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The MAIN Causes of WWI

M - Militarism
• the policy of building a strong
military force
then using war to get more power such as
colonies, land, raw materials, etc.
• Countries compete to build the largest armies
and navies because
This helps them to get and protect their
colonies around the world.
A - Alliances
• a group of countries
united for military protection.
• Countries in Europe looked for friends to help
support them if a war started.
WWI Alliances
I - Imperialism
• When a country extends it’s rule over another
• Countries form an empire by starting colonies.
• More colonies =
more raw materials, more markets for trade,
and more land.
• Countries come into conflict when competing for
• strong feelings of
patriotism; pride for your
mother country
• Countries felt national pride
when their empire conquered
other countries.
• Some ethnic groups felt an
intense desire to preserve their
own cultural identity, language
and traditions.
• So they wanted to form
independent nations,
and free themselves from the
control of an empire
WWI – The Major Players
The Alliances
Triple Entente Triple Alliance
(The Allies) (Central Powers)
Britain, France, Russia Germany,
Italy, Turkey
The Major Players
The Triple Entente The Triple Alliance
(The Allies) (Central Powers)
1. France 1. Germany
gave up 2 rich provinces Kaiser Wilhelm II wants to
(Alsace-Lorraine) to Germany
when they lost the Franco- have a large, rich colonial
Prussian War empire, like Britain and more
fought with Germany over a raw materials.
claim of Morocco forms an alliance with
fears Germany, so forms an Austria-Hungary and Italy
alliance with Russia builds up a large army and
navy to compete with Britain,
France and Russia.
The Major Players
2. Russia 2. Austria-Hungary
“The sleeping giant” Slavic nationalism is
bordering on Germany. threatening to break apart
Has a large army. its empire; Slavic groups
want to be
“Big Brother” to Serbia independent.
believes in Pan-Slavism
took over Bosnia,
“Slavic” countries wants to take over
should be united. Serbia and control all
Supports these countries Slavic people.
because wants access to
a warm water port in the
Balkans on the
Mediterranean Sea
The Major Players
3. Britain 3. Italy
has the largest empire Has defensive alliance
has largest navy will help Germany and
because has to protect Austria-Hungary if
its large empire. attacked.
In “arms race” Their actions are
(competition) with offensive so Italy stays
Germany to build the neutral.
largest navy. Later joins the Allies.
The Major Players
4. Serbia 4.Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
angry because Austria- has controlled the Balkans
Hungary took over for 100 years, now empire
Bosnia (a Slavic is crumbling.
country), because they
wanted Bosnia to join Fears losing more land to
them. Russian expansion, so
Bosnian Serb terrorist makes a secret alliance
group, the with
Black Hand Germany
are ready to fight to unite
all Slavic people.
Countdown to WWI

Rebellions of the Slavic people in

the Austro-Hungarian Empire made
the area known as the Balkans,
“The Powder Keg of Europe.”
It was ready to explode into a war.
1. The Assassination
“The Spark that Lit the
Powder Keg”
• June 28, 1914 –
Archduke Franz
the heir to the
Austrian monarchy,
and his wife, Sophie,
were visiting
the capital city of
• Archduke Ferdinand and
his wife are shot and
killed by
Gavrillo Princip, a
member of the Serbian
terrorist group, the
Black Hand.
2. Blank Cheque

• Austria-Hungary asks Germany

for advice and Germany gives
them a
Blank Cheque –
this means that they will
support Austria even if it means
3. Ultimatum
• Austria-Hungary prepares for war and
sends the Serbs an
hand over the terrorist or face war
4. Serbia agrees to only parts of the
ultimatum, so Austria Hungary
declares war on Serbia

5. Russia’s leader Tsar Nicholas II,

gives Serbia a
blank cheque (full support)
and prepares for war against Austria
6. Germany tells Russia to
back down, Russia
refuses, so
Germany declares war
on Russia.
7. France has an alliance
with Russia,
so France declares war
on Germany
8. Germany
declares war on France.
The Schlieffen Plan
• realizing that it is best to attack
France first, Germany attacks
France through
• Goal – to defeat France in 6 weeks
while Russia is still preparing for war
and avoid a
Two-Front War, having to fight
France and Russia at the same time.
• Problem – Belgium is a
neutral country and
has a treaty with Britain to protect
its neutrality.
Aug 4, 1914
• Britain declares war on
• WWI begins.
• All British colonies, including
CANADA, are automatically at

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