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#TERF” is #Homophobic, #Misogynistic #HateSpeech.

Regardless of who coined the term- it’s stupid to define a demographic, group, &/or movement by what it is not or
what it excludes.
That’s like saying White Supremacist Exclusionary Black Panthers, Nazi Exclusionary Jews, or Male Exclusionary
Radical Feminism...
Like, wtf... duh; males are by definition excluded from feminism, as they are not included in the represented
SexBased demography; that’s not who feminism is for or what feminism is about.
No oppressed demographic, social group, liberation movement, or community is all-inclusive (allLivesMatter’d),
nor should they be expected to be, as people- particularly vulnerable, oppressed demographics- have rights to their
boundaries; to exert scrutiny & due diligence, to exercise discernment & discretion, to deny, & refuse others access
to their privacy, space, time, association, identity, communities, &/or resources.
A movement with no boundaries is sabotaged, infiltrated, hijacked, inverted, dissolved, assimilated, & destroyed.
Female centered advocacy is called feminism, and is opposing sex-based oppression & violence directed at
females; a SexBased demographic.
It by definition has nothing whatsoever to do with Trans movement, which is inherently sexist & focused on
“gender stereotypes” while attempting to ignore &/or overwrite sex as a biologically based, distinctive social &
legal classification that has been the axis for female oppression for thousands of years; the duration of recorded
TERF is deceptive, sexist pejorative term that maligns females for SexBased identification- #othering #dissenting
#females within their own SexBased demographies while prioritizing & centering males, & is consistently thrown
around as an abusive misogynistic slur in ways like this: #STFUTERF, #PunchTerfs, #KillTerfs, etc- but keep
trying to claim that it’s anything but #MisogynisticHateSpeech which fosters #SystemicMisogyny.
#Woman is a SexBased #ReproductiveClass & historically oppressed #ProtectedPoliticalDemographic that by
definition excludes trans identifying Men- who are by definition included within the #Male #SexBased
#Demographic, a #Historically #Privileged #Oppressor Reproductive Class.
There is literally no such thing as a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist because feminism includes trans
identifying females. Militant Trans Activism IS trans exclusionary, because it excludes even trans identifying
individuals who dissent from their extremism- assigning them slurs such as #TruScum, etc.
#Males are not women; claiming males to be women is inherently #sexist #misogynistic #HateSpeech that
#dehumanizes, #erases & further #marginalizes #females as a recognized, #Protected, #SexBased #Reproductive
& #Political #Class.
Undermining #SexBased #Orientations, #Classifications, #Rights, #Legal #Safeguards, & more specifically
#FemaleRights is both #Misogynistic & #Homophobic- contributing to the #SystemicSexBasedOppression
females & homosexuals are subjected to as #ProtectedDemographics #Historically #OppressedOnTheAxisOfSex
#ErasingFemales #AsAProtectedReproductiveClass
#GenderExtremists push the exact same kind of #womanHating #misogynisticHateSpeech & #oppression as
#patriarchy, but supposedly it’s fine because the men #ControllingTheNarrative #identify as women.
If your feminism isn’t sexbased you’re acting as a homophobic, misogynistic patriarchal tool undermining &
dismantling SexBased Identities, Orientations, Political Classes, & Protections fought for by Women & the LGB.
If your “feminism” prioritizes males over dissenting females you’re not a feminist; you’re just a homophobic,
misogynistic hypocritical liar- a #RainbowMRA #PronounGestapo #AlphabetNazi #RapistRightsActivist.

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