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122 Caesarea Maritima

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nehmer heiligen Lande
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Thomsen, P., Die Pal?stina-Literatur. 6 vols. (1895-1939) Leipzig & Berlin 1908-56. Band A (1878-94)
Berlin 1960.

-, Loca Sancta. Halle 1907. 74-75.

Turner, C H., "The Early Episcopal Lists,"/TS 1 (1900) 181-200; 529-53; 18 (1916-17) 103-34.
Vardamann, E. J. M."Introduction to the Caesarea Inscription of the Twenty-Four Priestly
Courses," The Teacher's Yoke: Studies inMemory of Henry Trantham. E. J. Vardaman, J. L.
Garrett, eds. Waco, Texas 1964, 42-5.

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Weippert, M., "Caesarea Maritima," in "Arch?ologischer Jahresbericht", ZDPV 80 (1964)


Wolf, C. U., "Eusebius of Caesarea and the Onomasticon," BA 27 (1964) 66-96.

Yeivin, S., "Excavations at Caesarea Maritima," 8 (1955) 122-29.

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