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of Marke0ng
Lesson 1: Marke0ng Principles and
(part 2)

Presented by: Leonides B. Suing
Principles of Marke0ng
How to Use the 3C Model for Marke3ng Strategy?
To use the 3C model to develop your company's
marke0ng strategy, you'll gather informa0on on each of
the 3 Cs, and then analyze it to determine your strategy:

Principles of Marke0ng

Principles of Marke0ng

Principles of Marke0ng
Out of the 3 C model, your marke3ng strategy
becomes apparent. You’ll be able to define:
1.  What you offer
2.  How you offer it
3.  What your unique value proposi0on and
market posi0oning is
4.  Your message that will connect with your
target market

Principles of Marke0ng
Key Result Areas of
1) Prospec3ng Power:
Finding more and beQer
qualified people to talk
about your product or
Principles of Marke0ng
2) Rela3onship Selling:
Building high levels of
trust, rapport and
credibility with each
Principles of Marke0ng
3) Iden3fying Needs
Accurately: Asking good
q u e s 0 o n s t o l e a r n
exactly how and why
your product or service is
the ideal choice for this
Principles of Marke0ng
4) Making Persuasive
P r e s e n t a 3 o n s :
Showing the customer
clearly why he should
buy your product or
service now.
Principles of Marke0ng
5) Overcoming Objec3ons:
Dealing effec0vely with the
ques0ons and concerns of
the prospect that holds him
or her back from buying. In
order to increase sales you
must be prepared to hear a
“no” and con0nue selling.
O b j e c 0 o n s m e a n t h e
prospect is interested.

Principles of Marke0ng

6) Closing the Sale: Confidently
asking the prospect to make a
buying decision and take ac0on.

7 ) G e P n g R e - s a l e s a n d
Referrals: Taking such good
care of your customers that
they buy, buy again, and tell
their friends to buy from you.

Principles of Marke0ng

Scope of Marke0ng:
1)  Goods
2)  Services
3)  Experiences
4)  Events
5)  Persons
6)  Places
7)  Proper0es
8)  Organiza0ons
9)  Informa0on
10)  Ideals

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