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Karl Fulves

With Ctrds
(Part Three)

Illustrtted By

|oseph K. Sehmidt

@ Copyrisht 1975 by Karl Fulves

Published By
Karl Fulves
Box 433, Teaneck, N.J. 07666
Part Three
In puttiag togctbcr tbo rontlacr aad tdree tbet go iato thc uklng
of tbcac aenuectC.pti, thr intcnt Le to gtrivc fol novcliy of cffcct, rctlod
or handLing. Tto trlctr in thl.c ccction fora aa crorptlon; thoy are trthlog6h
thc Doortr tsd {lrhpethy Drlatrrtt tlichs tbnt Irvc pclforncd cxelucive}y for
ltyrcn. lhcy o"ly ohicfly on dcvcloplag a aituatlon lnvoJ,vlag thc alnotatole,
retbcr than tbr ror uanrl. ploccdtuc of dcvcloplag r rctbod. Sincr their raLn
!.lao! fol- ell,rtoacr Lc to ratcltaLn layacn, lort cardlcn, ctpecielly card rrn-
lpulatora, dJ,I f,lnd thcl rorthlcrg.
Thc aupplcmnt, rcelly part four of thie naauacrLpt, lcptcroatc thc
overflor tbrt couldldt bo lncludcd ta thc-ee p.gca. lhta nanuecript la beLag
aonpletrd la thc lettcr patt of Junc, ht elready lt la evldant thet Pelt tour
rflf bo dcleycd untll ooretLuo tu 1976. Otbcr couLtuanta beve atirca, end I
tblnh lt fail to ettcnd to tbsae firet.

Jacks Be f{imble
Ia part rfhr. iatroducrd the pranicc of pcrforuing
Cage Effcatr e
vlaiblc aandrioh offcct. lhs folloring la an Lrproaptu handllng of thc prcnLrc,
thougb thc offcct la itaelf, diffcrent froa that decclibrd carllcr.
lhc cffcct ir that tbc rcd Jackr erc placcd
facc-up la on outJoggcd coqdltioa at thc ccntsr of
thc decI,. A choacn and aigned card la pLeecd on top
of tbc outJoggcd Jaoha. At tblg poiat tbe eerds erc
hcld aa la Elg. l: you hrve e ]-cald randdcb out:.
Joggcd flor tbc front of tbo dcck. lhe chorcn and
dgncd card lLca on top of tbr tro Jaoka.
thc ]-cald candrich lg puabd' ltlal-ght thru
thc dcck. Fhcn Lt enclgca fror thc botton of tbc a3i{ /O}
dcek, aa absrn in Elg. er thc cbocen cald l.a nc
bctrccs thc ilackc.
Any drck ta uted. fbere la no prior p!cp-
alatlon ol giarickr.
prcferably prlor
E!,I93: flhcn you get thc dcck' andcardst @
to cone otbcl, tun thru thc f,acee to,
youracl.fl and cut tbc iIE to tbe top. Sey to tbe aud- /z
Lence tbat youtte uae thc red Jacbr for tbe trlck. -.rn;a

thcp pLace thc tID on top of thc dcckq and tbe f,E on top of that.
f. Doublc, llft and ihot the JD. Urc tt to level up the ncrt caldl 'thc
,tf,.Slldlo thc'f,ecc:lP JU oats thc rID rith tbe lcft thuub. gofA tbc faee-up
aa.rde f.ror abovc rlth thc BE.

?. As the Iff equarcc thc deck, obtaln a brsak undcl

tE thrn aov98 abovo thc dcek cd the in cao atil ln squaring tbc
top calo. Ehc
Jacks. A6 thia
ls donct thc top cald of tbe dcck is ptckod up under the ietl Jacka.
,.Sry, {fhs rrd,.tlacka havc en odd ray of acting sonstines; Itra a
ohcdaal rcactloal orc that baa ccicutictc and gatblcri ra tn" eouthrcat
?I"9.o Ar you pattcr, thc Lcft thunb pulle tne Jn off onto the top of thc Fuz-
l. lhc BE aovet es J.f to plck up the iIE but l'n f,rct Leaves bchlnd thc
face-dorn eald at tbc beck or bottoa. of thc packet Lt holda.
5. fbc lcft thunb forae a brcak at about
thc ceatcr of thc dcck. thc FE, boldJ,ng tro cerdn
nor (tne facc-up JDr ead bcbind l.t, tha fece-up
f,E), tnscrta ltc cards lato thc btert. lhs tro
calds allghtly reverre aplGad pr shotn !,n
tlg. 5. llhc led King bchind tho JD thuc ia peeecd
off et'the othcr Jaok.(fhig idea of ueiag onc pLc-
tuls card to aubstituto for enothrr abould I think
bc credited to Lln Searlca.) Ibcn ;rou got to thc
cituation of filg. Jq cey, nfrrIl lcavo thc rcd
Jachc oetJoggcd Ln tho ecntcl ao Jrou aan kce_p your
aye oa tbca.F
6. Srl,plc lift and lurnovcr tbe top threc
calde of thc doch as I block. Sey, nflc caa uac aalr
card' bet gd.ncc the dok bea al.ready bcin chuffled and cut, Irll Jutt uee the
top cald.r DcaI the top aingle card of tbe dcck off onto tbe table and hsve
thc clnctator etgn tbc face of this catd,
7' Ar hc doce thia, rquelc tbc .ID rlth thc KE, but eontinuc to Lcavc
tbeec tro cards outJo6gcd froa thc front of tbc dcck. Aa you rqurte e! Iiae
up thc JD ritb thc '{E' doraJog thc rID about L/L6a, in othcr rolda ao l.t le
allghtly offact bclc thc top cdge of tbe KE,
8, gct a brcak uadcr the top tro calda of the drck. tale back the
ei6aed cald ald dlop 5.t face-up on thc deck. The BE. lnlfolle a tliple turn-
over ud lancdtately glaapa the trlplo:"cald froa above 6ftcr the turnoycr.

9, lbo LE a brcek dirrctly abovo tho .JD. Sry, t!ilr oould plaec
Jrou! cigrrd card lnto tbo dcok.n Ar lrou arJr thia, Inacrt thc trlplc card
lnto thc blcek ro that tt ts ahoat lqurre rtth thc dcck, rL6. 4.-
I0. lbca thc BE rceches thc por!.tlon ehorn la ?ig. 4, tbc
fingcl perforal r-tro-card puah-off, puahlag tbc tro caias bolor right tdrrt
tb; to;r;.t
oard flsch rlth tbo dcck.
lX. full tbc toprcrt card out, aayl-ag1 nBut I rant you to kccp a11 cJrG
on Jr9ur card ro Jrou can rlc cractry that happcD!.n puIl the tolpoet earo out
go ,.t ll,nec up rtth the KE, lfhe altuatlon Lr ahora ia thc end ilct J.n Flg, j.


l'2. tbc dcek ic bcld ln thc LE deallng porltloal Ebc rlgbt ftrat flngrr
nor eontacts the outcr light oolnc! of the upJo6geil f,H by loving bctrocn thc
upJotFq oa.rdo. the f,H la then grtppod bctroon the right fllaL and accond fin-
gCIS r

I]. !!hc thunb ncr contacta thc top card of the ] outJoggeil carb. thlc
cald Le thua gllpp.d botrscn the rigbt thuab end filct fingcl. Xota that bc-
cau86 the ilD la allghtly domJoggcdr it ic iot gllplnd or bcld ia aay ray by
the 8E.
14. lhc poaltion hot looks llke tlg. 6.
tdote that the left little flnger ig at the bot-
toa cdge of the dcck. Fhie is to prevcnt an in-
advcttant plungcr actton rhat Ls to follot.
15. Ecealk that rhea thc carda are gll,d in-
to thc dack, friction acte to heat ther up. le
you aeJr thJ.e, thc EE puabca thc ] outloged ealde
Lnto thc dcck. lbc BE j,raediately pulle tbe KE end
the nlr oetd abovc it out of thc dcck, tbuc lcav-
ing the JD nore or lceg squered d,th the dock.

L6. lhc BE relceacc Lta grlp on. the outJoggcd. calda. gay, nBelenbc!,
your cald ir rbovc thc rod Jeckc.n
I?. llbc lcft -l:lttlc f;lngcr loy.!, out of thc rry. lbc lcft ftlat fl,ngtl
ll.orly pnebol tbc tro outJoggrd cudr fLuah dth thc lcck. Fllb thc oaritc, rit
u thcy.t^!cr r, pluagcr actloa Le aleatcd thet ceuar. tbc rcd Jacke to el:ldc
otrt of, tbc dcek a.a ladlcrtcd la R[g. 2. lhe apcctator- nriot"-tu" tlt.r-
oald peckct. Els elgned card dlL br Ftrgcn thc tro rcd ""oJecls.
thcn la e rcvcrld E! ln the ccntel of tho dcc}' rbich crn be uacd u
ic in anothcr trLck, ol rccletLy rlghtcd durlng subeequent card haadllag.

lhLa clra the hendrr* 3ig8tfrHli#*oru 15. Fot-lor rhe ort st-nal handu.ns
of thru 1l ec trlttcn. thea ploorcd ac follorc.
Stcpr" 1
12lr lhclc are ! outJo6grd cardl at thta Bolat. The dcck is hcld Ln
tfe LE {ral.i'ng pod.tton. ?bc }cft fllet fl'lgor puohca tbc throc sa-rds squalc
rith tbo drcL.
IlA.,lhr lcil Jacks ele aG.E to harc eplnreatly al.ld thlougb the elcck
so tbc sltuatlon lt oncc again es ghcn tn ni.a.


l4A, thc EE the backJoggcd calds ag ahctn Ln Fig. ?. la thLs

tg done, th€ night fingcra purh tbe card in back of thc JE (t[e aelcctad
card) into thc dcck go Lt ic backJogt"d only ebout L/fn.
15a' Sry, nfour card taE -abovc the Jacks but nol itta battccn thcu.n
thc Bf, Lifts the uppe! half of, the deck aray to lcveal thr eituatlon ahord
Ln Ei6. 8.
151. the lcft thuab aor tbuabg off the JE, then the nert card. Barc

the .prctator tula lt feoc-up to lbot lt 1r tht'ii.gacd oalil. [hsa turning
tbc JD facc-dorn, r dotble lift rll-t gct lLd of thc crtla lovclccd card in
bach of lt.

I lotr
S[gbt changcr ln thc iffll'c effo? lc approacbed can !Gnult-];ln 6r.b-
stantlal obaagcl in rcthod aad handllng. Alro, thcre ala rrprovLagn etegcr
tbet oea bc rolkcd lnto ths trlck. thue, ln llg. 4 thc fecc of'thc trillc
card can bc fhrhcd to the audlencc slncc tbts ic thc aigacd chogen e"id.

Ey* Witness
lay bolrored dcck is uged. Farf,orncr renoves tro rcd 4rs and pLacca
thcl feoe-uP on thc tab1c. 8G rleatLous that eye rltnacccg at the acotrc of rn
lnaident frequcntly onfuac.thc detail.e of rbat thcy rer. Soae rven d0,ala thet
thcy sar tbc sraa pallon tn tro praooc at thc raac ti.rc.
!o llluatretrl thc aa6iclaa placeo the tro lcd lrr feceup nert to one
another in thc ecntcr of tb dcck ln en outJo66rd condltion. tbe outJoggcd Sre
attv. to aark thc tcaD of a accldrat. A cpcctatol on thc left le ticilrfnrl
to note the card abovc thc bt!. A apectator on thc rtglt aotea the card dLlect-
J.y bc].or thc 4rg.
fhen the cpcctatorfs nane the card that thcy, u alrc rltncslcr, !sr,
thcy both nenc thc ganr card. lbis ia clearly luporatbbr the aagl,c!.aa rayrf
becatlac tbc sa[€ eard oanrt bc;la tro plaact at thc gane tLae. !bl,s la rapce-
Lally true of the card nancd by the tro cpectatora bacauee it isnrt crca ln-
thc dock,
Tb p,erfolrel firct ahora that ths cald on cither aldc of the 4rs ls aot
thc naacd. cald, Then hc goea thlu the deck a caril at a tiae to chot that thc
.aaaed card is not is the dcck at all.
fflatrs lecoartruct the ace!€ of tbe aocidcntrtt tha aagl.clen aayc. Ec
placee the tro fts on top of thc dpck and cute thcn to thc ccnter. oPerhapa
no{' re can tee rhy the card above and bclor the 4rl cbuldurt bc thc crrd eithcr
of you nencd.n flc apreada the deok. fhcr'c ie not a card lgtllren thc SrE, and
It is the naaed card.
llcthodl Ehis rar oBe of gavelal iaprouptu nethodE dcvlsed to :achlrvc thc cf-
fect of Eddio Clcvelrs ttEallucinatloatr La Jiar #1. It eaa bt aeca that the a-
bove cffsct ie really an l,averaion of tbc ffi.aaf. Ar a rule I dontt go for

dctallcd pattcr and plcecntatton Ln lrnuscripg of thia typo, but Ifyo found
tbat thc oyc-rltntac ragh ettrqotg thc tntelcat of laytcn and for thic rea-
aon I ttc 6onc beyond tbe usual bllcf dcscllptlons to detd.1 the plcaentatl-oa

li pcnovothc red l+," rr*ffi.r. rf you can think of uorc sultablc

cardc (tle black Jachg, fol craaplc, to represent Boston Blackle and $an Spqdc)
thcy oan of eoutrac bc aubstitutcd.
2' Pladc tbe dock tn LE dealLng pcitLon. Biffle along the left Etdc
rith the Lsft thuab untll a epectator calls atop. Ingcrt the flrct letl lr ia
an upJoggod condltlon. the Lcft tbuub bolds e break es shorn in Flg. 1. flhen
thc FB lcachce for the othcr , thc left thunb relcaecs o!,e card.
]. Insclt the othsr lcd h linto tbe breah. lhs red 4tr ele outJoggrd,
and et thLr podnt tberr ia a ceril bstrtG! tboa. lrlcntion that the red 4t! nark
tho acrnc of an aceideat. Atk tro alnctatorbr onc on citber aidc of you, to
act ag cyo ritnssacs.
4. fhe dech ia hrld in tho LE tcchaaicta g!lD. lhc PE Eovca under thc
outJogged 4fr and the rtght flngela pull tbct upnld. fbLe lcverg up thc OE-
tire paokct above thc 4tl, rhich packot la thca takca by tbe BE aa gborn in

5. turalag to the cpectatot on Jrout rlgbtr seJr, tflrd Jrou to rlt-
ncas tbe card abovc the 4ra',n Ac you aay thia, and kecping la riad that you
rant only thia one apcctator to gec the card abovc tbe 4re, rotate tbs HE
to r lnln-dora conditloa, fitg: 5r.lad l-e't
thle apectetor eee tbe card th"t lIEg$L
}iee ebovc thc 4tc. Ia Fig. , tbie ia the 2e,
Although it looks a.E if it llce above the 4rs,
ltra lcally thc card betrcca the 4fa.
6. Sring tbc BE paLn-up and replace tbe
pachet on top of the dcck. lhe 4rr are gtll1

ortJoggcd. fuln "attention to the Bpeetato! on your Ieft, aaylng that you
yant bi'n to rcnenber the cald bclor thc 4rg.
7. lhc BE f.iftg up al.l catds above thc lrc and placcs
face-dora sa thc tabrc. thc cituetion Dor ls ehorn in I1Lg.4A,thie packet
E. PLaee thc rtght flngcrs on top of the !H packet, then rtth the left
thunb l:lft the card that appatcntLy Ilec b.lor the 4tr,
". eho;a rn rfl.4a.

fhis card tg the 2Ct the card bctteen the 4rc, and tbe ealo cald that rar aern
by the ti ret apectator.
9, Iet thc epectator on the lefb look at the lndcr of this cald and
te1.[ hin to relenbor thia catd. fhe BE then relaaece lta grlp on thic card.
1O. Fceapltulate all tbat hag happened thus far. Eaphaaize thc rc1l,a-
biltty of the cyo lltneacca, their lntegrity, fairneea, goid looka, taste ln
cLothec, ete. fhen aat cach to sane lhc card he sat. lithough one apectatot 6at
the card above the 4rs and the other aar the carcl bcl.or.the 4te, boih apccta-
tors rI11 nane thc aaae card.

Phaac tro
11. Explaln th olear rapoiffii! of both qlaetators seelng the saac
eardt palti.cularly tbe 2C. Thon add, trlJctrE sea thich card rar abovi thc 4rg.n
the FH poks up^t!? tabLed packet and placee it on the deck, but in thc lfJog-
ged condltion of Fig. 5 oa the nert p{ge.
1a. Iou.rrc in the ploceaa of up the ertcal. of tbe 2C. l{ote that
thie Le bcing done.lhlle ehortng that the card on elther side of thc 4rs is
not thc 2C, You have not ae yet co nuch ae inplled. tbat the 2C isnft even ia
the deck. n0lcarly tbe cald above the 4ta raantt-the ZCrn you rer,ark. as the
BS holds tbe LnJotg€d paekct in placc, the Left firat fiager pue'hea on the
outJoggcd hror cauelag tbea to movo in rquare rlth the uplrer packct ac ladi-

catcd Ln I[6. 6. But thia alro hrc a plungcr cffect rbicb ceuaes the 2C to
aIt'dc don and fluh d,th tbc lorcl lncket,
11. 8ey1 nr.trc look at the card belor the hf!.n fhe BE ncgripc tbc

Iorcl packet plue the 2C at the lorel rl6ht colner, !,oyes thie packet direct-
ly to the right, FLg. 7, ud placcc it fice-up on the tabLc.
14. Xcnova saeh of thc 4rs cingly aud
tooa then out onto the table. tbcn turn up thc
top card of the packet ia the LB and ahor that
thle eald Lc not the ZC cithcr.

Pharc tbrcc
15. *I rneilT[E'-6iiE-you grat]eacn
laaed couldart havc bccn tbc ZC. T. eat thc
2C ayaclf, earlier thia ryeaLng, ia aa cn-
tirely different placo. It ras not evcn in ltcxg157
tbc deck.lf
16. Tb. 8E plckr up tbe LE packet,
turaE it facc-up aad dlope it faec-up oa top
of the tabled packct. In the saEe aotlon thc
BH pLcks up the facc-up dcck and placee Lt into tbe
Ieft hand.

L7. Iou nor uac a etandard procedure to ehor tbe 2C ls aot in the dcck.
hsh off three ot four cards fron tbe facc of thc decL, abot tbea, tuln thce

facc-dora ar a unit and geplecc thcn. behind the dock. continue rllh aaall
groupr of thrce or four cards untll yourvc gbnc thru the cntlle debk. Be-
ceute of tbe bandltngq thc 2C le D€vct reoar rBd tbua appcars to havc acvet
bcca ln thr doch.
lE. At .the coadlusiol, tbe dcck rtII lic face-dorn in the LH. Ilakaorn
to ths audlenccr thc 2C aor ll,ca on top of thc dcck.

19. trIrtrs rcconstru"a #F#rof the accident.n plcb up the red 4ra
onc at a tilc and drop thcn taoo-up onto the tablc, one 4 on top of the other.
lhon $trg thc dcck aa ovelhand acnd tbe cboeen card (top card of the
deck) to the bottol.
aO. nthc 4fg lerc at thc accne of the accl,dcnt rbcn re Etarted.rr Dlop
the lffc facc-up on top of tbc ilcoh. thcn apFlently cut the 4ta i.nto thc deck.
In tect perfora the Jcnninga tfBotton Slip Bovlcr, pg]- 5rO.
lldE nove trancposea top and botton cardal briefly at the end
of thia loutl.ns. Aftcl thc Botton Sllp Cut, finteh by givtng the dcck a eut to
seao ths 4ta to tha centcr of the pack.
21. fftbs card abovo or belor the 4ts couldnrt have begn tbe 2C, rr you
explainl nbecaneo I renelber reeing the 2C betreen thr 4tr. n Spread thc dock
facc-dorn to reveal a card the 4rg. Tble cr$d turna out to bc tbe 2C.

Iou can Eteal thc 2C conpletely fron the deck af-

tcr Step 10 by lnselting the upper packet back on tbe
dcck ln a faer-dorn coaditi.on. Then pueh the outJogged
4tg fluah rith thc ileck, ftlg.8. Thla caueeg the 2C to
beeong dornJogged. It can be lappd or atolcn diredtly,
Iater)to be produccd fron a ralLct, or flon l.nside tbr
folder conteining thc insuraaic pollcy fol the rtandard
inaurance pollcy loutlnc.
In the 4-phaee handl-ing glvcn abovc no eardE are
actually chosen by the epcctatore, hrt a glnllar approach can be used in thc
context of a trick rhcre tro red carde are freely cheen. You can aleo turn
the tri,ct alound ao lt Eole nearly receablee the Clcvcr trick. In Step 2 a
rlffle folce le used, cnabling you to place the red 4rB on cl.ther gide of a
double-lndex card; the etrnctaiord do lndeed see tro differeat calds, but botb
vanlsh fron tbe deck later onr

lhc Jonniarc Bottor SIip Cut
litncc oora to ErLGr.S lB EnG PrsgsnE Ersu-
' aclLpt, lt nl.gbt bc risc to appcnd a brLef dcacrlptlon of Lt herc. lhc aovc
ta not dlfflcult to lcaln, but hell:lshly difficult to coavay ln prlnt.
(l) fhc obJoct lr to traaapoac tbe top and botton card of the deek ln
tbe ectto[ of a double out. fo be5lnr hol.d the clcck 1.n-L[ {ca}lng poeltl,oa.
thc BE conor over thc deck fron abovs end geta a thunb break under the top
cat d.
(g) Whffc thc B,[ holde thc top half of the deck, the LE aovca to tbc
lcft rlth thc botto balf of tbe doct. Botta card lc thc AD, talo
(C) ffc left thuub block purhec all cards above the botton card of lte
peaket to the rtght about L/4n. AD ia nor Joggcd to the left.
(O) fne l.f, packet le placcd on top of, the BS packet co that the botton
card of the LE packet lc allgncil rlth thc BE pecket.
(f) tlr LE aor grlpe the folnel top packct. fba left flnger curl around
ttrio packct and iato the break ectablighcd ln rrArr bJr the rlgbt thusb.
(f) nm tH novee to thc left ilth tbe forncl top pachet plua tbc AD. Eb
B[ novct to.thc rtg[t rltb thc foracl lcer packct pluc thc fcner top cald-of
tha deck. lhcre ie stiil, a break oeparatLng thta eatd flon the packet Ln the
(e) fm LE nor deposite Lts carda on top of the dcch. In tro cute yourve
chnsqd tho top & botton card to change placce.
Uatll I learued thc Jenninge Eoyer the aove I ueed rae to criap tbe lor-
er rLght corncr of the top cald uprarde. A break rae eetabliahed ovcr the bottou
card of the dochl held by tbe rigbt thunb. lhe top half vae cut to thc left ln
a aring-cut action and taken by tbc LE. Ac the Ff, lncket raa placed on topr ths
bottoa card of thia pachet rae elipped under the crinped top card of the LE
packet. tbs dech ra6 squared and tabLed. tbenl uaLag a tabled deck cutt thc
ctlaped card las aent to'.the bottoa of the pack. $ane end reeult but thc trBot-
toa Slip Cutn ia faatel and caeier.
Another subatitutc that perf,orac the aane functton le thc ledl'ag uetbod
dsscllbeil La ilBLanl Intrud€t rtf Laaieally a eerieE of in-the-hands cuts conbincd
ritb a pul1-dotn or buckle of the botton card to acH.eve the dcsl.led cnd

Progressive Trap II
!!hlr la an rrtrepolatlon of e trlck that c igiuglly eplrarcil i.n
Xotcr lloi Undilglouad.. thc.ne8tctan uBG. tto black jre and-e-lrd 6r?18.
lhc carda arc dotn rnd thcri countcd flon hand to hand. It ic ccen that the
rcd 6 bc bcooac trepp,rd bottcrn ths blach 5ra.
flth no adJuatacnt lu thr cardrr thoy us countcd fror baad to baad
rgrlal nor thc lcd 8lc traplrd brtnon tb black 5rr,
Tbc caldr arc lardlatcly couatod tror bend to band onc. !o!r. lDhc
-lcd 7 bac turnd tac.-up asd la to b. trapped bcttrcn the 5rr.
lhc lcd 6, ?, 8 erc placrd f eo.-up on thc tablc. Fo! thc unoxFctcd
conelusloil, tba bleck 5fn erc turscd facc-uD-aud_plovc to bt r g,g j end e
Ig$ 9t orectly tbc crrds ncrdcd to fill e 51617r$r9 rtrri6ht, eFlr r.d.
OaLy f;Lrc cards atc ua.d, and thc blaak 5ra arc rc6n right up to thr
coaclusLon of thc loutinc.
l{ctbodc lro gaffrd caldt and a alaple critcb eonatituto thc rcthod. Onc of
thc _gd.utcked celdc le a doublc-facc card &oring tho 55 on onc atde, 7D on
tbc otbcl. lbc accond giralchcd card Lr a doublc lndcx card ahoring thr 5E
and thc 58. Drarlng [Arf cbore thc tro cardg. On tbe baak of tha 56 coracr of

P*::J i-.1^l';' I
lo"-"i71 f f f[ \-v I a tl.
ox BAir on
orHe4 stDE-
L-- :J'{ THrs co'ilER'

tbc double Lnilcr card plae. a

the gct-up f,lou tbe top of the dsck ic; double-indrx t, 5D, 9Br thcn
the baladc. of thc dcct, then the 58, 7E , 8D, 55, double-facc card rith thc
5S ehorlng at the tacc.

I. Eold the deck facsl6:iffiilH. fhc BE coace ovcr the rlock to
aquarc lt. [hc rlght thuab lcleaseg thloc calds et the back of thc dcck and -

the left lLttlc fingcr cstabllabcg.a breaX over theee thrrc'carde.

2. tbuub off the fLve faca cardg into the 88, caltlhg attentlon to thc
fact that yourle uaing tro llvefa d Slnilce, pluc a rcd 6, ?, ud 8. Donrt
aall. attcntlon to the suite of the ted candg.

]. Placc the lcgitirato 98 tn back of thc 5E, pol,ntlng ost tbat tbcro
la a black 5 at the beck of the packrt audr l black 5 et tbe f,ece of tbe packct.
lr' Squarc thc peckct onto thc dcck. In rquaring the dcck, the 88 pulla
the dcck do'n co Lt clcerc the left flret flngcl, E[8. ].. In tbc eanc rquarlng
aetlon thc BE pulla the .dcck forrard again to the standaral dealing poaLtloa
but lt Lcavcs thc thrcc carda under thc left Llttle flngcr brcak behind, lhc
rerult Le tbat thero thrco caldg alc dotaJoggcd at ehorn ln Ptg. 2.

,, Youtlo nor rcady to perforl tbe crltch. Ag thc FE takca thc dock
afay, thc lcft thunb pulls the 55 at thc facc of tbc dcck Lato thc LE. At the
aa"rc the left ltttlc flngcr retaLar thc thrce dornJoggod carda at thc
back of thc dcck ia placc. lbus Jrou ato pulling the double-facc card onto a
block of 1 cardr, but beeauaa tbeee thrcc carda are in a dcep paln poaitton,
thcfu prerercc Ln the Ifl la not noticcd.
5. tbc lcft tburb aol prlla thc 8D off tUe dcck and onto the doublc-
facc cald La thc LE. As the 7E lc pu1lcd off nextr the lcft }lttle flnger
gcts a brcah bclor thia eetrd.
7. lake thc 5E ncrt and tbc hoaeat 5S last. Drop the dcck onto thc tH
carda. Square all caldg in the LE lluah tlth thc dcctt nalntaLniag tha littls
f,lager break. lhen.turn thc deck facc-dotn and place
it oa the tabLc i bccauac you nalntatsed thc l.ittb
f,lngsr break, thc top fLve cardc plvot to tbo left
La a rllghtly angle-JogScat conditLoat ELg. ,.
8.Pick ap the five-oard packet the tE.
|!brBE plecca tba deck Ln the right Jackct pocket.
Chock thc Bencil-dot on tbe top card; it ahould be
at thc uppct rt6bt corn€r, If aot, turn the pachct cnd-for-end ln a casual
cquarlng ecti.onr stilI kcepint the packet ftce-dorn,

t. thc flngola ovel tho pecket. Furh off thE top card lnto tbs
BEr thon thc ncrt card uadrr it ia a taucd condj,tlon. Sha lcft tbunb thcn
lnrforaa a tro-ceril pueb-offt plectng thr ncrt tro-a!-ono uadrr tbc tro ca!d!
in thc nB. At thia point yourlc appareatly bolding threc fanacd oet1lt ln
thc BB. ,

IO. fhe BH tulne pala up. lbe ]-card packet ir nor fac.-up and tbe
eudieacc !.c! a rcd 6 trappd bctrccn the black 5r!.
Il. Drop this packct on top of thc LB oalds. Eold the packet in thr
LEr thulb oo top, fingclc brlor, in prcparatlon fol a puah-ofl typc faLec
12. TaLc tbe top card lnto the EB on tbe count of trOne.n fake the nert
cald oa top of i,t ol thc eount of ttfro.n
1r. Both thunba no; !ov{a to thc rtght. lhe lcft thunb doea a tro-card
puah-off, lhiLr tbc rlght thunb drarc thc top ci.ngle card, of ltE packct to tbc
rtght. fhe conditlon 1e &ota lu ELg. 4.
I4. Slldo the doubLc card undcr thc right thunb. At the cane tilre the
lcft ftngele cteel back thc bottoa catd (ttra doublc-indcr card) of the right
pachet' lhia pbaae of the handllag ls don oa the count of rllhrccrrr and in fact
you do bave tblec carda ln thc FE at tbia poi,nt.
15. On thc count of nFourrtr thc top card of ths LH packet la praced on
top of tbc FE pachrt. on the eotrnt of nFlvcn tbr rast caral in the r,H ig placed
on top of tbe BE packet. fhie coapletea tho 5-aa-l count.
15. Bcpeat Stcpa 9 end lO. Uhen thc PE ie tulncd pala up, thc audLencc
se ea thet tha rod I Ls nc trapped bctreen the black 5rc ac ln Hg. 5.

J.7. Tbe BH drope ite cardg oato the oard in tbe LE, Tou nor apprreatly
repeat the count, but there is a elight variation ln hancl3-i,ng. TaIs the top

eald lato thc BE, lako thc ncrt card on top of it, but Josscd to tbr ]3[!.
tht b ft thuab nor doca r tro-cald purh-off
of lta top tro cardr. Tb gltuatlon le in- TO LEF7.
{loatcd in ftlg. 6, JO€CED
18, tho doubl.c cald frou tho top
of the I,E packct sllclca undct thc llght
thulb. At tbc aane tlne the Loft fingtra
stcal baak thc lgg cald of thc BE paokat
(thc 8D).
19. fake tho top card fron thc LH
packet onto tho top of the BE packet, and
thon take thc laat card fron tbc I,B on top of all.
20. Say, tlhe black )fr'bavc trapprd the !6d 6 anil the led 8.n Ar you
aay&ia, dcaL tbc top cald faoc-up on tbe tablcrthan the ncxt card, plcLng
ths 6D undrl thc 8D.
eI. nthat lcaves tb .lcd 7.n fan thc thrcc rcaalalng carda to levcal
thc reil 7 faec-up b€ticcn tro face-dom cards, ELB, ?,
22. Place the red 7 bcttccn the tablcd 5 and 8. fhen reuark, nff thl,a
rcrc pokcr, all rctd nced to fill the ctratght rould be a red Five and a rcd
Nlnc.r Aa thls is aa!d, puLl tbe top eard of thc facc-dorn pair over to
!ili {
0f t s
0$ 0 , el

the left. The BE then takes the doubLe-inder cald at the outer right corne!,
thue.b bclor and fingere above.
2). Tura tbie card face-up, coneealing tbc 55 rith the right
thunb ac shots in Etg. 8. At the saae tine tbe lE fllpa the other qerd facc-up.
the aituation la ehorn ia Pig. 8 abovc.

2h. To finlch, dlop thc 9E at thc lcft cnd of the tabled eplcad, uno
thc EX:,to lcoop up thc oprcadr and rbrn tt ls aquarc turn it face-dorn and
drop lt I'n thc pockot that contalna thc doek. Lcwc thc packct ln thc pocket
ea you takc out the deck for the nert nyatery.

(r) tne aritch used in SEic-5 16r? Lc caccatially the .GG aa a cr,itch
deacllbod by Dcrek Dingle in frlnploaptu ELevatorn ln thc lilarch r?t pallbeareta
Bqviot. tbc pivot action of the top 5 cards caused by the Litrte ffiEEF-Eii?E-
ir e Ienka'i turnovet Eoyc dcsclibed ls 8l,r lricka By Benk&i,
(B) tnc 5-as-5 count i.n Stcpc l2r1tr14f15 raa ono of the counts origC.nal-
1y dracrlbed la l{srlcan l{oatcq t! rtB tha Bcvalac !-as-5 1n Stcpe fZrfari-g,
Chsck that uooltfiEr-f-ffi detdilcd deacrl,ption of thc sounte.
(C) tUe gaffcd eatds caae froa a Eaiacg fa-ko At the tiac tbc rou-
tiac lae lritten up, thcas tcro tho-only gaffed cardsdeek.
availablc rhicb could
aadc to fit thc trick. If you decidc to-hive cardc nadc uB proferslonaLly forbc
thia routl'ac, lttc fet better to use tro red-Ao€ce and a lracr a;t;4;lf'ta" thc tcd Aeee cbaa8e to a black 5 and G. tUj contrast ia bstter and adds
to a gtronger aurpliec aI the finlsh.
(o) Bcgarding the construction of the routine, note that nore happcne
than the audlaacc le actually arale of. Thug tbe eX ane ?E are eJicrrca-Fi,
6D aad 9tr. The 3dtch alco gita rid of an unrantEd brack J anit ecta up tbe "
other 5fa l.n cottect ordcl for the counte. the rearoa for the tro-c"ii fuau-off
i'n Step 9le to prorldc a back fol the othrrico nbacklegen double-face catd.
Piaallyt although nore heppeng here than ia the original loutine ia l{otea Fron

Telepathy Exists
Ibe title of, tble routinc dght al_go havc becn, -nAnd ffq Fol gorcth5_ng
Oolpletely DiffercrtrH- bccauge lt ie a card trick thet'has lte ned,aua iapct
onlv rhen torked fol laynen. It aight be approprl, lclatc r snall ctlry
ln connectlon rith thlg loutinc. It is aelf-errvlng, cractly the kind of thing
I hate becaueo it staGls so obvioualy of eclf-a6griadiseaeat, but perhapc lt.
1111 point up the stlength of the routlng aad thue cavc it frol an-otheirier
certain dlop lnte obllvl,oa.
Sone tiae a8o at a patty at trarren Kapa hoae tbc trick rar p€tfolasd

fol e coupLc;lt ls a ln rhtob thc rifc tuolscr a cltd choccn by hel
bucbrnals thcn hc 6uclsct r card ohoaca by hLa dic, thcn the nenta1!.ot
a oerd choacn by citber party. Aftclrerdr, rbcn tbe couplc alrlvcd at thclr
boict thc huaband cnteleil thc houac, cloecd end lockcd ile dool bchind blr,
and announccd to hl,s rtfc (rho tes gttlL outeldc) tnat gbc rouLc not be aI-
lorcd isto the housc untl,r sbc told hta hor the trick na donc.
Thc routlnc bec bcoa Juat aa etron6Ly leeelvod on other occaatoar bc-
cauac of thc obvious triipoacl.bllity of cctting anything Ln advancc. the abecncc
of oodcct thc ucc of aay borrored dock, thc ircc- celeitLon of a card, and ao
9ar but lrve gonc on long onou6b. tbs only regulrencat ig that the titct luat
bc perforaed ln coepleto aerlousneaB becauee tha bueband La tb onry pciaif,io
tbo !oo[ rho docsnrt knor hor thc trLck ia doac. Sincc cverJrone etsl ls in on
thc secret fror.thc vely beg:Lnalng, tlry rl11 lnnediately cooperate.

Phaee Oae
fal.t for the convcrtatlon tolet anound to BSP. After both cldce hrva
had thel'! sry, calnly ennouncc tbat telepathy doea Lndced eriat Jrou can
PloYat'oa at any rate try to Plover Jrou! conteation. Ask if any 'nd
of thc coupler
preeant in the !oo[ have cxpericaced peychic crpcliencce ot if thcro havc
u'aa| rhca thcy acencd to be ablc to read one anothelrg nind. Gcnelal1y ona
couplc dll rey that thcyrve had such experlcncea.
Aak for the loan of e dock of carda. Uhile the cardg alc being fouad,
ael' thc voluntecr couple to Joia you, the bueband eeated at your lfght, thc
rife at your Lcft.
Irt thc husbaad shuffle the dcok. telI the rife to turn her head eray.
fben imttc thc husbaad ts chooge any cald, take the dcck fron hia. Eave the
card retul:nad. Brlng Lt to thc top. Siace the chaon card ic aesured to bc loat
ln thc deck, you teII the rife that it ls aLI right for her to face front e-
As aa aid to conecntratlonr Xor explaia that you sant tbe busband to
Iook over cone carda and gae lf hls card la aaong thcl. The FH pu1le about
a dozcn calde fron the ccnter of the deck and fane then. At the Eane tine thc
left thunb puabcs over tbe top card of thc deckl llg. 1. yourre about to enact
a sinple fan gteal tbat eppearc&
dccedea ago ln a flalter GLbeon

ScHM tt>T

Ioul LH le nor gol,ng to al.d thc gE in naking the fan ridcl so thc
tpectetor rilL havc a bcttcr ohancc to cpot hle card
lf tt ln La the far, Tha BE covers thc top of the
dock rolontarily, ead ln that lonent tbe left thnab
puohea off tbe top cerd. fhj.e sald (tAc card choscn
by tho bnsband) is taken betreea the right first
and sccoad ftngcra behlnd thc fan, plg. Z.
lhc lrft tburb and flret finger tben epread
thc 88 frn a bit. Tou bold the fan up eo dhc hus-
bend ean gsc. tbc faeos of thc ealdc. tbe rifo, dircctly acroaa the tablc,. eees thc cit- 5c6u19a
uatlon of llg. 2, and inaedlatcly knore tbat you
a!6 flaahing to hel the card chocca by hcr hus-
bead, tbc 28.
You nc levelao the above qetl"ona co lhat the 2E ia loaded or droppGd
back on top of the deck at the LS hclpe in clocing the BB f,aa, lhc FH c"iie
ale tben droppod face-dotn on top of the deck. Donrt look at the tlfc. In-
ateadt aek the huabaad if he aar hta eard or one tbat r4e aonrthat l-:Lko it.
Pletead to poader hia rcply, then tc}l hin to ask hle d.fe if she caught any
thought vtbrationa.
Bcfore.she has a chance to rcply, and beeause you donrt rant her to
aake lt look too eaalrr tell hel that ahs ehould flrst try fol colorr'then au!t'
thon the value of the card. She doec, and neila dorn the corlect cald. Alnost
alnays the husbaad la astoniabed tbat ghe 6ot the card. Innediately you offer
to lepeat the tric[, but you turn the trick around, aaklng lt inpoistUte for
tbc hueband to euspect anything.

Say yourcl Llke to try lt agalnr ht thls tlae the husband le to try to
guess the choe.D catd. lclX bin to turn hia eyee aiay rhila his rife chooseg
a ca!d' Hc turnt atay. You apread the dcck but lnaedlately lquet€ Lt. SliLe
or rink at the rifct then aay to herr trAll rigbtr Frt Jrour cald back.rt It
rhouLd be clear to her aad everyone elca preaont in the roor that cince ghc
didnrt choose a cardr it ulll uahc no differcnc€ rhat card.her bueband thc
peychic Baneai rhatcver card he naaeer ahc rilL eay hc lg corrcct!
Outrardly you go tbru the actioae of Phasc Onc, but of cout6e rhen you
relove a packet of cards froa the center and faa then fol the rife r Vou do not
gteal the top card of the deck, Ehc huaband ecsune! Jrou are treating hin
rraotly eE Jrou treated big rlfe and thus concludce that he ehould in faet aaae
any card thet couea to Eind.
f,hca be doear turn to the rife aod aEh tf tba.t nas,her catd. She rill

rct urtld thrt hrl hucbend corrcctly nancd her card. If sbere a good
lctlcre lha lay cvca accuao bcr huaband of baviag previoualy torkJd out
ts! aort of codc rlth ;ou.

Srtng attcntlon to the husbCnd. Say, wAa a aatter of fact you dld naac
brr cald arfully quichly, Pcrhapa you havc a etronget gt ft then you nay havc
reall lrd.ll
You hava tba optlon bcrc of lettlng the hreband a card, and tben
Jrou levcfl tt vla tcbpathy. But a bctter rry to end theEhooac
routLne LE ag fol1ota.
tcll the huabaud tllt fgg ril1 chooee I cardl that ;ou rill algn it and Ehuffle
it lnto the dock. SlncEThe oard la al.gned, tbere l" io oqurvoquri lf hc
fiadl thc chcen_cald by telepathy lc rttt have the""nevidence or tl" aignature
to plove hla abil[ty.
PLck any calds slgn the face and return the card to the ghuffle
tbe dcckt hlt control the card to the top. fhca have the huabanddeck.
anyrhelc. thcn hc doea Jrou p€tforn the rrxn forcc o! croaB-GUt force tothe dcck
the locatlon of the cut.
Bcvier all that has trancpirod thue fer. Get tbe hueband to srcar that
ifcll la3 no prlor oollueioa, fraud or codc betrccn you. Thcn let htn lift off
tbe upper packct, turn up tbe top card of thc loter packct, aad ahor that by
ao{p iacredlblc gl.ft ho aanaged to cut to thcsigned cald. lierll get a atanding
oYati on.

Through The Door

lhie ie the eecond aad leat routl,ne ia this nanueclipt lhlch torki rcll
only for laSrnae. It le perforned at a party La aoneorefg boae and uaer a bor-
rored dcck. lbe chLef iagredient ia actlng abl,llty.
tthcn J9u set the borrored deck froa your hoat, have choec e
cald- and return I't to thc dsck. Control the card to the topraoaGono
Shuffle ths dsck
but rctaLn the chosen card on top.- No for the hype.
It ieaaauned you ate perforning the trick in the llvlng too6. ft ie
tberc La a door that eepaiatee the }lving !oo! fron aote othel
elgcr, aeguncd
loonr eay the kl'tehen. lalk over to the door. Brpliln tbat you ale going to
6l've the spectator the deck. !hcn, you add, you alc going to step uJuna tlc
door and cloee lt ao that you arc ln the ki-tiben, th- rith the drek
le La the rLvlng loorr and the cloged door ie beiseen cpictator

Erplaln tbat lrou etc golng to put lrour Grl to thc door.. On yuur Go!-
arad thc apectator lr to thror tho dcck at thc dool rc bard as hc can. Sia-
Ply by lhc couad tbc cardr rakc rbcn tbey tnaah up the doorr trotr'rlll
be ablc, becauat of ycera of aelf-dealal1 atudy aad dedication, to aalclntnr
Bl SOgfD IIOII the nane of thc ohccn card.
Thet lc the pttch. It counds etrangc, but )rou cen aaka Lt vegucly
plausLblc if you bll'ng ln aonothlng about-rner diccoverieg ln ronel.-In iny
cvcatl thc acthod bas alrcady bccn taba carc of. Tro pala6repbr rgo, tbcn
you eald you n6ola6 to atep bchlnd tho doo!...rr you aiO ia fait-rtcp
partlally bchind thc dooll Juat onougb eo that the trana lotdLng thc dcca.ras
beblnd tha door and you t.!'c abLc, uadcr pcrfect cor€!, todrol tn" top card
lnto your Jachct pockct.
Erad thr d?9t to the apcctator. Benl.nd biu to tbror thc deck te firaly
ao poaalblo. Br lill 6et r UlUt in bia eyc becauae he lntcada to rind up and
aaeah tha dcck agalast tbe doot, but that tc precisely rhat you rant hir to do.
Step bchLnd thc door and cLee tbe door behlad you. tflait eecond, thcn
allr [8cady.r fbere rtl]. bc a treasndouc craEh as the dcck hitcatho doo!.
not aay aaythiag for a accond. thcn, aa if dazcdr a&Xr rGood Lord, I didnrt Do
crpcct you to thlc it bhat
Benove thc card frou your pocket and elap i.t agalnet your forchoad eo
it rill reaaLu in pLacel face outralde. olrn tue doorl uut doprg etcp out yct,
Sayr nlou threl the dcck eo hard.....rl t{or atep out rhcr€ cvelJronc can goo you.
llake surc-you ataggcr out into the livlng loolte Errrrtou threr youl eal& rflft
thr ougb thc door t rl

Snap Out Aces

A rubber band La cnappcd oyel €acb half of thr dcck. Eddtng thc halves,
one In each hand, the aagC.cian ruba one packet over the othcr. As thia ia dono,
the Acee enap out of the lnck one at a thc and are caught face-up betreer the
ie any deck and tro rubber bande. There are no gianicke aa auch
ilcthod r Needetl
but tbcre ie enall bit of prLor preparation.

-on the Bcuove the fout Accs fron the deck and place thea in a face-dorn packct
tablc. Perove anJr nXn card and place it on top of thea, Divide the rc-

leindcr of thc dcck iato tro approrinately cqual paltr. Ptck up one Fcket
end anep a tubbcr-band around the ridth of this packet.

- of Drop thLa facc-dorn bandcd pachet on top of the packct conglat-

lng thc Aaea plus the iadiffcrcnt ca!d. Ncr pick up 5-card
thie entllo group ead
anep e rubbcr-band alound thc eatira gloup
Lcnrthritc. The reault ie choun in Eli. l:
the lcngthtiac lubbcr-band eneirclea
all Ealdg ln the group, thllc the ridthridc
lubbcr-baad encirclea aLI calds c.xccpt the bot-
toa fivc. t
Drop the packet cbof,n la trtlg. 1 on top of
tho otLer half of tbe- dcck. place ihe dack Ln
the JecLot pocket natLl ready to pcrforr, In aII
of the diacuselon to follor it ahould bc pointed out that although thc Aoac
eould be ploduood by conventlonal i'aethoita, I tanted to crplolt the uee of thc
rubber-bandla thsaaelvea. The ratloasLc raa that since the rubbcr-bandc rere
avall'ablcr they ahould be used to nake thc nethod easLer anrl the cffect etrong-

l, Benove tbe dcck frm thc pocket. Eold lt lu the LE. Lift off thc np-
1nl bandcd half of the deck and tosc it face-dorn on the tabl.e. The caeual
ll"dP"-S atrongly LnpLlea that both rubber-bande encircle the upper'Aaff of
thc dsck, eractly rhat you rant-ffi audience to think.
?. Sbufflc thc bottoa half ual,ng an overhand shufflc. then
leagthrlec rubber-band fron the other haLf,. Place the bandcd half renova
oa the
(you caatt tosE it es you dld ln Step 1 because nor therc ere loosc carda
the bottm of this lalf, specifioalLy, the 5-card packet cEiTaining the Aeea).
,. SILp the loose lubbcr-
band Lengthrlec over the second
packet. floId thc pcketa, one in
eacb band, ac gborn la *!g. Z.
the packete are f*e-to-face end
iu contaat rith one anothe!,
4. !o bring about the ap-
pealanc€ of the fl,rst Ace, both
packete aove back ainultaneously,
but thsy nove l.n"dlffelent aH.-
rectlonc. The LE packet aoveg
back end to tb left, ln othet rords, diagonally back aa shofn by tbe atrot

ln Elg. 5. Shult-rncoucly thc SI paokrt, rhlch lr !a oontect rrtb thc Acc
et tbc faco of thc tfl peakot, lottr uouad to tbc top of ths Lg-packot.
lbc 8l pachrt tulns oT!! to a faor-dorn eondltlon l,n thc proccel. lbr
diroctlon of rovcacnt Lr eholn by thc a!!o: on the rlght ia ELgr ].
5. lhat ectuell.y happene hclc lc that tbo mbb.r-band oa the EE pac-
ketr actlng ar a hl'6h-friclios arufacc, pulla tbe ftlrt eround to thc
faac-up condl'tLoa thorn ln E[g. ,A. trol luc lllua''oa to Acc
rork, both hepda


dtul$$oug=Iy. Otherrtec Lt is trangparent tbat rhe Bf, packer ia

tFt; l.!v?Accr off the fa-ce of tbe Lg pecket.
6, thc pogLtion after thc plo-
duatlon of tbo flrat Aco la rhon
ln Elg. h. fhc Acc scanc to. eaep
out of thc dcck. SLncc neithel
haad ia reaotcly neal the point
rhere Lhc Ace rakce ita appcal-
aac6, it Le obvlouc tbat slttght-
of-bend cannot cxplal,n hor the
Acee appear. Xote tn frlg. 4 that
you chould try to catcb E Got-
ncl of the Ace uadcl thc lubber-
band alound thc LX packet. TbLr
ig not rcc.r.lly ht lt 1g a tnack
falrly caa!,ly lcalrrd, aad it eddr to thc cffcct.
7. Scparate the handa ao that the fi.rst Acc gltdet facc-up onto thc
E. Tbe BB nor letulno to the pnr'r-up co[ditLoa of ELg. 2.
9. !o produoe cach of tbe rerainl,ng tbroe Aeca, aclrply folLor gtcpr
4 tbru E.

lhc leaaon for havLng tbe trXn card betrccn the lE packet and.the
fonr Acca is to provlde a elldlng surfacc for the produotlon of the lact
Acc. tbc laet Ace louLd b held tn place by the rubbel-baad erouud
thc LE peckct and rould not aoyc. But ed,ncc the crtra card ie therc, lt can
bc uscd for a follor up cffcct that ia not only in ontc:t rith 'rSnep-Out
Accatn but autonatieally provl,dcr a clean-up that allora both packcts to bc
orld ncd.
Bcfolc dcccrLbLng thc follor-up trtck, Itd 1lkc to nention that the
abovc handliag ls not quite thc origLarl; ll the lntcrvcn5.nt"Jrcatr the band-
ling raa lnflucnced by Piet Fortonrg aca poductlon fron Ocn ragazLae.

trot Brcn HoudlnL

Arcuac yourvc Jurt flnlabcd perfolring nsnap Out Aecc.rf Th€ four Accg
lte fecc-up on the table. Placa the rubbcl-banded packetc on the tabls. Bo-
novc the lcngthrlac lubbcl-baad floa the 8E packet. PLok up al.l four Acea,
turn thea facc-dorn, and drop tbea on top of thc BE packet.
Act as Lf yourvc Juet thougbt of aaothcr tllck uclng tbe other peck-
ctr the lubbcr-bandcil packet. Bcnwe the toproat Acc flon the 8E packet and
drop Lt face-dorn on the tablc. PLck up the LH packct (end tbe looec oard
coneealcd undcl tt ) end dlop t t on top of thla Ace. the LE packet atl,Il hec
a rubbcr-baad lulning around lte ridth. There iE an nXr card os the face of
thic packet, frec of the rubbcl-band.
Plak up the LH paclet flon abovf ritb thc
BE, Elg. 5, takia; ittb,lt ths Acs and thc tfln
card. Plaas tbe pacbt ln thc LE.
Bccauec thc rubbcl-band aLleedy provLdcs
the start of a gcnorour break, it le caey to alt p
thc Left f.ittle finger bctrsea the botton tro
cards and the balance of the pecket.
Do not lcleagc the BH grlp of llg. 5, Aa Eoon aa thc break ig eetab-
Iiehcd, the 8E $,vots the entlre paclet ovel bookdge (lnclutling the botton
tro caldl) to thc r{,ght, Lnto the poaltl,on a}rotn ln Fig. 6, Becausc of the

ga lqlwt tDT

plescaea of tbc Ic ft litt1e flnger t the bottoa tro carda over to_the
argled-Joggcd condltlon ahc in Elg. 6. Thie ie tbe tenkai turnover lov€r

EoId thc packct rolcntarLly Ln tho LE ao tbat tho BH can ahlft ltl
grlp to thrt rbora Ll ELg. ?. llhe LE aor
grlpa thc tro fecc caldr d thc dcckt
thulb la back, f;ln6era at thc facc, af
sborn ln X!6. ?.
lba BE erlnge thc packct over to
thc fecc-dorn condLtion shorn ln llg. 8.
At thc aans tine thc right flngcre pult
thc fecc catd, the Acc, rquuc rdth thc
thc celd bchind tt dorrnrt novc bccaurc Ltra hcld colldl.y in place by
tlo high-frlctl.on ru!face provided by thc rubber-brnd. thus thc left thuab
and fln6cls cen grarp tb- :mppoecd Aoc ffgbtly and pull lt frcc fron tho dcck
ln rhat aaounte aearly to an autoratl,c botton cbangc.
lhc leacon rhy tho LE boldr thc nf,n sild at all la that thc lcft

tburb, posttioaed cractly aa chorn la Fig. 8, acte aa e Ectocn to plevent thc

apectator fron catching a flaEh of tha Acc bclng pullcd tquarc itth thc packct,
Bcsovc the plotrudlag card rdth the lff.
the FB ahifte i.ts grlp on the paekct co that lt holdg thc packet ar
shotn in Fig. 9. Ihe LE then puahse tbe apparcnt Acc iato the center of, tis
Graap the p cket fron above by tbe LEr flngcra at the outcr end, thuab
at tbe innr cnd, TcIl the audi,encc that thc Aoc, tlapped in thc ceatel of a
lubbcr-bandcd packct; couldnrt eccapc Gvc! if tt lae EoudinL (bcnco, of courae,
the title of thl'e trlck). Fausel then add, ctrcept under rather exceptLonal
circunstasceE, raturally.
the LE noves back, then forrard ia a qul,ck tbroring notloa. At tbe
aa*, tinc tha lcft tbunb rcleeees the Aee froa the bottoa of the pachct. !h.
Aae anapa out to e facc-up condltLon and faIle to thc tablc.

lhls conplctco the routiac and cverything natr nct be left rltb the
ruilleacc. fou rlll note th,at thlc routtnr Le leletcd ln genclel plerlee to
tbc traditionel olcvatol cffcct, hlt rlth thc addl.tlon of e rubbcr-band
around tbc pecket. By alnplc extsncl.on thc banded dsck cln a.rye aa tbc
aterttng potnt for e nulbcl of arbltioue card varlattoaer col,o! cbangclr
end tho llkc. A fcr bandcd-dcch alfcctc arc eppcndcd bclq ae unaolvcd

Bandcd Dcct' Problelr

Ar acatlonedt thcac alr offercd as ungolvcd probleac. Ibe noct dlf-
fiault for ne to eolvc rer the hat on. tbe rcadcr aay oa thc othcr hand
flnd all of this childta play.
,ffllP IXr A card La choacn.,
cigncd, and returncd to the dcck. O
The dcck 1g oased. A rubbcr band
Lg cnappcd around tbe dcck e! cbotn
Ln ELg. I.
lhc dcck ts held Ln tbe LE aa lndt -
catril in llg. l. Itr FE ic then paord la front of
thc dcck lonentarl,ly at !,a ELg. 2.
lhcn thc EH la lcnoved, thc rubbcr band bag
vaalEhed, Flg. ]. Thc dcck ls lenovcd froa thc sas.
ard lt l,r dfucovered that tha lubbor;band ts aor ln
thc centel of the dcck, caclr cling thc choscn cud.
WW\IGPISSA9E t The nagictan holdc a drck of calde l,n hig LE. A
rubber-baad lo anapped lengtbriae around thc deck ec chom in Xlg. l. Yourve
prcvlously placed threc or four crlda
on the table. lbe apcctator is offcr-
ed a cholce of onc of the four caldr.
Ec pd.ckc a cald and eigu lt.
llben the uaglcian takea the card
and pla ceg Lt on top of the dcck.
At thtc point thc dcck is beld Ln
an upright poeltlon aE shon tn
Pig. I.
Yiatbly and rl,th Bo cover, the uaglciaa lmabes the choscn cetd dora
go that tbe cald penetratea the rubber-band and alltlce directly lnto the
center of tbc dcck es ahorn ln tlg. 2. lhe docl ls stlU cnolrclcd by thc
rubber ba!d.

EOOf,BD: A oald lc chqcn and ai.gncd. You tbcn enep a lubbcr band a-
round tbc dcak and hold thc dtck upright al sborn ln tlg. 1.
thc aigned card lr nc takcn d,th thc BB and placcd on top of the
doek aa LndLeattd La thr prevtoua plobleu. Shcle Ia, horevcr, a dLffercncc
ln tbc cffect. lhc BE puahae the chorcn eard dorn go tbat Lt penetrateg the
rubbcr-band and elLdca Lnto the ccnter of the deck ac dcplcted ln FJ,g, 2 be-

Ehca thc card ia alaoet flucb rith thc dock, thc FE pulla the
cald aharply uptard and out of thc dcck, but nor the rubbel-band is around
tho card, ftLg. Jr and not tho dock,
By raV of a dId rcference note, the first and third poblena rcra die-
cusacd rltb J.U. Sarlec JrGa!8 ago, lhc datc rould be plor to 196O Uut at
present f canrt plnpotnt Lt nore accuratcly. lhc Sarlee eolution to ttRrzzltng
Paaeageff rae bagcd on r Jordan idea.

Thc flrst problen rae descrl,bcd ln a lctter to Don lfcllecn at about

thls aauc tlnr. I have a hazy recollectlon of preeentlag on€ colutLon to
thia ploblen et e acoting of the Divielon Stlcct Eegularrt plcelded ovel
by tI.L Sarlss. lhe indLetinct nenory La no doubt due to tho fact that tbe
aolution lorkcd out at that tine tag probably atful.

\ffee Three
fro Jokete ato placcd Inside a card €aac. llhG epactator choeeE e cardr
eay thc ]8. lhe ]S te plaocd lnto thc card calcr tbe gC.ves thc oaEo a
good abakc, thca handaLt to thc tpectator. The apectatot tenovee the three
carda and fiads that the ahaking of the card caEe caueed thc 55 to ahrl'nk to
balf l,ts orlgt nal aize.
Ucthod: The basic approach coneigta of placing tro Jokers into the caeer

-r85- oac baek, end thcn lc-loading tha! ilokcr back lnto tbc caac lbcn
yourlo euppoacd to be puttla6 the ]S into fhe cEBGr Oac Lrportant pol.nt Ln
thc ncthod is that cach Joker ts act'ually placad Lnto the card casi. Tberc
alc Bo 6Lrrlcka.
I. Start by aecretly loedtu8 a strall ]S iato the ce.Ecr Eevc thc !otu-
_l'ar ]S on top of thc dock. Bun thlu the dcck end toas out the tro Jokcrg.
?ebl.c the dcck.
2. Plek up tbr ca.rd cagr end h old lt ln tbe LH botrcca thunb and
flrst flngcl aa ln Fig. 1. lhcn plaoc or eltp tbe tro Jokere uadcl thc lcft
fllet fl,ager Ln a atlghtly feanrd conditl,on lr sborn ia Fig. l.
]. the 8t ![cha.'up thr toploat Jokcr at Lts uppcr left coracr (1ry1g. I
agal'n) and sllder thia Joker'tato ths cald caac, t[gl-2. flhen the light fluat

buttr agaimt the top of the cald cagc Ln Elg, 2, aove thc thuab and flrst
flager out of tbe ray and allor tbe lenaildng thlec fLngera of thc FE to
push the Jokcr all the ray lnto the casc, ELg. 5.

4. tbccc fiagcra never Ice coatact rith the cased Jokcr. fhe thunb
and first fl.ngel arc flec to graap the sccon* .Ioker ; thc BE lcuainc atationary.
Thc LE ilrarr thc card case to the lcft.

5. Slncc the B[ ranalar rtatlslary rad thc rlght flngcre atLll con-
tact the cescd .Iokcr r tlilr Jokcr rflt boria
to rIidc out of tbs cete , flg. 4. Bhic .fitc,l
ia lctatnci a6al.nst thc ifgU[ pal! rg lt atidoa
flcr of thc cald cllc.
6. the dgbt thunb and firat flagcr
tlalp thc gccsnd .Ioker. lhc pod-tion et-thle
polnt ls ahon ln E[9. 5. The ftlet Jokcl Lg
flco of thc cea., held a6alnst thc r{,ght
peh by thc rlght aecoad, thlrd ud fotrrtb
flagclt. As thc racond Joksr la takca, thc
ftrgt Johsr La rclcesed and allotcd to ta].l
lnto tho lep ea lndtcatrd ln Flg. 6.
7, Pbcc tbc secoad Johel lato the ctlo e Cacual),y chor the caac
botb gidas and toaa lt onto tbe tabl.c rtth thc gB.

8. the LH dropa to the lap as', the BH toegec thc casc oato thc tablc.
lhe lappd Joker Le ttrcked up ln gaablerta paln pocltiou ln the LE. Thc BE
tbn seoopg the dcck off, the tablc.8he LH ls there to lcet lt and thua lade
the Joker onto the face or botton of thc pack.
p. Double cut tha Jokcr froa the bottoa of the deck to the top. Falec
shuffle r cut and retaln a blcrk betrcrn tbc halyca. Sinec the legular ]S ral
on top of the dcck to begin rltbl lt le ncundor thc Jokcrr ald you els hold-
ing a break d.irectly abovc tbe Jokel.
lO. Rlff1c forcc to the break and cut thc deck at that polnt. Double
Iiftr lholiag thc lSr and tura the double card face-dora, Take the top card
of thc dcck, rupporcdly thc ].5 but rcally the Jokcrr errd l.naelt lt into thc
card casc Ln auch t Eay thet tbe crdll !8 already ln thc casc, bccones ea.nd-

richrd bettocn thc tro Jokcra.
11. Clac tbe flap oa the G!,8cr Sheke the cass and hand it to thc
slrctator. Ee opcne ltr rcnovc thc thrce oardc ra a unlt, and fl,ndt that
thc 5S haa ahrunk ln aizc.

(l) ltre ItBc Cop" of StEFff thru ? ean be valicd co the firgt Jokcr,
lnetead of endlng up in thc lapr endo up bchind the card case and la Later
lappod o! loadcd dlrtctly onto thc top of lhe dcck. Aloo, thc baelc nancurc!
dclellbcd abovc cen be used to arltcb one card for anothor, o! accretl-y Load
an cntirely dlffclcnt card lato the caee lnatead of tbc fllet Joker. Ar an
cxenplc r auPpoac thc filct Joker tc!6 not e aingl,c card but tro carda, lay
the Jotcr backcd up rlth thc 2C. lhe dotrblc cald goca J.nto the caee but you
gteal out thc Jokrrl lcavlag tbe 2C tn ths caac. Ehe eudl,eaca s€ca a card Ln
thc caao end aasu!.r lt la thc Jokc!.
(B) In etcp E tlc lappcd card can bc loaded dircctly on top of tbc
dcck inrtead of thc bottoa. If you ale frntl.Lal rith Slyd.inlfa techniquc
f6l lordln6 a card onto tb top of the dccLq you can plocced rlthout aclay
to perforn thc a€ccaaary ectLon, then innedlately go tnto thc riffle forcc.
(C) SolutLons llke the nsthod dcrcribed above require attention to
anglcr. It lea for thia rearon that tbe tro Jokera rGre plecrd ln tbe LE at
the ctart; ac tbe first Joher la put into tbe cagc and atolca out, thc sccond
Johel tclcon tbc.steal.

Srcond Hcthod
After the ebovc r tnofiiffiGlffio foay Slyalint, rc dlacusscd other
poaslbilltLeg of coppdng the filet Jotser fron the dcck. lhc fol-Iorlng ncthod,
9% of rhich la, allors you to perforn the cop rithout the necd to
lap tha cop1rcd catd.
I. Xthe preparation lc the aanc ae ln the flret nethod. Step I of the
flret nethod ls also the aEEGr Yfhen you pick up the card canc to put it in
the LE' fold back tbe fIap. The care is gripped ia the LH as chorn in Fig. 7.
At the gtart the flap ie held back by the left flngera.


2. Tbc BE ptcks up thc flrat Joker and pl.acea lt lnto ths carcl caae,
eliding it dora untll tb rtght thurb Jaaa ol butts againot thc top of thc
cale, ELg. 8.
]. lhc back of the BE lc taard thc audlcncc. lhc 3lI loves out of
tbe ceec, c1l.p$.ag thc dlokcr bctrccn thuub and ftret f;lngel, Fig. 9.8bc
.Ioker ls lnnedl,ately transfcrrcd to Slydint Pala poeitl,on.

4. Ihc BB novcr out uatLl the palcd ilokcr clcara the cald caso, thcn
the ES Fover to piokup thc cccond Joker. Itr ro dolng, thc palned Joker Dover
boblnd thc eocond Jokcr, ELg. lO.
5. Thc lbft fiagora 1lrrll thc palaed Jokcr dorn and out of the EE un-
tll the firet Jokcr ie aquare i"th the card c8,Boo fhe BH hac ueanrbile greaped
tbc escond Jokcr betrscn the ltght thunb and firet flnger.
6. Ehc aecond Jokcr le alid Lnto the cascr Plg. 1I.

7..Ioutlc no; gotqg to ahlft tbe gltp of the LE on the calcl case. Thc

Ff, graapa the caae by the light tb.unb lnto the easc, the flret
fingel outsid,c and 1n dlrect contact rlth the firct Joker,
8. Ehc llrlt Joker la ptvoted baok agaLnat the heel" of the right
thunb, ELg. 12. the LH grLpr the card caee at the top eo that the flist
fLn8er caa closs the frap, Fig. r]. The BE rovce sray rith the copped or
palaed ca!d.

9. Bbc reet of the trick proceede as dceclibed in Stepr 8 thru lI of

the flrst aetbod.
A final note. If you ueE the aaell calda that havc a length equal to
the rtdth of a noraar card, thea Jrou can actualJ-y ahor tro calde iaalde the
crao ar lndLeated in Fig. 14. The tro calds erc lith-
dlarn Juet enough to shor thea to the audlence rithout
levealLng that onc of thc carib ia only helf as 1ong
aa lt choul-d be.
Thc cards are thea sl3.d. back iato the caaef
the flap cloecd and lrou ptoceed as .rritten.
A enall conedy toucb le to attach a pi,per clJ.p
to the chosca card (ectually the Jokcr)r then steal
the'cLip aE the Jokel goea into the card casc ln Step lO. At the flni,eb, r';
only thc ehoden cald ahrinke in aize, the papGr cllp rcaaining the an6 alze.
Fenarkt ae if puzzled, illhe abrinking ploeeaa neyer Bee&a to rork rlth aetal.rl

App*oachirg Zero
Ihia dgbt bc called a negatiyc ac€ aeacably. Aftcr perfornlng onc of
the usual four-Acc trioke rhcre the acea gatbcr i,n one heap, the nagicLan

gatherg thc four Acce, dlacardg thc lcr.alndcr of thr ileck and then cluarg
the Aocg to vanLch onc et a tiac. Juet tbc four Acoa are uscd, no othcl
carde, no ghrickr, no plcpalatl-on.
I. tbe fou.r Acce Lle face -up o the tablc. tho deck !s caeed aad put
atry as lt la not uaed.
2. PLeL, up tbc tro led Acos and hold tbca facc-up, -ILghtIy fanncrl,
ln the LE. fhc RE picks up a black Ace and oprnly ineclta it face-up be-
treca the red Accc.
l. Cloac up thc faa, aqualc the packet and turn it the
Iff. Satr nfa usa Juet threc oarde. fhe black Acc La ln ths dddle, bctrecn
thc rcd Acea.rr Aa you petter, block puch-off .tro caldr aa ons, takc thct la
a unl't in the BE' and tlaagfel thea to the bottor of the packct. thcn lrog :
puoh-otf I rtr6lr cqtilri,Gakb.ttat a rLnglo card rith the 8Er and put thLa card
the bottor of thc pecket. hah of,f tbcincrt'tto,:as oirr, tlka flica-tt r unft;
tntb tbii8li eni,tlanrfcr theu to the bottoa.
l+. Supporcdl,y yourro Juat cannted thc calda to shor thler facc-dora
Ac.s. Actuelli, bccauac of tbc bandl{ng, the black Acc la oa the botton of


thc packet. fen thc ) cards faoc-dorn betseen the handa and outJog thc ni.ddlc
cald, ILg. I, calllng lt thc black Acc. Note that the oard o the left, the
actual black Aoc, ie alightly lccr or bachJogged than the other Aecs,
Pusb aII J carde to thc lcft and lnto thc I,E. the bottol oatd, bccauge
it rae bachJoggpd to begin lith, cndc up in ganblerta paln pocltion ln the L[.
Ehe BE noveg over tbc packet to equare thc outJogged (epparent) lce rquare ;lth
tbc packct, E[9. 2.

6. la tbl,a le done, thc LB rclsarer tbe bottoa card, cauaing it
to fall iato the lapr ELg. 2. Contlnne rqualing thc outJoggcd card flush
rltb thc rlnglr card ln thc f,E. Tbc rquartng ectloa rhould bc alor ini ilr-
llbrrett, anC thc cardc ahouLd be altghtl-y curvcd ln a convcr nenla!. Botb
baada novc out torard tho center of thc table ro thcy alc araJr fioa the cdgc
of thc tablc.
?. lhc FE takcs thc rqualcd packet fron abovc and pleaBea it dorn
agrinst tbc tabletop er you !aJr, rflf you puah herd enough ths bleck Asc la
etorl,zed.rr lhen takc e card La caeb hand end ernp thcn face-up, ELg. ), to
rhor that tbc flrat black Aco brE vanlshcd.

E. Placc tbc 8[ Acc undel the Lf, Acc, but in an upJoggcd conditlon a.
in Plg.lrr Flip thc packct face-dom in the LE. Aa tbc BE aovee ovel thc packct
fros abovc to rquare thc calds, it palnc thc topnoat Acs. lbc lnlning actlon
hcre ia baalcally a Lcver-action F IE aince the top card lc outJoggcd and can
caall'y be tlppcd up into tbc 9fi.
9. fbe 8E ianediately go€E to the face-up black Acc reraining on thc
tabLo and fltpa thiE Acc face-dorn. thca tt
dlaga thie Acc back, filg. 5r alloring lt to
fal1 lato thc lap ac the BE peruilta tbe paln-
ed Acc to coac lnto vter. Ia effcet youtve
{itchsd the black Aec rhlle arltching Ln the
fece-dorn palncd lcd Acc.
1O. Ecaark that if you placc thia bLech
Ace bctreen thc rod Acesr Xou ahould grt ri.a-
iler reeulte. thc 8E ncl pretcnda to lnrert
tbe facc-dorn oard betreen thc tro carilr la
thc LH. thcrc La oaly a alnglo oard

la thc BE, eo you bevc to frkc thr laecltlon, Ilg. 5.
11. Brpeat Strp 7 to ehor the vaateh of tbe Eeccnd black Aoc.
la. Iou shonld aake it eppou that tbe trlck it oyc!, tbat your ontry
latrnt rer to caurc thc bleok Acee to taalgh. Place the BE Acc behind tho
LH Acc in aq upJoggcil condLtlon, a! ln Elg. l+.

1). FIlp tbe pachet facc-dorn lnto thc LE. Eeat the back of the Lf, tbc tdgc of tbc tebletop,
14. Ibc BE novea ln frou abovc to tquare up the tro led AceE, A3 tt
doeo, allor the bottoa card to slldc out of the LE and tnto the lap, Ilg. 7.

lt. Sey, FNor tbet I thlnk of lt, lt rorks rith thc led cards too.rl
thc BE nc rcpeats thc buclneas of preaaing the packet dorn agalnst the tablc-
top. Then it enapa tbe eingle Acc facc-up to eha that onc of the red Acer
bae vaniahsd.
16. 8be bst Ace Le placed ln the rtght FIc' aa sbora in Elg. 8. Placc
thc tro handa togotLer ea lndicatcd Ln flg. 9. The LE le a1lcrd to 6l1p the
cardi tbe BE uerely covcrr lt,

I?. Srlag thc LH ead ita pelacd card dlockrl.rG !o lt la at rLght
englcr to thc BH, Fig. 1O. Notc ln E[9. lO thet eltbough the card Le ln a
ncrlrl LH pala, ta lcratloa to thc 88 the cald la tn e dcop gaabl.clra IaIn
ot cop pori,tlon. ThJ.a ta thc kcp to thc vanlth of the lact Acc.
.1E. Ih. LB aovcc stlel6ht fottlrd, oyo! the BH, as if to dcpoclt thc
Iert Acc fht agalnct thc tablctop. In fact tbc card la lcft bebind Ln thc
BE, Elg. I1. Tb€ RB lc rbout 4n flor thc edgc of the table et thia polnt.

19. Ag thc LE Eovcr forrqrd, the BE ravolvcg to a paln-dorn conditLon

aa lf to get out of the ray of tbc LE. the etalt of this ia shora ln Flg. Lz
and thc fld.eb ln ELg. l]. Ar the 8E rrlat-turnB to a pab-dorn coadl.tlon,
thr oard coaccelcd la thc 8E 1g plopelled off the tablc and into the lap.
Kcep Ln nLnd that thc lcft arr ta noving above the BE at thia polnt, thua thc ualoadLng of the Lagt Ace.


20. the LE ghould clap egelaat

tbe tabletop Juat as the BE leachce
a full paln-dorn conilition ln llg.IJ.
AII that renalna ls to ltft the Lg
and ahor that thc last Acc hea taa-

l{otc s
(l) tneptratLon for trris=mtao laa the J.,[1. sal].ee cffcct rharc
thc Accs pcnctratcd the tablctop one at a tine, HoweYGrl the nethod and
haadling hclc are enttrcly diffcrent. Algo, the sritch in Stcp 9 ls act-
' ualJ.y baaed or a Slydtnl arltch. I knot that the handllng of the aritch
rc dcEcrlbcd, here ic eketchy, but fuIL detallg of the Slydini arltch rlll
appeat ln prlntq and ehould clear up any queation on the cract handllng of
thia phaee of thc loutLae.
(B) Ine fake Lneertlon of fflg. 61g takcn fron Elneleyra ttPoint.Of
Departurc.[ Sc. lbrq or Pallbcarera Scvlerr pg. JO9 for dctalls of tbe
Elaeley routine.-

nads ::":il:].-ii::';: li":;r*:o;;"'l;":;;'r:::"ll"l"

if conetbing diaeppears, the audience rill feal the trick is lncouplete un-
l.lse that objeot lsturns. Thie l,s not the place to argue the nerit of the
thcory. In any eycnt, those rho rish to ragically produce the Aces aftcl pc!-
fornlng rrApproaching'Z€16tt ahould have no troubls dcviging aethode.

A niniature yereion of Lln Scarleg rrCannlbal Cardn thenc. You rcnovc
the red Jacks fron the deck, cxplain that theytre canalbalr, and drop thcn on
top of tbe dcck. lhe apectator takee thlac cards fron the deck, chooeeE one
andl elips it betreen the Jacks. You.aay the naglc word Pepto BLsnoI, and tbe
choeen card le found to have vanLehed fron betreen the cannibal Jacks.
lhis is a brief dcacrLptlor, Tto nethodg ale g:Lven belor1 and rlth thea
tro dif ferent presentatl,ons.
Ptret li{ctbod
above, but deuces are Eaaler to drar. Sha the deucee, turn then face-dotn and
place then on top of onc anotber. Place the face-dorn packet on the table in
front of you.

He iE"Lt"fl:::J:t*:'"3:,::l'
restrlctioaa- and place then ln a face-
dorn ror before lrl.a. He then placer
the balancc of the dcck on the tablc.
$bc layout at thie polnt le sho;B ln
Fig. 1

,. Have hiu look at all thlee

cardl and deaidc on o[Gr To algnify
h{+ chd,.ce r you can hand hia a anrlL
aquatt Packe8t of turs and heve lf,a
dlop it onto the back of thc choges
ca!d. Say be decides oa the coatel
ca!d. L95-'
4. Plck up thc dcuccr, grlpplng then ae ln ELg. ? (tle grlp la la-
portant for rbat colcs later)f ad turn thea facc-up. Sayl nUorll put youl
eeld bettccn the deucce in r loncnt.rl thcn thc deucrc ere !rcc-up, notc Ln
&[9. t that the right }lttle flnger contacte thc indcx colne! of the rlght-
aort dsucc.

5. l; thc BE turnc the deuccg face-dornp the light fl.ngcra curl in,
brtngtn6 bsth deuccg in agaLnat thc pala, ELg. 4, lhe right fLrat fLnger al'da
Ln this ection.

6. tbe top deucc (tUe eC in the elcetcbee) ic cllpped betreea the right
thunb and little finscrr The BE, pal.n-dorn, pletende to pLaci both deucea oa
the dceB . Actually, only the 25 goes on the .decks the 2C being held ln the
clipped posltlon. the apectatora ate of course unarare that yourve etolen out
thc 2C.

7. Innedtately the BB noyea oyer the dcck and pointE to the chosea

cardr Fig. 5. Say, ttls tbat the card you rould like the cannlbele to- ehall
ta sayt 999$8?tr Ec aayc yee, Have hin ptdr up the catd. fhen tell hlr-to
daal the tro cannlbalE off the top of thc iteck onto the tabrc.
8. Hove the BE bach ellghtJ,y so he can do thlg.thl.nks here deallng
thc tro deucsa onto the tabler olo on top of the oihel.HeActual1y, the first
cald he dcals l.e a deuce. tBbc acxt card ie en nrrf card.
9. Ar tootr ag herg dealt the tro cards into a tabled tle BE
ioY€s back ovcr tbe dcck and you unloatl thc palncd card ontohcapr
the decL. lben up the pair of cannlbala aud placc then l.n the LH,oftakc
hle choeen card and insert it betreen thc cannibale ae sborn fn fig.--6.,--

.€ic F{ Hr PT

10. Say to hiut t{Ihe actuaL coneunption of youl chogen card by thc
caanibalg te lathcr disgusting to l{estern elrelr Bo perhape rc had better
let then do lt in private.[ Place the.packel face-dorr oir the table (you
can flaah the face cald ae you do eo.) PLck up the dcck aad drop it 6n
top of the packet.
J-I. Squint dorn at the deck ae lf to get a cloeel look. nI can acr
their Jala noving. Arful. Lctrs bury then La thc deck.rr Cut thc deck anil
couplete the cut.
L2. Halt 15 secoads. Then pick up the dcck, turn it face-up, and

bcgl.n daallag cards off thc facl, atlorlng thea to drop to the tab1c. tbcn
you 8ct to ths flrat dcucc rtop. then clorly dcal lt off, revealing the othe!
black dcuce. tbc cald bcttcen then has vaal,thedr

Thia ut€r a differcat gteal and alao elinlnetes the perfolncl havl,ag
to cut tbe deck at tbe end of the trlck.
1. Ecnovc thc tro lcd Jrcke, explaln that they are knorn cannibalc,
and plaee thea on the tablc. Haye tbe epectator choogc three or four cardg
and placc then La a lor on the table in front of hin.
2. Agaln dieplay the rlachs, tuln thea face-dorin end place thea on top
of tbe dcck,.
5. Errc thc apectator ldck olc of thc foul cards before hir. fhcn hc
docll your BB aoycc to a poaltton directly ovel thc
dock. Polat to the solection. Aa you do, thc herl
of your PH contacte thc top card of the dcck. If
ths becL of tha hand ia prevtoualy noietened, thc
top card dll cons aray rith tbo BH as shora in
rlg. 7,
4, Instruct the epectator to a}lp the choaen
card betreea the cannl,bals. To do thie }rg rtll nat-
urally pick up the top card of the dcck, place ble
card* undcr thia cardr and thsn drop thc top cald
back oa top. Even lf hc gstl a flaab of the facc
of tbe top card, bc riLt sca oF of thc carnJ.bala, eo
all appeals fair.
5. While attention ia on bLat you! BB has drarn back to the cdge of
t}lc table. Either lap tbe card dllectly or drop tbe BH into the tiap to dic-
engage it froa the bcoL of the 88. Ih. BH then pt.cka up the card and holds
1t Ln conventlonal pala poaition.
6.8y tbic tlre the epctator hag inacrtcd hie cald trbetrecan the
cannlbaLa. The EH gtaape the deck fron above, dropa the plned card on top,
and latc'thb"dcck"oil-tha '}eft.palu". SeIl bin to ralt It aecondg, Then havc
hin deal tbe top card off, It rlll bc a Jack. the next card ehould be hls,
bt& ln fact Lt ie the othcr Jach. Ehe chosen card haa vanishod.
7, Actually the top card of the dcck at this poiat le the chosea ca!d,

lou can ateal lt off and producc lt fron lngLdo a pachagc of uintlr a
bor of lunr r or *atcve!o

Just onc notc on thla trick, regarding the eteal depicted l-n Elg. 7.
It ls dlffLcultt bccausc of ploblsla of perapectlve, to ahor thc actual poa-
Ition of the hccl of tbc RH.ln relatl.on to thc stol-an card- The hcel of the
hand reats at thc llght long cdge of the card. Tho Inuchle of thc right 11t-
tlc fingcl restg at thc outcr rtght corncr of thc etolen ca!d. fhe rtcal tc
okay froa the front and thc rlght, ht 1ooks holl fron the lcft. fou
cen cover tbc atcal flon the laft l.f thc Lf, also geaturca to the ror of
caldg bcf,olo the apectator. Ibe handg arc thus Dore or }eae togctbcrs and
tbe Lff acrecnc tbe steal fra the left. the gaff ueed ln the folloring trlck
1111 nake thc cteal caaier, even If Jrou uac a f].at pala ateal.

[Jsing Sleeves
Ebe bacl,c cffect aplnared ln LDqeE_al Lrfnbctq end reE titlsd, '{fn
the Slccve,fr The folloring ia aa entffioach, borrorsd fron
another publisheil trLckr ttSpllt Secondrt in PallbearcrB Bevier. P8. 59o.

Perforner renoyea tro carde fron any borrored dcck and placea thca tn
hie Jacket slecvc, cxpl,eirdng that sincc nagiciana ale alraya accuecd of uclng
thelr elcevee, he aigh.t aa rclI clo Lt openly. The tro caldat he cxplainer !c-
preccnt tro guceaes aa to tbe identlty of a card the atrnctator night pick.
Fron tbe eane borrored, ehuffleil deck the rpectator pickc a cardt aLgna
It, retulns lt to the deckr ghufflee the deck aad pocketa lt. l,lagiclanrc haidc
ate cnpty. Ee reaches into the Jacket aleeve and leuovee the tro predictloa
Onc of the tro gueaaac lc clcarly wrong. the othel card lc turaed face-
up ard it provet to bc the cboaen, algncd card fron the borrorcd deck.
!{qtheq s tUe gi.luick coneicta of a auall p,ecc
of double eldcd scotch tapc. It ia concealcd
ou the Jachet cleevc as gbota ln Fig. I at
thc right.
To preeent, plck up the deokr J'ook over
the facca of the catdar then decide on tro that
Iook proniring prediction carda. UpJog
tbca, then Bquare the deck. Donrt let aayone
acc thc facce of tbc tro carda. DoUBLE-SIDED
Strip the tro outJogged carde out of the
dcck aad drop then on topo Tcll the audicnce that
yourrc not trectly certaln thicb of theae tro

caldl represcnte thc bcttel prcdLctC.on, ao yourll hold on to botb of thet.
Put the dcct on the tablc. thc LE pretende to take the top two cards. ID
fact lt tekcr tbe toB eingle card.
Sayt tQtlegtclans are alraye aocuecd of uaing thcLl Jacket eleevea, ao
I aay es rcll usc nLnc. Itra aa aafc a phcc ea tny.r P1ace the alnglc card
(suppoeedly tro predtctl.ol card!) lnto thc rlght Jacket l1Geve.

Dl"vidc the balance of tbe deck lnto tro beapa, 8lg. 2. Aek the epcc-
tator to chooee 6 hcapl ehufflc lt aad replace !t. Eetll put tt alongaldc
thc tlrst hcap. Harc hin take the top oerd,of the heap he Juot ahufflcd,
elgn it and replace Lt on top of the bap.
fhcn hcte done thial pl.ok up the other heap and hand lt to hin. Ar
yotr do, tbe BE conos over the first packet, ELg. 3t the tape contacta the
top calil of tb packct, aad that card ia stolen as you extend that heap to
thc apectator.


Inetruct hin to ghuffle it thoroughly and drop it on the first heap.

lThen hera done thie, teII hin to pocket tbc deck.
All. thab remaine is to ahor your LH enpty, reach into the right Jacket
aleew and partiatly leEoye the card you put therc earlier. Ths LE dircngages
the etolcn card fron bhe tapr, and you euppoeedly renove both calds fron the
eleeve. ThLs l.a actually a bit likr the ShulLen nove rith the card caeel the
card that ilea ln fact cone out of the eleeve is above the other cardl to it
lookg to the audiencc aa if both carde cans out of the eleeve.
Shot one cald to be a. rtong prediction. Then ehor the other catdr a
lnrfect predictl,on iaaenuch as it ie a gi.g$ duplicate of the epectgtorra

(n) luc obviouc double-faccd tape ie r naguertc gaff.
You can use a ahin card"ra"oo"lii39ro
aad heve the choeca car& placcd on top of tbe chia
catd. tberc ta a EaBBet conecalcd ln thc Jackbt glecvc. Iou can have onc
buLlt lnto ea enpty rrl-st-ratch caac, and rcar the nagnct Ll-ke i ratch,
rith thc facc of the caec on the lnsidc of the rriat. the na'Bjret plcks up
the chin card plua thc chosen card. lhla la a baalc approach if using your
orn dcck. lbe follorlng torka eny deck.
(l) Use atccl fll:tnga inctead of a abin ca!d. they can be dropped on
top of thc dcck vta a Sadar PencLlr or by baving then under the fingernall
and tlansfcrlLng thca to tbe top of the dcck 68 5rou tap the deck. Thc basic
approach le thle. Sevc any ahuffletl dcck cut into tro heapa. Spcct4tor pl,ckt
cithcl heapr takes the top card, Iooka at i,t and aigne lt. lfhile herc dolng
thl'st load the fi,Il-nga (lron or eteel or €yen finely cut atecl rool) onto
tbe top card of the packet flou. thLch the chosen card cane.
Ec grtc hle rlgncd card on top of thc pcket rhence Lt cane. you thea
hand hin ths othcl packet for shuffllng and slnultaneous3.y ateal thc choacn
card. Tbc reet lE se rd.ttea.
(C) If the etolen card ig coppd in euch a ray that the right fingera
can contact tt, then the flngera can clidc the card into thc 1nlur thcn up
and Lnto the Jacket aleevc. Hflo of coutae tbe trro carda ale openly reaovcd
tron the elecve at the flnigb. Thla Bans approaeh can be uaed *ith eLeight-
of-hand steelc, of cource.
(D) I havenrt nentioncd the ray thts trick can be approacbed rith the
uee of a niaiature clectronagnetr nainly because guch thingc are expengive and
not eaeily available, Wlth tbc electronagnet on, it r1I1 ho1d, the fiJ-inga in
place; arltchcd off, it al.lorg tbe fllinge to drop onto the deck; aritched bach
on aftel the choscn card ia replaccdt Lt oteale the chogen card. SLnllerly, I
havenft nentioned tho Eany alternativc elcight-of-band eteala of perforalng
thie trlck or nfbeyfrc ffrfor exaaple, youtve naetered any of the
Gene Haze aritchee/slaaLa, tricka ltke theee arn olcncntaly.

Swindle Trap
A aigncd red card ie oponly saudrich€d betveen the tro red Acec. A
si.i;aed black card la pleced ln the deck, rhercupoa it imedlately beconcs
trapped bettcea the tro black Acea.
Then, rithout Eovea of any kiad, tbe aigned red card changea placea
rith the etgned black ca!d.

!9!!S: Ia e trlck calLed nTeleportationn in Cloee-Up t{cnta1 titaFl.c f ncn-
tLoned an apptoach rhcre one cffect ia uaed as I acreen fotan-ntl.rely
di.ffercnt triok. The eanc prcalEo ia at rotk here. lfhe fllct effect, thetc
a eignccl black card bccoiea trapped or eandrLched bettecn thc black Aces,
la pure bluff. Uhat Jrou ale doing ie ueing thia apparent effect to block
or covet an cnttrcly dtff,crent trickt tbe tranapotltion of the eLgned calds.
It lc thie trick rhiah la being put togethcr atcp by atcp under coyer o.f
tbe fl.rst tllck.
1. A t thc etart the four Acec are accretly brought to thc top of thc
dcck, the black Aocs oa topq the rcd AceE belor thea. To nakc the deacrlptlon
callel to follorr I,1l egcure tbat thc Acer are artanged ln C-S-D-H ordcr
fron the top dorn.
2. Say, trFo! this trtck Irl going to uee the led Aceg.rr lliple Llft
and turnovc! to chor thc AD. fn perfornlng the tulnovcr for thle effcct I
graap the }-catd block fron above at the entls and erivcl the bl-oek to a facc-
up condt tl.on.
1. block Le then srivaled face-dorn; the left thunb aiding in the
pivoting of the bl-ock. The BE stiU holds the block fron above. [he right
niddle flager contactg the nl,ddl"e of the top card of bhe deck and puehes Lt
forrqld. Thia action continues until the bLock le equare rith the top of the
dock, Pig. l.

4. AS the AH ie puehed out to the outJogged condttlon shorn tn Fig. 1r

sayr nFerll also uae the other red Ace.rr The right thunb nor lelea€tes.the bot-
ton card of the ]-card block, The FH tben novee the tro-card block forrard
to the poaition ahorn ln RLg. 2 above. Ehis le dons openLy.
5. The HE rclcaeee the block, rhieh ts then held in place by t he left
thusb and fingers at the sldea of the dEck. Tbe LE turne palu dorn, and you
shor that the outJoggcd cald iE thc AH' the other led Ace.

6. lhe HH nor pe-grLpa thc tro-card bLock fron abover Srf,1 nWc r IL
put thc red Acea herc onto thc table fol a noncnt. [he BE novEg folrard.
Ac it noyes paet the AII, the tro-crrd block Ecroena the actton of the left
fllet finger aE lt Prrlhcr the AH flueh ttth the dech,
es ehorn ln Ftg. l.
?. tbo Bf, rlropa lta tro catds face-dorn on
the tabh ead llacdletcly aprcada tho tlo cards to
enpbarilc tbat thrlc arc ln faet tro cardl. thc
audieace llsu[cr theee to be thc tlo lrd Acco. In
fact yourve alleady srltchcd out ths lee AccB.
8. ?urn tbe tleck face-up in tbe LH. Say,
rrsincc rerre ueing the lcd Acosl ltd Llke you to
cbooec a led card.rt Ae you tquere the decht a1lor thc
rt ght thunb to relcace tro carda fron the back of the dcck. lhe rlght thuub
then naintaLng the break betrecn theee tro cards enal the balancc of the dcck.
9. trttb thc dcck held fron above by theplcka BHt tbe LE DoYGt atay lotro!-
tarlly, then backq aa the right first flnger up about half the deck
and aring euta it to the left, Aa tha LII movee ia to take thls half of the
deckr tUJ feft fingera naturallJr iove under thc dcck and in the proceae they
contact the back cird and etidc Lt (ttre AD) to the right. The conditlon of
t}n deek at tbla point is ahorn ln E[g. 4.
1o' rn the neantiae the uPpel packet haE been
takea in the left thunb crotch. The LH then DoYe! r-
ray, turnc palu dorn, and depoeitE the Packet face-
den on the table.
1I. The BH holdg a face-up packet at thie
polnt. fhe left thunb pulls the face card off tho
pecket, turns lt face-dorn1 and placee it face-dorn onto the tabletl packet.
Thi.n proc€as continuee untll the speotator calla atop at any red card.
lA. Eave hln aiga the facc of thle cald. fhen place the signed red
card face-up between thc aPParcnt rcd Acca on the tabIc.
]:r. Say, rfror Ird }lke eomconG to pick a black card,n You nol repcat
ths procedure- of Step 11 until Boneone etope you at a black cald. Eave the
card signed. fake Lt back and turn it face-dorn. It ie held tn the LS.
14. $ltde the eigned black card under tbe
BE packet. then bring lt back to the lcftrElg.5r
until it clicka off the side-Joggcd AD. Thla noatls
of coulsc that lt ic nor clear of the A'D.
15. Slide lt to the riSht againr Bof
loading it betreen the tro rtd Aces at the tea!
of the BE BacLet, but lcaviag lt cldc-Jogged to

thc lcft for about helt .lts rldth.
15. The LE ptckc up the tablsd face-dotn half of the deck and brlnga
it flueh agalnct the oigacd black catdr Dlt. 6.


1/. Srys trfcrll buly the black card Ln the aiddlc of the d,eck.n lhc
left fingela elidc under the BH packct and pull on the AD, pulling Lt to
the left. At the aane tiae thc LH packet aovee uonentarily fluah ritb thc
9E packet, Flg. ?,
18. yourro going to transfer the ]-card sandrlch (tro red Acea plut
chogen bl.ack card) to the top of the LF packet. The left llttle flnger Fovea
fnto thc break that the light thuab hae held above tbe rcd Acee since Step 8.
Thc left little finger pul}c dorn on thc three cards belor the break, loadlng
thca onto thc top of the left packet. InnediateJ.y the LE levcre the LE packet
ovet to a face-up conrl{t{on, IL6. 8. PLace thie packet on top of the 8E pac-
ket, cquarc the dcck anil drop the dcck facc-dcln on the tab1e.
19. Say, frBeneaber tc havc a aigaed red card betteea the rcd Acca.
Sonetl.nca tbc Acee act Ln aynpatby. If I anap ny fingerst the sigaed black
card rill flnd tteelf tlapped betrscn the black
2A. Prrrc bluff of courac. Plck up the deck and fan it face-up. Tbe
aigned black card rill be found bctrcen tro face-dorn eards. The audlencc
aasuneE that theee aust be the black Acal.
21. Benove the J-card candrlcb f,loa tbe fan and place lt on the tabLc.
Clore up the faa and place thc dcck eeLdc, thls conpLetee the firet phaset rhat
ntght be called a nsyapathetl.c trap'n

22, As far as the nethod I'e concernedt the routine ls over. You couldt
for cxsnplc r have cacb 5-card aandrl'eh sealed ln an envelope I corrnand the
aigaed carda to changG Placee, tben have the cnvaLopee opened to ahor the
tranapooitloa. the folLoring let I thinkt a better approach. Alaoq l,t aP-

pealc- tor a lercono,ul iaatLnct.
2t, Plck up thc cuppoaed red packet ln the IJI, thunb on top, fingcrc
PlcE up the 8E paaket bctrean the flret and second fingrt"l'F1g.-9.
CalI to thc packct ln the 8H, saying, ,,Itt ne ahor you aoaething
rather unusual rcgaldliag the black

24. fou nor perfora thc Da1cy/Eororttz nove of apparentl-y

packetet but notc thet hcre it ie ueed to rrll8htn the Aces. The handa coce to-
gcthcr. lbc LE packet ia taken bEtseen the right thunb and filat finger. Ihe
8H packct is eluultaneoualy taken betrecn the left ftlat and gccond fJ.ngers.
Tha eituation at thig point le shorn in ELg. 10.
25. In e conti.nuing action the handa crogr, left over right, and ai-
nultaneoucly the handg turn the packetc face-up. You arc etill atten-
tion to tbe apparent black packct ae you look to the left. l{ote ln Fig. 1I
that tbe bLack packet doea Ln f,act end up on the Ieft, exactly as lt should
lf the nove rerc honest.

26. Say, rfNote that if se put the black trncket over bere on the Left,
a peculiar thing occlllortr
??, Leave thc packeto oa the table. In each packet the Acea are face-
trP. Sayt fflhe card bctreen the black Acee is no longer black.n Turn thc

black-Acc packet over and ehor that the eald betteen thc black Acca te the
algned rcd cald.
a8. I,ct the epcctdor turn thc rcd Acc packct oyer to leveal that Lt
nor containg the aJ.gaed blaek ca!d.

(E) slncc thc Accs alc lcen ln Stepc 2 and I, and then not egal,[ utr-
tll Step 21, you caa change the cffect of the second phaee by baving the
el6ned calda end up betreoa paJ,ra of Jackcr aa;r thc Acea having conpletely
vanlahcd. DctaLla ehould be obYious.
(g) tne flrst phasc of the trick can be prcsentcd ea rlltten, but ef-
tcr the cccond phaac Jrou oan bhor that thc deck has changcd coIor. Urc foul
blue-backod Acoa on top of the dock. In Stcp IO tho LE packet nuet bc pleccd
faco-up on tbe table. fn Step 11 tbe carde takcn off the 8Il packet nuet re-
nain facc-up ae they are pleced on the tablcd packet. Sinl.larly, ln Stepa
1] and 14 thc cards nuct be handlcd facc-up.
!o ae thc color changr la lnconaiatant rith the tirectlon of the rou-
tinc, and unlegs adequately accounted for ln the patter, anracks of clorn nagicl
but eone aay bc able to drielop the idca.

lhic quiak, atnplc trick ig not qulte self-rorklngr but, aluogt Eo,
fhe follor-up routinc, nMathonaticaL Colorartt it conpletely aalf-rorking
and nay be uecd al an eaaJr introduction to any of the varioue col-or eepalatlon
tricks. But flrst rfEntropy.n
lhe nagician erplains that playing earda tend to attange thenselves
accordiug to peculiar, Iittle-undergtood larc of thernodynanlca' By way of
denonstlation, he retows the Ace thru Five of any suit fron the deck. tbeac
5 carde ale openly arranged in nunerical ordcrt then aixed according to an
caay-to-fol}or procedure that all-ore of no trtckely.
After aaying the nagic rord {Entropyrr the aagician turne the cardc

facc-up end chorg tbat thcy ale back La nunerical order. SLnplc ag the
nLrlng proccdurc !c, horsvelj the apcctator'f:lnde tt lnpoaalble to get thc
carde back ln nuncrtcal order, no natter bot often hc tllca.
llcthoil-: Ae caoy ag thLs ie to do, Lt rl11 be uuch eaeier if you try it rith
carrlE-tn bead. Bcnove any Acc, 2r)r4r5 fron the ilcck. Arrange thcn ln lunet-
loel oldcrr Acc at the top of the face-clorn packet. EoId packet ln LE.
I. lhunb over the top card. Say tfOnert aa you take lt rrtth the BE. Ae
loon as thc cerd le in the FE aad clear of the balance of the packet, thc
lcft thuab pushee over tha nert catd.
2, Sey, nHctll. put thia card under the tro.n AE you aaythlap eltdc
ths Aoe undcr the Tlo and cguare up the packet (fron top dotn tbe ordcr of
tbc caril! nor Le 2-A-3Jr-5).
1. Aa J'ou.quatc the packet ln Stcp 2, get a break belot the Acc, an
caey aatter to acconplieb ae you sl:ldc the Acc undar the lro and squarc tbe
ca! da.
l+. For puch off thc top tto calda er one and take then as a unit lnto
the FE, fhcn takc thc next single card on top of Lt. Aa you take the cards orr
at a tllc lnto the lH, sayr tronc, Tro.n Note that in deallng then one at a
tlnc lnto the BE you ate roverslng their otdcr.
5, Hben the cardc in the BE are clear of the LE packct, the left thurb
puahes ovct tbe top card of thc I,H paclet, Seyt ItScfIl put tbcm tro calda uB-
der thc Threc.rr Ac you aay thj,e, allde the cards in the. 8H undcr the top card
of tbc LH packett
6. Flou hele thc trlck rorke lteelf. Take the top card into tha BE,
tbcn the ncrt, tben the next, reveteing thell ordct a8 you deel one onto the
nsxt. Slaultaneouely Jrou sayr moncr Tto, thtoe.rl
7. The lcft thunb puehcs the top capd of ita packet allght1y to the
right. Sayr rrlJYorll put theec three carda under thc Four.n AB Jrou Bay thLe,
openly slide thc J cards aa e gtoup undet the top card of the LH packet. Then
aqnale up the packet.
8. Take the top card iuto the RE, then the Eecond card on top of it,
then the third card on top of thatr and finally the fourth card on top of all.
Ae you deal the carda one at a tine lnto the FH, countr rfone, Tro, Thlec,
Fou! .ll

9. Sayr rfUcrll put theae four cards uader tbe Do thia alnply
by alidlng tbe packct under the cingle card in the LH. Square up the packct.

10. Say tbe nagLc tord nEntropy.lf FIlp the packet face-up and dcal
the carde onc at a tinc Into a face-up ro; on thc tabre. say, ,tbne..,!?o... ag you deal. Tbe carda ri1l of courEe be Ln
preciccLy thi'e ordel,
11. fhe epectator, not knoring rhat outcoae to expect, ie likcly to
bellcvc that this outcoue ls eutoaatic, thig, of couree, te erectly rhit you
lant hia to believe. Since hcfe unaware of tbe tro-card puoh-off ta stcp i+,
hetl.I neyer aucceed in getting the correct outconc.
(The inevltablr footnote: For the trlck to be conpletely aelf-tork1ng,
dontt rovcFsc the order of the cards at each stcp. Sinply deal then off
under the nert and alldo tbo packet under the top card oi, tue LE packet.ons
rcsult rill be that the caldc cnd up Ln A-2-3-4-5 odcr fron facc to back.lhe
tbe unfortunate c@aequenco Ls that rhile the trick rolks for you, it eleo
lorks for the opcctatorl a aituatiou to be avoidod uulege yourve declded on
a nct coacept of nagLc. fhle property of the shuffle or nixlng proceea la
axplolted i.n the ncxt routirp, ht it ia relatively rell biddfa)

Calculated Cololg
that I tend to be preoccupied rtth shufflee and controtled nixing pro"1"""".
Thc point arises because tbe procees of dealing carde in the above routinc
can bc viel eB t ehuffle of sorta. fake froq thie pcrepectLve, re caa app1y..
the ffEntropy Shufflen to achieve placenente, transpoeitione, etacks, or-in
leaa pondeloue contexte llkc the fol.lorl,ng routine.
Phase One
Bcnove tba Ace thru iffi-fi-iixed auits fron the dack. pelforn rEntropyrf
exactly as trlttcn above. Fcpeat Lt, then hand thc packet to the cpectator aad
Iet hin tly l"t. Of coulge he failg.
Phase Tro
1. tbat ft afSE iiGF[-better rith colors si.ncc tbcre are only
tro eolore to rcaenber. Ask the opectator to renove ] rede ] blackc fron
the deek. teII hin to arrange the colors eo they alternatc and
2. Take back the 6-card paeket fron hia. PLace it face-down in the LE.
ferl bin to wateh the siaple nixing process yourre goiag to use.
]. Deal off the top card..into the FE.. Sayr frllcrll put the firet one
uadel.i As Jrou Eey thia, elip the FH card undel the top card of the LH packet"

li. Square the packet, Thale atc no breaka held becauec tbe trlck ie
entilcly aeLf-rorklng. Tako the top card lnto thc BEt thcn take the next
card under ltr -rtetlng rrBed...B1ack...rl a! tbo cards ate taken.
5. Placc thls 2-ca!d tloup under the top card of the LH packet.
6. Takc thc top card lnto the Dfl, then the next catd under it, then
the third card undor that. Slip tbla group under the top card of the tn
7. Square the packct. take thc top card into thc 88, the ncxt car&
undcr lt, the thtld card undcr that, and the foulth card undcr that. Placc
tbls group uader the top card of the LE packct.
8. Take thc top cald into the FE, the next card under that, the Jrd
uadel that, tbc 4tb under thatr ad thc 5th under lbat. Placc th5.s group under
tb singlc card in the LII.
p, Say, rrl have to eay the eeorct rord for thc trlck to rorkl but glncc
the rord haentt bacn releaaed yetr you ronft aind lf I rhlaper Whiapel
sonething to tbe packct.
lO. Turn the packet face-up and deal the cardc lnto a face-up heap on
the table. The carde rlll be in alternatlng color order alL the ray through.

1. Sayt rhat bappena lf I dontt aay the eccret rotd.r Nor you
frHG!€ rB
sppaletttly relrat th. routip. but tith a dlfferglc€r
2. Oo thru tJre Entropy Shuffle of Phaae Tro, Stcpa , thru 8q but thle
tinc teke tbe carda one on top of the next eo that you do reversc the otde!
of tha calda ae they are taken into thc 8H.
5. Whea yourve finl"ehed Step 8, eay, nAt thle poiat I rontt lhieper
that clasalflsd top-secret nagic lordr lou renenber that lagt tine the colors
alternated. thie tiae they
l+. Deal off the top tbrec carde lnto the 88. tuln tbe three ia tbe LH
face-up and epread th€n to shor all are of the aane oolor. lurn up tbe BH Pac-
ket to ehor three calds of the oppoalte colo!.
If the cpectator tries lt hc rtll achleve the reault of Pbaae Threet
but he rill not bc able to achieve the reault of Phaee Tror apparently ba-
cauec hc docsnft knor that all-Lnportant aagic lord.
A partlng shot: Pbaces Tro and Threc riLt rork rith an 8-card packet

coapoerd of 4 lcdg and 4 blacke, thur aervlag aa a natheaatical oil & latcr
typ tltch that can.bc ueed to introduce thc [Baslc Colol Upaettr routine la
yoluae tro. Phase One can be uscd to introduce Gcorge Sande t0rtea Croagn
(r." Sgggg$Sgr pB. zt or @, Oct. '?4\. The tricks go rell
together because thc firct, a nild Barador, gete the spectator offguardt
gcntly lcading hln to the conpletc trnppraLblltty of the Sands routinc.

Vector Switch
Tbi. cald aritch faLls about nJ.d tay betreen the Kardyro tutnove!
gritch and a aecond-deal typc ari,tch. It bas a nunbe! of offbeat application6.
Fol exanple, you can sritch a card for enother that g€-qeld fron tbe top
of the deck. You can sritch three for ttot etc,
lhe baelc handling rill be dcacribed hercr plus a bricf liet of appll-
catl ong.
1. Eave a card renoved froa the deek by the epectatot.
2. Eolding thc deck in a necheaicta grlp ln tbe LE, Fig. 1, the l"cft
thunb pulla the top card eEghtly to thc left, Fig. 2. Bccause of the poeltlon
of the left firet fLuger at tbe top of the deck, the clishtly pulled-bach
card rill;iLde up onto the t1p of the left flrst fingel.
J. This opGrc a eLigbt break undet the top card, PuIl the top cald
dorn so it is fluah rdth the deck agaln, but let the carcl rld,e over the left
fingera eo that the break ia transferred to the left ltttle finger. In fact,
a1-1 youryc doae thue far ia achieve a break under the top card of the dcck.

4. fake the cboeen card ln the BH as ghorn Ln E[g, ,,

5. The nechanicg of the sritch nq connence. hsh the top card of

tbo dack to the rigbt about Vt,t, as chor! ln Elg. 4. At the eane tine thc
EE elldar lts card under thc lcft thunb, SLg. 9,

5. The BE puehee Lte card flueh d,th tbe top of tbe deck, Elg. 5,
Note that the ri6ht flngcr-s ale betrccn thc epectatorrs catd.and the top
cald of the deck in ftLg. 6,
7. La thc EH puchea the choEca card to a position fluah rtth the dock,
thc a llict turrl lward. At the sane tinc the left ftngera putb the
origtnaL top card fulther to thc rigbt.
8. the BH, havlng deporitcd the chosen card on thc deck, begins to
novc to the rlght, rcaching thc poaition of Elg. 7. the back of the rlght
flngcre contqct the top of thc aldc-Jogged card.
9, The LH continuec turnJ'ng inrald. fhe left fj.ngets puGh the aide-
Joggsd card out of the deck and'into the rai.ting BB aa ahotn ln ELg. E. lhe
conplction of tbie actlon ie Ehorn ln Elg. 9.

tlou - t
Ae ncntloned carller t cpectatorrc card fol thc
cartl that ta accond fron tbe top of the dcch. to do tlda, the left thunb
pusher orrl tro cards, then pulLe back tbe top oard. The result lg that
the sscond cald fron the top le aidc Jogged alightly,
ac lndtcateil Ln Fig. 10

lfor pcrfora thc Vcctor Sdtcht pJ-cking up

the haadllng et Stcp lr rnd contlaulng thr ough
to the. cnd. !!ble lay appeu to br e varlatlon
for the aalrc of yatLetloa, but lt haa appltcationt
for ctranplot Ln tbr arca rhcle you to hl,dc or
aonentarlly conceaL the back of the card you-ere
erltchlng Ln. Another applicatLon ie the follorlng.

lhis i'a a trick rhele a card in hanil sccar to change placca rith e
card at the face of the deck, btut the trlck hae a trlat at the finieh.
lhc face cald of the deck l.a the 2D. Under it Ls thc 45 and undcr tbat
tb 28. HoId the deck face-up in the LH. Pcrforn a ]-card pueh-off , Fl.g. l-1.
Takc the 2D into the BlI. Dleplay the carda aE eho;n in ELg. L2.

5 e RD FugH.oFt

Aa you dieplay the 2D, let tbe LH turn in elightLy. Pul1 the l+S back
rith the left thunb so lt is flush rlth thc face of the dech. fhie leavec thc
2E etil} atightly eide-Jogged.
As you apparently turn the 2D face-dorn rltb the aid of the deckr Pcr-
forn tbe trswitcbing Secondan vereton of the Vector Sritch. fbe face of the
deck ehould be torard yotr at thc conpletion of the stitch aad the FE hoLda a
facc-dorn card believed to be the 2D.
Th e tII nor tulne at the crist to bling tbe deck face-up agaln. But

you donrt rant the face card of tbe dcck aeen X€t, eo at the 6ane tlne the
BB dspeLts itg face-dorn card on the face of tha dcck, flg. Ll. thc tlnLng
nust bc ruch that thc audieace doegnft eee the facs car.d of the dcck.

lap t[e back of the face-dorn card, saying, rrBenenber re have hele
the 2D.ff lbcn puah this caral to the light to reveal that tbe 2D le not face-
up on the face of the deck.
Let this aiak ln. fhe audlcace aaeunes that the 2D changed placec rtth
the 4S. !{or lndicate the fnce-dortr card ln the Pfi and say, rrThie leavea us
dth.....rt Pause here and let the epectator fl-nigh the sentenc€ rf...the Foul
of Spadee.n
Nor tuln over the card in the BE, Etg. 14 above, to ehor that thts card
has changeil to the other lcd deuce. The 45 hag vanished.

Blank lo Blank
If you bave tro blank carda availablc, you can pelforE a variatlon
of the above effect thet looke good and has an unexpected trrlet. Fron the
face of the deck the set-up iE KS-bIank face card- then the balance of thc
dcch. Get a break under the blank.
a blank-fece cald fron your pocket. that this card
cauaeo the inh on any playing card to fade ar85rr lnth the face of the deck
torard the audience, the left thunb puohes over tro aa oae. You not appat-
ently turn the blaak face-don, ht really perforn trSritching Seconds.rl
PLace the face-dorn card face-to-face rith the face card of the daek
as crplained above. Look at your ratch, renark that llke Polaroid fila it
takee 10 eeconde, then glide tbe face-dorn cald atray.
Tbe face card of the deck ls nor blank. There ie an excellent chancc
that tbe audience rl11 euapect you Eerely eritched tbe KS for the blank; ralt

fol aurplcLon to build. fhen alorIy tutn over the card tn tbe !E to aho
that lt ls blank, prceunably thc Eane blank card you terEoved fto4 yout poc-
ket oliginally.
Sritchins Backs
the genuine ]C on a apectator. The deck is in the LH, and you have Jutt takcn
back thc fc rlth the RH. Nor pe.rforn trsrltching seconden yor eptrnrently
turn tbe epectatotrB card face-up. "l
l{othing chould bc cnapccted here because the apectato! aar
card- ras thc ]C befolc the eritch, and Lt reaains the ]C after thetlat the
- If youfre teqring a red tle, rub the back of the card agalnet the tlc
(keeping the face of the card toward the audieace throughout)1 then turn the
card face-dorn to ehor that the back hae changed co1or.
lhtg is of coulse a ainple appltcation. There are a nunber of otherc,
ccpecially ln the area of two-deck card tllOke.

fith A Card Box

in tro routincs, ftcased cardrff and nTro Jok€lglft both Ln IqF.g_ELq4 undcrqrygl!.
dfuecled to use e conventionel turnover change to achieve the deslred. end re-
If you try eritching a card hidden behind a card box ueing a conyen-
tional turnover change you rill rapidly discovel technlcal problens. But the
Yector Sritch fite thie typc d card oritch rith no arodlflcatlon rhatever in
handling, In other worder the card concealed behind the card box is treated
as tbe top or face card of the deck. Plck up the card bor pl-ue concealcd card
and pelfora the Vector Sritch exactly as rrltten.

can be used to aet up a sritch or partial erLtch of packete. If you want to
sritch thlec for four, tro for three, two for tro, etc, do tbe nicesa"ry
block push-off rith the left thunb, The 8H, holdlng its block of cards in .
equaled conditLour nor approaches the dcck. You nill find tbat block erltchin!
ie etraightforrqrd using the Vector Svitch. Thie hae applicatios ln coJ-or eep-
aratlon tricke, ttanepositions end the like aleo. Paper clippeil caldo, gaffed
card suitcheg and so on rilI be coveled at a later date.

I ehould attach a ridcr to thls a!ticl,€. Bocauec the nove la einplet
and becauaa parta of it dato beck e blt (ttre get-leady, for exaapler caa be
that the lecc ghou!.d alrays to to the e;iftcst, eo if you clain the &ovo and
have the parchncnt notcbooka or rhatcvcr to prove J'oq wcte dolng the edtch
at thc darn of clvllatton, I bor to your pt+iei ' Olalli 7 o

A lord about the tit1c. When I rae rriting up applicationg for tbc
arltch, I bcgaa uslng a vcctor-type. notatlon to depict rhich ray the oagda
tere travel-ing during the sritch and hor eanJr rsre being aritched ln cacb
direction. Ihc naac etusk and aeened eppropriate.

Square f)eal
Thig !s e gelf-torkLng card trick. It ueca a landon nuubel of cardst
can bc done bllndfolilcd, and enda as a grzzling double coincidence. To atart,
a epcctator cutE a packet off the top of tbe deck. froa the balancc.the per-
forner deale tto eycn heape of about a dozcn carde ln cach. The apectator
then dcala hie cut-off packet.into two heapa. f,l€rlI call the epectatorrg tro
heapo ftAtl and nBn. The perforner ta heapa ale HCn and ttptr. f[s layout ].ooks
Ilke thls:

The cpectator counte the nunber of calde in rrAil. Say he countg nlne
carde. The perforner picke up n0nt countc 9 cards, tuln6 ove! the laat card
counted and it is an Ace.
Ihe sp ctator counts the nunber of calds li rltt. Say he counta. tcn
cards. Thc perforaer picks uP tfDrf t counta LO carde, tuln over the l-aet card
and it is another Acc.

Fcrforner announceE tbat this lE lndecd an odd coinoldance rincc
both of thc Aces arG !ed. But to top lt, hc turns over the top card of
each of the apectatorte heape and they are the blaok Acceo
No hcya or locators. You neye! knot thc nuaber of carde cut by the
apcctator. There La no adjuatnent, no variatlon Ln procedure. l[ote in the
above cxanpl-e that the apectatorra tro heape ata nol contain the eaae nuaber
of cards' fhic has no bea,ring on the outcone. You rlll al-raye end ylth the
four AccB.
Hetho9; Stack the Acee at positions 1t2t2?r28. That le the extent of the
pleparatlon. to add to the effectiveneas of the tlick, Jrou nalr be blindfolded.
l. Place thc deck on the table. Invite the spectator to cut off lesc
than half the d,eck. tell hla to place the cut off portion in hLe pocket.
2, If Jrou eto lorking this blindfoldedl have aoneone hand you the
balance of the deck. DsaI tso heap6 tt...of about a dozen cards eaihrn but
in fact deal alternately into tro heape until yourve clealt exactJ.y i, carae
into each heap. 1!he key to the entire arethod is that you deal froi rirht to
lelt, not flon left to right.
,. Pocket tbe lenalnder of the dcck. Ask the apectator to remove the
packet fron hla orn pocket. TeII hin to deal Lt lnto two heape, rDealing fron
Ieft to right in the conventional faelxionrtf you add.
4. f,hen he has dcalt all hie catds, the layout rill Look ltke that
ehown at the beginnlng of thie routine. Eave hln pick up rArt and count thc
nunber of carde in lt. He doea this by counting the carde into a heap on
the tabre, thus revcrcing their order. say lre deare p cards.
5. Plck up FCrrr count to the 9th card, turn it up and lt riLl be an
Ace .
6. Havc hin count the nunber of carde itr trBrr. Count off the 6aEC DtrE-
ber fron tfD[, turn up the laet card and it rtll be an Ace.(fhese two Accc,
the ones placed,27Eh and 28th, ehould be the sane colo!).
7. Finish by turning up the top card of ttAil and rrBff to shor the other
tro Aces.
It has been said before, but it ehould be eaphaetzeC that thls eort
of trick rorke nuch bettel if preeantcd rith a nunelological thene. ,Make it
look ae if the nunbers the epectator arrives at are aignificant, act ae if
the outcone iE in doubtl and you rill extract aore fron the trlck than if you
preeented it along conventlonal linee.

Riffle Shuffle Control
Doeplte the forbidding titler thig ia a self-rorklng contlol. The
orlgl.nal article appeared Ln Epilogue #L6. thte routine and tbe one folLot-
ing ere tto fulther applicationa.
1. Yourre going to locate a choeen card and control it to a knorn lo-
catlon ln the dcck by a very ea6y neana, Begi.n by plecing all the red cards
on top of the dcck, all the blache on the botton.
2. Ihe deck le face-dorn on the table bcfore you ln posLtion for a
conventional riffle ehuffle. Place the hande at the ends of the deck, The
left thunb rtffles up the left side of the deck untl} tt reachee the firet
red card. This red card. rrl11 be the face.card of the upper packet.
,. The LE tben cuts all the led carde off to thc left. The all-black
packet ie on the right. Fifflc tbe tro halveslto8ether, but donrt Bquate up
the pack. Insteadt leave the tro packeta lnterlaced for about ilr of thelr
4. Nol trnck up the interneahed packets and hold then Ln the LH as
ehorn tn Elg. I at the right.
5. [he left thunb nor rifflea dora tha
Ieft eicle of the deck unttl the epectator eells
ctop, fhere rill ba a bleak j-a the deck at the
ctopped-at point ae lndicateil in fig. I.
6. fhe laterneshed packet above the
break haa been labeled nAtr and ngrr-fffihe drar-
inge. After the epectator calls atop and Jrou ate..
at the poaltiol indicated in trtlg, I, tbe BH
gtaaps the interaeshed packeta ?fAr and tttn gg ln-
dLcatcd Ln tlg. 2t fingers- at the face of the conbined packets, thuab at the

7. The BE then rringa the packets up in a clockrige di-rectLon aa Ln-

dl.cated by tbe atlol ln Elg. 2.
8. Ihis brLnge the conbineil packeta nAff and rtBrr to the poaitlon shora
ia E!g. 5. The balance of the lnterneahed packeta ie of coutae. retal,ned ln
the LH.

ScFl M I DrT

to Flg. ], aek the apectator to renenber the face

9, Still referring (packet
card of the gpgg packct rtBtf in trtg. ,).

lO. When this has been done, place the oonbined packetr rrAtr and tfBll
on top of the internesbcd packete in the LH, Do not leretae the tlisting
revol-vtng actlon of Fig. 2. Sirp1y replace the conbLned packeta and nBm

on top oi ttt" intelneehett groups Ln the LE so tbat packct rfBrt ls uplrrnoat.

l,e you replace these packete, obtaln a left litt1e finger break betrcen 1nc-
het ilAn and the balance of the lorcr packet in thc LE. '
Ilo The BE now etripa out the conpletc uppe! packet by revolvlng 1t
to the right ac.ahan 1n Fig. 4. IDDeEEEdIy drop thia packet on top of pac-
kct frArt.

LZ, Cut the deck at the left little finger break and conplete the cut.
Turn the deck face-up and fan it aear the center. If the black cardst for ex-
anple I rele in tbc uiloggea half in Fig. 1r they rt1l be in the lorer half of
the deck nor. furthei, lne e5tfr card frorn the topr the last red card juet bc-
fore you hit thc bl.ock of bLack cards tn the bottoa half, ril-L be the specta-
totrs choeen card.
Thua, Just by glancLng at the deck at a polnt aear tbe centerr Xou knor

thc chcea clrd. Further, it tg autoaatically placed 26th fron the top.
Elnelly, the orlglnal red,/bLhck eeparatl,on is; preeerved despLte.She ap-
parcnt shuffle and the gcnul,ne cut. Each half of thc deck can bc eet up
at the beginnlng. Each ia lndependently cut during the handling, but the
cct-up ln each half le otherriae undtsturbed.
If you havc tto cards chcEn ln ELg. 3t one at the facc of t[e upper
packetr oae at the face of the laer packet, at the conpletlon of the cut
Ln Stcp 12 one card rl11 be 25th fron the top, the other at the face of thc
dcck' A faro ehuffle ril} bring then together 1 and after the faro the colora
ttl} alternate.
the folLoring application doea not requlre cutttng the deck at tbe
exact nldpoint. You cen uae any deck, cut anywhere for the ahuffle, and per-
forn an eaay verelon of thc Triuuph effcct.

ilIathematical Triumnh
the cffect is tbat facc-up and face-dorm carda are ghuffled togethcr.
A card ia rqudonly chosea. lhe deck then reetlangea iteelf so all carda are
facc-down cxcept the choesa catd, rhich ie diecovered leversed in the center
of the pack.
No aleights. Any deck.
1. Place the deck bcfore you on the table ln preparation for the liffLe
shuffle. Cut the top half to the left, and tura Lt facc-up.
2. Biffle the two haLveo together but donrt tsquare up the pack. Ipavc
tbe cards interneehcd for about ln to 2tr of their length.
t. Pick up the interncahed packets and epread tbeu fron left to rtgbt
aa shorn in Fig. 1. Say, ffl rE going to
etop the ehuffle at thie poiat so you
can 6ee that face-up and face-dota ca-rds
are interneahed.n
4. Sqrrale up the apread, leaving
th€ packcte in their parttally inter-
neehed conditton. then flip the deck
ovar eide for eide and pLace it Lnto
the LE.

5. fhe upper ol upJogged packct ta face-upr the lower packet i6
facc-doln. You nor perforn the trBlfflc ShuffLe CoatrolJn already dcecribed,
Stcp! I thru 11.
5. Drop the dcck on the table befole you. lfhe audience thinks that
facc+rp and face-dcn cardg are hopeleaoly niled. In fact, the uppet half
of thc tleck conslets of face-dom cardE and the laer half faco-up ca!d6.
Furthcrt the cpectatolfe chosen card is the botton or face card of thc up-
per pachet.
7. PI€ce the handB over tbe deck in readineaa for a ahuffLc. the lcft
or llgbt thunb llfta up at thc natural break ecparattng the face-dorn frbn
ths face-up packet. Ttp thunb releaeec one card fron the face of the uppcr
pgcket, aLloring lt to drop onto the Lower packet.
8. The uppcr packet le then lifted off, turned face-up and ehuffled
into the balance of the deck. During the ehuffle and aquaro upr BtXr ffWerll
gLve then onc nore shufflc to really uix the

9. Cut the pack, coaplete the cut and spread the deck facc-dorn to
Ehor a}l cardg face-dotn exccpt for the cbeen card.
What rorks vith redr/black etacke and face-upfa.ce-dorr conblnatione
also rorkg wlth crinp techniguee. Hu1tiple locatiohs and placenente fal} lnto
thia area.

Centrifugal Force
In this trlck the nagician triee to pred,ict a card that rl11 bc
chossn by the spectator. He nakee tro predictione- just to be eure- and ig
rrong on both, abeolutely'rrongr ao nuch eo that no out, prccautioa or
challengr can bail hln out. As it turns out, horever. hie predictions tets
of tbe on either eidq of the randonly choeen catd.
the technl,que used here is a nan:ipulative forn of a force aeeociated
rlth Henry Chriet and IJ.n Searlee. In thie cage it iE not ueed as a force but
es a uethod of lelocatlng certain catda arouad a chosen card, rlthout dig-
turbLag the posltion of the cheen card,
L. fiave the ddck ehufflcd and cut. Tahe lt back, give lt oDe nolo
ehuffle and spot the top abd bottoa catd. Theae are tbe tro carda you predJ-ct

otrrotlalrtc rlipt of papo!, FoLd each ElLp Eld dlop into a glaee ol teacup.
2. AftgluJroqlye:rrlttan :t!e predictionel:,[are tbe epectator bold thc
face-doun dcck ln hia Lf,.
5. Inctruct hin to lift about half of the deck up, turn it facq-up
and pl"ace tbia face-up packet on top of thc face-dorn leneinder of the deck.
4. Bcfsre le cuts off. a packet, tell hln that the card hirll cut to
r11I be hle eclected card.
5. Ec cute off about half the deck, turns it face-up, and drops it
etlll facG-up onto the face-dorn renainder of the deck. The upperuoet catd,
rhieh rorLl aay ls thc (Fr {.e his'cerd.
- 6. Shake yonr head and adnit that Jrou rGre f,rong. fake the deck fron
hin aad ask hiu to read your predlctions aloud. flhen you get tha ileck, Bec-
retly turnover the entiro dcck under the topagat Qg. llhen place the dcck on
thc table. Since thc qg renains Ln p1acel all appeala falr.
?. Apologtze for predLcting the rrong card, adding that you relo rroat
eyen though you had two chancsa.. TeIl hin to rediove the.face-up packet that
IieE on top of the deck, turn it ovet and replace it on the face-dorn balance
of the deck.
8. Sayr nfou knor, Ifn never that far off on a predl.ction of thle klnd.
Do ae a favor and aBread the deck face-up on the table.rr $hen he haa donc
this, inetluct hLn to pusb hls choaen card, tlp Qpr about haLf ray out of thc
t. Eave yout predlctiona lead aloud again. ?hen aek for tbe nane of tle
card on etther elde of the QC. 0f couree theee cards natch youl predtctioac.

Trap Leraditg Technique

fhe abqe technlque can be used in an effect rhete a card is found
trapped between tro pleviously sl6ned cald8.
1. Fsrrove tbe two black 4rs. HaYO tben eigned on tbe facee and re-
tulaed to ttrs deck. Secretly get one 4 to tbe top of tbe deck and the other
4 to the botton.

2r fland thc dcck.lo tbe apectatol. Eavc hln choose a card aa dqe-
crlbed in rrCeatrlfugal Folcc.rtt Stepe ] and 5.
l. fakc bail the dcek and ec you squarc it up, reyerse the deck un:
der tbe top cald. Then epread the top faca-up portion until Jrou coee to the
divigion et about the centei of the deck; and fLip the face-up caldE face-
don as a unlt.
h. Eand hir the deek, Ask htn to apread it face-up, fi.nd the elgned
black 4ts and pqsb then about balfray out of the epread. Hie chosan card
rtll be found betreen the l+,r.

Speed S-ith 7's

A card Eandtiehcd betrecn tbc tro black 7fs before the trick beginc
ls later found to bc a randonly aelected aad eigned card ehosen by the opec-
tator. The technique l,e that desdlibed rrfrap Loadlng.'l
I. Benove the black 7ra. turn then facg-up. Place a f,ace-dorn card be-
trGen thcn and dlop thls ]-card saadrtch on top of the deck; the bLack |ta
ale face-up; the tace-dorn card betrcen then Ls of unknorn identiiy.
2. Aa you aquate the dech, get a break under the top face-up 7. Dou-
ble cut it to the botton of the deck aa you seJrr n$erll cut theee thrce carde
into the pack. tl
]. HoId the deek La face-dotn deall,ng position ta the LH. Eiffle along
the uppcl ot outer left corns! rlth the left thunb until the spectator callE
stop at about tbe centcr ol ths deck.
ll. The BE fllp all carde above the etopped- at point face-up on top
'of tbe dcck, Ack the cpectetor to note the uppernoat or face card of the face-
up block,
5. Secretly leverer al"l carde belor the face-up selection.
5. lhen pueh ovel about a half-dozrn cardg ag a block (to conceaL the
levetecd card uader the sclectlon) and continue puahi,ng eards fron left to
riSht uatil. you reach the firet face-dorn cald in the uiaAte of tbe deck.
?. FLip the upper half of the deck face-dosn onto the balance of the
deckr h.rt get a break uuder the chosen cald aa the uppet half drops onto
tbe Lorrer half .
8. Double cut at the bleak. Say, nBenenbel that I placed the black
7rr face-up bn tbe top " of thc deck befole re bagan.fl

9. Ac you say thi.a, grip about half the dcck froa aboye rith thc
BSt llft tt off but retein tbc top card of the deck in place rs you do eo.
Slap thc Bff packet back on top of the deok. A face-up black 7 has Euddctrly
eplnared on top of the deck.
I'O. nlor nay also recalt that I placed a face-dprn cald betrecn tbc
7lg bcfolc tc ctarted, and then,cut the dcck.rf Cut the dcck and coaplctc
thc cut. Sey, tfPelhaps youtd ll,ke to look at the cald betreen the'
I1. Slnctato! lunn through the cards, flnde the two face-up |ts aad
a face-do;n cald bctreen thcn. It tulaa out to be tha cald he eelccted.
EictorLo footnotc: ithsn |tCcnirifugal Pc ccil rag diecusecd rlth Lta
Scarlet sone yeala ago bc lenarked that he too had rorked out eeveral ver-
cioaa of tUc baelc Henry Cbrlst ldea. If anyone otr the sest coact knorc of
Llnrg lork in this area, it rould gurely be of value to get the inotee into

Two Klondike Systerns

fhe titlc Oodc not rcfel to tbr Klondike ehufflc but lathcr to the
eolitaire galne. The layort consists of ? rorg of carda. There is one cald
in the first ror or pile, 2 cardE la the occond, J ln the thirdretc. fhe
top card of each pdle ls facc-ups the others facc-dorn. lhlc ie the basic
lay.out. Ae.thc Aecs bccone availabLa they forn a foundation above the layoutl
add the object is to bulld up Ln suitc to the King in each auit.
After the baaic layout ia forned, cardg are played one at a tine froa
the 2l+-cards renaining. This ia a brlef and lnconplcte suarery of the garG,
neant aore to Jog the readclrc ncnory than to outline cmplete rulea.
The gane has bcca and can be played for aoneJr. iou .pay $52 doUarg
for the deck, that ie, 11 a card. Fo! everJr Ace, Tro, etcr 5rorr can pLlay in
the foundation you get SlO pcr card. Since you pa:id only a buck a card and
youtre gctting back ten tiaes that auch for everJr foundation cardr it looke
like a eure thing. The only thing certain about the gane ie that yourll loee,
conplotcly and utterlyrat lt.if you try to play it for EoueJr.
tbe verslon of Klondike is eeldon played because the gane Eovea
too slorly, But it can be used in a denonstlation ol exposo t of ganbling neth-
ode because people are lntereeted in the ganeI generally know hor itra playedt

rnd rLnort celtaLnly knor hor difflcult a gane tt lg to bcat.
thc folloring ate tro ayetena; I dcviecd lany Jroata ago for KlondLke.
lhc fLrct ie e no-rtuorJr eyatea for dacking the dcck to produce a rinning
gl!€r The etack iE dlfferent every tine, it requiree no figuring, can bc
act up qulckly, and alraya producoo a rinning getrc.
tha cccond ayctca la a bit different. ft ia a pctcentage cyatca that
allora you to'bcat tbe telc over the long run flon a frecl,y shuffled deck.
It ig of courac deecribed here for entertainmeat purpoaea on1y.
Both systcne are takea fron a nanuecript analyzlng Klonilike. Irvc
had to nake celtaln sinpllfying aaeunptionc in descrlblng the ayatene hcrc.
Tbc lntcreeted leader rlll be able to fill ln the gape rlthout trouble.

Elret Syatep: Stak-A-Pack

fhc eacieet ray to deecrlba thle eyeten le to aasune that a friend of
Jrourr, bLeaaed rith a photographlc nenory, has Juet played a gane of Klondike
and ron. [he rlnning J.ayout night look llke the draring below:

t6 A
it liL!r


rl lr

Iou agk hln hot he dld it. Since hcre posseegcd of a photographic
ft,enoly, her1l reaeabef every plav. So, to reconstruct the garer a]l bc hac
to do ie play the gane backtardc froa the rinning layout.
thus, i'n the above layout, if the laat card he pLayed ras the lrC, thia
toul,d be the firet card herd pick up and place face-dorn in hie haad. Sl'ailarly

hcrll plck up thc next to lagt catd pLaycd and place that on top of thc hC.
Ec continucs until bctg back to thc ataltin6 layout.
thc ayatcn should bc clea! troro I f you raat to etack a deck of earde
so that you can dcaonstlatc a rlaning gaac of KlondLkes etart rltb any rin-
ntag layout. Not picliup the carda i-n any order. Within very rlde boundariee
lt doee not natter ha thc bachrarda gaee la played. Slnply pley the grue back-
rarda untll you arrlve at the Etarting poeition and you have a rlnning atack.
Indeedr it ia an intercding challengc to try to cone up rith a rcall.y dlf-
fieult atack, one that lookc Lnpossible until the last fer carde are played,
rorkiag dth lhle ayeten.
I rac qtdte yount rhen I devised thia systen, and rather proud of lt
uatil I later lealaed that Leibnlz, a gaae theorigt (and, rith Iaaac lferton,
co-inyentor of calculue), had propoeed approrinately tbrec centurles ago that
riaaLng atratc6yt could ba devieed by playing a gane backrards. lfhile he nay
not have had Kl-ondike epeciflcallJ'in nind, he neyerbhclesg had the concept.

llhe Shuffled Dect Systcr.

...Hsre ltls aasun e a peroentage ayoten for
rlnnLag at Klondlkc. Spcctato! nay shuffle tbe deck ag oftsn as he likes.
Iou rIlI not cons out a rlnaer otr evetJr round, but you should conc out ahead
ln the leng !ua. I beve no ray of calculating- or even eetinating- the odda
at Klondikc or the prcacnt ayatca, and donrt knor i.f an cract figure can be
alrivcd at, AI1 I can.aay bere ig that thoee faniliar rith the ayateu agree
tbat you conc out ahead ln the Long run.
There tc a g:lnnrtcki you use a atripper dcck. Once eet, the deck can
be used fol any nuuber of natter hor often lt ls shuffled and cut.
Placc aLl of thc C1ubc and Dtan*.onde, plua ala four Acee in one heap. fbe
other hcap rtII contain the deuce thru Kl,ng of Spadee plus the deuce thlu King
of Ecarts.
Align the cards in one heap all one ralr AlrlgE the carde ln the oppoeite
heap the othcr ro,5re Shuffle the tro halves of the deck together. Continue ebuf-
fLiag ae often aa Jrou like. then lrourre ready to pLay Kloncllke, strip the 24-
card packet to the right and table lt. Slap the balancc of the deck on top,
Nor plsy thc ganeo The layout ril-I coasist of 28 eardEr all of the C1ube
and Dianondc plus thc Aceg. To nake this fact leee obvlous you can subetitutc
eone carda fron the 28-card etock tor cardg ln the 24-carcl etock, bu! rather
than go into refiaenents, Ir11 end the discuscion here. Juet folLor the abova

p!ocs!3r end no lattcl hor the catdg' are rhufflcd, you rilI rln over thc
Iong run Lf e etlLp-out of thc 24-catd block ls donc as deacribcd and thc
layout forad fron thc Z8-card atock tbat ranalne.

Frarne Analysis
Thig la a tro-prrt routlne ualng ordinary cardg. Firet thc naglcian
rrlteE a predictlon on a catd and placee the prediction card in a regular
oatd caec or dard box. Thie prediction later ig ehorn to corlectLy predict
t cr,!d chogcn and aigned by the rlnctator.
![hc nrgiclen renarka tbat any card could have been cholen rlth a
rinilar rcsult. Tbe effect i.e lcpeated, but rith a difference. The perforacr
cigna the facc of a card, pleccc it in the card box and cloteE up the bor
Thc opectator thcn aignc the beck of another card and leaves it on top of
thc dcck. The card bor ia pterecd dorn against thc top card of the deck.
fhcn it ia tenoved, the clnctatorre slgned card haa vaniahed.
fhe perforner lenalksl ttl preesed too hard. Perhaps you had bettcr
open the catd Tbe epectator opena the bor and finda inside the bor
a gin8lc card, bearing bhe nag!,clanre eignatutc on the face and thc epecta-
torrg signatrue on the back.
The doEk ie ordinary. Pack and card box nay be left rith the epectator
at the finish as there tg nothing to find. Aleo, the slrctatolre signed card
ia not secretLy palned and loaded into the card box, nor ie there palalng at
any tlne, tror ia the card bor or anything elec uecd in the trlck g:lanLched.
lletbod: Itrs asauned the deck contaias tro Ldentlcal Jokere. If the
deck hae a Jokar and gonething called an Extra Jokel or Scole Card, then
alnply d.iscard thlE card and in ite plaee use a duplicate of the regular
Tbere is a alight bit of preparation. I r11 assuae you wish to do
other tricka before perforning thie one. Therefore the prepared cards rll,I
be noved arey fron the deck eo they donr t lnterfele vith the opening tricke
you nay rant to petforn.
Take one of the Jokere and elide it betteen the card box (or card
casG- rerre taLhing about tlp cardboard case that conee rith the daek) and

the ccLlophane as pet Fig. l. lfhcn elidc dorn tbe Joker eo ittg fluah rith
tbe card box.
llhe only othel bit of pleparatlon ia to eign Jrou! nane on the facc
of any card, aay the 7D, Place the signed 7D in the Jaclct pocket. Thia
eoapletec the preparation,
Plece the deck Ln the caee and droXr. 31r" caeed deck into the Jackct
pockct untiL ready to perforn. Whea Jrou ere going to do'a fcr card tricka,
re&ove the caccd doek fron the pocket. Hol-cling the card box ri,th the half-
noon cut-out dorn, tenove the deck ac ahorn J.n ELg. 2t or have tha apecta-
tor renove the deck rbile you hold the card. box. Thle etreagthens the fact

you want to put aclose, that the card bor is conpletcly enpty of anything
except the deck of cardr.
Ac goon aa the deck le claar of the catd box, the r'E ean leleaee the
card box, allorlng lt to fal,l to the tab1e. Thsn you band the deck to thc
spectator for ehuffltng. Aa he ghuffleg and cuts the deckt pick up the cald
box and drop tt Ln the Jacbt pocket. lhe calual handllng.of the card box
convinces the audl,cnce that it ie ungaffed. You can of coutse leave the card
box on the table if the epeetatots ale not llkely to turn it ovet r

After perforning one or two tricks rith the deck and yourre ready to
perforn this routine, run thru the carde rith the faces lorard you and cut
the Joker to the top of tho deck. Then proceed ae follore.
l. Drop the deck into the pocket and load the eigned 7D onto the top
Thenr es if ptetcdding you suddenly renenbelcd anolher trick the audiencc

night lik , renovc tht ilcck fuol thc pockct.
2. Spread the caldc facc-up and piok.out one that rtll act aE your
pledlction cerd. It can be any card rith plcnty of rhltc rpac€ in the acn-
tel, rey thc 2H.
l. Drplain thet the 28 rtll ect es your prediction card. Prctend to
pondel the probablc future, then ulte tUokerrt on the facc of tbc 2H. The
tB ld.ckc up the card box as lhorn in ftlg. 2. lhe EE.then eJ.lpe the facc-dora
28 into tbo card box. Dlop the box onto the table.
4. Falee ehuffl"e the deck, retaiaing the top etock. Cut the deck and
conplete the cut, but retain a break betrecn tbe halves.
,. Bifflc force to thc break and conpLete the cut to brlug the W
back to thc top. Double }lft and ihor the Joker'ra the apectatorre gelected
catd. TelI hia to renenbcr that he freely choae the Joker. furn the doubls
card face-dorn, Table thc deck and aak the apectator to atgn the back of
the Joker.
6, Uhcn he rs done this, take the top signed card and ineert it face-
dorn into the card box. It glidee into the card bor up aea! the top o! flap
aidc of the box ae shan in Fig. 7, and beld ln place by pressure of thc left
thunb and gecond finger. The reaBon you want it up near the top of the box
ig to get lt aray fron the predlction card and thue elininate a poeaible bit
of funbllng latc! ono
7. Be-iterate that you rrote a
plediction bcf'ore tbe spctator chogc
a card and furthcr that bis eelcction res
cntirely by chancc.
8.Tbs !H retaing ite grlp on the
card box, the rigbt thunb nc reachee
into the card box and pulle the predlc-
tion card (tUe 2H) out. Ag the sane tine the right firet finger pulls the
duplicate Joker out fron inEide the eellophane rrappo! ae shorn ln Fl,g, 4.
9. [h e LII retaing firn prea-
Eure on the card bor to keep thc
hidden card iaside fron rattling
around. AE gooa ar the BHrg cards
are free of the box, thc LE gee-
tureg aE you aay, frRenenbe!r Xou
could have choecn any lhe
reason for the LE turning slightly
ls to 8hor therc is nothitrB con-
cealed under the catd box.

10. Drop the eard bor onto the tabLe. Thc tro cardc in tFe FH are
tulncd ove! as a untt, revealiag tbc Joher ac the face cald, $ay, rrlou
choae &he Jokt t . tl

11. Tako the Jokcr rtth the LE, levealing the prediction card in
the BH^" tfiben the rpctator traa had a chance to lcad the predictlon, you
addr ttAnd I predlcted you rould chooEe the

Part lro
12. P1ace the facc-up?fr-IffilFr the face-up Joher. Suln both carda
oYer aB a unit anil place then on the botton of thc deck. lhe Joker thus be-
couqa the face ot bottoa card of the deck.
fr. Aa you do thisr E&J, rrlrl-1 repeat it and aee lf re get a correct
prediction Holding the rleck face-dornr renove a clrd fron the cente!
anil place it face-up on top of the deck"Tip or cant the deck up e the apec-
tator canrt Bee the face of this cald.
Il+. Pretend to conce.ntrate on the future. Then pretend to uite on
the card. In fact your lndex flagernall einply ecratchee tha card aa you
pretend to rrite. Turn the card face-dorn on
top of the deck.
15. Toas the pen onto the tab1e. Tben
pu9 thc deck on the tablc. Pick up the card
box and hoLd it in aechani,cra grlp posltlon,
fr16. 5. Tbe 8E then pi.cke up the top cald of
tlm deek and pretende to place lt ineide the
cald box.
In fact tbe card goee outsidc the
bor ae ehorn in Fig. 5. The left tburb and
f5.ngcra guide the cald eo it elldee dornrard
and flush rith the card box Lu perfect
16. Pauee and couuent that you rant
to check the pretliction again. Feaeh into the
card bor rith th6 BE and reaove the card already there. Fecove it Jwt enough
so the audiencc eces that the card is actuaUy i3g!99 the card box. TheD !€-
leasc it anil let it drop back into the cald box.
L7. Inetruct the spectator to algn tbe back of tbe top card of ths
deck, Ag he doee thie, youtre gtllL holding the card box rith the LE, Thc
LF turns pala-dorn. The FE tben tucks the flap into the bort thua cloeihg

and tbe bor.
18. Thc rpactatorfc slgncd face-dorn card Le plainly vtaiblc on top
of tbr dcck. Placc thc card box on top of the dcck and preae dorn a blt.
Sey, nI thLnk I prcaeod too hatd.rl
19. Clce thc bande lnto loocc fista. Ertencl the firat finger of
cach hani end tiagerly lJ'ft the oard bor, ILg,6. The apectatorrr rl,gncd
card lr gonc. Fauae bere becauae thc apectator llII logtcally aesune that

bie card Lc concealed undcl the card bor (lhere is ao other logLcal cxple-
- eccond finger of each hand on top of the box and
20. for pla ce the
alorly rotate tbc bor around Bo the half+aoon eidc is up, ELg. ?. Tbcrc la

no trace of his aigaed card. ltithout alteriag the grip on the borr band the
box to bla. L€t bin open the box and renove the single card. Your inl,tials
ar€ on the face of thie card and hlE are o! the back.

21. For the cJ.ean-up aiaply cut the deck and coaplete the cut.
at an afterthoughtr turn the dech face-up and run thru lhe cards until then
coue to the flret Joker. foss it out faca-up. Then run two aore eardg and
tosa out the 28. Benark, ftl rant to shor you 6oE6thlng else, so letfa get
theae other tro eigned carda out of the raJr.rl

A nunber of versions of this effect have appeared. ln print. fol-
lorlng usea a rcll--knorn tnove coupled a ooo"l--handling of tbe Tbe
turnover to briag about the desired cffect.
Ae the audience seee it r 5rou shor a 6, ? t 8, 9, in ordcr and pla ce
tlpn ln a face-dorn ror on the tab1e. On concand the older leyetres, bG-
coaing t, 8, ?, 6. fhe effect ig cred.j.ted to NocI Stanton aad first appeared
in @ nagazine.
1. Frbn a abufflecl bolraed dack, cut the 95 to the top. Then run
thru the deck and toss out the 65, ?C, 85, 9C. Donft call attention to the
euits. Merely state that yourll use the 6 tblu 9.
2. Alrange thcn in order ae shown in trg. I, and d.ieplay then to the

audieneo. Sayr tfWetll use theee cards, the 5 thru 9. ft can be done ritb nore
carder but I have trouble counting paet 9,tt Aa you say this, the right thunb
contacte the 8-Epotl the 1eft fingers the Z-spot.
3. Separate the hande, the LE ;t{
novtng to the left xith the 9 & ?l
the to the right rlth the .h
6 and 6, RLg. 2. Backs of the carde i9
ate torard tbe audience r a.Dd Jrou are
aelely enphaeizLng that you use foul
cr,! d6 r

4, Place the I,H carde onto the facc of the BH carde., Bqualo thc
packct and place it fadb-dorn tn the LB.
5. Deal the top card, the 6, onto the tabLe. I'laeh the face of the
card aB you deal it. Place it at about the ccnber of the tablc.
5, Deal thc ncxt card a bit cloacr to you, the next a bit clocel, and
the laet cloeer atill eo that you have a vertical ror of carde rith the 6-epot
at the top of the ror. Iou can fl,aeh the fece of the p, but it is not euggested.
7. Tbe vertical layout looks like ELg. ].
Fenove the top card of the deck rithout ehorl,ng
ita facc. Holil tbe card rlth the rlght thunb
ou top, fingcrs belor. Slide thia card undcr
the 6-epot. At the aane tiae the LH reets in
a paln-up condition on the 6-epot to hold it
in place by the backs of the fingsrtipe. The
eituation ie showr in Plg. ,,
8. Say, rrlf re turn a 6 alound lt Looks
Like a 9. Tbe satre thing happene lf wc turn a
5 over.F You now perforu. thJ.s ve.reion of the
l,lerican Turnover. The 8E card elidee under tbe
6-apot. fhe rlght thunb pul1e the 5 to the
iight.At the saEa tke the Bfl card (tne 9S)
is pullecl sharply up so lt cnaps face-up onto
the raiting left paln, Fig. 4,
9. UsE the face-dosn card in the LE to
fJ,ip cach of the next tro cards over honestly.
Although no eleight is lnvolved, the handling
@ '.,:

nuat enulate that of Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.

10. Slhen you get to the laet card, perforn the Hexican Turnovel Juet
desclibcd. the audience fft11 fiad that the order of the carde bae conpletely
reve!eed ltself.
An intereeting variation of the Turnover ls tbis. Suppose
ln Fig; ] the back of the LH contactE o.three-
card packetl and auppose furtber that the
center card of thie packet ie side-Jogged
to the right. The FH elides under the pac-
ket until lte cald linea up rith the gide-
Jogged card. Ferforn the Flipovel Mexican
described abovc, but thie tine the right
thuob pulls the center card of tbe packet
to the right. the result is that thfs g{!g
card is stolen ae the packet is.flipped facer
up iato the raitiag LB"

Center Pull-Out
Thie Ltcn and the ncxt dcpend on the Rrl-} Outrt as a neang
of falae countlng cards. fhis firat appllcation ie to the cLacslc routine
rhere red Aces chaagc placee dth black Aceg.
1. Arlange the Accc in C-S-H-D order fron top to botton. fbe packet
ig held face-dorvn ln tha LIt. Explain to the epectator that yoritre goin6 to
ahor hin tbe four Aces and he is to renenbel their order.
2, tshe Left littte flnger bucklee the botton card. The light firet
finger enters the brea.k thue forned apd pul-ls to the right the center bloek
of tro carde. ThiE bloek Le pulled out as a unit,
]. the block le graaped rith the tbunb on top, first flnger below and
flipped face-up oato: the balance of the packet. the AH rill chot. Say, rfA red
Ace. lflerll put it om the
4. Ftip the dorbl-e card face-dorn ato the top of the pachet. Deal off
th e top singlg card and tranefer lt to the bottoc of the packet.
l. Repeat Stcpt 2r 1, l+r to ahcr tbe other red ace ancl apparently
transfer it to the botton of the packet.
6, You can in fact shou all four Acee thie ray. But at thts point I
deal the top two carde off to the left, saying, nAnd the black Acea on top.
Place your hand ovel the black Aoae.rl
7. lurn over the Acee that yourve kept and ehoil that they harc cheated
tri the tro black Aces, llbe spectator turna over hiE tro carde and they are tb
led Aceg.

Sane aet-up aa the above, but here y@ appalently have a three-celd
packet and waat to shor that each card is the AH. Then you ehor that the AE
has vaniehed fron the packet.
I, HoId the packet in the Iff. Buckle the botto! card. the right filct
flnger troYee into the break and pulls out a double card as e uait. FJ-ip tbis
card face-up onto the toB of the packet to sbon the AE'
2. Flip tbe d,ouble cald face-dostrr

5. Theleft thunb perforns r ]-cald puah-off. The BE takes the
bl.ock and transfers lt to the botton of tbe packct.
l+. Bcpeat Stepa L, ?r 5t again to Ehor that the new center card
ia algo tbe AE.
l. Eepeat Steps 11 2r 7, once liore to show tbat tha thfud card
ir also thc l.E.
5. Youfre aor golng to ehor that noa6 of the three carde is the AE.
flip the top card face-up and take it into the BH. then flip the nert card
face-up onto tbe LE packet.
7. The left thunb perforsrs a two-cald push-off. the BB takee the double
card under the Ace Lt already holdc, holding the vielble Acee allghtIy fanned.
E. fbe LH cnapa the laet card facc-up and adde it to the BH fan to
ahor that the AE hae vauishcd.
It aight be appropliate to add that rtlgc -c'i'urit tricka in ltcthode Bith
Carde can be perfcned rlth a cuttently popular verslon of the AecanloEtieAd,
refer to thc handling rherc th6 8lddle-typc
I !efe! grip figurea
Eiddle-typc grip ploninently. This
figurea ploninently.
veteion Lecks the Blace and caaual easc of the Ascanio Spread, but lt hae a
redecaLng fcatulo ln that it rcqufu.a Bo practicc.

Right-Angle Location
A novelty nethod of reveallag or diecovering a previouely choeen card.
l. Eave any card eelected. Square up the deck, getting a break under
the top card. Take back the choeen catd, drop lt on top of the deck, pause and
ask the apectator to bc eure to reaenber the card he chose. fhen pick up the
tro carde above the break at the uiddle of the inner edge, tbunb oa top, first
finger on tbe facc of the double oard.
2. The left llttlc finger opena a
break at the rigb.t eide of ths deck by
pul}Lng down about half the deck. Inaert the
double card flon the baek of the deck into
the break, Elg. L.
Pretend to equare the choeen card into
thc- deck. tbe double card ie left in-
jogged about 5/8,t,

). Tbe left thunb ll,fflea aloag the left side of the deck, Opening
a brcak rbout a qualtet of the ray dorn flo! the top, Ineelt tbe rtght tbunb
into thie bleak. fhc lcft thunb"then rlffles dorn to a point about 5/4 ot
the ray fron thc top of ttre deck. lhe right firat flngel ls inserted into
tlrle break. [he pocition nor ls ehorn in E!9. 2,
l+. The rtght thunb and firet fingcr, glasptng the uppet left colnel
of the centcr packet flrnly, triet it' clockrlse. The inJogged dlouble card
renaina ia place, anchoied there by the hecl of the left thunb.
9. llhen the center packet ie at rlght anglee to tbe cleck the situation
ie as clepLcted in ftLg. 5. The BH na cone6 over the deck, thuab ln back cn-

.)O(&e C)RO t^/

Ce*tzf P4cJ'Ef

gagrng tha lnJoggcd cards, fingera at the outer end eugaglng the right-angle
packet. fbe thunb and fingete aov€ torard one another eo that the injogged
double ca.rd and the center packet alo flush rtth the deck.
The eituation nor ie shq n in Fig. 4.

6. Wbile the FH bolde the deck fron above, th€ LE shl.ftg. tbe center
lncket to a central position ln the dccht fl'gr !r the LH re-gripe the deck

at the lorer left corncl. Tbe BH tbcnehifts its grip and takae thc deck
by thc uppel right colnct aE chown.lnftlg. 5, thunu inil first fingcr g!lp-
PiBg the deck, other flngcre grlpping the- clnter packet. The thunb llee
acroee the center packet as shott, in Fig. 5, and thus contacts thie packet
7. l'lake a tosclug notl'on: fron rlght to left. The BH hae letained the
csntcl packet. The LE catchee the balance of thc deck and tables it. The BE
packet has tfcaughttt a card and the card ls at right anglea to the packet aa
ahotn ln Fig. 6.
8. The LE grlpc the left elds of the packet in the Ea6e way ag the BIt
glipe the other side of the packet in El6. 5.

9. fios cJ-ip the packet botween tbe firet and aecond finger of each
haud. This flees the tbunbe, whicb push the double card forr"rd to the po6i-
tioa shorn in ELg. 6A above.
10. Nor flip the packet face-up, Fig. ?, and ask if the plotrucli-ng
card is the chosen catd. the apectator rili aa5r no.

1I. Place the packet ln the LE, the double card trn otruding to the
right. the light thur.b and first fingel contact the double card begin
to pivot or sring it up in tbe direetion of tbe altow in Fig. 8.andWhsn yourre

about halfway to tbe finlsh position the right fingera push the botton card
of the doublc card dorn and into thc dcck to Loee thls ca!d. If youtro fan-
iliar rith other forns of the pueh-in cbange, Jrou can aubetitute then.
12. At the finl,eh yourle }eft rtth the card angLed ouf of the deck
as ahorn ln Fig. 8. Aak the spcctator fol the nare of tha chosen cardr te-
&ove thc outJogged card and show it bas changed to the chosen catd.

Strip Poker
A Boyal F1ush in Eearte le renoved fron the deck and dropped on i-''.
thc't;lrlc;i'. the perfcl rer drope the Boyal Flush on top of the deck and ln-
rlediately dcaLe two poker handc, on€ to the epectatorr, the other to hlnself.
The elnctator gete the King, Qucenl Jack, and Ten of Heartel a pro-
nislng begC.nning, but rhen hle la,st card la turned over it provea to be
the 9D, thus grvlng hin a lorly Klng-hlgh atraight.
Ithen the pcrfcaerrs haad is turned face-up, ltfs Boen that hets
deaLt hineelf the foul Accgr
No faLee dealc. no shuffleerno cuta. Thc Foyal F1ush ie dropped on
top of the deck and the handa inr.ediately dealt. Deapl-te the absense of
elcighte ol duplicate calde, tbe apectator geta four of the Hearts you Juat
dropped onto the deck, rhJ.le you get the fifth- tbe Ace of Healte- plue
three nore Aceg to bep lt coapany.
Method: fhe tltle tife the uethod. A atripper deck ie used. What u.akee the
EiTE-virtually autonatic ia the fact that the etripper deck povidea tha
eull/stock syetea fol 5torlr
A stack ie ueed. For the top dorn it rcadar IO ttltt cards, 9Dr AEf
JE,5 tfltt oarde, AD, KII,5 nXrf cardc, AST balancc of the deck. The tern
[5 X @rdEil nsane five indl.ffelent ca.rde. QET
In the above stack the Acee, Eeart Flueh and 9D are turned end for end
eo that tbe rlde end of these caldE is at the narror end of the deck ptoper.
1. Holding the deck eo it is face-up, the narror end uppernoats lun
through tbe calde slowly and upjog the AII, Jll, Kg, LOEr QH aa you coue to
theu. llake it plainly obvious that Jrou are upjogging theee five cards end
no othqle.

2. ettl1 keoplng the Boyal Flush upJogged. While
Squarc the dcck,
the 8f, uoaentelily bolda the deck, tbo I.E shlfts lta Btipr re-gripping the
dcEk ac sborn In ELg. 1. BoId the deck eo the facsg of the carda are torard
the audLeBce.

J. the LE aor Eoves to the poaition shorn in !'ig. f, preparing to

otrip the Foyal FIUEh fron the deck. In fact the rtght tbunb and fingcre
contact the rlde ond of the levereed carde etiU ia the deok, tbe 9D, ADr
AC, and AS.
I+. Ae the tH Eovea up to the poaition ehorn in Blg. 2, it brlnge
these oxtla calda along, thue interaeebing then, rith the etack and auto-
natlcall.y setting up the calda for the poker dealr

5. The LH pulle the upJogged bLock of carde aray flon the deck as
shown by the arror in Elg. 2. The BE levers the deck over eo itrs face-d.own.
the XE then drope its pachet on top of the dcck.
6. Inaediately betln the poker deal by dealing the top card to the
epectator, the ncxt cald to youreel-fr the aext to the epectator, etc.
7. lurn over the last four cards of his hand, turning then face-up
one at a tlne. Hc | 1l- pr obably be amazed to discovet that bers been dealt
the ftrst four cardE of the Feart F1ush he Juat saw you drop on top of the

Pauee for dlanatlc effect, then turn over tbe recaining card in hie

hind, ahoring it to be the 9D. This gi.vee ,bl,l a aere stlaight iastcad
of the unbcatable Boyal Fluah.
9. Turn uP" yout orn hand e cald at a tine to shor youfve dealt
Jroulae1f thc fotu Acea.
Note that ln the lnttial actting up pr ocadure you ale inetructecl to
tun tbe Acca, Eeart Flueh and 9D'around end fol end. It rt-ght be quectioned
rhy it ig nccessary to turn all nine carde around, eince tbe etrlpper action
ie ueed rith oaly fou! catds.
Thc reasoa cotre! lnto play Xn the handling of Step t. With the E6art
flueh upJogged, the lglg end of theso five carde are at the top end of tbe
dcek, Thus thclc cards donrt lnterfere rben the BE eecretly contacts tbc Acee
and the 9D prepalatory to Etripptng then upratda.
It nlght bc noted, algo that thc loading action clagcllbcd above haa
rpplications in areaa rhere you rant to Eritch cards in or out of an up-
Jogged packct and raat to achleve a nore conplex end reaul.t than a atraight
block-for rblock srl tch.

Cross Purposes
An offbeat variatioo oi the ero"l-"ot or rrlfr force. Any deck le
used. The force card ie eecond flon the top. Cut off the top half of the
deck'and place it oa the table. Hold the baLance of tbe deck in the 88,

at the enda, as ehorn in Fig. IA above'

The LE double Lifts the top tvo carde of the tabled packet and
ineerta then at right angleE fron, the front aa ehosn ln Fig. 1. Aa the dou-
ble card is placed into the packet, the left flngets push the botton cald

of the pair back eo it is Jogged out the rear of the BE packet. lfhe back-
jogged condition of the forcs card ie ehorn ehaded in Fig. l_.
Nos continue to reriove single cards fror the tabled packetl inserting
then iato the front of the BH packet, at right anglcs to the packet, Ietting
then protrude fron the front only. Do thie until the speetator sall6 etop.
Place the FH packet on top of the tabled packet, at right anglea to
itr eo that the seclebly backJogged force card ie Bquate with ttre tatled
pscket r

The outjogged carde in the uppet packet are tenoved one at a tine or
in a bl"ock to Ehor the audience that all cards are different. nthen finisbed
with the outJogged calde, the hands grip the packete as in Fig. z
the haada pull the uppet packet back to the poeition sho,rn in Fig. t.
l[w renrove tbe top card of the lqer half , Fig. 4, and hand it to the opecta-
tor. fbis ls of courae the force iard.
LLft the upper packet, sguale it and place lt back on the lower Frcket
ao the entire deck is equare. Ploceed rith rhatever trick you are doing that
requiree a force ca!d.


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