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Hamza Taqi, MPC

Hamza is a Master Performance Consultant, a Contributing Author, a Chartered

Marketer and an Electrical Engineer. Throughout his 30 years working journey in
Banking , Telecom, and Talent Development. Hamza was engaged in developing the
businesses of multinational brands like Visa, MasterCard, Nokia, Warner Bros, and
Disney. He found his passion and life purpose through the marketing mix, which led him
to specialize in the people development industry. As a Chief Excitement Officer for
Knowledge Consulting Co, since 2008 Hamza has dedicated his life to developing the
.PEOPLE element of the marketing mix
He strongly believes that PEOPLE can do wonders provided that they are able and
willing. His favorite quote is “What a man can do another can” has inspired thousands of
people throughout his workshops, keynotes, and intervention. ATD awarded Hamza with
Master Trainer Designation and Master Instructional Design. He also gained
certifications in multi disciplines such as Coaching, Consulting, Change Management,
and Facilitation in Synchronous Learning. Hamza also is a Certified Facilitator for The
Fish Philosophy and accredited Situational Leadership II Facilitator by Ken Blanchard.
He loves to learn and grow people. He started to train at the Institute of Banking Studies
.in 1992

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