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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
in the Republic of India
The Ministry of Climate Change & Environments
in the United Arab Emirates
in Agriculture and Allied sectors

The Government of the Republic of India, herein represented by

the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, and hereinafter referred
to as "First Party" and the Government of the United Arab Emirates
(UAE), herein represented by the Ministry of Climate Change &
Environment, and hereinafter referred to as "Second Party';

Both Parties are herein jointly referred to as the "Two Parties".

RECOGNIZING the worth of agricultural development for both

their countries, and in a loyal bid to create a conducive ecosystem to
magnify the domain of their joint cooperation; and desiring to boost their
amicable cooperation and exchange in the field of agriculture, and based
on the principles of equality, reciprocity, and respect; have agreed, after
mutual consultation to the following covenants:

Article (1): Purpose of this MoU

The Two parties aim to develop a common framework for

cooperation on various agricultural fields of interest; comprising the
enhancement and expansion of agricultural cooperation, food
processing, and transfer of science and technology in modern cultivation

Article (2): Scope of Cooperation

The Two parties agreed to cooperate in agricultural fields and in

related aspects:

(i) Exchange of science and technology in regards to fighting

palm trees' pests, cultivating saline soil, and combating
desertification; besides conducting relative studies.

(ii) Exchange of scientific and technical know-how and related

expertise namely in up-to-date agricultural technologies,
irrigation systems, and utilizing treated-waters in

(iii) Cooperate in expanding the modern cultivation methods

like hydroponics and organic farming.

(iv) Exchange of information and expertise on the production of

equatorial Plantations, especially palm trees.

(v) Develop cooperation in food security and food processing.

(vi) Encourage mutual trade exchange, especially in livestock

and related by products through the establishment of
mutually acceptable ventures

(vii) Boost mutual import and export

(viii) Joint cooperation in fish farming and exchange of know-how

(ix) Organize seminars, workshops, and training sessions on

subjects of common interest.
(x) Any other extra fields of mutual cooperation the two Parties
may agree upon

Article (3): Application

The Two Parties have agreed to:

(a) define priority areas for mutual cooperation, and prepare Work
plans and associated schemes and projects.
(b) define mechanisms of cooperation in alignment with local
regulations and laws prevailing in each country.
(c) execute projects of cooperation, and exchange visits in
compliance with the planned cooperation schemes duly approved by
the Two parties.

Article (4): Intellectual Property Rights

Issues relating to the Intellectual Property Rights will be governed

as per the provisions;

(i) Each party will ensure appropriate protection of intellectual

Property Rights generated from cooperation pursuant to
MoU, consistent with their respective Laws, rules and
regulations & International agreements to which both
parties are committed

(ii) The allocation of the ownership of the intellectual property

rights arising out of or pursuant to any activity carried out
under this MoU shall be determined on case by case basis
in accordance with applicable, domestic laws and
international agreements signed by both parties.

(iii) Notwithstanding anything contained herein, a party shall

own intellectual property rights in respect to any technology
development, products and services development, which
were solely and separately developed by that Party.

(iv) The parties shall not assign any rights and obligations
arising out of the IPR generated to inventions/activities
carried out under the MoU to any third party without
consent of the other party. In case of research results
obtained through joint activities, the grant of Intellectual
Property Rights will be sought by both the parties jointly
and once generated, these rights will jointly be owned by
the Parties.

(v) In case of research results obtained through joint activities

under this MoU, both Parties will apply as co-applicant for
the protection of the intellectual property rights subject to
exclusive rights of both the parties to commercialize the
technology in their respective countries. Commercialization
in any other country shall be done jointly through a
separate agreement.

(vi) Any publication document and/or paper arising out of joint

work conducted by the participants pursuant to this MoU
will be jointly owned. The use of name, logo and/or official
emblem of the participants on any publication, document
and/or paper will require prior permission of both
participants. It may, however, be ensured that the official
emblem and logo is not misused.


In case of research results obtained through joint activities under

this MoU, both parties will apply as co-applicants for the protection of
intellectual property rights subject to exclusive rights of both the parties
to commercialize the technology in their respective countries.
Commercialization in any other country shall be done jointly through a
separate agreement in writing.

Any publication, document and/or paper arising out of joint work
conducted by the participants pursuant to this MoU will be jointly owned.
The use of the name, logo and/or official emblem of the parties on any
publication, document and/or paper will require prior permission of both
the parties. It may however be ensured that the official emblem and logo
is not misused.

Confidential information:

(I) All information and documents to be exchanged

pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding will be kept confidential
by the parties and will be used subject to such terms as each party
may specify. The parties will not use the information for purposes other
than that specified without the prior written consent of the other party.

(II) All Confidential information shall remain the exclusive

property of the disclosing party. The parties agree that this agreement
and the disclosure of the Confidential Information do not grant or imply
any license, interest or right to the Recipient In respect to any
intellectual property right of the other party.

(III) Unpublished information, whether oral, in writing or otherwise,

discovered or conceived by the scientists or technicians and exchanged
under the provisions of this MoU will not be transmitted to a third party,
unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Article (5): Duration and Renewal

This MoU enters into force as of date of its signing by the Two
Parties and shall be valid for five (5) years. This MoU shall be
automatically renewed for a period of five subsequent years, unless one

of the Two Parties notify the other Party of its intention, in writing through
diplomatic channels, to terminate the MoU; at least six months before its
date of expiration/termination.

The finalization of this MoU shall not interfere or influence, in any way
whatsoever, the outstanding plans and projects.

Article (6): Independence

Any of the Two Parties shall organizationally and legally keep and
maintain its own independence and work.

Article (7): Settlement of Disputes

All disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of this
MoU shall be conversed through the Two parties' points of
communication and the due counselling through diplomatic channels.

Article (8): Modifications and Revisions

Any amendment or alteration to this MoU is subject to prior written
mutual agreement between the two Parties and shall be effected in the
same manner applied in issuing this MoU. The Party willing to conduct
an amendment or alteration shall express its desire in writing.

Signed this Memorandum of Understanding at Delhi on

zs" January, 2017 in two originals, each in the Hindi, Arabic, and English
languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of difference in
interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of For the Government of

the Republic of India the United Arab Emirates
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