The PC waveguide widths of interest are 0.8a√3
Specifically, CT, CB, and CO increase from 88.6% to 97.2%, or 0.848 µm and 1.0a√3 or 1.060 μm. The dielectric taper
59.8% to 72.2%, and 53.8% to 60.8%, respectively. Note that coupler integrated with the straight PC waveguide structure
the obtained overall transmission efficiency from the MOD#5 shows the highest coupling efficiency of 95.3% with the
case is better than those reported previously [24–26]. To WFW � 10 µm, LTP � 5 µm, and WWG � 0.8a√3 µm structure.
further improve the transmission efficiency, a systematic For WWG � 1.0a√3 µm, there are 3 structures with LTP � 5 µm
approach should be implemented. In addition, deformation of that achieve over 90% coupling efficiency, that is, 94.6% for
some air holes might be necessary [13]. WFW � 15 µm, 97.4% for WFW � 25 µm, and 90.8% for
Finally, the hotspot size at the output facet of the WFW � 30 µm. The 1.0a√3 µm width is chosen for integration
WFW � 5 µm and LTP � 10 µm structure is determined. The with the 90° bending structure to form the proposed light
power distribution at the output facet of the structure is delivery structure since it provides larger guiding area at the
shown in Figure 14. By considering the full width half bending section.
maximum (FWHM) of the power distribution profile, we The coupling efficiencies of most structures drop slightly
obtain a spot size of about 103 nm × 413 nm. This spot size is after attaching the bending structures. The overall highest
still too large for high areal density recording. More alter- CT is achieved at LTP � 5 µm. The bell-shaped profiles are
ation of air holes near the output or NFT integration is observed in every case of WFW. These results indicate that the
recommended for further confinement of the spot size. effects of light reflection and scattering are altered in different
guiding geometries, and the optimization of waveguide ge-
4. Conclusions ometry is necessary. The transmission efficiency apparently
decreases along the waveguide. The maximum overall effi-
This paper investigates a PC waveguide-based light delivery ciency of around CO � 53.8% is achieved with the WFW � 5 µm
system for HAMR. We examined taper coupling and and LTP � 10 µm structure.
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering



Power density (W/m2)


Min 1

ρ0.5 ρ0.4 ρ0.3 ρ0.2 ρ0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Distance (μm)

Figure 14: Power distribution at the end facet of the entire model.

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