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Chinese people have totally different tea culture and drinking habits from Britons.

Chinese like
drinking green tea, which is seen as medicine and has the functions to cure diseases and refresh
people.In the Chinese culture, tea is considered of the seven necessities of life. There are five basic
categories of teas in China; white, green, oolong, black and post-fermented (Puerh). Chinese tea is
almost as recognizable as Kung Fu is in the Chinese culture. Tea is actually drunk more frequently for
healthy living than it is for thirst.

There are a lot benefits of chinese tea it can be as cancer protection. The high quantity of antioxidants
in chinese tea have shown to be effective at warding off certain forms of cancers like; breast,
prostate, ovarian and colon. Besides , chinese tea can defends bone loss . For example, green teas are
especially helpful for bone health, which helps to improve bone strength and bone density. Next it
can regulates blood sugar levels. Several compounds found inside tea helps the body to better
metabolize sugars which is really good for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Chinese tea can boost Brain
Power .The anti-aging effects associated with drinking Chinese teas are thought to help ward off the
effects neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. You will have Healthy Teeth
and Gums when you drink chinese tea. This is because tea contain a naturally occurring fluoride which
helps to prevent plaque build-up which helps promote healthy gums and teeth. The fact that most
people drink tea unsweetened or only lightly sweetened.

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