G12 ABM Marketing Lesson 1 (Part 3)

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of Marke0ng
Lesson 1: Marke0ng Principles and
(part 3)

Presented by: Leonides B. Suing
Principles of Marke0ng
Marke&ng Objec&ves: Types and Goals
u M a r k e 0 n g o b j e c 0 v e s a r e s h o r t - t e r m
achievements to help achieve long-term goals,
which are mostly set on a weekly or a monthly

Principles of Marke0ng
objec0ve is a marke0ng objec0ve that regulates
the amount of expected income based on the
promo0onal strategy.
There are four profitability objec0ves:
① Net profit Margin
② Asset turnover
③ Return on assets
④ Financial Leverage

Principles of Marke0ng
2) MARKET SHARE OBJECTIVE. A market share objec0ve
determines the percentage of market share an
organiza0on aims to capture. Increasing market share is
one of the most important objec0ves of the business.

Principles of Marke0ng
3) PROMOTIONAL OBJECTIVE. A promo0onal objec0ve aims at
promo0ng its goods and services. It is the desired level of
awareness of the product. The promo0onal objec0ve is a part of
the overarching strategy.

Principles of Marke0ng
4) GROWTH OBJECTIVE. A growth objec0ve analyses the
current business size and determines or plans the growth
strategies to achieve the desired amount of growth.
Principles of Marke0ng
Marke&ng goals are not the same as marke&ng
u Marke0ng goals should fit into your company’s
financial objec0ves which can be expressed in units
sold, dollars, market share, sales, ROI on adver0sing
expenditures, awareness, sales conversion rates etc.
Marke0ng goals are long-term achievements.
u  Objec0ves are smaller steps within the marke0ng
goals. Marke0ng goals are about being realis0c
considering what can be achieved, how mo0vated you
are, the resources you have at your disposal.
Principles of Marke0ng
A Brief Overview:
Tradi0onal vs. Contemporary Marke0ng Tac0cs
Principles of Marke0ng
A Brief Overview:
Tradi0onal vs. Contemporary Marke0ng Tac0cs
Principles of Marke0ng
The Comparison
u B oth tradi0onal and conven0onal marke0ng
campaigns are effec0ve in their own rights, when
applied strategically.
Principles of Marke0ng
Marke&ng management orienta&ons: Five
concepts around which organiza0ons can create
and implement their marke0ng strategies:
1)  Produc0on concept
2)  Product concept
3)  Selling concept
4)  Marke0ng concept
5)  Societal marke0ng concept

Principles of Marke0ng
Nonprofit marke&ng is the use of marke0ng
tac0cs by a nonprofit organiza0on to promote the
message and the organiza0on, as well as raise
Types of Nonprofit Marke&ng:
1)  Tradi0onal fundraising
2)  Consumer charity
3)  Message-focused campaigns
4)  Event marke0ng

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