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Exercises 56.1
1. For Japan = Yen; For Australia = Australian dollar; For India = Rupee; For Rusia = Ruble

2.Hard currency = refers to a currency that is stable, that is not likely to depreciate suddenly in value.
This currency is issued by a country that seems economical and political stable. As example euro, dollar.

3. Mastercard and Visa.

4. Electronic equipment and petrol products.

5. A) Unearned income is when you take a loan from the bank.

B) Unearned income is when you collect a disability allowance and you are perfectly healthy.

C) Unearned income is when receive an amount of money that you didn’t pay tax for that amount.

6. Dow Jones index it is a stock market index for trading stock exchange on New York and Nasdaq
markets. Dow Jones contains the biggest 30 US companies.

- In London the index market is FTSE 100. - In Japan the index market is Nikkey.

7. Something that is priceless is a child smile.

Something that is valueless is a promise that you don’t keep.

8. In my country we use ban/Ron and in others country’s that are in European union we use cents/euro.

Exercises 56.2
1=G; 6=E;

2=I; 7=H;

3=A; 8=B;

4 = D; 9=C;

5 = F;

Exercises 56.3
- Is not please to see this headlines.

Exercises 56.4
1. Money which has to be on what you inherit is known inheritance tax.
2. If the bank lends you money, you have a bank loan.
3. If you have some money in your in your account you are in the black or in credit.
4. If you paid to much tax, last year so I should get a tax rebate.
5. If is not good, take it back to the shop and ask for a refind.
Exercises 56.5
1. Rate of inflation is 2.2%in October month.
2. The exchange rate is 4.015 Ron.
3. The interest rate is between 4.7% - 5.8%
4. Basic level of income tax is 16%.
5. Rate of VAT is 19%.
6. Monthly state pension …………

*Facts and figures.

- multiplication = 5.

- formula = 2.

- division = 7.

- percentage = 1.

- average = 9.

- ratio = 8.

- addition = 4.

- rate = 3.

- subtraction = 6.

* Introducing accounting.
1. Assets.

2. Depreciation.

3. Loan.

4. Interest.

5. Capital.

6. Drawings.

7. Stocks.

8. Goodwill.

9. Acquisition.



12.Balance sheet.
1. PROFIT forecast. 6. EXPENDITURE forecast.

2. LOSS forecast. 7. OVERHEADS forecast.

3. CASH-FLOW forecast. 8. GROSS forecast.

4. MARKET forecast. 9. NET forecast.

5. SALES forecast. 10. CAPITAL forecast.

1. Salary 2. Expenses.

3. Renumeration. 4. Adjust.

5. Credit terms. 6. Account render.

7. Profit. 8. Return.

9. Wages. 10. Discount.

*Agents and Agencies.

1. A - Agent.

2. C - Commission.

3. A - Deposit.

4. B - Markets.

5. A - Sellers.

6. A - Wholesalers.

7. C - Stores.

*Complete the sentences…….

1. He stood there looking at them. He felt that he hated them with all his might.

2. The little children were gazing at the exotic animals.

3. Lost in admiration, the children staring at the tall, imposing policeman.

4. The old woman was glaring into the distance, her thoughts obviously elsewhere.

5. He cast a glance at the clock on the wall in front of him, then left in a hurry.

6. He wanted to have a peek at the new flat.

7. He took a gap between the drawn curtains at what was going on behind them.

8. I couldn’t tell you how she looks like, I only caught a glimpse of her as the train was moving.

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