Outcomes. Learning Outcomes Are Statements That Describe Significant and Essential

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Institutional Learning Outcomes are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that students

are expected to develop as a result of their overall experiences with any aspect of the college,
including courses, programs, and student services.

Outcomes. Learning Outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential

learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a
course or program.

You can use Bloom's taxonomy to identify verbs to describe participants’ learning.
Examples of learning outcomes might include:
1. Knowledge/Remembering: define, list, recognize;
2. Comprehension/Understanding: characterize, describe, explain, identify,
locate, recognize, sort;
3. Application/Applying: choose, demonstrate, implement, perform;
4. Analysis/Analyzing: analyze, categorize, compare, differentiate;
5. Evaluation/Evaluating: assess, critique, evaluate, rank, rate;
6. Synthesis/Creating: construct, design, formulate, organize, synthesize.

Course Learning Outcomes are statements clearly describing the meaningful, observable and
measurable knowledge, skills and/or dispositions students will learn in this course.

Student-centered learning, also known as learner-centered education, broadly encompasses

methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the studen

Content-Based Instruction is an approach to language teaching that focuses not on the

language itself, but rather on what is being taught through the language; that is, the language
becomes the medium through which something new is learned.

In your personal life, good communication skills can improve your personal relationships by

helping you to understand others, and to be understood. ... Failure to talk has been blamed for
the breakdown of any number of partnerships and relationships—but the ability to listen is also
an important element.

Oral Communication can be observed through either Verbal and Non-verbal figures. As long

as the essence of the message is fully transmitted and completely
delivered, communication has been effective in both sides causing no misunderstanding;
When the sender wants to convey complex information, written communication serves better
than oral communication. Having the written document, the receiver can read it repeatedly
until he/she understands the entire message.

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