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Executive summary (2-3 sentences, write this last)

 Neatly explain the purpose or scope of the proposal.

 Identify the equipment and personnel involved. Spell out frequently used acronyms in first
 Characterize the ROI can the company expect from the project.

Background (3 paragraphs, 3 sentences each)

 What are we solving or pursuing?
o Identify the pain point or opportunity the proposal is addressing.
o Describe the impact this point has on business operations.
o State how your proposed solution will address pain or opportunity; mention
documented company practices (if any) that support the proposal.
 What do we need to complete the project?
o What are the technical specifications needed to implement the solution?
o Why is this the most cost-effective solution—short term, and long run?
o Describe your research process that lead you to this particular solution.
 What can we expect during and after project?
o Summarize the timeline and personnel involvement for rollout
o Characterize how business operations will be affect during rollout
o Illustrate how business operations after solution is in place.

Ideal outcome (3 sentences)

 How and when will the company experience the benefits of the project?
 What tangibles will the company gain from this proposal?
 What will the takeaways from the project look like, or what will we learn for future

Potential risks (3 sentences)

 Characterize the likelihood for the worst case scenario
 Set real, accurate expectations for any downtime or disruption
 Show an emergency backup plan preventing downtime or disruption should it occur

Alternatives (2-3 sentences)

 What are other solutions that you considered?
 How is the proposed solution better?

Budget (attach a spreadsheet)

 Part | quantity | vendor | price
 Personnel hours for installation
 Downtime costs
Sample Budget Sheet

Parts & Equipment

QTY Part Number Description Manufacturer Vendor Price

Labor costs
Name Action Estimated Hours


Outages & Downtime

Date & Time Duration System Affected Impacts Costs

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