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CLASS VI (2015-16)
Time: 2.5 hrs M.M:55
General Instructions:
Attempt all questions in sequence
Section A (Each question carries 1 mark)
Section B (Each question carries 4 marks)
Section C (Each question carries 3 marks)
Section D (Each question carries 5 marks)
Section A (7)
A. Choose the correct option:
1. The evolution of mankind started in the ____________ age.
a. Paleolithic b. stone
c. lower Paleolithic d. middle Paleolithic
2. Archeologists have found traces of huts or houses in _______.
a. Chirand b. Burzahom c. Piayampalli d. Mehrgarh

3. The longest parallel is the __________.

a. Tropic of Cancer b. tropic of Capricorn
c. Equator d. Arctic Circle
4. Daojali Hading a Neolithic site is located in the state of
a. Uttar Pradesh b. West Bengal c. Assam d. Bihar
5. At the national level, _________ government manages the
affairs of the country.
a. State b. local c. central d. none of these

6. The ____________ is the real head of the state and enjoys more
a. Prime Minister b. President
c. Chief Minister d. Govt
7. Citizens of India who are ___________ years of age or above
can cast their vote.
a. 18 b. 28 c. 38 d. 48

Section B (28)
1. Changes in the environment (around 12,000 yrs ago) influenced
the development of the early humans. Explain.
2. How were the Neolithic tools different from the Paleolithic
3. Draw and label the different heat zones of the earth. Explain
the Torrid Zone.
4. Differentiate between Monarchy and Democracy system of
5. List four provisions mode in our Constitution to fight all kinds of
6. Differentiate between prejudice and stereotype.
7. Democracy is the most popular form of government. Explain.

Section C(21)
1. Define the following terms:
a. Inherit b. Greenwich Mean time c. stone age
2. Write a note on stone on stone technique of tool making.
3. Why did pottery making start during the Neolithic age?

4. Differentiate between latitudes and longitudes.

5. What is constitution?
6. How did the caste system bring inequality in our society?
7. Universal Adult Franchise is the best example of equality.

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