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"lang" {

"Language" "English"
"WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM"
"WelcomeToSteamInfo" "» Play the latest Valve games
» Find your friends
» Find the best servers
» Get automatic updates
» Chat with friends, even when in-game
» Receive Steam-only special offers

"SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "As an additional security measure, please
select a secret
question and provide the answer below. This will be used
if you ever forget your password."
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Secret question"
"SteamUI_Answer" "Answer"
"SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "What is your mothers maiden name?"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "What is the name of your pet?"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "What is your favorite color?"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "What city were you born in?"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "What is the name of your school?"
"SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "What is your favorite team?"
"WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account"
"WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account"
"SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Please enter your email address. This will be used as
your \naccount name in Steam. If you forget your password, this \naddress will also
be used to verify your identity."
"SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Please enter a nickname. This is the name your
friends \nwill see when you're online. You can also enter your real \nname to help
your friends find you."
"SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)"

"SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Your Half-Life installation will now be copied into

Steam.\nThis may take several minutes."
"SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Steam pre-loading complete."

"SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" "Pre-loading existing files to Steam

"SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk."
"SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk.."
"SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk..."

"WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Name"
"WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "Email address"
"WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(must be a valid account)"
"WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's"
"WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy"
"WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information."
"Underline" "_______________"
"WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to choose
hard to guess - use at least 5 characters."
"WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Password"
"WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password"
"WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo1" "Creating account..."
"WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo2" "Your steam account has been successfully
"WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam. The program
runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right
of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon."
"SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Failed to create account.\nThat email address is
already in use as a Steam account name.\nPlease try again using a different email

"SteamRoot_Title" "Steam"
"SteamRootGames" "Games"
"SteamRootFriends" "Friends"
"SteamRootServers" "Servers"
"SteamRootAccount" "Account"
"SteamRootSettings" "Settings"
"SteamRootMonitor" "Monitor"
"SteamRootNews" "News"
"SteamRootClose" "Close"
"SteamRootLabel1" "Choose a game and start playing!"
"SteamRootLabel2" "Find friends, chat, play together"
"SteamRootLabel3" "Browse multiplayer games-in-progress"
"SteamRootLabel4" "Watch Steam network activity"
"SteamRootLabel5" "Change Steam options"
"SteamRootLabel6" "Keep up with the latest Steam news"

"Steam_trayHint" "Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access

Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon."

"Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they
appear on your credit card."
"Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address"
"Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for purchase confirmation and receipt)"
"Steam_FirstName" "First Name"
"Steam_LastName" "Last Name"
"Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Choose a credit card type, and enter the card number
and expiration date."
"Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type"
"Steam_CreditCardNumber" "Credit card number"
"Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Enter your address as it appears on your credit card
billing statement."
"Steam_Address" "Address"
"Steam_City" "City"
"Steam_StateOrProvince" "State or Province"
"Steam_Country" "Country"
"Steam_PostCode" "Postal (or Zip) Code"
"Steam_CountryOfResidence" "I currently live in the country selected above"
"Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "If there are any errors below, click 'Back' to fix
them.\nOtherwise, click 'Purchase' to complete the transaction."
"Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Cost"
"Steam_TaxLabel" "Estimated tax"
"Steam_TotalLabel" "Total"
"Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Processing your subscription.
This should take less than a minute."
"Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your subscription to the
%s1 is complete.

In your Games list, you can now double click the

game to play (or right-click on the game's title and
select 'Play' in the menu.)"

"Steam_SubscribeFailedInfo" "Purchase failed, credit card rejected.

You don't get to play %s1."

"Steam_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login to steam failed.\nEither the specified account does

not exist, or the password was wrong.\nPlease check your email address and password
and try again."
"Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "A valid email address is required."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "Your password was not successfully set.\nYou either
answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does not exist."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 5 characters
"Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "The passwords you entered do not match.\nPlease
enter the same password in each field."
"Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "This game is currently unavailable.\nPlease try again
at another time."
"Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 characters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 5 characters long."
"Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "The answer to the secret question\nmust be at least 3
characters long."

"Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Please enter a new password.\nIt must be at least 5

characters in length."
"Steam_NewPassword_Label" "New password"
"Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Confirm password"

"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Forgotten Password - Steam"

"Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Before we can change your password,\nwe
first need to verify your identity.\nPlease enter your email address."
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "That account was not found.\nPlease
enter the email address you use to log into steam."
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "When you created your Steam account,
we asked\nyou for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only\nyou would know.
Please enter your answer below:"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "Your password could not be changed.\nEither
you answered your secret question wrong, or\nyour new password is
invalid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and try again. \n"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "Your password has been changed.\n\nPlease click
'finish' below to return to the login screen."

"Steam_Login_Title" "Login - Steam"

"Steam_Login_Btn" "Login"
"Steam_Login_Password" "Password"
"Steam_Login_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..."
"Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Reset password..."
"Steam_Login_NoAccount" "Don't have a Steam account?"
"Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Forgot your password?"
"Steam_Login_RememberPassword" "Remember my password"
"Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"

"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Steam - Create account"

"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Nickname"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "First name"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Last name"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Please choose where you want Steam to store
your games.\nIt is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space free\non the
drive that you select."

"SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Creating Account"

"SteamUI_LaunchOptions_Title" "Launch Options - %s1\n"

"SteamUI_GameProperties_TItle" "%s1 - Steam"
"SteamUI_GameProperties_Close" "Close"

"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES"

"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "THIRD PARTY GAMES"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Launch game... "
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Launch media..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Properties "
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install game..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this game.\nDo
you want to go to the subscriptions page now?"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to play %s1."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to play %s1.."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to play %s1..."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%s1 - Steam"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "Updating %s1"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Ready - %s1"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn" "Play game"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady" "Launch game as soon as it's ready"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to play in approximately:"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play"

"SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "Don't show this dialog again"

"SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close"

"SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Close"

"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options"

"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Status:"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Content hosting provided by:"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "Updating, %s1"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "Launching..."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%s1 of game acquired"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:"

"SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Game version information"

"SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam - Subscribe"

"SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel"

"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account"

"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account Failed"
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Create account failed.\nHit Back
to try again or Cancel to quit."
"SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Steam - Subscribe"

"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Steam - Account"

"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Unsubscribe"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MY SUBSCRIPTIONS"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PRICE"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "AVAILABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "You have been successfully subscribed to
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - Unsubscribing from %s1"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "You have been successfully unsubscribed
from %s1."
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam - Error"

"SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account"
"Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Steam - Logout"
"Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "This will log you out of Steam. You
will need to re-enter your email address\nand password to use Steam again.\nDo you
wish to continue?"
"Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout"
"Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Currently logged in:"
"Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..."
"Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently have
another game launch in progress,\nplease wait until that is complete."
"Steam_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh Login"
"Steam_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your steam ticket has expired.\nPlease
re-enter your password to continue."

"Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Add %s1 to My Games list"

"Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "Your valid CD key entitles you to a free
\nmonthly subscription to the following games."
"Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1 has been
\nfound on your computer. Your CD key entitles you to a \nfree monthly subscription
to the following games."
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Disk space required:"
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Disk space Available:"
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your 'My
Games' list."
"Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Uncheck any games you don't want
"Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Custom maps have been detected in your
Counter-Strike \nfolder. Selected maps will be copied into your new \nSteam
installation of Counter-Strike."
"Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Custom game MODs have been detected in
your Half-Life \nfolder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new \nSteam
installation of Half-Life."
"Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from your
existing \nHalf-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk \nspace, you
can delete the old files from your computer. \n\nNote: your saved games and custom
decals (if any) \nwill be preserved."
"Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)"
"Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Leave old files intact (more disk space
"Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working"
"Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with steam..."
"Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "Your Half-Life installation has been
successfully \nconverted to run under Steam."
"Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Your selected games are now accessible
in the Steam \n'My Games' list."

"Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy" "You have chosen to add"

"Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy2" "to your 'My Games' list. Click 'Next'
below to continue."
"Steam_PriceLabel" "The cost is"
"Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "I wish to pay with a credit card"
"Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product"
"Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "Purchasing..."
"Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be processed at this
time.\nPlease ensure all your information is entered correctly,\nand try again at
another time."
"Steam_CVV2_Info" "Please enter your credit card's security
"Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "On Visa and MasterCard, \nthis number is
located on\nthe back of the card\nin the signature area.\n\nIt's the last three
digits\n(after the account number)."
"Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Security Number"
"Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate" "Always keep this game up to date"
"Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame" "Do not automatically update this game"
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo" "This game and its updates will be
automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available."
"Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo" "Content for this game will not be
"Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor"
"Steam_Game" "Game"
"Steam_Status" "Status"
"Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Show most recent"
"Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes"
"Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 hour"
"Steam_Time_1Day" "1 day"
"Steam_Properties" "Properties"
"Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pause all updates"
"Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Limit network usage to"
"Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Steam network usage: %s1"
"Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam is not currently updating any
"Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam"
"Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "Updating steam platform files..."
"Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "Checking for updates..."
"Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Launching Steam..."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "May require update"
"Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Warning"
"Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "Steam has detected that the cache file
for this game \nhas been deleted from your hard drive. \n\nSteam must now re-
acquire all necessary game data from \nthe content server. Please try again in a
few seconds.\n"

"Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam"
"Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "All fields must be filled out to
"Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "A valid email address is required."
"Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered
is invalid."
"Steam_CreditCardExpired" "The credit card you have entered has
"Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3
numbers long."
"Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "All the address fields need to be filled
"Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "You must live in the same country
as your billing address or we will not sell stuff to you."
"Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Purchase"
"Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam - working"

"Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Run Steam when Windows starts"

"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error"

"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk space
available to run this game.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try again."
"Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent" "Delete local game content..."
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete game cache?"
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game
content\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe game will remain in your Games list, but\nto
play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-acquire (download) its content."
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1"
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's data is
used by the following games: %s2"
"Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Delete"
"Steam_DiskUsageNone" "< none >"

"Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase"
"Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Install"

"Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application"

"Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk.\nSteam will
now acquire (download) all of\nthe required content."

"Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Not enough disk space"

"Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "You do not have enough disk space to
install the selected games.\nPlease free up some disk space, or press 'Back' and
de-select some items."
"Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not enough
disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam.\nPlease free up %s1 Mb
of disk space and try again."
"Steam_Internet" "Internet"
"Steam_Interface" "Interface"
"Steam_Language" "Language"
"Steam_Skins" "Skins"
"Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "This setting will not take effect
until\nyou have restarted Steam."
"Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to
"Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Select the skin you wish Steam to use"
"Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut"
"Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "A shortcut has been created and placed
on your desktop."
"Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "Could not create shortcut.\nA shortcut
to this game is probably already on the desktop."
"Steam_CDKeyLabel" "CD Key"
"Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam - Invalid CD key"
"Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "Please enter a valid CD key"
"Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam - Please enter password"
"Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "Your Steam password is required to
"Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is
"Steam_MonitorScanning" "Scanning..."
"Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "The cache is not currently in a state
where status can be retrieved
"Steam_EnterWonCDKeyExplanation" "To add %s1 to your 'My Games'
list,\nplease find your original Half-Life or Counter-Strike \ninstallation CD-ROM
and enter your CD Product Key \nas it appears on the CD case."
"Steam_EnterGameCDKeyExplanation" "To add %s1 to your 'My Games'
list,\nplease find your original installation CD-ROM and enter \nyour CD Product
Key as it appears on the CD case."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam - Purchase Error"
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Info" "Your purchase of %s1 failed.\nMost
likely the cd key you entered has already\nbeen registered to another user.\nPlease
check your email for a more detailed explanation."
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications are
currently running.\nTo exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam
"Steam_ExitSteam" "Exit Steam"

"Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password..."

"Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam - Change Password"
"Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "You can change your Steam password, or
you can \nchange the secret security question (which we keep \non file in case you
lose your password)."
"Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Enter your old password"
"Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Enter a new password"
"Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Enter your new password again"
"Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "The confirmation password does not
match the new password you have entered.\nPlease re-enter desired password."
"Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPlease check
that you have entered your original password correctly."
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Failed to change secret
question.\nPlease check that you have entered your original password correctly."
"Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password."
"Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "I want to change my secret question."
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret
answer\nhave been successfully changed."
"Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "Password has been successfully
changed.\nNext time you log into Steam you will need\nto use the new password."
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password"
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Select a secret question"
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Answer your secret question"

"Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam - Error"

"Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the
root directory of any drive.\nPlease choose another location."
"Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put in
same directory as another application.\nPlease choose another location."
"Steam_CacheSize" "Cache size on disk:"
"Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:"
"Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:"
"Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Amount of application acquired:"
"Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:"
"Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Ready-to-play acquired:"

"Steam_MustRestart_Title" "Steam - Restart Required"

"Steam_MustRestart_Info" "Steam must now be restarted in order to
receive the latest update.\nYou won't be able to continue using Steam until it has
"Steam_MustRestart_Button" "Restart now"

"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Connection Lost"

"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "The connection to the Steam content servers
has been lost,\nmaking it impossible to continue running Steam.\nThis could be due
to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam servers. Please
check for more info."
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Exit Steam"

"Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nThis

could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam
network. Please visit for more info."

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