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Hello readers, we are back with the second interesting part of our
project in which we have put loads of research and effort.
We considered the time span allotted for this part to be used
constructively, and exposed each one of us to explore new ideas that
may be turn out to be a game-changer in near future. We all agreed
upon the fact that we can’t actually design our product with
professional touch without a good reference, plus we couldn’t visit a
cloth shop either to gain knowledge so we settled ourselves on the
home-based study on any eco-fashion group and we came up with so
many of these companies working so hard to bring their product
without harming the nature, very selfless are these organizations.
So, we decided to do a detailed study on a certain company called
‘Doodlage’ which masters in the art of converting fashion into a
sustainable one.
We also came upon an idea of ‘Eco-house’ with all the technical and
architectural terms, to make the research look a little more mature,
professional. This would act as a supplement data, for a more
pronounced work with professional terms. We decided upon making
our final product with reference to ‘Doodlage’ though.
Before we begin with the main content, we want you to know that we
have further demarcated the written notes into categories for
exemplar and refined reports.
They are as follows:
1. Survey for the project
2. Coffee with Extraordinary People (Interviews)
3. The Research on Doodlage
4. The Research on Eco-City (A to be revolution)
5. Glimpses of our product
6. The publicity of our plan
7. Answer to the main question
The survey we conducted was based on what people would want to
change and what does ecology means in their opinion.
We got pretty good responses to the few questions we added to the
survey. The various platforms we used for spreading the word about
our interview were WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.
RESPONSE RATE: The response rate was quite satisfactory. We got
around 238 responses from the masses.
The aim of the survey was as follows-

Analyze the current Find areas of

situation improvement


Incorporate public Plan our next course

Suggestions of action

The questionnaire was prepared by us all. With long creative

discussions, we settled upon a few interesting questions, which met
the stated criteria:
1. The language of the questions is kept very basic, for better
interpretation by people.
2. No beating about the bush but coming straight to the point,
because answering long questions is something people
hate, in such random surveys.
3. Including more objective type questions than subjective.
This makes people understand the essence of the question
and choose the most relatable option.
The survey was created through Google Forms, the survey report is
made by Vaidehi (a very dedicated member of our group).

The survey consists of 3 sections. They are as follows-
Section 1- The survey starts with an
paragraph giving an introduction of the
survey and the elements related to it.

Section 2- The name, occupation and

age of the filler of the form is been
asked in this section

Section 3- This is the main section where

the questions related to the project are
provided .

Section 1-
In this section, we discussed the following points-
 Aim of our survey
 Significance of the survey
 Our request to the filler of the form
Section 2-
In this section, we ask for the basic details of the form. They are as

Section 2- Result
 From this section, we concluded that more the people from
age group 11- 20 has submitted the most responses whereas
the age group from 1- 10 has submitted the least responses
 This was because of the mode of conduction of the survey. The
survey is conducted online via Google Forms because of the
pandemic situation which made it difficult for other age groups
to access the form.
 Still, the survey is very helpful for the overall project.

Section 3-
 The section starts with a paragraph explaining how to solve the
 This section consists of the 12 questions that are directly
related to the project.

Below is the detailed analysis of each question-

 This question asks the significance of ecological alternatives on
a scale of 1 to 5.
 The results show that people are quite aware of the
importance of ecological alternatives.

 This is a subjective question that would help us to analyze the

current measures taken by the general public to save our
ecological surroundings.
 Most of the responses are suggesting the following points,
which means that people are taking measures from their side
but these measures may not be sufficient.
 The questions ask about the level of eco-friendliness of any
organization from a scale of 1 to 5.
 The responses show that most of the organizations are taking
adequate measures but some are still not that eco-friendly.
 This question will indirectly let us know about the efforts taken
by the general public towards an ecological society.
 The responses show that many people would like to visit a
botanical park but some people may still like to spend their
time somewhere else.

 This question will let us know whether people are aware of the
pros and cons of using plastic bags and cloth bags.
 The results show that most people do use cloth bags which is a
good sign.

 The question will help us understand whether people would

invest in ecological alternatives and also help us analyze the
current status.
 The responses show that many people are not sure about the
monetary value of ecological alternatives.
 This question will let us know about the opinions of the general
public regarding natural resources depletion.
 Some of the responses are given below, and they are very
good and easy to implement.

 From the earlier questions, we realize that the public has quite
creative ideas and this question will help them to express their
 Below are some of the responses-
 The question will show how realistic their inventions are.
 The responses show that most of the people are quite
confident with their inventions.
 This will help us understand what impact are ecological ideas
are currently making.
 The responses show that the impact is quite fair but there may
be some improvement.

The question will help us to work in the field where ecological

alternatives are most required.
 The responses show that the Industrial area requires the most
 This question was asked to help us realize our strength and
flaws and thus improve ourselves.
 The responses were quite motivating and positive.

“85 % of the daily needs in water of the entire population of India

would be covered by the water used to grow cotton in the country.
100 million people in India do not have access to drinking water”.
- Stephen Leahy (International Environmental Journalist)

The fashion industry is considered as the second most polluting

industry in the world by the UN Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD). The textile and fashion industry are
developing on a large scale, but this development is also causing
some adverse effects on our environment. The following proofs
verify the seriousness of the situation.
- 1.5 trillion liters of water is used by the fashion industry every
- 85% of the Human-made debris on the shorelines around the
world are microfibers.
- 1 kg of chemicals is needed to produce 1 kg of textiles.
- 23 kg of greenhouses are generated to produce 1 kg of fabric.
- 70 million trees are cut down each year to produce our clothes.

Sustainable fashion is a movement and process of fostering change

to fashion products and the fashion system towards
greater ecological integrity and social justice. Putting the
environmental perspective at the center, we really need to make
fashion more sustainable.
This section is mainly meant to discuss all the interviews. We
interviewed two experienced people Kashvee and Dr. Subhadra
separately. We recorded the video interview of Kashvee, while a
written interview was given by Dr. Subhadra (we couldn’t record her
interview due to health concerns). Below is a short report of the
interviews written proficiently by Pavani. We also have the link of
Kashvee’s interview which has been uploaded on YouTube.
As we couldn’t visit an art gallery or cloth shop due to COVID-19
pandemic, we decided why not study an organization that works
with the same idea we want. Thus, we came upon this idea of
Doodlage research.

• What is Doodlage?
Doodlage, takes its word origin from the word “Doodle” which
basically means to draw an art piece that cannot be replicated.
Very close to this context, Doodlage thinks that every piece of
cloth is special.

• What does its label signify?

The label basically blends sustainable and high street fashion.
They have proved it well that inventive fashion ideas with a
sustainable touch can be as great combo as bread and butter.
To reach the level of sustainability they aim at reconstructing,
redesigning the cloth pieces that remain behind after stitching
or are left behind after any process. It creates pieces of fashion
with scrap textile and other materials. So, the next time you
discard the cloth shreds after your stitching, rather test your
creativity with it.

• Did Doodlage have a constructive impact?

This team of imaginative people inspire everyone to put on
their thinking cap and be creative. Their tailors and labor
workers work with a sense of love amongst colleagues and
responsibility is an indispensable trait. It has now spread over
around 40 stores in India, it’s good to see that this brand is
spreading so quickly in India. 90 percent of these fabrics had
been rejected in some manufacturing units, remaining 10
percent include recycled cotton polyester (RCP), made of
bamboo and corn fabric. Thy have also created repair kits
promote this idea of upcycling things.

• What does Doodlage aim for?

It is to create styles that are aesthetic and what their aim is by
choosing an environment friendly way is to inspire the other
industries into being like them.

• Was upcycling something they envisioned from the very start?

Yes, they did want to work towards achieving better pays for
fashion related people. It is an amazing idea to modify fashion.
They provide us ample awareness on impact of fashion. They
acted upon this too, after coming up with a good solution too.
This would then come into practice and some contribution to
stopping global warming is made. In the last 4 years, they have
even collaborated with a few people like them to reach this
goal of sustainable fashion on a large scale.

• What does Doodlage say?

"Find ways to reuse and recycle as much as possible as try and
buy products that can biodegrade like your natural materials. If
you are choosing to buy polyester, try and invest in recycled
polyester. As a consumer, you have the power to invest in the
right products. People need to remember this!"
This is what they say at Doodlage. These lines mark their
proficiency plus their utmost concern for the place we live in.

• Why did we choose Doodlage?

The above-mentioned points in question-and-answer format,
actually explains why we chose Doodlage. To sum up we say
that Doodlage is a successfully run industry that can make
people well understand that even industries can think and act
upon to find the solution of global warming, according to our
survey, most people think that it is industries that take the
responsibility of a large amount of global warming. The
unusual part of their initiative is that they even redesign
rejected cloth pieces along with using eco-raw materials for
their products. This is what they say at Doodlage:
“We at Doodlage, upcycle factory waste, recycle postconsumer waste
and convert our own waste into paper and accessories. All of this is
done with the help of our amazing team of artisans who work in ethical
production units around the country.”

Doodlage and its Associates

Doodlage is an eco-fashion house based in New Delhi. Founder Kriti

Tula said in one of her interviews that when this idea of sustainable
fashion struck them in 2012 when they were about to start a
company, people couldn’t well interpret their notion, what generally
they used to reply was that what do you people actually want. Kriti
Tula a London Fashion School pass out realized the through
research that 75% of the global fabric waste ends up in a landfill or is
burnt. While polyesters and other blended fabric take 200 years to
decompose. When awareness increased among people, they too
became a part of this firm and promoted their clothes. When
popularity was achieved demand increased and subsequently
increased the waste produced. But Doodlage came up with an
unbeatable idea of reusing its waste, by using the dark colored cloth
shreds to make bags while the light-colored shreds were used to
make stationary products. Their extreme hard work was also
showcased in Lakme Fashion Week of 2016 where they got
wonderful responses.
Some of their products are as follows-

An ecocity is a human settlement modelled on the self-sustaining

resilient structure and function of natural eco systems. The ecocity
provides healthy abundance to its inhabitants without consuming
more (renewable) resources than it produces, without producing
more waste than it can assimilate and without being toxic to its
neighboring eco systems.


1. Eco homes will be constructed

2. Sewage water will be treated and then used to irrigate gardens.
3. Poor people will be given training and jobs in a small-scale
industry which makes unique products out of waste.
4. Trash will be used productively.
5. Cycles and electric cars will be used.
6. Solar panels will be fitted on street lights.
7. Try to reduce carbon emissions.
8. Use organic products.


Ambikapur, India’s first no dustbin city, has shown us the path

for managing the waste effectively. It has a population of 1.45
lakhs and generates 52 metric tons of waste daily. Instead of
dumping it on some or the other dumping yard, the citizens will
be asked to separate trash. Every morning the sanitation
workers will collect and further segregate it. The segregated
waste will then be sent for recycling, composting, different
processing based on the type of waste.

Sikkim beat 50 other nominated policies to win the Gold Awards for
its State Policy on Organic Farming (2004) and Sikkim Organic
Mission (2010), which have enabled it to become the first 100%
organic state in the world. This transition has benefitted more than
66,000 farming families. They have banned the use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides and instead use cow dung and compost
made up of vegetable peels. The government also emphasizes on
increasing tourism, health conditions and education accessibility.
They have also made their own organic brand to spread awareness
nationally and internationally. The tourism sector benefitted a lot.
The number of Indian tourists increased by 40% and the number of
foreign visitors doubled. Walking on their footsteps, spreading
awareness and by teaching young generation to use ecological
alternatives can help a city to be organic.

Eco House
An Eco-house (or Eco-home) is an environmentally low-impact
home designed and built using materials and technology that
reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. Eco-homes
are measured in multiple ways meeting sustainability needs such as
water conservation, reducing wastes through reusing and recycling
materials, controlling pollution to stop global warming, energy
generation and conservations, and decreasing CO2 emissions.

Components of eco house: -

• Energy-Efficient Orientation: -
Generally building orientation has been decided by the influence
of views, prevailing winds, housing layouts, site topography,
nearby buildings, etc. Energy efficient building design involves
constructing or upgrading buildings that are able to get the most
work out of the energy that is supplied to them by taking steps to
reduce energy loss such as decreasing the loss of heat through
the building envelope. Orientation of building affects the ratio of
the solar radiation gain of building sides, consequently the total
solar radiation gain of building. In addition, the side of buildings
affects wind amount, consequently, affecting natural ventilation
possibility and heat loss amount by convection and air lack.

(The following diagram explains that the relationship of the home to

the land, the sun, and the wind will greatly affect the overall efficiency
of the home. Careful consideration should be given to the east and
west orientations as these exposures will have more significant solar
heat gain. This will lead to lesser consumption of energy.)

• "Green" Building Materials: -

Green building materials are composed of renewable, rather
than non-renewable resources. Green materials are
environmentally responsible because impacts are considered
over the life of the product. Integrating green building
materials into building projects can help reduce the
environmental impacts associated with the extraction,
transport, processing, fabrication, installation, reuse, recycling,
and disposal of these building industry source materials. Green
Materials can be selected using these criteria’s- Resource
efficiency; Indoor air quality; Energy efficiency; Water
conservation; Affordability.

(The following picture is of Mycelium a futuristic building material

that’s actually totally natural – it comprises the root structure of
fungi and mushrooms. Mycelium can be encouraged to grow
around a composite of other natural materials, like ground up
straw, in moulds or forms, then air-dried to create lightweight
and strong bricks or other shapes)

• Low-Pressure Water Fixtures: -

The term “low flow” refers to fixtures that use a lesser amount
of water to accomplish everyday activities, such as showering,
washing your hands, or flushing the toilet. In some cases, low-
flow fixtures can reduce water usage by as much as 60 percent
over standard fixtures. Low-flow fixtures can provide the
homeowner with significant savings on their water bill and be
offer a sustainable and eco-friendly measure in your
remodelling or construction project. Low flow fixtures such as
toilets, faucet aerators, and showerheads, can provide the
same utility when compared to non-low-flow fixtures.

(The following picture is of the low-pressure water fixture and

shows that how usage of water can be minimised)

• High-Efficiency Lighting: -

Lighting products have exceptional features; it uses about 70%-90%

less energy and produces about 70%-90% less heat than traditional
models using incandescent light bulbs. The two main choices for
energy-efficient lighting in your home are light emitting diode (LED)
and compact fluorescent lights (CFL). ... By 2020, all general-
purpose bulbs must be able to produce at least 45 lumens per watt,
which is a similar efficiency as that of CFL bulbs.
(The following pic is a graph which shows the usage of electricity by
different types of bulb type. We can clearly tell that led is the most
sustainable bulb.)

• Geothermal Heating and Cooling: -

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems provide space

conditioning -- heating, cooling, and humidity control. They may
also provide water heating -- either to supplement or replace
conventional water heaters. Geothermal Heating and Cooling
Systems work by moving heat, rather than by converting chemical
energy to heat like in a furnace. Since it's a highly efficient system,
one of the greatest benefits of a geothermal system is the savings
that homeowners can enjoy on their electric bills. By using the
renewable energy found in your own backyard, you can save up to
70% on heating, cooling and hot water.
(The following picture tells us the importance and working of the
geothermal system of heating and cooling.)

• Solar Panels: -
The term solar panel is used colloquially for a photo-voltaic (PV)
module. A [PV] module is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells
mounted in a framework for installation. Photo-voltaic cells
use sunlight as a source of energy and generate direct
current electricity. A collection of PV modules is called a PV Panel,
and a system of Panels is an Array. Arrays of a photovoltaic
system supply solar electricity to electrical equipment. The most
common application of solar energy collection outside agriculture
is solar water heating systems. It generates electricity which is very
useful for a sustainable way of living.

(The following is the picture of a solar panel in which PV cells, PV

panels, Arrays can be seen.)

Materials used for building eco house: -

1. Bamboos: -
Bamboo is a truly remarkable green building material. It's twice as
strong as concrete and slightly stronger than steel. It's also a
renewable resource that needs little energy to grow, prevents soil
erosion, provides biomass, offers wildlife refuge, and produces a
healthy food supply for both wildlife and humans.
2. SIP’s: -
One of the major qualities of SIPs is that they are
an environmentally-friendly material. Their facings are made from
renewable, farm-grown trees, and none of their components
contributes to environmental degradation, making them an obvious
choice for construction of buildings that care for the future of our

3. Eco Bricks: -
Eco bricks are a sustainable way to reuse non-biodegradable plastic
waste as plastic waste is regarded as a long-lasting and durable
material. Hence, keeping plastic out of the ecosystem and prevents
the contamination of the environment. Eco bricks are used to make
many things such as furniture, walls and buildings.
4. Linoleum: -

The material does not emit harmful volatile organic

compounds and is easy to maintain as well. The pigments
in Linoleum are well spread out that give it a uniform look and
also help camouflage any scratches. Thus, it can help in the
décor of house.

5. Reclaimed Lumber: -

Most reclaimed lumber comes from timbers and decking

rescued from old barns, factories and warehouses, although
some companies use wood from less traditional structures
such as boxcars, coal mines and wine barrels. Reclaimed or
antique lumber is used primarily for decoration and home
building, for example for siding, architectural details,
cabinetry, furniture and flooring.
Our mug rug is hexagonal in shape, filled with weaving, just as we
weave paper. We chose weaving as it can be done with many small
strips of scrap cloth which is easily available and is not much used.


Hexagon with each side 10cm is required.

Scraps of cotton or synthetic fabrics, both can be used. If the fabric is
too thin, an additional layer of cotton or any other fabric is needed
can be sewed below.


The entire hexagon can be filled with the weaving pattern. If the
scraps are available in less quantity, each equilateral triangle can be
weaved and then sewed together to form a hexagon.


Once the hexagon is complete, it will be bordered by a fabric to

provide finishing and sturdiness.


Each mug rug will be different as the raw material i.e., pattern of the
scraps is different.


We wanted to design really impressive rug styles that would turn out
to be useful, we decided to work like professionals and organize our
way of making outfits. So, we appointed an imaginator amongst us,
to decide upon a cloth piece that could be made by using waste
fabric or even shreds. Then we came to deciding the designer to
decide a nice pattern for the cloth shred to look appealing. Then a
tailor of course to bring these ideas into life.
Publicity of a product is a very important constituent
of any marketing strategy. We wanted people to know
our products through:
1. Digital Marketing (through ads on the net):
We want to create our own website to showcase
our products with affordable prices and this
website would also give an opportunity to
people to buy the products through the website.
When it comes to buying a product a return
policy is also important if the customer is not
satisfied with the product, so we would also
keep a provision of ‘7-day return policy’.

2. Print media (Pamphlets, hoardings):

Pamphlets about the product can also be shared
through distribution in crowded places like
malls, shopping complexes, with a place where
people can test the product with their own
hands which builds trust about the people on
the product.
3. TV ads:
TV ads with our motto would allow people to
gain more information on ecology and its
4. Mouth Publicity:
Its great to from people good about the
product. When people spread word of our
products then more trust is created.


Which competences do you acquire by creating and
promoting an ecological piece of art?
Creating and making an eco-product like a
cloth piece or an art piece inculcates a sense of
care towards the nature. When we talk about it,
we must implement on the measures to protect
the nature, which is done when we sewed mug
rugs. The proficiency we gained on sewing mug
rugs was to learn the art of reusing the cloth
shreds we usually throw away after sewing. We
learnt on how to work together while sewing
the product. Not only cloth shreds but also
various other things which we would discard so
easily without understanding its worth. We
enjoyed working together and loved the project
so much, which required investment of time and
hard work which me and my teammates have
surely done as per our level.


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