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CLASS – XII opt Date: 30.5.14
Session 2014-15

Time : 2 hours M.M. 50

(i) PART- A has 9 Learning Checks carrying one mark each. You are required to answer them as directed.
(ii) Questions in PART- B are Very Short Answer type questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question
should not exceed 30 words.
(iii) Questions in PART- C are Short Answer Type I questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question
should not exceed 60 words.
(iv) Questions in PART- D are Short Answer Type II questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 100 words.
(v) Question in PART- E are Long Answer Type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to question should not
exceed 200 words.
1. Which of the following did Carl Rogers believe fosters a congruent self-concept?
A. conditional love
B. appropriate role models
C. immediate-need gratification
D. unconditional love.
2. Always having been a good student, Irving is confident that he will do well in his psychology course.
According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, Irving would be said to have:
A. strong feelings of self-efficacy.
B. a sense of superiority.
C. strong feelings of self-esteem
D. strong defense mechanisms.
3. According to psychodynamic view the events that we no longer consciously remember may still influence our
behaviour. T/F
4. Which of the following is not one of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences?
A) Practical
b) musical
c) intrapersonal
d) linguistic
e) spatial
5. Anamika is 8 years old and according to Bhatia Battery , she has a mental age of 10. What is her I.Q.?
6. The notion of integral intelligence emphasizes interconnectivity between cognitive, emotional, and social
worlds. T/F
7. In which of the following cultures is an independent view of the self most likely to be the norm?
A. China
B. Japan
C. Korea
D. United States
8. Maximum number of individuals possess an average IQ, ranging between 90 to 110. T/F
9. Individual’s underlying potential for acquiring skills is known as _________________.
10. In Carl Rogers’s theory, the main structure of the personality is the
a) Ego b) Id c) self d) superego

11 Define interview.
12 What is difference between type approach and trait approach?
13 Define Emotional intelligence.
14 Define Linguistic intelligence
15 What is Self-efficacy?


16 What is Giftedness? How can gifted children be identified?

17 Enumerate three Defense mechanisms with examples.
18 Differentiate between Simultaneous and successive processing giving examples.
19.Explain three techniques of self control.


20. How can you differentiate between verbal and performance tests of intelligence?
21.What are the two projective tests that are famous? How are they administered and interpreted?
How does the Indian notion of self differ from the western notion?

22.Explain the Five Factors model of Personality.


23. Explain Sternberg’s theory of Intelligence.

Explain the post Freudian approaches to personality development.

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