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Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning Spring 2008, pp.


Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning:

Engaging the Literature to Differentiate Two Models

Tania D. Mitchell
Stanford University

There is an emerging body of literature advocating a “critical” approach to community service learning
with an explicit social justice aim. A social change orientation, working to redistribute power, and devel-
oping authentic relationships are most often cited in the literature as points of departure from tradition-
al service-learning. This literature review unpacks these distinguishing elements.

A growing segment of the service-learning litera- are dismantled. This article uses perspectives from
ture in higher education assumes that community ser- the literature to uncover and explicate the meaning of
vice linked to classroom learning is inherently con- a critical service-learning view. In discussing each of
nected to concerns of social justice (Delve, Mintz, & the three distinguishing elements of the critical ser-
Stewart, 1990; Jacoby, 1996; Rosenberger, 2000; vice-learning approach, I examine the classroom and
Wade, 2000; 2001; Warren, 1998). At the same time, community components.
there is an emerging body of literature arguing that
the traditional service-learning approach is not Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
enough (Brown, 2001; Butin, 2005; Cipolle, 2004; Community service learning “serves as a vehicle
Marullo, 1999; Robinson 2000a, 2000b; Walker, for connecting students and institutions to their com-
2000). This literature advocates a “critical” approach munities and the larger social good, while at the same
to community service learning with an explicit aim time instilling in students the values of community
toward social justice. and social responsibility” (Neururer & Rhoads, 1998,
Referencing the service-learning literature, I p. 321). Because service-learning as a pedagogy and
unpack the elements that distinguish a critical ser- practice varies greatly across educators and institu-
vice-learning pedagogy. In reviewing the literature, I tions, it is difficult to create a definition that elicits
was challenged by an unspoken debate that seemed consensus amongst practitioners (Bickford &
to divide service-learning into two camps—a tradi- Reynolds, 2002; Butin, 2005; Kendall, 1990; Liu,
tional approach that emphasizes service without 1995; Varlotta, 1997a). However, I use the terms ser-
attention to systems of inequality, and a critical vice-learning and community service learning to
approach that is unapologetic in its aim to dismantle define a community service action tied to learning
structures of injustice. The three elements most often goals and ongoing reflection about the experience
cited in the literature as points of departure in the two (Jacoby, 1996). The learning in service-learning
approaches are working to redistribute power results from the connections students make between
amongst all participants in the service-learning rela- their community experiences and course themes
tionship, developing authentic relationships in the (Zivi, 1997). Through their community service, stu-
classroom and in the community, and working from dents become active learners, bringing skills and
a social change perspective. I wanted to understand information from community work and integrating
and make clear the differences in these approaches them with the theory and curriculum of the class-
and what they might look like in practice. How might room to produce new knowledge. At the same time,
the curriculum, experiences, and outcomes of a criti- students’ classroom learning informs their service in
cal service-learning course differ from a traditional the community.
service-learning course? Research heralds traditional service-learning pro-
The critical approach re-imagines the roles of grams for their transformative nature—producing
community members, students, and faculty in the students who are more tolerant, altruistic, and cultur-
service-learning experience. The goal, ultimately, is ally aware; who have stronger leadership and com-
to deconstruct systems of power so the need for ser- munication skills; and who (albeit marginally) earn
vice and the inequalities that create and sustain them higher grade point averages and have stronger crit-

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
ical thinking skills than their non-service-learning community problem solving through critical
counterparts (Astin & Sax, 1998; Densmore, 2000; thinking that raises questions about the roots of
Eyler & Giles, 1999; Kezar, 2002; Markus, social inequality. For example, a service learning
Howard, & King, 1993). Due largely to this evi- approach might encourage youth to participate
in a service activity that provides homeless fam-
dence, service-learning has emerged on college and
ilies with food, while social awareness encour-
university campuses as an effective practice to ages youth to examine and influence political
enhance student learning and development. But and economic decisions that make homelessness
some authors assert that, “to suggest that all forms possible in the first place. Reflected in this
of community service equally develop an ethic of example is a critical understanding of how sys-
care, a flowering of a mature identity, and advance tems and institutions sustain homelessness.
our understanding of community is misleading” Through an analysis of their communities, youth
(Neururer & Rhoads, 1998, p. 329). develop a deep sense of how institutions could
There are examples in the literature where com- better serve their own communities and initiate
munity service learning is criticized, labeled as strategies to make these institutions responsive
to their needs. (p. 90)
charity or “forced volunteerism,” critiqued for rein-
forcing established hierarchies, and deemed pater- While I agree with Neururer and Rhoads (1998) that
nalistic (Boyle-Baise, 1998; Cooks, Scharrer & it would be misleading to suggest that all service-
Paredes, 2004; Cruz, 1990; Forbes, Garber, learning experiences encourage the type of critical
Kensinger, & Slagter, 1999; Ginwright & analysis suggested by Ginwright and Cammarota, I
Cammarota, 2002; Levinson, 1990; McBride, Brav, believe it is equally misleading to suggest that no ser-
Menon, & Sherraden, 2006; Pompa, 2002; Sleeter, vice-learning class or program encourages the in-
2000). Pompa (2002) explains her reservation: depth analysis or approach to community problem-
Unless facilitated with great care and con- solving that Ginwright and Cammarota name social
sciousness, “service” can unwittingly become awareness. In the service-learning field, the
an exercise in patronization. In a society approaches labeled as “service learning” and “social
replete with hierarchical structures and patriar- awareness” by Ginwright and Cammarota might be
chal philosophies, service-learning’s potential labeled as traditional and critical service-learning.
danger is for it to become the very thing it The concept of critical service-learning first
seeks to eschew. (p. 68) appears in Robert Rhoads’s (1997) exploration of
“critical community service.” Rice and Pollack
Robinson (2000a) concurs, boldly stating that ser-
(2000) and Rosenberger (2000) employed the term
vice-learning as a depoliticized practice becomes a
“critical service learning” to describe academic ser-
“glorified welfare system” (p. 607). Without the
vice-learning experiences with a social justice orien-
exercise of care and consciousness, drawing atten-
tation. This explicit aim toward social justice chal-
tion to root causes of social problems, and involv-
lenges traditional perceptions of service “as meeting
ing students in actions and initiatives addressing
individual needs but not usually as political action
root causes, service-learning may have no impact
intended to transform structural inequalities”
beyond students’ good feelings. In fact, a service-
(Rosenberger, p. 29). A recent study by Wang and
learning experience that does not pay attention to Rodgers (2006) shows that a social justice approach
those issues and concerns may involve students in to service-learning results in more complex thinking
the community in a way that perpetuates inequali- and reasoning skills than traditional service-learning
ty and reinforces an “us-them” dichotomy. Further, courses. A critical approach embraces the political
such interpretations of service-learning (ironically) nature of service and seeks social justice over more
serve to mobilize and bolster privileged students to traditional views of citizenship. This progressive
participate in and embrace systems of privilege pedagogical orientation requires educators to focus
(Brown, 2001), preserve already unjust social on social responsibility and critical community
structures (Roschelle, Turpin, & Elias, 2000), and issues. Service-learning, then, becomes “a problem-
may act to “normalize and civilize the radical ten- solving instrument of social and political reform”
dencies” of our constituent communities, students, (Fenwick, 2001, p. 6).
and ourselves (Robinson, 2000b, p.146). Critical service-learning programs encourage stu-
Ginwright and Cammarota (2002) critique ser- dents to see themselves as agents of social change,
vice-learning, advocating a social justice approach and use the experience of service to address and
instead: respond to injustice in communities. Rahima Wade
Unlike “service learning,” where youth learn (2000) terms this perspective “service for an ideal” as
through participation in community service pro- opposed to “service to an individual” (p. 97). Boyle-
jects, social awareness places an emphasis on Baise (2007) labels this “service for critical con-

sciousness.” Marullo (1999) considers service-learn- students in service-learning programs consider
ing a revolutionary pedagogy because of its potential whether some injustice has created the need for
for social change. Service-learning, he suggests: service in the first place” (Wade, 2001, p. 1).
Programs that might put more emphasis on social
If implemented properly, should be critical of the
status quo and should ultimately challenge
change may be characterized or dismissed as
unjust structures and oppressive institutional activism, or deemed inappropriate or too political
operations. It is the analytical component of ser- for classroom learning. Wade posits that the practi-
vice-learning that gives it revolutionary poten- cality of traditional service-learning (service to
tial, because it is precisely this component that individuals) versus critical service-learning (ser-
will reveal the systemic, social nature of inequal- vice for an ideal) may explain the prominence of
ity, injustice, and oppression. Service-learning is service-learning programs that emphasize student
also revolutionary to the extent that it creates a outcomes over community change:
partnership for change among community and
university actors. Once the sources of social In general, service for an ideal is more com-
problems are seen to reside in the social and pelling to me because of its potential power to
political systems that so lavishly reward the few effect change for more people. However, in prac-
at the expense of the many, it becomes obvious tice, service to individuals is more accessible
that such systems require change. It is in the and easier to facilitate with a given group of stu-
ensuing step, advocating for change and assist- dents over a short time (e.g., a semester). (p. 98)
ing students to acquire the knowledge and skills
to become agents of change, that the revolution- In service-learning programs that do not take a
ary potential becomes real. In this sense, service- critical approach, the emphasis of the service expe-
learning provides an opportunity for institution- rience is to find the students some opportunity to
alizing on college campuses activism committed do good work that will benefit a service agency,
to social justice. (p. 22) and provide the students with an opportunity to
To actualize the potential, Boyle-Baise (2007), reflect upon the work they are doing and perhaps
Wade (2000), and Marullo (1999) see that critical upon their own assumptions and stereotypes about
service-learning must emphasize the skills, knowl- the individuals with whom they serve. This type of
edge, and experiences required of students to not service-learning approach requires “foregrounding
only participate in communities, but to transform issues of identity and difference as a way of help-
them as engaged and active citizens. Critical ser- ing students alter their personal and world views
vice-learning must focus on creating true commu- and preparing students with new ideas and skills
nity-university partnerships where community that can help them understand and work across dif-
issues and concerns are as important (in planning, ferences” (Chesler & Vasques Scalera, 2000, p.
implementation, and evaluation) as student learn- 19). Chesler (1995), Eby (1998), Ginwright and
ing and development (Brown, 2001). Critical ser- Cammarota (2002), and Robinson (2000a; 2000b)
vice-learning must embrace the “progressive and all caution that these types of service programs,
liberal agenda” that undergirds its practice (Butin, while beneficial for the students in service roles
2006, p. 58) and serves as the foundation for ser- and providing much needed service in communi-
vice-learning pedagogy (Brown, 2001). The work ties, do not lead to any transformation in the com-
to realize the potential of this pedagogy and avoid munity and certainly do not tap into the revolution-
paternalism demands a social change orientation, ary potential that Marullo (1999) envisions. Mark
working to redistribute power, and developing Chesler (1995) explains:
authentic relationships as central to the classroom Service-learning does not necessarily lead to
and community experience (see Figure 1). improved service, and it certainly does not
necessarily lead to social change. As students
A Social Change Orientation fit into prescribed agency roles for their service
Student development and community change work they typically do not challenge the nature
often are viewed as mutually exclusive. Traditional and operations or quality of these agencies and
their activities. As we do service that primarily
interpretations of service-learning tend to empha-
reacts to problems—problems of inadequate
size students, focusing on “preprofessional” expe- education, of under-staffed and under-financed
riences (viewing service much like an internship or health care, of inadequate garbage collection
practicum), and the personal or social development service, of failing correctional institutions—
of students (mostly attitudes toward leadership, our service does not focus on challenging or
altruism, and sometimes thoughts or feelings about directing attention to changing the causes of
the people served in the community). “Rarely do these problems. (p. 139)

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
Figure 1.
Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning

While individual change and student development community projects and work that will allow ser-
are desired outcomes of traditional and critical ser- vice-learners to critically analyze their work in the
vice-learning, critical service-learning pedagogy bal- community. Educators using a critical service-
ances the student outcomes with an emphasis on learning pedagogy must support students in under-
social change. This requires rethinking the types of standing the consequences of service alongside the
service activities in which students are engaged, as possibilities—the ways service can make a differ-
well as organizing projects and assignments that ence as well as those ways it can perpetuate sys-
challenge students to investigate and understand the tems of inequality. O’Grady (2000) reminds us,
root causes of social problems and the courses of “Responding to individual human needs is impor-
action necessary to challenge and change the struc- tant, but if the social policies that create these
tures that perpetuate those problems. needs is not also understood and addressed, then
Social change efforts “[address] tremendous the cycle of dependence remains” (p. 13).
inequalities and fundamental social challenges by Rhoads (1998) offers some of the “big ques-
creating structures and conditions that promote tions” that guide a critical service-learning
equality, autonomy, cooperation, and sustainabili- approach: “Why do we have significant economic
ty” (Langseth & Troppe, 1997, p. 37). Service- gaps between different racial groups? Why do
learning practitioners who want to move toward women continue to face economic and social
critical service-learning must find ways to organize inequities? Why does the richest country on earth

have such a serious problem with homelessness?” ticipate in—e.g., tutoring, soup kitchens, afterschool
(p. 45). If service-learning programs aren’t asking enrichment programs—are shaped for the benefit of
these questions or encouraging students to investi- the students, reflecting “the skills, schedules, inter-
gate the links between “those served” and institu- ests, and learning agenda of the students in service-
tional structures and policies, service-learning stu- learning rather than to meet real community needs”
dents may never move beyond “band-aid” service (Eby, 1998, p. 4). In this way, the needs of service-
and toward action geared to the eradication of the learning students often take precedence over com-
cycles of dependence and oppression (Levinson, munity issues and concerns, and the service work
1990; O’Grady, 2000; Walker, 2000). performed is less than transformative.
Critical service-learning pedagogy fosters a crit- Involving students in social change oriented ser-
ical consciousness, allowing students to combine vice work is more difficult. Practitioners may need
action and reflection in classroom and community to work outside traditional non-profits and commu-
to examine both the historical precedents of the nity-based organizations to partner with groups
social problems addressed in their service place- actively working to change systems and structures
ments and the impact of their personal action/inac- (in contrast to “simply” offering services). Social
tion in maintaining and transforming those prob- change oriented service is more political than tra-
lems. This analysis allows students to connect their ditional notions of service and therefore may be
own lives to the lives of those with whom they subject to criticism from those who fear the prac-
work in their service experiences. Further, a critical tice attempts to indoctrinate rather than teach
service-learning approach allows students to (Butin, 2006; Robinson, 2000a; 2000b). The types
become aware of the systemic and institutionalized of service experiences that allow students to con-
nature of oppression. The action/reflection dynam- sider social change and transformation may not
ic of a critical service-learning pedagogy encour- bring immediate results and, therefore, may not
ages contemplation on both personal and institu- offer the type of gratification that students involved
tional contributions to social problems and mea- in more traditional service-learning classes experi-
sures that may lead to social change (Marullo, ence when the painting is completed, homeless per-
1999; Rice & Pollack, 2000). This praxis brings to son is fed, or child has finished the art project.
light the political nature of a pedagogy aimed to Social change oriented service takes time. Social
address and contribute to dismantling structural justice will never be achieved in a single semester
inequality. nor systems dismantled in the two- to four-hour
weekly commitment representative of many tradi-
Community service that is seen as part of an tional models of service-learning.
action/reflection dynamic that contributes to Forbes et al. (1999) are clear about the goals they
social change is dangerous in that it fosters a desire through a critical service-learning approach:
desire to alter the social and economic struc-
ture of our society. It is political because it We want…to empower students to see them-
questions how power is distributed and the selves as agents capable of acting together
connection between power and economics. with others to build coalitions, foster public
(Rhoads, 1997, p. 201) awareness, and create social change. Our goal
is to avoid the trap of the cultural safari,
Chesler and Vasques Scalera (2000) argue, “pro- instead discussing and demonstrating the tools
grams focused on social change involve students the students will require to pursue the objec-
more directly in mobilizing to challenge racist and tives they set forth within the engaged parame-
sexist structures in community agencies and in the ters of their own diverse lives and concerns. At
allocation of scarce social resources, and advocate the very least, this should short-circuit the
for the construction of community-oriented poli- stance of charitable pity that traditional volun-
teerism often produces. (p. 167)
cies and programs” (p. 19). Through a critical ser-
vice-learning approach, students can look ahead Merely assigning students to work in a particular
and consider the kind of work, beyond those ser- agency or program is not enough; faculty, students,
vice efforts already in place, that might ameliorate and staff must all be involved in a dialectic and
or transform social problems and lead to sustain- responsive process that encourages analysis and
able change (Wade, 2001). action to address issues and problems facing com-
The Community Component munities. Instead of seeing the community agency
as “a highly innovative textbook” (Brown, 2001, p.
“We are neglecting activities that address the struc- 16) or community members as “passive beneficia-
tural roots of problems,” Robinson (2000b, p.145) ries” (Ward & Wolf-Wendel, 2000, p. 767) in the
warns. The service work most service-learners par- service-learning relationship, a critical service-

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
learning pedagogy engages community partners has created the need being addressed” (p. 15), she
actively to create and define the service-learning continues to invoke the construction of community
experience. Marullo and Edwards (2000) offer need throughout the monograph. We need to recon-
principles that should guide a service-learning struct “need” as a term that invokes structural and
approach with aims of social justice. In particular, systemic problems without blaming individual
the contention that “the resources of the communi- communities. A critical service-learning pedagogy
ty should be developed and expanded as a top pri- brings attention to social change through dispelling
ority (taking precedence over the enrichment or myths of deficiency while acknowledging how sys-
gains experienced by the volunteers)” speaks to a tems of inequality function in our society. We must
service experience with a social change orientation help students understand that inadequate teaching
(Marullo & Edwards, 2000, p. 907). and learning resources, a lack of affordable hous-
The Classroom Component ing, redressing laws that unfairly criminalize
homelessness, the absence of accessible and avail-
A critical service-learning pedagogy asks stu- able childcare, and the unfair distribution of gov-
dents to use what is happening in the classroom— ernment resources (e.g., policing, garbage collec-
the readings, discussion, writing assignments and tion, public green space, among many others) are
other activities—to reflect on their service in the compelling community needs and there is no blame
context of larger social issues. “Such a vision is or shame in acknowledging them as such.
compatible with liberatory forms of pedagogy in Course readings can also reflect a social change
which a goal of education is to challenge students orientation. “Required readings help students
to become knowledgeable of the social, political, examine theoretical perspectives…and evaluate
and economic forces that have shaped their lives whether they adequately reflect the reality of the
and the lives of others” (Rhoads, 1998, p. 41). disenfranchised individuals with whom they work”
Students must be encouraged to reflect on the (Roschelle et al., 2000, p. 841). Readings can often
structural causes and concerns that necessitate their invoke voices or experiences not heard or realized
service (Eby, 1998; Roschelle et al., 2000). in service, and raise questions and inspire dialogue
Marullo and Edwards (2000) caution, “If students’ that can lead to deeper understanding. The readings
causal explanation of a social problem such as and concepts covered in a critical service-learning
poverty, illiteracy, or homelessness points to flaws course should bring attention to issues of social
or weaknesses in individuals’ characteristics, it is justice and concepts of privilege and oppression.
quite likely that they have missed entirely the Service, itself, is a concept steeped in issues of
social justice dimension of the problem” (p. 903). identity and privilege which must be wrestled with
Dialogue, reflections, and writing assignments can for students to be effective in their service work. A
encourage the analysis that allows students to critical service-learning program is intentional in
understand real world concerns and the systemic its social change orientation and in its aim toward a
causes behind them. Additionally, incorporating more just and caring society; part of that intention-
community knowledge through, for example, ality is demonstrated in the concepts with which
including presentations or co-teaching by commu- students engage in classroom discussions, read-
nity members involved in the service-learning part- ings, and writing assignments.
nership, can provide “insider” information about Capstone experiences can bring attention to
community needs and concerns and make linkages social change through a service-learning experi-
to root causes that may be more difficult for facul- ence. They can be a culminating research project
ty and students who enjoy a more privileged status. that allows students to analyze, propose, and
A discussion of whether the language of com- implement a strategy to address a community con-
munity “needs” implies community deficits and cern. Capstone experiences are most effective
reifies structures of inequality is inevitable in a crit- when students’ service involves collaborations with
ical service-learning pedagogy. Acknowledging community members and responds to community-
community needs, problems, and/or issues does not identified concerns. From mistakes and successes,
necessarily imply deficits or deficiency, but rather students come to understand the process of com-
concerns, issues, and resources that can be munity change (Mitchell, 2007).
addressed through the service-learning relation- Bickford and Reynolds (2002) argue that the
ship. This problem of language is a challenge framing of service-learning projects and activities
addressed in the literature but not resolved. For in the classroom “impacts both what our students
example, though Brown (2001) challenges that do and how they understand it (i.e., whether it con-
framing community issues as needs “suggests that tributes to ‘change’ or just ‘helps’ someone). The
it is a community’s own fault or inadequacy that frameworks within which we think of our work are

not ‘irrelevant’” (p. 241). A social change orienta- traditionally structured, Cooks et al. (2004) argue,
tion allows critical service-learning programs to lead to a socially constructed image of a community
look beyond immediate challenges to more com- in need of repair, with students armed and prepared
prehensive issues of our communities (Téllez, to “fix” what is wrong. Simply by choosing which
2000). A critical service-learning pedagogy moves agencies will be “served” and how and when stu-
beyond simply doing service in connection to a dents will enter the service experience to complete
course’s academic content to challenging students certain tasks or meet certain objectives allows power
to articulate their own visions for a more just soci- to be retained firmly in the grasp of the instructor and
ety and investigate and contemplate actions that students. From this place, we determine “who or
propel society toward those visions. what needs to be ‘fixed’, to what standard, and who
should be in charge of fixing the problem” (Cooks et
Working to Redistribute Power al., p. 45). Service-learning faculty, who wish to
Traditional service-learning programs seldom incorporate a critical approach, must recognize and
acknowledge the power differences inherent in ser- problematize issues of power in the service experi-
vice-learning experiences. Lori Pompa (2002) dis- ence. Warren (1998) challenges, “Looking at diversi-
cusses the undergirding power issues in the tradi- ty alone is not enough to truly examine social justice
tional service-learning approach: issues. Diversity often implies different but equal,
while social justice education recognizes that some
If I “do for” you, “serve” you, “give to” you— social groups in our society have greater access to
that creates a connection in which I have the social power” (p. 136). Too often, the “difference”
resources, the abilities, the power, and you are experienced in the service setting is reduced to issues
on the receiving end. It can be—while benign of diversity. This action serves to essentialize and
in intent—ironically disempowering to the
reinforce the dichotomies of “us” and “them,” repro-
receiver, granting further power to the giver.
Without meaning to, this process replicates the
ducing the hierarchies critical service-learning seeks
“have-have not” paradigm that underlies many to undo.
social problems. (p. 68) Butin (2003) introduces a “postructuralist perspec-
tive” of service-learning as a way to investigate our
An aspect of the service-learning experience that collusion with systems of injustice and viewing ser-
practitioners cannot escape or diminish is that stu- vice-learning as “a site of identity construction,
dents engaged in service-learning will undoubtedly deconstruction, and reconstruction” (p. 1684).
have greater societal privilege than those whom they “Specifically,” he writes, “a poststructuralist perspec-
encounter at their service placements. Whether it be tive suggests that in positioning ourselves as tutors
race, class, age, ability, or education level, and in who give back to the community, we are necessarily
some cases the privilege of time (which may also involved in asymmetrical and static power relations”
manifest as class privilege), students in some way (or (p. 1684). A critical service-learning pedagogy
in all of these ways) have more power than the con- names the differential access to power experienced
stituents in the service agencies where they work. by students, faculty, and community members, and
“Service, because it involves the experience of social encourages analysis, dialogue, and discussion of
inequalities and crossings of the very borders that those power dynamics. Without looking at access to
sustain and reproduce them, facilitates musings on social power and the role of power (or the lack of
alternative worlds; on utopias, not as practical reali- power) in determining who receives service as well
ties, but as visions propelling social change” (Taylor, as what services are provided, the potential of using
2002, p. 53). While some practitioners point to an service-learning as a pedagogy that brings society
“encounter with difference” as an aspect of the ser- closer to justice is forfeited.
vice-learning experience that leads to the develop- Illuminating issues of power in the service-learn-
ment and change desired (Kahne & Westheimer, ing experience is not easy. It requires confronting
1996; Rhoads, 1997), we must be cautious in asking assumptions and stereotypes, owning unearned
students to engage in these experiences without chal- privilege, and facing inequality and oppression as
lenging unjust structures that create differences. something real and omnipresent. Densmore (2000)
Cynthia Rosenberger (2000) contends, “the develop- supports a curricular approach that explores in-
ment of critical service learning, whose goal is to depth both the historical and current relationships
contribute to the creation of a just and equitable soci- between social groups that leads to and reinforces
ety, demands that we become critically conscious of hierarchies of difference in society. Rosenberger
the issues of power and privilege in service learning (2000) seems unsure whether service-learning
relationships” (p. 34). practitioners are prepared to embark upon this
The ways in which service-learning programs are challenge when she asks:

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
Is service learning willing to participate in the bers, political advocacy, and direct protest (espe-
unveiling and problematizing of the present cially as actions determined by the community to
reality of our society and to respond to the dif- best serve community needs) can be viewed as ser-
ficult, complex issues of inequity, oppression, vice, and campus resources can be allocated to
and domination? Is service learning willing to
address community needs (e.g., providing commu-
make less-privileged people subjects and not
objects? (p. 32)
nity access to the campus library, involving ana-
lysts from institutional research in completing a
Hayes and Cuban (1997) introduce “border peda- community needs assessment, operating a soup
gogy” as a means to enable individuals to think more kitchen from a university dining hall). Additionally,
deeply about power relations and their experiences long-term partnerships that begin before and last
with privilege and oppression. “Border crossing beyond the semester and provide opportunities for
serves as a metaphor for how people might gain a continuity avoid the “turn-over” typical in tradi-
more critical perspective on the forms of domination tional service-learning (Brown, 2001). These
inherent in their own histories, knowledge, and prac- actions probably do not go far enough to dismantle
tices, and learn to value alternative forms of knowl- the oppressive hierarchies defining the server-
edge” (Hayes & Cuban, p. 75). served dichotomy, but may provide enough chal-
The very real power differentials in service- lenge to the usual service relationship to allow our-
learning relationships must be exposed in order to selves, our students, and community members to
be critically analyzed and possibly changed question the distribution of power.
(Varlotta, 1997b). Butin (2005) concurs, under- The Classroom Component
standing service-learning pedagogy as “fundamen-
tally an attempt to reframe relations of power” (p. In the classroom, critical service-learning experi-
x). A critical service-learning pedagogy not only ences look to knowledge from community mem-
acknowledges the imbalance of power in the ser- bers, the curriculum, and the students themselves.
vice relationship, but seeks to challenge the imbal- “Service-learning challenges our static notions of
ance and redistribute power through the ways that teaching and learning, decenters our claim to the
service-learning experiences are both planned and labels of ‘students’ and ‘teachers,’ and exposes and
implemented. To do so, everyone’s perspective, explores the linkages between power, knowledge,
especially those of community members to whom and identity” (Butin, 2005, pp. vii-viii). Through
power is potentially redistributed, “must be classroom experiences, questioning the distribution
accounted for and eventually integrated into the of power can be facilitated through readings,
service experience” (Varlotta, 1997b, p. 38). reflective writing, experiential activities, and class-
The Community Component room discussions. These experiences recognize
that knowledge and understanding are developed in
Service-learning has already been called on for many different ways.
its tendency to privilege the needs of students Discussions about biases, unearned privilege,
above those of community members (Brown, 2001; and power must figure prominently in service-
Eby, 1998). A critical service-learning experience learning classrooms (Green, 2001; Nieto, 2000;
seeks mutual benefit for all parties in the experi- Roschelle et al., 2000; Rosenberger, 2000). A criti-
ence. Ward and Wolf-Wendel (2000) challenge us cal service-learning pedagogy encourages analysis
to view service-learning as a “focus in on us” (p. and dialogue that allows students to identify and
769, emphasis added), recognizing that the prob- challenge unequal distributions of power that cre-
lems being addressed through service-learning ate the need for service. The border pedagogy that
impact all of us as a community. Hayes and Cuban (1997) advocate may create the
In developing a service-learning experience, openness and acceptance of “alternative knowl-
stakeholders consider the complementary relation- edge” needed to create an inclusive service-learn-
ship between the service activity, course content, ing experience where stakeholders can share power
community needs, and student outcomes. To chal- and challenge traditional power relationships.
lenge the distribution of (and work to redistribute)
Crossing borders of knowledge, and entering
power, critical service-learning experiences
into “borderlands,” where existing patterns of
empower community residents “to do as much of
thought, relationship, and identity are called
the work as its resources allow” (Marullo & into question and juxtaposed with alternative
Edwards, 2000, p. 907). The service experience in ways of knowing and being, provides the
a critical service-learning pedagogy need not opportunity for creative and oppositional
mimic traditional paradigms of service. Students reconstructions of self, knowledge, and cul-
and faculty can work alongside community mem- ture… (p. 75)

How power relationships are produced and repro- Developing Authentic Relationships
duced should be ongoingly observed and critiqued,
Developing genuine partnerships among edu-
with a consciousness geared toward reconfiguring
cators and their students, and people and orga-
power relationships to reverse current (and expect-
nizations situated in “the community,” is criti-
ed) hierarchies in traditional service practice. cal to the learning process and to working
Recognizing the knowledge of (and in) the com- toward social justice…the relationship should
munity by insuring community input is reflected in be considered as both a means to social justice
the curriculum is important (Brown, 2001; Cipolle, and a product of a more just society. (Koliba,
2004). This may be accomplished by bringing O'Meara, & Seidel, 2000, p. 27)
community members into the service-learning
classroom through curriculum development or Rosenberger (2000) notes, “much of the service
teaching roles, having faculty members engaged in learning literature shares a commitment to building
the service experience alongside students, or mutual relationships and to letting members of the
“reversing” the service-learning structure by hav- community identify the need. What is missing,
ing classes in the community. however, is an approach for creating such relation-
Reconfiguring the traditional classroom is another ships” (p. 37). The focus on developing authentic
way to encourage the redistribution of power. relationships, relationships based on connection, is
Disrupting the banking dynamic that is supported by an important element of a critical service-learning
a classroom configuration with a teacher in the front pedagogy. Critical service-learning demands we
and the students in rows can be challenged by having recognize the differences in service relationships,
all class participants (faculty included) sitting in a but as Collins (2000) reminds us, “most relation-
circle. Holding classes in lounge environments ships across difference are squarely rooted in rela-
(where comfortable chairs or couches replace more tions of domination and subordination, we have
formal student desks) is another way to challenge the much less experience relating to people as different
dynamic. A change in the learning environment can but equal” (p. 459). Instead, we must learn to see
introduce students to the possibility that learning our differences as “categories of connection,”
occurs in multiple locations. Students and communi- places from which to analyze power, build coali-
ty members may also share facilitation of the class tions, and develop empathy (Collins, 2000).
with faculty members, and students (and community Relationships based on connection recognize
members) can provide input into the construction of and work with difference. Connection challenges
the syllabus or the topics addressed in the classroom. the self-other binary and emphasizes reciprocity
These actions can help redefine the meaning of and interdependence. Common goals and shared
teachers and learners (Schultz, 2006). Creating a understanding create mutuality, respect, and trust
“professorless” environment where students and/or leading to authenticity. Reciprocity in the service-
community members participate in reflection with- learning experience seeks to create an environment
out the pressure or influence of a faculty member’s where all learn from and teach one another
presence can also shift the power dynamic and raise (Kendall, 1990). This emphasizes a collaborative
questions about knowledge, power, and identity relationship and seeks to involve all parties equally
(Addes & Keene, 2006). in the creation of service-learning experiences
Marullo and Edwards (2000) suggest that com- (Rhoads, 1997).
munity members should benefit from the skill “In most service-learning situations, relation-
development (“problem solving, critical thinking, ships are clearly based on difference: I’m home-
organizational know-how, and communication less; you’re not” (Bickford & Reynolds, 2002, p.
skills”) afforded to many students in service-learn- 237). This position makes it challenging to form a
ing programs (p. 907). Shouldn’t (and couldn’t) a relationship based on connection, because the
critical service-learning pedagogy fully integrate express purpose of interaction is centered on the
community members into the service-learning differences between the service-learning student
experience? The distribution of power in this and the community served. Varlotta (1997b) cau-
dynamic could be questioned and reconfigured as tions, “unless service-learners explicitly theorize
every participant in the service-learning relation- the complex relationships between and among
ship viewed themselves as a part of the community servers and servees, one group is likely to become
working for change, as a student in the classroom subordinate to the other” (p. 18).
seeking to build skills for community development, Critical service-learning experiences must pay
and as a conveyor of knowledge—a teacher—with special attention to how relationships are devel-
valid and powerful ideas, experiences, and per- oped and maintained in the service experience. The
spectives to share. challenge is to create relationships that neither

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
ignore the realities of social inequality in our soci- understand intellectually the “broad social
ety nor attempt to artificially homogenize all peo- dynamics” underlying the situations of the
ple in the service-learning experience (Bickford & people they serve (the plight of the elderly,
Reynolds, 2002). Varlotta (1997b) warns: causes of poverty, racism, etc.). Engagement
programs require more commitment from their
If students participating in a service-learning students than just fulfilling the required num-
experience are instructed to look constantly for ber of hours. (p. 69, emphasis in original)
the things that make them like the people they
are serving, then artificial homogenization is This mandate from Levinson (1990) further clarifies
likely to result. While it is sure to be the case the interlocking elements of a critical service-learn-
that college students enrolled in service-learn- ing pedagogy. Authentic relationships demand atten-
ing courses have something in common with tion to social change and understanding the root
servees, I believe it is dangerous, condescend- causes of social problems. Authentic relationships
ing, and offensive to suggest that they can put also demand an analysis of power and a reconfigur-
themselves in the place of a homeless person, ing of power in the service relationship. Taylor
a run-away teen, a battered woman, etc. Is it (2002) and Varlotta (1997b) might also argue that
possible after serving at these types of “safe- authentic relationships demand a new metaphor for
haven” shelters for college students to under- service, one that replaces our notions of service with
stand what it is like to be homeless or victim-
notions of community in which all people understand
ized by family violence? Though students
might improve their understanding of home-
and embrace our connectedness and interdepen-
lessness, domestic violence, and teenage street dence. Remen (2000) indicates agreement with this
life especially if they reflect critically upon approach as she defines service as “belonging.” She
these social problems and contextualize the sees service as “a relationship between equals,” or “a
specific situations at play, it is still unlikely, in relationship between people who bring the full
my opinion, to claim that service-learning resources of their combined humanity to the table
allows them to “know” what it is like to be and share them generously” (p. 198). A critical ser-
homeless, abused, etc. (p. 80) vice-learning pedagogy asks everyone to approach
the service-learning relationship with authenticity. In
Students cannot enter the service-learning experience
this process, we would develop a shared agenda,
with the false understanding that they are “just like”
acknowledge the power relations implicit in our
the community served. In theorizing complex rela-
interactions, and recognize the complexity of identi-
tionships, students must be able to name the ways
ty—understanding that our relationship within the
they are both like and unlike the individuals they
service-learning context is further complicated by
work with in the service setting, and further how
societal expectations.1
those similarities and differences impact their inter-
actions at the service site and (should this chance The Community Component
meeting occur) away from the service site. This is not
The service-learning relationship is inherently
to say, however, that students cannot build effective,
complex because of the myriad roles the pedagogy
authentic relationships with community members
requires of students and community members. For
based on connection. As Varlotta (1997b) acknowl-
students, this requires them to move between student
edges, service learners may indeed have something and teacher roles throughout the service experience
in common with “those served.” Students in service- (sometimes playing both roles simultaneously). A
learning experiences might use those commonalities student may be placed in a particular service experi-
to forge relationships with community members, and ence for the skills she can bring to the agency and
over time, through the experience of sharing their asked to teach or train various community members
lives, authentic relationships may develop. elements of that skill (e.g., a student working in a
Some service-learning practitioners view dialog- computer facility for a job training program). At the
ic engagement as critical to the development of same time, that student is expected to make observa-
authentic relationships with community members tions and to analyze and understand the systemic and
(Jones & Hill, 2001; Levinson, 1990; Pompa, institutional forces that make their service necessary
2002). Pompa sees dialogic engagement as both in today’s society. Community members, on the other
verbal exchange and as the experience of “being hand, might be asked to move between roles of stu-
together.” Levinson explains: dent and teacher, supervisor, and person in need. As
Engagement implies intensity…Programs that a student, the community member may be the person
engage students demand not only that students learning about computers from the service-learner at
use their hearts (e.g., sympathize or empathize the job-training program, and as the person in need,
with clients); they also insist that students that community member may also be (or feel)

expected to show gratitude and appreciation for the Authenticity necessitates good communication
service being provided. As a supervisor, the commu- between campus and community partners. This
nity member may be in a position of providing direc- begins with appropriate preparation for the relation-
tion to the service-learner, telling the individual (or ship, and continues with ongoing dialogue to provide
several individuals) where to go, what to do, and how opportunities to share information, exchange feed-
to do specific tasks. As supervisors, community back, and evaluate the partnership. Strand, Marullo,
members are sometimes asked to provide orientation Cutforth, Stoecker, & Donohue (2003) stress that all
and job training, verify service hours, and meet with members in a campus-community collaboration
students to give feedback and assess the students’ ser- “work to be effective talkers and good listeners” (p.
vice. Finally, as teacher, we sometimes ask commu- 55). They suggest avoiding academic jargon and
nity members to be their most vulnerable. The ser- slang, co-developing ground rules, and working to
vice-learning experience asks that community mem- ensure stakeholders have equal voice “including
bers teach us (and/or our students) what it means to those people who, because of age or social status, are
be in their particular circumstance (be it homeless, not used to contributing equally to a discussion or
“at-risk”, elderly, or illiterate). being listened to” as strategies for effective commu-
Preparation for the service experience and the nication (Strand et al., p. 55).
varied roles students and community members will The problem of continuity, discussed earlier, is
be challenged to fill must be clearly conveyed in a another important consideration of authenticity in
critical service-learning pedagogy. All participants relationships. Authenticity is not achieved in a
must be informed and willing to engage in these semester, so an ongoing partnership and prolonged
service relationships if authenticity is to be devel- engagement in service are integral to achieving this
oped. Susan Cipolle (2004) warns that “students desired outcome. By prolonged engagement in ser-
are often unprepared for the service learning expe- vice, I mean a service opportunity that is ongoing,
rience” and points specifically to a lack of knowl- where students are regularly engaged and involved
edge or understanding about the people served as a in the projects and work of the service agency. This
factor of student unpreparedness (p. 20). In my service should be meaningful, providing the stu-
experience, students involved in service-learning dent with work that captures their passion or inter-
either have not had the opportunity nor taken the est and affording the agency necessary and impor-
time to explore the communities that surround the tant contributions to its purpose. The agency
college or university campus. It is important to pro- should be able (and feel comfortable) to depend on
vide that opportunity for students, to give them a regular involvement from campus partners (stu-
chance to learn about and understand the commu- dents, faculty, staff or others). The opportunity to
nity in which they will be working. But, this lack of continue and expand their service work at the
knowledge is also true for the service site. Service agency should be available to students as the skills
agencies are often unprepared for service-learning and knowledge these students develop can contin-
with unclear expectations for students’ service and ue to benefit the agency and provide new service-
time, with limited understanding of what service- learners with peer models. An expanding role with
learning is, and (sometimes) without an accurate the service site can also provide students with more
understanding of the history, knowledge, skills, and and greater skills that may assist them in applying
experiences of the students coming to serve. We do their academic disciplines in service work or in
the students and the service agency a disservice by developing passions or interests that lead to career
asking students to show up for service with little to options or lifelong involvement in service.
no information about the mission and work of that The agency also benefits from sustained service
agency. We do community partners a disservice by engagement. Programs and projects benefit from
not appropriately preparing them for the service- experienced leadership. New service-learning stu-
learning relationship. Because developing authen- dents can be trained and oriented by a fellow stu-
tic relationships is a desired goal of a critical ser- dent, saving community partner time and
vice-learning pedagogy, appropriate preparation resources. Constituents of community agencies see
for the relationship is extremely important. a familiar face time and again which can make it
Levinson’s (1990) directive for engagement easier and more comfortable when new students
beyond service hours means that opportunities for are introduced into service roles. Experienced vol-
stakeholders in the service-learning relationship to unteers also transition easily into staff roles of
interact beyond the service work are important. community agencies. As relationships are devel-
Formal and informal meetings between students, oped, skills are learned, and commitment to the
faculty, and community members offer possibilities work is evident, students become valuable
for dialogue and coalition building. resources to the agency.

Traditional vs. Critical Service-Learning
Long-term partnerships, where faculty and high- identity, personal histories, and experiences of
er education institutions are engaged with the com- privilege and oppression are important to engage
munity, should be the goal of critical service-learn- effectively and authentically. Experiential activi-
ing. A commitment to community development ties, simulation exercises, and personal reflection
that is sustained and maintained benefits all stake- can facilitate self-awareness exploration (Cranton;
holders in a critical service-learning experience Zúñiga, 1998). Cranton suggests an autobiography
and goes a long way toward developing authentici- exercise where participants develop a narrative
ty (Marullo & Edwards, 2000). A campus commit- shared with others. The participation of facilitators
ment to partnership can funnel financial resources and/or instructors in these self-awareness exercises
into a community, generate interest in and attention is especially important as authentic relationships
to issues facing the community, and break down must be fostered amongst all participants in the
town-gown barriers. Further, a long-term partner- classroom (Cranton; Glatthorn, 1975).
ship builds knowledge as the institution becomes Critical reflection is central to transformative
more invested and involved in the community. This learning and service-learning practice (Cranton,
benefits the service-learning relationship as cam- 2006; Jacoby, 1996), and may contribute to authen-
pus and community work together to define and tic relationships in the classroom. Engaging in crit-
develop critical service-learning experiences that ical reflection requires questioning assumptions
effectively respond to community needs by utiliz- and values, and paying attention to the impacts and
ing the experience, expertise, and resources of the implications of our community work. While jour-
community, departments (programs or schools), naling is often used to encourage critical reflection,
faculty, university staff, and students. Campuses Popok (2007) goes further, recommending that stu-
and communities can do more, through developed dents share their writing in front of an audience to
and authentic partnerships where trust is built and receive and respond to feedback. This exchange
agendas shared, to implement programs, policies, develops authenticity through vulnerability and
and interventions that address root causes, trans- trust-building. This exercise also creates a space for
form communities, and lead to sustainable change. students to be challenged, question their ideas, and
The Classroom Component integrate new perspectives into their thinking.
Glatthorn’s (1975) notion of growth as a process of
In the critical service-learning classroom, devel- self-discovery is especially important to critical
oping authentic faculty and student relationships reflection. The classroom must be designed to cre-
provides a model for engagement in the communi- ate space for students to discover their opinions and
ty. This is achieved by a commitment to dialogue, commitments to the concerns raised through a crit-
developing self-awareness, critical reflection, and ical service-learning experience.
building solidarity. Radest (1993) encourages building solidarity, a
Authenticity in relationships is dependent on dia- concept central to authenticity. Solidarity extends
logue and connection. Sustained and meaningful fac- beyond the service relationship to a broader com-
ulty and student exchanges are necessary to engage “in mitment to social justice; it reflects what is possi-
a critical analysis of the world” (Cipolle, 2004, p. 22) ble once the service-learning course ends. Cipolle
that connects to personal histories, multiple perspec- (2004) and Sheffield (2005) express a need for sol-
tives, and sociological and historical material (Zúñiga, idarity as an outcome of service-learning. “It devel-
1998). Dialogue includes opportunities for formal and ops in the student not simply emotional readiness,
informal interaction, honoring conversations during but a cognitive/imaginative readiness” to engage in
breaks and before and after class as effective spaces for future action for social change (Sheffield, p. 49).
relationship building (Cranton, 2006). Extended con- Walker (2000) assigns an action plan at the end of
versations “about subject matter in a way that builds an the service-learning course to build this readiness
improved and shared understanding of ideas or topics” in students. Students develop an advocacy cam-
is an element of authentic pedagogy (Newmann, paign based on their service experience and
Marks, & Gamoran, 1996, p. 289). Zúñiga recom- research and are able, then, to figure out ways to
mends a blend of content and process—a facilitation act on their own and engage others in the work.
that deals strategically with disciplinary knowledge Expressions of solidarity represent a dimension of
and behavioral outcomes—to begin and sustain mean- authenticity because they demonstrate that we will
ingful faculty-student dialogue. continue to work for social change and social jus-
Self-awareness is an important feature of authen- tice once the service-learning experience has con-
ticity (Cranton, 2006; Glatthorn, 1975). To be cluded. It is the recognition that the social prob-
authentic we must acknowledge who we are and lems and structural inequalities that create and
the biases that shape our interactions. Exploring maintain those problems belong to all of us and

require all of us for change to occur. their experience in that placement will ensure that a
Service-learning, Rhoads (1997) contends, is an critical service-learning pedagogy questions and
experience “that brings students into a direct and problematizes the status quo.
significant relationship with others, and thus chal-
lenges students to consider a variety of significant Notes
issues about the self, such as a code to live by” (p.
36). The critical service-learning experience forged Many thanks to the editors and reviewers of this jour-
with authentic relationships, challenges students to nal for their thorough and insightful feedback.
confront stereotypes and generalizations and leads 1
I am grateful to Dr. Seth Pollack for helping me think
to the development of a more caring self (Rhoads). through the dimensions of authenticity crucial to relation-
Through these relationships, service-learning prac- ship building in critical service-learning pedagogy.
titioners hope that students will feel compelled to
pursue further action on the issues they encounter References
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ever, Bickford and Reynolds (2002) remind us, Addes, D. & Keene, A. (2006). Grassroots community
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TANIA D. MITCHELL is the service-learning
director for the Center for Comparative Studies in
Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University. In this
role, she directs the department’s academic program
in public service, community development, and com-
munity-based research. Her teaching and research
interests include service-learning pedagogy, college
student development, and social justice.


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