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Task I.

Name: Jay Paul D. Casinillo Course & Year: BSED- ENGLISH 3-C2 Date: 11/13/2020

Instructions: Write down major ideas for each column.


 A premier  The university shall  The university shall

multidisciplinary – primarily provide produce scientifically
technological advanced professional and technologically
university. and technical oriented human capital.
instruction for special
- A school’s vision is very purposes. - A school’s goal is very
important as if it important in achieving
provides the focus for - A school’s mission is set of aims. With this,
all aspects very important step the school may look
organizational life. Just towards achieving and forward for the best
like what it states, creating a successful outcome of their
CTU’s Vision is a program and giving a students. CTU’S goal is
premier clarity and direction of to produce a
multidisciplinary school a school. CTU’s mission scientifically and
wherein it involves is to provide advanced technological oriented
more than one professional and human capital. Thus,
discipline or field of technical instruction for making it a motivation
study. Thus, making it a special purpose. Thus, to produce globally
well- rounded making it in line with competitive students
university with diverse the 21st century wherein soon to
specialties and options learners wherein become productive
to take. technology are being members of the society.
Task II.

Instructions: Answer each questions as explicitly as possible. Observe grammaticality in writing your

1. List 5 qualities of a good CTU teacher should have and give reasons for your choice. Which of
these qualities do you consider more important in the 21 st century and in the new normal, and
 Flexible
 Have Patience
 Creative
 Intelligent
 Good Listener
- The 5 qualities of a good CTU teacher should have are the ones that are listed above. I could say
so that those are the good qualities of a good teacher based on the teachers that I’ve had
encountered and is really effective sine I’ve learned a lot from them.
- Out of the 5 qualities of a good teacher, I could say that being flexible is more important in the
21st century and in the new normal. Student’s needs are changing all throughout the time that is
why we teachers should be flexible enough to adapt to the new changes. Just like with the new
normal wherein some modes are learning are through online or modular, teachers are being
test to be flexible in teaching to cope up with the new demands.

2. State 5 most important roles of a teacher in the 21 st century and in the new normal. Describe
each role and explain why it is important.

 Advocate for Digital Literacy: the teacher must know how to use the new advancements in
teaching and must teach students to learn it also. This one is really important since it is one of
the 21st century skills that are required in lending a job and is more efficient to use for teachers
in teaching.
 The Tutor: The teacher acts as a coach when students are involved in project work or self-study.
The teacher provides advice and guidance and helps students clarify ideas and limit tasks. This
role can be a great way to pay individual attention to a student. It can also allow a teacher to
tailor make a course to fit specific student needs.
 The Assessor: The teacher assumes this role to see how well students are performing or how
well they performed. With this, teachers could give feedback and correction or assess whether
on what gray area should he or she focus to improve her students learning.
 The Prompter: The teacher encourages students to participate and makes suggestions about
how students may proceed in an activity. The teacher should be helping students only when
necessary. With this, students may developed their sense of independency to learn.
 The Collaborative: Teachers allow the collaborative type of learning just like the collaboration of
technology in teaching. Creating digital resources, presentations, and projects together with
other educators and students will make classroom activities resemble the real world in this new
Task I.

Instructions: Explain each type of technical writing.

1. Executive Summary

- provides an overview of a larger document or research and is usually the first thing your reader will
see. Executive summaries will analyze a problem, drawn conclusions, and recommend a course of action
in a complete but brief synopsis.

2. Instruction Manuals

-is to familiarize the user with the product and/or to guide the user through a series of steps
that lead to the completion of a task.

3. News Releases

- are written to present the most important information first, with supporting details presented
later, usually in declining order of importance.

4. Posters and Visual Communication

-The poster and visual communication serves to transmit a message by means of a graphical
synthesis. It elicits attention by its originality, contrast, and focus on the center of interest. The poster is
effective if the images and slogans can be identified easily.

5. Proposals

-A proposal is a written document that is prepared in an attempt to persuade the prospect to

adopt the proposal's solution to a problem or need. A proposal can also be prepared for an internal
prospect where the proposal seeks to fill an organizational need or solve a problem.

6. Reports

-A report is a specific form of writing that is organized around concisely identifying and
examining issues, events, or findings that have happened in a physical sense, such as events that have
occurred within an organization, or findings from a research investigation.

Task II. Examples:

1. Executive Summary

 Executive summary of a business plan

 Executive summary of a report

2. Instruction Manuals

 DVD manual and user guide

 Cellphone set-up manuals

3. News Releases
 news blogs
 Newspaper Articles

4. Posters and Visual Communication

 Social media posts of a brand sale
 Website or blogs

5. Proposals

 Digital Marketing proposals

 Proposal for a product

6. Reports

 Business reports
 Study Report
 Article report

Assessment Task:

Instructions: Choose three among the six types of technical writing and give your own examples for

1. Instruction Manual

-Instruction Manual in rebooting a modem to connect to the internet.

1. Unplug the router and the modem.

2. Wait at least 30 seconds for your modem and router to rest.
3. Plug in the modem back in the power source.
4. Wait at least 60 seconds for your modem to boot up.
5. Plug in the router to the modem.
6. Wait at least 2 minutes to complete the set-up.
7. When the router and modem restart, test to see if the problem went away by checking if you
can connect to the internet.
8. If still can’t connect to the internet, try to call for a technical support from your ISP.
2. Proposal

- Example of a Travel Proposal


Cebu Technological University

Cebu City
February 3-5 2021

About the Conference:

CTU Student Council is the leading comprehensive student affairs association that advances
student affairs and engages students for a lifetime of learning and discovery.

The co-located 2021 annual convention is an extraordinary opportunity for our members to
examine the role that college and university leaders play in:
● advancing student learning and wellness
● cultivating critical discourse
● integrating intersectional approaches to identity
● transforming higher education
Purpose of Trip:
This trip is to provide opportunities for further grasp of knowledge on issues concerning campus
climate, college access, educational quality in higher education and social justice. In addition they
will benefit greatly from networking with peers and colleagues from other institutions of higher
education. They will be able to dialogue on issues impacting professional and career
opportunities as well as learn best practices in their day-to-day work.
Travel Schedule
Depart: Sunday, Feb. 3, 2021
Return: Thursday, Feb. 5, 2021
Conference Registration: Php 30,000.00
Transportation Allowance: Php 5,000.00
Meal Allowance (per day): Php 1000.00
Total Estimated Cost: Php 95,000.00
3. Poster and Visual Communication

“Why I want to become an English Teacher”

Ever since I was a child, I do always look up with my sister who's a teacher. She goes to school
early in the morning and then comes home late but her day doesn't just end there. After she
eats, she checks all the paper handouts that her students answered and then after that she
sleeps. She's really hard working which I admire about her and supports the family. But then
there comes a time when she doesn't have time with the family sometimes as if she has
something to do with regards to her profession. Her routine was always been like that and I
thought to myself sometimes, I don't want to be like her. But how funny life sometimes is
because currently I am enrolled in a prestigious university and took up an education course. But
what pushes me to become an English teacher? Well, I've had just realized when I was on my
senior years how important teachers are and how fulfilling it is to change once person's life. I
instil in my mind that teaching is a tough job, but it is one where we can make the most impact
in another person's life and that's what made me decide to become an English teacher.

Looking back, I have been inspired by one of my instructors when I was on my senior years. He
is really a great teacher and a great person. I've been looking up on his life stories on how did
he become a teacher. His challenges on getting at the top and his principles in life had gave me
an idea how fulfilling becomingly a teacher is. Aside from that, my mom would also say to me
that he wanted me to become a teacher for a better compensation and for financial stability.
But on the process of getting there, there's always a doubt on myself whether I could make it or
not since I know that being a teacher is hard. With regards to the major that I'll be choosing,
supposedly I'll be wanting to get social sciences since that is near to my heart but then I don't
get the cut-off. I have no choice that time since I don't have any other option, so I get English as
my major. I'm really not good in English, so it is really a challenge for me every day in learning
to love my major. Thanks to my great instructors who are always there to cheer me up and
encouraged me to love it. They always say that learning to love a major takes time, so I'll just
trust the process because once I'm on the peak my hard works will be paid off. Also, I always
envision myself whenever I'm in front speaking how nice it is to teach and fulfilling to change
lives of others. With that, it motivates me more to become a teacher. As what they say, we
teachers are like candles; we consumes ourselves to light the way for our students.
Currently, I'm on my third year and am on the process of getting there. The situation as of the
moment is really hard due to the pandemic but I always see the brighter side of everything.
Though I feel burnouts sometimes but I don't let it become a hindrance for me not to reach the
peak. I have a dream, so I must work hard on it. It might be bitter as of the moment, but it will
be sweeter once I'll harvest the fruit.

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