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The Right Game For Your Body Type: The Ectomorph

April 17,

Chateau Heartiste


« The Right Game For Your Body Type: The Mesomorph

Defying Your Body Type Temperament »
August 16, 2012 by CH
This is the final installment of the body type-game type series, and here we will focus on
ectomorphs, those men who have structurally thin, lean skeletal frames. (If you want to
know how purely ectomorphic you are, just grab your wrist. Is there space left over? You’re
probably an ecto.) The mesomorph game post, the second installment, is here.
This post will likely generate lots of discussion, if only because, according to the poll in the
first post of the series, a plurality of readers are self-identified ectomorphs. This shouldn’t
surprise anyone; ectomorphs are the intellectual somatotype, and they would be drawn to
logical discussions of very serious issues in venues that minimize social chaos.

According to Sheldon, ectomorphs:

[F]ocus on privacy, restraint and a highly developed self-awareness.

The associated temperament of the ectomorph is described by Sheldon:

The Extreme Ectotonic — Reflection

The outstanding characteristic of the ectotonic is his finely-tuned receptive system. His spread-out
body acts like a giant antenna picking up all sorts of inputs. Sheldon calls the ectotonic a
biologically extraverted organism, which is compensated for by psychological introversion. Since
the whole organism is sensitive to stimulation, the ectotonic develops a series of characteristic
strategies by which he tries to cut down on it. He is like a sonar operator who must constantly be
wary of a sudden loud noise breaking in on the delicate sounds he is trying to trace. He likes to cross
his legs and curl up as if he is trying to minimize his exposure to the exterior world. He tries to
avoid making noise and being subjected to it. He shrinks from crowds and large groups of people
and likes small, protected places. […]

His hypersensitivity leads not only to quick physical reactions but to excessively fast social
reactions as well. It is difficult for this type to keep pace with slow-moving social chit-chat. He
races ahead and trips over his own social feet.

Just as the endotonic loves to eat and the mesotonic loves action, the ectotonic loves privacy, and
intellectual or mental stimulation. He needs shelter from excessive stimulation and time to sort out
the inputs he has received, and connect them up with his own inner subjective experience, which he
values highly. Self-awareness is a principle trait of ectotonia. The feelings of the ectotonic are not
on display, even though they can be very strong, and so he is sometimes accused of not having any.
When they are in a situation of dealing with someone who has authority over them or with someone
of the opposite sex whom they are interested in, they often make a poor first impression. They are
uncomfortable in coping with social situations where overt expressions of sympathy are called for
or where general idle conversation is the norm, for example in parties and dinners where they have
no intimate acquaintances.

The ectotonics are hypersensitive to pain because they anticipate it and have a lower pain threshold
as well. They do not project their voices like the mesotonics, but focus it to reach only the person
they are addressing. They appear younger than their age and often wear an alert, intent expression.
They have a late adolescence, consider the latter part of life the best, and are future-oriented.

Very broadly speaking, ectomorphs are the beta male civilization builders and maintainers,
(as is often the case with these kinds of overly broad generalizations, you should adjust for
racial differences). Uncharitably, you could call ectomorphs nerds, spergs or wallflowers.
Charitably, you could call them brooding, mysterious rebels. As with the endomorphs and
mesomorphs, how people perceive you will vary according to how close you lie to the
extreme for your somatotype, and how well you have personally managed your inborn
traits to showcase your strengths and restrain your weaknesses. PUAs call this “building
your identity.”

Physically, pure ectomorphs have it the worst. The muscular meso and the chunky (but not
grossly overweight) endo will both do better at attracting approach invitations from women.
On average, and taking women as a whole and winnowing their attraction triggers down to
one metric, stick thin men are least desirable to women. However, most ectos are not stick
thin; a fair proportion are lean with excellent muscle tone, even if they are not as big all
around as mesomorphs. The lean but toned look is almost as attractive to women as the
powerfully built mesomorphic look.

Given this female preference, pure ectos will see the most bang bang for their buck from
hitting the weight room. You teenage guys who can’t put on muscle to save your lives
should take heart: bodybuilding forums are fairly uniform in their agreement that by your
early 20s, the muscle starts to arrive, if you stick to a lifting program religiously. Later in life,
ectos can potentially clean up, because by then they have filled out while less diligent endos
have gotten fatter and the mesos lacking self-discipline have gotten older-looking than their

As hinted at above, ectomorphs probably make up the majority of game material

consumers because they are the ones who need the most help (being the most anti-social),
and who are best suited for adapting informationally dense, written material into field
practice. The ectomorph is a thinker, and that means his strength lies in analysis, systematic
breakdown of variables, and application of gained knowledge. No one is better at taking
apart group social dynamics than an ecto; paradoxically no one is worse at capitalizing on
his social dynamic knowledge than the ecto.

For you see, the ectomorph’s greatest strength is also his worst crippling weakness: the
dreaded condition known as paralysis by analysis. You really can overthink a situation, and
ectos do it all the time. Ectos are victims of perfectionism; if they can’t get it 100% right the
first time, they don’t bother trying at all. They are, in this respect, the total opposites of the
action-oriented, live in the moment mesos and the devil-may-care, socially indulgent endos.

Knowing this, ectomorphs tend to excel at the comfort and seduction stages of pickup, and
to flounder during the attraction stage. An ectomorph is naturally more at home talking
one-on-one with a girl, away from the noise of boisterous groups and the threat of AMOGs.
On a quiet sofa or a walk in a park, his incisive mind can find its best expression. An ecto is
unparalleled as the king of mental connection and smooth talking; he can spin up great
yarns and fantasy landscapes that make a girl feel a part of his world, and his seductive gaze
pierces like a dagger, because when he’s got his girl alone and in his clutches, he’s in the
soulmate zone.

And as a game strategist he is the equal of any master seducer. He will always know in the
back of his head when the time is right to venue bounce, or to push a girl away, or to make a
bedroom move. He knows this because he is good at collating information gleaned from
past experience with women, and from observing naturals at work, and learning from it.
The game tactics which ectomorphs will find easiest to learn and employ include:

– Any one-on-one storytelling or psychological game playing. (e.g., the cube, palm reading,
strawberry fields, etc.)
– Intense, bedroom seduction.

– Calculated pullbacks. (The ecto has no problem walking away from a set.)

– Preemptively heading off potential objections. (The ecto sees two steps ahead and two
steps beyond.)

– Eliciting a girl’s values. (Ectos’ refined self-awareness can be channelled into awareness of
others’ needs and desires.)

But ectomorphs also have major pickup flaws which they must address, or they will find the
game of love to be mountain too high to climb. Some of these failings include:

– An immobilizing hesitancy to approach girls or open sets. Of the three male archetypes,
the ectomorph will have the toughest time getting over his social fear of talking to strangers.
If you are a pure ecto, consider teaming up with an accomplished, sociable player to help
you get over your inclination to insulate yourself from real world human interaction.

– An inability to react promptly to shit tests. The ectomorph is hypersensitive, so shit tests
tend to knock him off guard, and he will respond by turtling into his shell. Also, because the
ecto “lives in his head” he has difficulty staying focused on the moment as his mind races
ahead at dizzying speeds, figuring out the intricacies of whatever a girl is saying to him.
Therefore, the ecto needs to work on reacting fast to upsetting changes of conversational
tone, and one method that is particularly useful for him is the pregnant pause. Ectos can
calm their roiling minds by stopping, dropping their thoughts, and just rolling with the
moment. Practice with the pregnant pause will help him overcome his urge to have just the
right reply for everything a girl tosses at him.
– Calibration. Ectos are almost as bad as mesomorphs at calibrating a girl’s interest level.
The mesomorph miscalibrates because he charges into conversation at full steam, while the
ectomorph miscalibrates because he’s too wrapped up in his thoughts to notice how a girl is
actually responding to him. An ectomorph would do well to hone his listening ability, and
one way to practice this is to repeat in his head the last few words that a girl said to him.

– Alpha male voice and body projection. Ectomorphs generally have beta body language
and vocal pitch. This unfortunate tendency is not necessarily due to low status; many ectos
just don’t like being the center of attention, and they modulate their voice and shrink their
body as a consequence of that compulsion to avoid attention grabbing behavior. An ecto
has to learn to carry himself like a meso or a sociable endo, if he wants to make good first
impressions on women, particularly Western women who have all turned into thug-loving, r-
selected whores. (I kid! Or do I?)
– Kino. Ectos are uncomfortable touching women. They have to make concerted efforts to
kino escalate, or their overeager brains and undereager hands will betray them.

Flaws aside, ectomorphs can do really well with the various subphylum of scenester girls
who pride themselves on their intellect and nonconformity. These girls like that a man “gets
them”, and ectos who have trained themselves to listen well are adept at manufacturing the
“gets them” perception. Some girls also lean more than the average girl toward an
appreciation of mental connection, where an ecto will excel, although all girls are more
emotional creatures than mental creatures, so ectomorphs should not be complacent about
emotionally connecting with women.

Ectos would do well to drop a lot of sciency, jargony words from their social vocabulary, and
take steps to learn to speak in an attenuated slang. The kind of humor and wit that chicks,
even smart chicks, really love is terser and slangier than the typical ecto will be comfortable
or familiar using. Learning to speak like this, if it doesn’t come naturally to you, requires a lot
of real world, in field interaction hanging out with cool dudes. Intellectual wit is best in small
doses, when it can be more fully appreciated.

Finally, the ectomorph’s Achille’s heel — his trouble with living in the moment — is a flaw
that can be rectified with awareness and practice. The key is to actively force himself to shut
down his mind when out at a club or other venue. Simply telling himself out loud that he will
go with the flow is sometimes enough to get him in the right frame of mind. He has to know
that his extensive game knowledge won’t abandon him once he’s out in the field mixing it
up with people. Another method for achieving this zen state of mind is to remind himself
that he won’t reply to every conversational thread or shit test, however compelled he feels
to do so. Skill at picking up conversational threads at random junctures, and staying away
from those threads that are about to fizzle out, cannot be underrated. If this describes you,
know that you don’t have to be “on” 100% of the time; often, it’s better to swerve away from
a conversational roadblock rather than try to scale it.

135 Responses

1. on August 16, 2012 at 3:18 pm Fearless

Sheldon’s sweeping generalizations aside, his analysis isn’t bad. Like you said ecto’s
biggest issue is being in their head too much, with practice they can learn to deal.


on August 18, 2012 at 7:30 pm NoveltyVotary

As far as practice goes, ectos out there might consider smoking weed. As
counter-intuitive as it sounds, hear me out.

The ectomorph description fits me very well and I’ve run into all the challenges
listed above because of it. I’m in my head to a fault and I know this but it takes
conscious effort to get me out. So why would pot help?? At first it seems like pot
makes a person “headier”, which is true, but in a different way than the classic
turtle shell introversion. Take some common effects of smoking and combine
them with existing ecto tendencies:

– Happiness
– Short attention span
– Relaxation

For an ecto, this leads to a couple things.

1) You can no longer trust your brain to keep track of all the stuff that is racing
through it at any moment— your main survival crutch has just been

2) You’re outwardly happy and relaxed which gives you an advantage over a
normal state of uncertain self-control. This makes everything you say more
relatable because there is added emotional content as opposed to a tendency
towards dry intellectualism.

Now this can also turn you into a babbling idiot, and anxiety is another common
symptom of smoking. I’m not claiming that you should hit the bong and you’ll be
bedding 9’s, you still need to understand game and overcome any anxiety.
However if you’re an ecto, and you’re high, a lot of the work is done for you. If
you *do* understand game, which most ectos are very good at, you’re now in a
state of mind that allows you to apply it instead of analyze it.

Keep this in mind: Simply practice the pregnant pause and slow the fuck down.

If you can do that much, you’re ready to let your happy and relaxed mind find
the right tactics to conversational challenges. If you try and take the time to
overthink, you’ll soon realize you’ve got a bored chick in front of you waiting for
an answer and now you’ve just lost your train of thought. Your pregnant pause
just gave birth and soon enough you are forced to be reactive.

Pot affects people differently, maybe this won’t work for you, and I know it
doesn’t work for some. I know it’s generally accepted that you don’t want to be
messed up on drugs while you’re trying to game— you want all your faculties.

This post made me think ectos might be the exception when it comes to weed.
Anyone have similar experiences?


on August 20, 2012 at 3:22 pm collapseofman

Just wrote up a follow up to this post, based on experience as a former skinny

motherfucker! I think it’s good advice, check it y’all.


on August 20, 2012 at 3:23 pm collapseofman

Direct Link if you don’t want to click collapseofman above:

2. on August 16, 2012 at 3:20 pm ThatNorwegianGuy

Judging by the traits associated with the body types outlined in these three posts, I’m
generally a meso-ecto personality-wise (or a choleric-melancholic, by the four classic
temperaments). This also holds true for my physique, so at least in my case, there
seems to be some validity to this.


on August 18, 2012 at 10:22 am Dio's Merkin

This series of entries is conflicting. On one hand, the ecto/endo/mesomorph

body-typing has largely been dismissed as quackery by the medical

On the other, this entry describes me and my thin wrists almost to the last detail.


on August 18, 2012 at 12:32 pm itsme

On one hand, the ecto/endo/mesomorph body-typing has largely been

dismissed as quackery by the medical establishment.

a big chunk of the medical establishment is, itself, quackery.


3. on August 16, 2012 at 3:22 pm corvinus

Yup, I’m definitely an ecto-meso. More meso when drunk or confident, more ecto
when sober or diffident, and struggling with the disadvantages of both types. I’ll be
reading both columns again to piece them together.


4. on August 16, 2012 at 3:34 pm stillsvideo

hey heartsitess!!!

der is one more body type you left out wich is da GFBM:

da lotsacockamorph !!

« The Right Game For Your Body Type: The LotsaCockasMorph

This is the final installment of the body type-game type series, and here we will focus
on LotsaCockasMorphs, those men who have structurally long, fat lotsacockas frames.
(If you want to know how purely ectomorphic you are, just grab your wrist. Is it
narrower than your lotsaocckass? You’re probably an lostacockasmorph.) The
lostacockasmorph game post, the second installment, is here.

This post will likely generate no discussion, if only because, according to the poll in the
first post of the series, an extreme dearth of readers are self-identified
lostacockasmorphs. This shouldn’t surprise anyone; lostacockasmorphs are the
physical anomoly, and they would be drawn to logical discussions of very serious
issues in venues that maximize lostascockas chaos.

According to Sheldon, ectomorphs:

[F]ocus on whipping it out early and often, and when chcix see/hear of it, GAME OVER!


5. on August 16, 2012 at 3:37 pm Emilianeko

To think that one of the best seducers in the world, Erick Von Markovik, was an
Ectomorph makes sense.

also, does anyone know where that article of r-selection versus k-selection is at?
heartiste linked to it on his twitter and now i can’t find it.


on August 16, 2012 at 6:42 pm ylam

He’s a fucking idiot who went on for 10 posts on his blog after seeing a
poorly done hoax video. He legitimately thinks that aliens have contacted
us using faster than light transmissions in order to tell us that 80% of
humans will die in 2016 due to reversing magnetic polarity. Oh, and
CIA/Nasa/whoever is covering it all up.

What a fucking lunatic.

He also makes up his own psuedo scientific phrenology out of nowhere.


on August 16, 2012 at 9:43 pm Anon

Oh shit.
I didn’t really know about his record. I just read a couple of articles that
made sense, and were rather well-written.

The K/r-selection one is pretty good. Other than that, my bad I guess.


on August 16, 2012 at 9:44 pm The Real Vince

One of the dumbest blog postings I have seen recently. Are you


on August 16, 2012 at 10:00 pm Anon

Hey I didn’t say anything OK?

You are just a crazy person who read “Koanic soul is one of the finest
manosphere blogs” where there is nothing.

I did not recommend koanic soul. I just gave the link towards one of his
posts that the boss tweeted.

That’s all I did, I swear. Everything else is part of a jew-alien conspiracy.


on August 16, 2012 at 10:06 pm Anonymous

He assigns political values to r and K without any logical reasoning, making

pseudoscientific judgements based on nothing but his own biases over
and over. That post is laughable garbage and it boggles my mind how
anyone could take it seriously, even if they are a staunch conservative.


on August 16, 2012 at 5:58 pm Anonymous – it’s a general principle in

biology, typically applied to different classes of animals based on the amount of
parental care they provide their offspring.

on August 16, 2012 at 9:01 pm the fez

Mystery is an ectomorph, but an extremely tall one with a commanding,

extroverted personality. This is a different type than thin, introverted guys of
normal height.


6. on August 16, 2012 at 3:40 pm Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM

(TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM)


hey hertaitetszz heartiztess!!!

while all da “ggod good christian bloggers” always refrain from quoting christ and/or
moses and reject christ and banish christ and censor posts dat quote christ and never
link to chcist’s teachings, all the “ggod christinan bloggers” quote and link to da
chekc it out! lzozlzlzoz

see how there are no links to christs’s teahcings nor and links to matthew, mark, luke,
nor john, but the good christsinaz” link to heartistes and his sixteen commanndmantz
of ppon!!! ppoooon!! lzozzozozo

i can see cane calod & dalrock opeong up da church of gamez where da biible bible
and ten comandmentz and gospeles are rpelaced iwth your blog

just they better give da heratsiets lots of tithing tithing tithingz!!!!! tthingz!!!! tithingzzz

also heartsiste should be able to aboslve da hot womenz of der sinz firsthand if ya
know what i mean exorcicinzinzg satasnz form making der butt tingelozzolzoz


7. on August 16, 2012 at 3:57 pm anon

ectos are the manifestation of God.


on August 16, 2012 at 8:46 pm Nyk

Either God or past echoes of Melonheads or Neanderthals.

(for any of you reading Texas Arcane’s blog)


on August 16, 2012 at 9:51 pm ArtyB

The Endo-Meso-Ecto dynamic corresponds with Plato’s bronze-silver-gold

citizen, guardian, and golden guardian dynamic from his Republic. Strictly
speaking ectos are the biggest lameasses in the world, because (to quote
The Word) “many are called but few are chosen.” Probably the highest
variance for quality among ectos, but also the highest potential, in this
ecto’s humble opinion.

on August 17, 2012 at 11:03 am Mr. Pointyface

god told me I’m the real lotsacockasmorph, so it has to br true. because i FEEL it
deep inside. good proof, yes?


8. on August 16, 2012 at 3:58 pm Pablo

Fantastic analysis CH. right on the money.


9. on August 16, 2012 at 4:08 pm Don Julian

Reading the other two installments I had agreed with Yareally’s horoscope comparison
but to be honest reading this makes a lot of sense to me, I’m not thin any more so I
didn’t identify as 100% ecto but my wrists are still really thin and personality wise it hit
close to home a bunch of times.


on August 16, 2012 at 5:53 pm YaReally

lol and this EXACT thought process you wrote out is why fortune tellers, psychics,
horoscope writers, and mediums have been making money for hundreds of
years and why us PUAs get laid.

I give up lol


on August 17, 2012 at 2:07 pm Don Julian


maybe you’re right man but it is noteworthy that one of the three
resonates more than the others, and it happens to be the one closest to
my bone structure. I can see that it overgeneralises (like a lot of the writing
here). I guess a lot of it could just be down to the fact that most of the
ectomorph description corresponds to introversion.

on August 17, 2012 at 7:36 pm YaReally

“one of the three resonates more than the others”

Yes, what are the odds that if you split a massive list of very common
characteristics into three lists and attribute each of them to things that
billions of people have, that someone would have both that attribute and a
handful of those common characteristics?

This is the EXACT same logic girls use when they say “omg I know
horoscopes are fake but my scorpio one REALLY hits home omg it might be

It’s actually amazing to me that logical males STUDYING psychology can’t

see this lol

Thing is the personality types are pretty valid, it’s the attributing them to
complete nonsense that is the issue. Might as well say Scorpios are
outgoing and loud, Geminis are quiet and thoughtful, and Libras are in-
between. Complete nonsense and just one more thing to make guys stress
“omg this is impossible for me because I’m This and This. You guys who are
That and That don’t understand, it’s not that I’m a pussy who doesn’t push
himself, it’s that I have all these tough excuses to overcome that other
people dont!!!”

Barf. Part of what made Tyler good is that he believes 100% that anything
anyone else can do in game, he can do, no excuses. That’s why he learned
the game of a tall magician, and a short bald guy, and now goes direct like
good looking guys, etc etc That didn’t make it into the article though, weird.
pretty sure Tyler would be the first one to laugh at this silly shit lol

on August 17, 2012 at 3:33 pm mw

The posts are jarring in context of the usual stuff here. Which is why I think
it may have been somewhat intentional. As you pointed out before, people
eat these types of things up and it appeals to more than the usual readers.

I sent two buddies posts from this series as I knew they’d actually read it as
opposed to more abstract game stuff. Hopefully they’ll actually implement
some of it.


on August 18, 2012 at 2:30 pm Rihanna Deserved It

What sets this apart from the work of psychics, horoscope writers and
fortune tellers is that it is based on genetics: if personality is largely
something we are inherently born with, something in our genetics, then
shouldn’t there be a strong correlation between body type and
personality? Both are determined by genetics. Like racism, generalizations
and stereotypes about people of certain body types exist because they are
statistically accurate. Before I started going out, going to the gym, and
learning the art of charisma, I was a poster boy for the ecto personality
type. Disappointed with my social life, I emulated Tucker Max, the only
charismatic alpha daring, intelligent and narcissistic enough to write about
his adventures. However, eventually I realized that Tucker Max’s mating
strategy (that of a meso) did not play to my strengths. As a self-aware ecto,
I developed a simple and personalized routine that I used to create one-
on-one situations and build comfort in a short time span.


10. on August 16, 2012 at 4:11 pm stevie tellatruth

Agree with this analysis, though me and my ecto-ness has been pretty good at
spotting and dealing with the shit tests.


11. on August 16, 2012 at 4:17 pm The Dude

Yup…definitely I’m an ecto personality. Less now than when I was younger because
I’ve adapted more of the meso into it…but ecto is still the primary one.

12. on August 16, 2012 at 4:25 pm The Hydrant

I’m definitely on the Ecto side of things, but I’ve found that overcoming a fear of
approaching girls fixed pretty much all of my problems. Once I became a little more
confident and unafraid – no, eager – to go up and talk to appealing girls, things got
better. Good analysis.


13. on August 16, 2012 at 4:30 pm Betamax

Ectos are victims of perfectionism; if they can’t get it 100% right the first time, they don’t
bother trying at all.

This. This is the reason I’ve been unable to consistently approach. I know it’s a
numbers game but I’ve been unable to overcome the crippling anxiety for more than a
few tries. The occasional success gives me a boost for a few more runs but a string of
rejections is overwhelmingly depressing.

I’ve gotten a bit of motivational mileage out of asking myself “am I being a pussy?” (on
advice from another blog) but it seems consistency is always just out of reach.

Any advice on how to keep the batteries charged in the face of repeated failure?


on August 16, 2012 at 4:39 pm corvinus

Another aspect of perfectionism is that ectos tend to give up trying to ask the girl
out if she turns him down or brushes him off once or twice. I was that way for
many years.


on August 16, 2012 at 5:05 pm july

Works for me, personally, so maybe this might work for you. Three words.
Stop jerking off.

I don’t know how long it will take you feel it but you will. Your energy to plow
and not give a fuck literally doubles*.


on August 16, 2012 at 5:40 pm chi-town

It does help to have the desire. If you amp up the desire enough you will be
willing enough to rust out an electrified fence pissing on it for a thousand years
to get past it.

See its a bit odd this way. I hate failure but that is the reason I keep trying things.
I hated the fact I was frightened to approach so I did with very mixed results
along the way. One night was 10 in a row rejections at a club and sort of made
for entertainment for this out of town guy I met and told him how it went every
time. We sort of laughed at my fuck ups. I had other nights like this. Other nights
I’d have a phone number of a pretty hot girl and tossed it out the window. I also
gave some of them shit for dancing with me because they were not charitable
enough to dance with “ugly guys”. I wasn’t really looking for a date at first. I just
wanted to see what worked. I just figured I’d have this knew “skill”. Then I finally
decided to make a girl friend out of one.

I thought I had over come this. Problem is, 6 months later you have to start all
over again. You literally have to work out an iron will or it too goes flabby. After I
parted ways with my girl friend I had a flabby will again.

Inure thyself to the pain of rejection. If you have an exposed nerve, ask the fat
chick alone and abandoned by her friend for the time and build resistance. I
could take girls looking at me like puke at one time.


on August 16, 2012 at 6:53 pm Simon Corso

The worst failure is not trying.

At the end of your life the things you’ll regret most, are the things you did NOT

You’ll never be good with women if your self-esteem hinges on their approval.

Accept that rejection will be part of the process.Each rejection brings you closer
to a success. Know that it get’s easier after each one. And the more you practice,
analyze and hone your game the less rejection you will face. Stop investing in

the outcome , treat it like an experiment. ( because it is) Instead of thinking ” I
hope she likes me ” .
Think ” How far can I get. ”

Most important ! Remember to have fun.

Check out “Simple Pickup” on youtube. Entertaining as well as educational.


on August 16, 2012 at 9:21 pm Blg

Approach anxiety has crippled me over the years. And regret for not even

“Think ‘How far can I get.’ ”

This struck my nerve, definitely. I’m thinking this from now on.


on August 16, 2012 at 7:23 pm The Dude

Don’t take women personally. There are worse things than being rejected from a
woman…like being with wrong one.


on August 17, 2012 at 12:01 am july

I learned that from Pook!


14. on August 16, 2012 at 4:34 pm Sidewinder

It doesn’t make sense, but women seem most attracted to ectos. Actors, musicians,

Football athletes are a good example: the endomorph linemen and mesomorph
linebackers don’t get the girls. It’s the QBs, WRs, D-backs…

Doesn’t make evolutionary sense, as you would think bigger would be better, but
women seem to like slender muscular the most. Both sexes seem to prefer slender


on August 16, 2012 at 5:53 pm Muffin

They are not attracted to “Ectos”, but to actors, athletes, musicians..


on August 16, 2012 at 6:47 pm Neecy

You’re right. Women are most attracted to ecto types (and meso’s who fall more
on the ecto side) b/c their bodies are the most lean, pliable and versitile in the
sense that all they have to do is pack on a *wittle* bit of muscle mass here and
there and they look ****aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!****mazing!

But the biggest factor is Ecto’s are generally tall – which is what most women like
in men – tallness.


on August 16, 2012 at 7:30 pm Whammer

All of you are confused about what a real eccto body type is. . There are no
ecto atheletes and I can’t even think of one actor who is. Name one and
show me his pic.


on August 16, 2012 at 8:52 pm Uncle Elmer


on August 20, 2012 at 10:27 pm Rick Derris

No thanks.

The Commandments of Poon #69: NO LINKING TO MALE PORNSTARS.


on August 16, 2012 at 9:25 pm dickmojo

You’re right, Whammer. The only one I can think of is Peter Crouch. He’s a
legit ecto, and cops an enormous amount of crap for it. He even never gets
selected to play for England, even though whenever he does, he scores
goals (unlike the strikers they usually choose), probably because he just
doesn’t fit the “mould” of what a striker (or any athlete really) should look

on August 17, 2012 at 1:47 am Whammer

I’m not certain if even he would be an ecto but just has weird looking
proportions and skinny legs.Real ectos don’t have the muscle and bones
for athletics.
As I said, real ectos are delicate and effeminate. Many of the guys
commenting here are just young and skinny and are likely not really ectos.


on August 17, 2012 at 5:21 am dickmojo

You’ve GOT to be kidding, Whammer. I don’t know what your mission to

deny the existence of ectomorphs is all about, but its preposterous. There
are literally MILLIONS of ectomorph males in the world. Tens of Millions,
Hundreds of Millions even.

Not all of them are 100% ectos with no endo or meso traits, but there are a
fuck load of ectmorph guys getting about, its denialism for you not to
accept that.

Your baloney about “oh if you’re skinny at 18 and filled out a bit by the
time your 25 then you’re not an ecto” is nonsense! Every single human
being’s metabolism slows down after the transition from adolescence to
adulthood, regardless of what somatotype they are. Yes, even ectomorphs’
metabolism slows down after the age of 25. But they’re still ectomorphs, as
I said, 33% of all males on Earth are predominantly ectomorphic.

I was a pure ectomorph: 6 foot 5 and suuuuper skinny. But years of
chronic marijuana use (which increases estrogen) gave me a tiny bit of
endomophic tendencies. I’m still 90% ectomorph, but Peter Crouch is 100%
ectomorph, and frankly, if you can’t see that for yourself, you’re beyond


on August 16, 2012 at 11:52 pm DJ Roomba

Frank Zane was known as an ectomorphic bodybuilder.


on August 17, 2012 at 1:58 am Whammer

Nope. Many of these well known bodybuilders start before they are fully
developed and still skinny kids so it appears that there has been some
radical change in their body but it’s mostly just growing up. Ectos really
can’t build muscles and are too puny to do the exercises to build those
muscles. These Charles Atlas types were just skinny kids and would have
got bigger even without the workouts. In the past a lot of kids were always
worried about being too skinny.


on August 17, 2012 at 10:07 pm DJ Roomba

Pedantry always wins doesn’t it.


on August 18, 2012 at 1:21 pm Rogue Male

Clint Eastwood leaps to mind. As does Gary Cooper, Lee Marvin, Steve
McQueen, Patrick McGoohan, James Garner, Tom Selleck…


on August 18, 2012 at 8:19 pm Uncle Elmer

Don Knotts. Who, according to Andy Griffith, was quite the lady killer.

on August 18, 2012 at 10:11 pm MrChipps

OK Elmer, Knotts does seem ecto but how many men have you ever seen
built like him


on August 18, 2012 at 10:08 pm Anonymous

None of those actors were ectos. And btw, I did not say that ectos don’t
exist but just that they are the rarest types as far as body build. Many
people may just tend to the type. And yes, your bones do become larger
with age so if you’re like 18 you should wait to see what you are or perhaps
look at your parents. You ccan be the same weight in your 30’s as you
were at 20 and your neck bones will just be larger nd if you were 15″ neck
you’ll be wearing 16″ when older and at the same weight.


on August 17, 2012 at 12:21 am Old Guy

The Ecto type may be the oldest successful human males. In the age of
Hunter-Gatherer societies the heavy muscles of the Meso or the fat of the
Endo would make them less efficient at Job 1, collecting large game
animals for food and useful parts like leather and bone.

I once saw a David Attenborough segment on traditional hunters. These

guys were Africans. They had some modern equipment like modern
backpacks and water bottles, but they used long wooden spears with very
low tech metal points on them for their weapons.

There were three guys in the hunting party. Their method was to find an
antelope herd and cut out one antelope from the edge. Then they ran it
down. The antelope was much faster, but ran out of breath after a few
hundred yards and would have to stop. The men just kept running at a
good long distance runner’s pace and would close up on it and force it to
run some more. After a few miles, it was worn out and laid down, and they
just ran up to it and killed it with the spears, The beast had given up and
offered no resistance.

The hunters were the tall, lean, physically fit body type you see in
marathon runners. The hunting they did with a small crew looked to me
like the best fit for getting meat without wasting too much man power or
risking injuries to a valuable hunter & warrior. A heavily muscled man
would not be a good fit with that type of chase. The artistic scenes where
you have a dozen heavily muscled men surrounding some large creature
like a mastodon that is putting up a fight seems like a good way to get guys
hurt, and injuries likely meant sure death from infection, and left you with
the problem of transporting a 3 ton critter back to camp to eat and how to
use it before it rots. An antelope is the right size to feed 50 – 60 people for
a day or two.

Most pictures of primitive men I remember from National Geographic were

of lean sinewy men.

I have wondered in the past if the Mesos and Endos were less common
and less successful reproductively before farming, but after farming and
civilization Endos became more survivable as farmers and shop keepers
and Mesos found soldiering a better survival niche.


on August 18, 2012 at 10:16 pm MrChipps

Human men can outwalk or even outrun all animals on earth in the long
distance so it wouldn’t matter if they were true ecctos or a regular average
built man.
I have a feeling that there are a lot of puny ecto types on here judging from
the omments. Probably a lot of sub average in height as well.


15. on August 16, 2012 at 4:45 pm Paladin

Great analysis, and yes, as quite a stereotypical Ecto (other than height – not tall), this
fits my experience well. Palm reading is my strong suit. It makes me the king of any
room in an instant and I don’t really know how I got along before I developed that skill!


on August 18, 2012 at 10:18 pm MrChipps

Hey King, the only thing that matters is how many notches you have on the
bedpost not playing clown or entertainer to the females.


16. on August 16, 2012 at 4:49 pm Arronski (@Arronski)

As an ectomorph who understands the analysis paralysis/lack-of-spontaneity issue I
will advise for those ecto types newer to the game: just put yourself out there and
make the mistakes a few times, and eventually you’ll just have an instinct for what
moves to make, when. (Assuming you’re familiar with the basics/Heartiste/Roosh etc.)
Eventually your mind just develops a sort of scale we’re you can feel if one side is
falling to far below the other and you’ll automatically know how to adjust it. Some
interactions you’ll be too beta, others over confident and scare her off for that reason,
other simply obtuse, but eventually you’ll develop that sense of equilibrium where
explicit analysis is not needed so much.

Betamax –

Any advice on how to keep the batteries charged in the face of repeated failure?

“Always assume attraction” – tell yourself the No was just the token girl No they all give
at the beginning* and you just weren’t persistent enough. This allows you to focus on
strategy and not let your bruised ego get in the way so much. Just don’t get TOO out of
touch with reality.

*(here in TO, not so sure about elsewhere, they say No two or three times before you
get the Yes – “gimme your number so I can get drunk and sext you later” I live out of
town/leaving tomorrow, a few mins later “Later on we’re so making out” I don’t really
wanna get with anyone right now… “Let’s go over here and maybe even make out”
*make out* – of course this is when her body language etc indicates she’s amenable to
your secuction despite her verbal apprehension.)


17. on August 16, 2012 at 4:49 pm (R)Evoluzione

Again a thoughtful, powerful analysis from the Chateau. As an ecto-meso myself,

(much more ecto), I found this piece to be thorough and complete. I would hazard a
guess that the proprietors of the Chateau would likely identify somewhat strongly to
the ecto side.

As a related aside, the readership here knows women love this sort of cold reading.
This schema can also be used for cold reads on women, but it may require some
dressing up before it’s ready to go out on the town. Meaning, you can couch the terms
in a more socially acceptable format. For those Charismatic gentlemen who enjoy
some occasional dalliances with the SWPL yoga set, yoga chicks go nuts if you can
parse their ayurvedic doshas, or constitutional makeup. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta,
and Kapha correspond tightly to Ecto, Meso, and Endomorphic characteristics. There’s
some esoteric value to telling a girl that her ruddy complexion demonstrates her
strong Pitta constitution that can’t really be had by telling her she’s a mesomorph.
There’s a ton of reading about the doshas to be had online for those inclined, even self
quizzes to see where you line up.

It’s the doshas are useful in that it takes the edge off when you tell a chick she’s got a
lot of kapha energy rather than telling her she’s an endomorph, and no chick, not the
hottest female with a foot-thick bitch shield wants to be told she’s an endomorph. It’s
too strong to be a neg, because most people who know this stuff know that most
endomorph females are too bloated to be attractive. Someone like Christina Hendricks
is an example of a relatively in-shape, hot female endomorph, one of the few.

The hottest females are going to be ecto-meso combos; the pure meso chicks can look
like linebackers, whereas the pure ecto chicks are going to be rail-thin nerdy librarians.


18. on August 16, 2012 at 4:54 pm lights out

this is spot on for me. I was a late bloomer, am introverted, and I have a skinny but
athletic build. Very lean muscle mass that has tone but I’m not jacked. I do go to the
gym about 3-4 times per week and while I am not at all socially awkward, I am always
stuck in my own head. This has crippled me from being able to approach women and I
find alcohol really helps. I am excellent once the approach is done. I have always been
able to seduce women on the first or second date, but approaching is by far my
biggest weakness.

I have always had this idea that body types and personality go hand in hand and this
kinda lends credence to it. Very interesting stuff.


on August 16, 2012 at 5:21 pm Rihanna Deserved It

Same stats as you (late bloomer, skinny but athletic) but my strength is in
approaching and my weakness is dates. But this is because I partied 4+ nights a
week throughout college and almost never dated. Practice makes perfect


19. on August 16, 2012 at 4:57 pm Robert

Nailed it. Totally. Robertson Davies clued me into the targets preferences – girl endos
would rather eat than fuck, mesos are as keen on being seen as getting down, but the
ectomorphs are definitely the freaks. I paraphrase.


20. on August 16, 2012 at 5:14 pm FFY

Damn dude, this is *exactly* how I was two years ago. Very eery.

For men like this, I cannot stress how advantageous it is for you to get a girl in a one
on one situation as fast as possible. One on one is where you shine.

I swear half of my game involves getting to that one on one. If I can get a girl to follow
me to a couch or table, or get her to come over for “wine and a movie”, its game set

Mixed sets and large environs are still my weakness.


on August 16, 2012 at 8:59 pm Uncle Elmer

Or, if you ask her to dance, because you took the time to learn and practice a
few partner-dancing moves, you instantly have “one on one” time with her. As
you have been dancing with other gals you are relaxed and confident.

Your game will improve when you stay out of the “bar” and cut the rug at your
local dance venue. Also helps with “kino” and other notions. If you don’t believe
me go to a non-alcoholic dance venue and watch the former nerds slaughtering
the women.


on August 16, 2012 at 10:29 pm Whammer

Elmer. Dance? Most of these guys are afraid to touch a female and have


21. on August 16, 2012 at 5:14 pm chi-town

I tend to have a meso body type, but spin the bottle on the rest. I have traded my
towel for a pair of sun glasses after skinny dipping, and committed criminal acts of
vandalism; gone off on alone trips reading Schopenhauer and playing through
Spassky Fischer games; And I have been the life of the party where it feels like
someone is reading Jay Leno stand up through an ear piece while eating lobster in
butter. I have been a bit thin and I got a little fat a few times. I always appear in some
odd 1% on personality tests like Myers-Briggs and the rest of them. I have mastered
and completely fucked up on all of them. One night I was doing some great Brando,
Christopher Walking imitations and the next I am Pink watching TV.

I am a 3-way. My guess is I have a nature but have some drive to compensate and thus
sort of blurred the lines. Perhaps that is what one ought to do in a more conscious


on August 16, 2012 at 9:12 pm DJ Roomba

I’m aware of other systems that categorize behaviors in ways like this that
describe the ultimate result of self-improvement as one who is able to integrate
all aspects of the disparate types fully, so I think if you are successful and blur
the lines that can only be a credit to ones self.

Physically, as a kid I was ecto (small short frail), in my 20s I was really looking
endo (225 lbs. max no muscles), and now in my 30s I’m really looking meso (170,
lift heavy 5-6 days a week, eat healthy).

But my personality I think was intrinsically ecto, although I have endo and meso
outbursts. I’m trying to develop (rather painfully I think) the endo and meso
sides, and when I try to do approaches I think that girls may subconsciously
confuse my physical appearance with my haphazard/incongruous behavior. Or
maybe I’m just not good enough yet and all that has nothing to do with it.

With regards to your earlier comment about starting over every six months chi I
really feel like that’s the story of my life. I get better and better, get in
relationship, then when it’s over I feel like i’ve made glacial progress.


22. on August 16, 2012 at 5:29 pm Lad

You know, I reject the all-inclusive, un-falsifiable body-type spectrum theory. But damn
if I don’t cleanly sort into the ecto category on nearly every metric, right down to the
wrist size, and fail to sort into the endo- or meso- categories based on personality
alone. My biggest weaknesses: approach and kino. I could be better at storytelling and
stock routines but have no problems making it through a 2-hour date. I don’t get shit-
tested often for whatever reason, but thinking back on the times I have, I am almost
always completely blindsided and even when I recognize them still fail to handle them.


23. on August 16, 2012 at 6:03 pm Tim

On my blog I have compared the three body types to 3 of the 5 greatest Japanese of all
time. It is amazing how well they fit into the three body types and personalities.
“In any case it is interesting how there are parallels and how great success can be
achieved in many ways.”


on August 17, 2012 at 6:43 pm Adam

Nobunaga loathed his wife (it was mutual) and had several mistresses (and a
boy toy)

Hideyoshi cheated on his barren wife with a bunch of mistresses

Ieyasu was cuckolded by his first wife (according to some theories) and was
never that successful with women

Food for thought


24. on August 16, 2012 at 6:19 pm Neecy

Hmmm. while I do find meso types very attractive visualy (as long as they are not meat
heady looking), I tend to think the ecto body type on a man is probably the best/ideal
body type for a man to have because it is so pliable. of course tall, skinny and lanky on
a guy isn’t always the most desired by women, BUT A tall and lean and slender guy
can always put on *just enough* muscle mass to look awesome. They can never look
too overly muscley. its like when they do pack on muscle, they look perfect.

Sometimes the meso types go overboard on the muscles or they are meat heady


25. on August 16, 2012 at 6:33 pm Aleph

Either Heartiste is an ectomorph by nature or this is one of the greatest posts of all


26. on August 16, 2012 at 6:39 pm Special K

While I thought they were kindof sketch on the science at least the other two articles
made sense from a logical point. But this one…

You claim the Ecto’s are naturally introverted and anti-social. (fair enough). Then you
claim they also have the best calibration for applied social dynamics like push-pull,
venue bouncing, and value building. Skills that can ONLY be learned by practicing
them in field where people are.

Sure, an intellectual type will have the fastest learning curve. They can break a system
down into it’s component variables for a quicker analysis. But an introvert will have the
naturally WORST calibration, because he has the least volume of time with people.

27. on August 16, 2012 at 6:45 pm Anon

Awesome series. However I find that blood types can be more accurate than body
types to depict personalities. Japanese HR execs swear by “Ketsueki-gata”
I can’t find the source but I read that, for example, AB women are the ideal
wives/mothers, because they’re more submissive and down-to-earth.
On the other hand, O type women are the typical lawyercunts.

A type males are favored by japanese employers because they’re the typical beta


on August 16, 2012 at 6:52 pm Neecy

I’m O type and i am not a lawyerc*&^%%!!!!

But I do like the bloodtype diet and believe in the personality traits of the blood
types outlined.

you may say this about O types because according to Dr. Dadamo, o types were
the original humans – the hunters and gatherers. The meat eaters and carnivors.
So yes O types are more aggressive which may coorealate to an o type woman
being more aggressive.


on August 16, 2012 at 7:50 pm Whammer

That’s nonsense and besides most people are O


on August 16, 2012 at 9:46 pm Anon

O and A are equal in proportions.


on August 16, 2012 at 10:55 pm Whammer

Not in the world or the US. Every group on earth has higher O than A. O- is
a universal doner.


on August 16, 2012 at 10:35 pm The Hydrant

That Japanese blood type stuff is absolute bullshit. I live in Japan and people
won’t shut up about their irrelevant blood type. Some jackass lawyer wrote a
book in the 70s popularizing this ridiculous idea, and it’s stuck ever since. The
body types stuff is much more useful and somewhat intuitive.


on August 16, 2012 at 10:58 pm Whammer

O is the most common although Japs have higher B than Whites. But so do


28. on August 16, 2012 at 7:03 pm OFAMOF

Haven’t finished reading, but so far a good post. Good stuff.

This whole “physical types” thing reminds me of the Myers-Briggs types (I’m an INTJ –
“Mastermind”) and the Enneagram types (I’m a 5 with 4 wing “Iconoclast”).

I don’t completely 100% believe these systems, of course, but they can be scarily
accurate. Plus, more to the point, they really are chick-crack to a certain type of girl
(the artsy, intellectual wannabe type. INFJs. Enneagram 4’s. I’ve had some success
gaming them.)

So, in the off chance that anyone here hasn’t heard of Myers-Briggs and Enneagram,
look it up, and game some INFJ girls.

(One big difference between INTJs and INFJs is that the world has uses for INTJs, so we
make money. INFJs are always broke, at least until they wise up.)

Anyway, reading ectomorph description reminds me of the first time I read the INTJ
description – “Hey, that’s me!”


on August 17, 2012 at 11:19 am Carmo

Great point, was thinking the same thing as I read this. I am also intj.


on August 17, 2012 at 6:52 pm Adam

I’m fairly sure almost all Ectos are INTJ and INTP. Not sure what the difference
between the two is though.


29. on August 16, 2012 at 7:23 pm jadoescher

Wow, just realized that I am ecto through and through. One thing that worked to get
me out of my shell and more successful socially was to adopt a few endo and meso
characteristics, but just a few, because doing to much endo and meso feels fake and
comes off as such. Damping the brain machine also helped a great deal, and instead
just vibing with the moment and going with the flow. If I feel the need to think a little
more deeply and recharge my introvert battery, I just step away from the group and
pontificate a bit. When women see you do this, they can’t help but follow you so they
can investigate. Use your ecto tendencies as your source of mystery and intrigue.

Also, the advice to choose your targets and environment can’t be overstated. Stay
away from crazy booty shakin’ bars, techno clubs, and sports bars unless you are
really in the mood and amped up. The girls might be the hottest there, but
conversation will be really hard to get going. Stick to hipstery bars, dives, music clubs,
Belgian beer cafes, coffee shops, seminars, classes, etc. You’ll be much more
comfortable and the girls will be much easier to approach and escalate.


on August 16, 2012 at 11:03 pm Whammer

Take some Tango lessons and learn how to dress like a big boy.


30. on August 16, 2012 at 7:26 pm CallistoRising

I’m on pretty much the ectomorph extreme, goofy although not quite ‘boney’ and
slowly developing more muscle. That part of the personality spectrum is definitely me,
and I’m the musician sort. My main obstacle (before the shit test/kino issues) is finding
the right environment. My job sees me seeking comfort in a few brews down at my
preferred drinking establishments at weekends, which often involve much hedonistic
rowdiness or competing with various AMOGs. Getting into that one-to-one space can
be very difficult.

Possibly the most motivational Heartiste post I’ve read for some time.


31. on August 16, 2012 at 7:56 pm john mccain's little buddy

Analysis was a tour de force. The K-selected ecto has the greatest down,but the
highest upside of the three body types and can garner the attention of the best
women (who are also K-selected).


on August 16, 2012 at 10:19 pm (R)Evoluzione

Good point about K selection. Parental investment, particularly that on the part
of a father or grandfather, makes all the difference for all of these somatotypes,
ecto moreso than most, in my opinion.


32. on August 16, 2012 at 8:06 pm Gideon

Like a lot of guys I’m wearing of falling for a cold-read when it comes to these body /
personality types.

But this really rings true for me.

After many years of trying the standard one size fits all endo-game (clubs and bars)
I’ve sure picked up a little bit of meso and endo traits and skills. But at heart I’m still
and ecto.

However in the last couple of years I’ve come to accept that about myself and turn it
into a strength.

To but is very basically: Take a skill that you have mastered, display it in public then
use it to get one on one with women. Also don’t feel like you need to go to clubs and
bars for ever (just enough to learn some basic skills) just because there are tons of
women…. remember you only need one women… the coffee shop or bookstore is
where you really need to be..


33. on August 16, 2012 at 8:43 pm Anonymous

Slightly off-topic, but… Kobe’s ballz on a leash:

“I certainly would not want to be married to somebody that can’t win championships. If
you’re sacrificing time away from my family and myself for the benefit of winning
championships, then winning a championship should happen every single year.” –
Vanessa (Mrs.) Bryant

“Vanessa Bryant does ‘not want to be married to somebody that can’t win
championships’,” by Kelly Dwyer, Yahoo! News, 16 Aug 2012
The hypergamy is strong in this one!


34. on August 16, 2012 at 8:46 pm Uncle Elmer

Johnny Wadd was an ectomorph.


35. on August 16, 2012 at 8:53 pm Nicko

For most of my young life I’ve been an ecto – however, this has probably been the
result of my lifestyle choices. But it’s all changed now.

In short…

-stop masturbating, especially if you’re not having sex (based on my experience on

how people react to me and how many looks I get from women, I’ve found that
cleaning the pipes once a week is best practice)
-do heavy exercise 4 – 5 times a day 5 minutes each time (I don’t know why but I just
don’t build muscle when I dedicate 30 minutes in a day to exercise)
-eat a diet of meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, A2 milk, potatoes and oats – and
eliminate sauces, refined sugar, takeaway, bread, cereal, and oils (buy a non stick cast
iron cooking pan to cook meats and fish)

Do the above and watch yourself transform.


on August 16, 2012 at 8:55 pm Nicko

and eggs I forgot to mention.


on August 16, 2012 at 9:38 pm Anonymous

Why eliminate bread?


on August 16, 2012 at 10:56 pm (R)Evoluzione

Look up the damaging effects of gluten. It’s pretty toxic for all people,
whether they’re positive for celiac or not. Here’s something to get you

on August 16, 2012 at 10:54 pm (R)Evoluzione

Good shit here Nicko.

You’re probably not packing on muscle with 30m workouts because you’ve
overtaxed your neuro-endocrine system. I had the same problems as a young
lad, but now in my power curve, and knowledge of the human body and my own

in particular, I’ve been able to grow 15 lbs of muscle in about 2 years, most of it
in the last year.

I can see how the 5m x 5x daily regimen would work, but I prefer to do a high
intensity workout 2x weekly, no more. It’s been solid so far.


on August 17, 2012 at 12:05 am Anonymous


I like what you’re saying brother. If you’re not gaining mass like you want to there
is a high chance it could be a result of simply not eating enough calories. This is
the reason in most cases but might not apply to you.

Try the GOMAD diet and doing heavy compound lifts (deadlift, squat, bench,
overhead press, powerclean) and try getting ~3,500 calories a day.

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is a good resource on techniques and

methodologies for lifting heavy weights and gaining mass.

But whatever works for you.



on August 17, 2012 at 4:57 am John

Have you found that going for more than one week without masturbating is
counterproductive? Or does going 3 weeks or so get better results?


36. on August 16, 2012 at 9:12 pm Blg

PQP! You just described me to a tee!


37. on August 16, 2012 at 9:35 pm Fabio


Gawker female writer keeps writing shitty tech articles on gizmodo,and some dude
asks who she blew to get the job. Then she writes a feminist rant about how sexist
and immature the readers are. Comments on the gizmodo FB page are just priceless.

News Feed
We are not amused.

Your Nasty, Nerdy Sexism Isn't Cute

There are now two female staffers writing for Gizmodo,
myself and Leslie Horn, and neither of us blew anyone for
our job. Some of you seem to be under the misguided
impression that sexual favors are the only way a woman
could possibly end up writing for a tech blog—wrong.|By Molly Oswaks

413 184 59


on August 20, 2012 at 10:33 pm Rick Derris

I must give you props for having the ability to get through Gizmodo, period.

I can’t stand any of those Gawker media properties. I think Jalopnik is the worst
written thing I’ve ever seen in the world of automotive journalism.


38. on August 16, 2012 at 9:55 pm Pete

Does this site ever update any more?


39. on August 16, 2012 at 9:57 pm Anonymous

im pretty fn skinny, but i got some muscle, physically id sy im 70% ecto, but funny
enough my game is about 70% meso. In fact the meso post applied to me more i think
cause i dont have a problem approaching anymore and i run into a lot a lot a lot of
trouble in middle and end game but i get a lot of first dates, and im pretty much 70%
plus direct game. In fact i dont even use much game i just approach chat for 5 minutes
and try to get the date. But this is only because i practiced approaching a lot. befors
that i was shy and nervous around any girls as fuck. its funny im still shy in groups but
1 on 1 with a girl im good. Although i clearly grew up and i am predominantly ecto, id
say most of my tactics are meso, a lot of it has to do with the fact that i have little free
time and that i really use a quantity over quality approach with a slutradar to look for
easy bangs…..which i never get……..


40. on August 16, 2012 at 11:04 pm Green Tea

Wow, I thought this would be psychobable but I’m amazed at how accurately this
described me. I’m 5’10 and 140lbs.

BTW, have you ever noticed how, in general, there doesn’t seem to be that many
people who are overweight that are really smart? Not only that, but I’ve noticed that
men who are overweight or highly muscular seem to just look like hell past about 40
whereas it seems like thinner guys tend to stay younger looking longer.


on August 17, 2012 at 2:04 am Whammer

Depends on your age. I’d wait until 25 to see if you’re just naturally thin. Take a
look at your parents because you’ll almost always end up like them.


on August 19, 2012 at 8:16 am shiva1008

Eating less is good for longevity. The increased amount of digestion that a
bodybuilder or fat person goes through puts excess strain on the internal


41. on August 16, 2012 at 11:06 pm Gramps

It might help to overcome your fear of approaching a girl/women by realizing her fate
in just a few decades. Most women these days wind up pretty pathetic. That cute 22
year old who intimidates you, just by being a good looking 22 yo girl, will likely be a
sorry mess by the time you are just hitting your prime. Hell, she is likely a sorry mess
right now (between the ears), but still looks good.


42. on August 17, 2012 at 2:56 am Pilgrim

Heartiest, I swear, though I am ambivalent about your core values, I almost always get
something from you. And here you’ve gone and actually explained my
personality/body type. Very close indeed.

I think the Myers-Briggs type indicator is pretty good, too:

43. on August 17, 2012 at 4:45 am Pilgrim

Heartiest –> Heartiste (forehead slap)


44. on August 17, 2012 at 5:08 am tuffy

I studied psychology in college, and I feel like someone had created a ‘new testament’
of psychology and everyone conspired not to tell me about it. And I even sought out
the weird shit like biofeedback and Reich. Thanks for the lead, I guess i’ll have to buy
Sheldon’s out of print books on ebay.


45. on August 17, 2012 at 6:23 am daniel

History of my life. Girls bodytype has similar influences o their personalities also, i
think. That would also be useful when tailoring your game to each particular girl.


46. on August 17, 2012 at 9:20 am itsme

bitches can’t get enough of my ectoplasm


47. on August 17, 2012 at 10:33 am The Dude

I find it reaffarming that some guys are saying to stop masturbating. I wonder why
that is when you do that you are worse with women, but when you stop (either
because you want to or for some other reason) you do better with women.

I find I’m much more beta from self sastifaction, but turn more alpha when I control
that urge.


on August 17, 2012 at 7:16 pm Adam

This is why


48. on August 17, 2012 at 10:51 am herman

This is the most spot-on post I’ve read here yet. And like many info junky ectos, I’ve
read em all. Kudos. If a “psychic” had told me this I would probably have traded in my
skeptic’s badge for a tarot deck. Once again, top marks!


49. on August 17, 2012 at 1:32 pm jhbowden

I recently witnessed a beta go down in flames in a cringingly bad seduction attempt;

his approach was 90% asshole, 10% niceguy, 0% prick. He probably was one of those
guys who believes that “assholes get all the chicks,” which isn’t true.

The balance that works is 70% niceguy, 25% asshole, and 5% prick. Niceguy is the
comfortable baseline, playful doses of doucheyness to build attraction/pass shit tests,
and a touch of malice to keep things interesting.

50. on August 17, 2012 at 5:25 pm Lozzzlol

And so said shakespere in julius caeser….

Let me have men about me that are fat,

Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.


51. on August 17, 2012 at 11:15 pm Bully

An ecto that eats and trains properly will see his body shift more towards a meso. It
isn’t a death sentence. It took me years to go from a 45 lb max bench to a 250 (6’3″,
previously 165 lb, now 204).. and probably much longer than an endo or meso would
take (if their bench would even be that low to begin with), but the only thing that
would even peg me as an ecto now is my gigantic nose.

Fellow ectos.. hit the goddamn gym.


52. on August 18, 2012 at 7:43 am Plumnuts

I don’t have much of problem seducing or building comfort, but the attraction is
something I only do well at in text game. Meeting up in bars I start listening too much
to where the conversation is going & trying to use my brain.

So I went out with a girl a few nights ago, I’m pretty sure she was loving my text convo,
a lot of it is either playful & wacky or deeper connecting type of chat, seasoned with
un petit peu de cunty piquance. In the bar however I did ok, but frame & body
language went out the window cos she was an HB8 chatterbox talking at a million
miles per hour and it seriously twisted my melon, didn’t kino her at all but her hands
were all over my arms & back. Good sign I thought but then she went home after 1
drink…? She texted after going home and early the next morning so I’m gonna assume
she enjoyed it, but I’m ignoring her for a few days just cos doing that always seems to
work well for me. Anybody else?

This post is spot on, it’s like I’ve just been handed my own users manual. Cheers.

on August 19, 2012 at 7:29 pm Anonymous

Just pick up the phone and find out.



54. on August 19, 2012 at 2:09 am Optimum Awareness™

I have always thought that I was an ectomorph , for I have always been thin as a child,
but when you said that I must grab my wrists, there has been no space in mine. But I
think that the ectomorph in me still exists. Probably a meso-ecto for I may be
shameless at times while I suffer from analysis paralysis as well.


55. on August 19, 2012 at 2:13 pm primallykosher

I think like an ectomorph, although I becoming more mesomorphic in look. How do

you go about shutting down your mind? I tend to have to use either alcohol, dance, or
caffeine to do this.


56. on August 20, 2012 at 5:54 am anon

Need HELP fast!

I’m dating a girl right now and yesterday we made out for the first time. She lives in
another country and will leave in about 5-6 weeks. Today she sent me a text message
telling me that she has a strange feeling of both joy and sadness thinking that she will
leave and not be able to come and visit very often and that maybe we should slow
down a bit, talk more and get to know each other more first. What do I do? I did reply
that we can meet and talk about that today or some other day.
What should I do in a situation like that? Stop meeting her for a while (she’s only here
for a few more weeks)? Tell her we can find a solution (actually I got to talk to her in
the first place because I was interested in moving to the country where she now lives
and things escalated from that and I still hold the option of moving to that country if I
get the job I want).

57. on August 22, 2012 at 1:03 am Lightning Round – 2012/08/22 « Free Northerner
[…] an ectomorph, this is interesting. The description of an ectomorph seemed fairly
spot on in reference to […]


58. on September 12, 2012 at 4:20 pm Read « LifeScansDarkly

[…] Heartiste, for describing my game like you’ve been following me around for the
past 6 months. Share: […]


59. on September 12, 2012 at 10:00 pm Justthisguy

Heh. You nailed me. Extreme ecto here, who has worn 30″ – waist trousers since I was
16. (I am in my early sixties now.) I can’t float in fresh water. Not only that, am an
extreme introvert who thinks he’s slightly autistic. Yes, getting laid was rare for me. At
my age, I no longer give a shit. Now, had somebody told me about Game 40 years


60. on October 9, 2012 at 11:47 pm Catching Up « Manosphere Links

the-ectomorph/ […]

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