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Geronimo, Jael Hazel C.

Introduction to Linguistics
BSED – 11M1 Task 03

Short poem with highlighted 10 diphthongs:

A Single Act

A single kite can fly in the sky

A single voice can produce a song
A single smile can wow a crowd
A single strive can conclude a goal
A single stride can move you forward
A single act can change a life

Classify and present in table form:

Word Diphthong
1. Kite  /aɪ/ in /i/
2. Fly  /aɪ/ in /y/
3. Sky  /aɪ/ in /y/
4. Voice  /ɔɪ/ in /oi/
5. Smile  /aɪ/ in /i/
6. Crowd  /aʊ/ in /ow/
7. Strive  /aɪ/ in /i/
8. Goal  /aʊ/ in /oa/
9. Stride  /aɪ/ in /i/
10. Life  /aɪ/ in /i/

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