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Q1) What is another name for lobular pneumonia and list its complications?

Complications :-
4-pulmonary fibrosis .....R.H.F...
Q2) List benign tumours of the large intestine and describe the morphology
of the benign tumours arising from the epithelial lining only?
*Epithelium(adenomatus polyp)
1-tubular adenoma
2-villous adenoma
3-tubulovillous adenoma
4-familial polyposis coli
*In CT:-

Q3)enumerate causes of right ventricular failure.?

1-left side H.F
2-mitral incompetence
3-pulmonary valve diseases
4-pulmonary hypertension
5-tricuspoid valve disease

Q4)Describe the microscopic picture of chronic active hepatitis B ?

mild :-inf. Cellular infiltrate into portal tract +focal necrosis
Moderate :-inf. Cellular infiltrate into portal tract extend into paranchyma + focal necrosis
Sever :- inf.cellular infiltrate into portal tract extend into paranchyma
+bridging necrosis
-A) Case 1
A 30-years-old male banker complains of mid epigastric gnawing and boring pain for the last
week. The pain is worse at night and is somewhat better immediately after he eats. No fever,
nausea, or vomiting. He too about one 500-mg acetaminophen tablets per week for
headaches but he did not take any other medications. Upper endoscopy revealed a 2cm
mucosal defect in the antrum of the stomach. There is mild edema in the adjacent mucosa,
but there is no thickening of the edges of the ulcer..
A) What is the most likely diagnosis? Duodenal peptic ulcer
B) What are the complications of this condition?
Perforation ...peritoneal sepsis
Penetration ...bleeding .....etc.
C) What is the aetiology of this disorder?
Stress ...rabid gastric emptying ..
H.pylori ...zolinger Ellison syndrome O+.....aspirin ..
.1-Multiple, small linear, adherent vegetations on the atrial aspect of mitral
valve at the line of closure are chareteristic of:
A) Rheumatic fever (True )
B) Acute infective endocrditis
C) Non infective thrombotic endocarditis
D) Subacute infective endocarditis of mitral valve
2-Which ONEof the following is not involved in the aetiology of systemic
A. Arteriolosclerosis. (True)
B. Chronic glomerulonephritis.
C. Conn's syndrome.
D. Phaeochromocytoma.
E. Raised sodium intake.
The answer is A. Arteriolosclerosis is the result of hypertension?
3- Which ONE of the following is least likely to be found in a child dying of acute
rheumatic fever?
A. Aschoff bodies.
B. 'Bread and butter' pericarditis.
C. History of recent sore throat.
D. Large crumbling vegetations on the mitral valve.
E. Raised anti-streptolysin O titre (ASO) titre
4- Which is the fourth in the following sequence of events?
A. Bacteraemia.
B. Infective endocarditis.
C. Mitral stenosis.
D. Tonsillectomy.
E. Valvular vegetations.
The answer is B. Infective endocarditis usually follows bacteraemia (A) in a patient
with some abnormality of the heart valves (C). This is often associated with previous
rheumatic fever, although congenital valve anomalies are also involved.
Tonsillectomy (D) is the cause of the bacteraemia, which results in large soft crumbly
vegetations on the abnormal valve cusps. The order is C-D-A-B-E
5-Which ONE of the following is not usually a feature of acute viral hepatitis in
a liver biopsy?
A. Acidophilic degeneration of hepatocytes.
B. Ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes.
C. Intact reticulin framework
D. Lymphocytic infiltrates in parenchyma and portal tracts.
E. Mallory bodies.
6-For each of the features of alcoholic liver disease listed on the left select the most
appropriate association from the list on the right.
a. Fatty liver.
b. Alcoholic hepatitis.
c. Micronodular cirrhosis.
A. Evidence of hepatocyte regeneration.
B. Ground glass hepatocytes present.
C. Hepatitis predominantly around hepatic vein branches.
D. Portal areas severely affected initially.
E. Recovery occurs if alcohol withdrawn.
The answer is E, C, A.
7-.A factor that stimulates the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells and
also relates to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is
a. Platelet-derived growth factor
b. Transforming growth factor β
c. Interleukin 1
d. Interferon α
e. Tumor necrosis factor
.8-Acute rheumatic fever classically develops in children 1 to 4 weeks
after a group A β-hemolytic streptococcal (Streptococcus pyogenes) infection
of the
a. Aorta
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Pharynx
e. Skin
9-The most common primary tumor of the heart in adults is usually
located in the left atrium and is called a
a. Chordoma
b. Rhabdomyoma
c. Leiomyoma
d. Myxoma
e. Papillary fibroelastoma
10-The most common malignant tumour of the liver:
a- cholangiocarcinoma b- hepatocellular carcinoma
c- metastatic carcinoma d- sarcoma

.11-Cells normally found in an atheromatous plaque include all the following, except
A. smooth muscle cells.
B. foam cells.
C. macrophages.
D. lymphocytes.
E. platelets.

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