Letter Writing - IELTS

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Dear John,

I was very sorry to hear about your accident. But now I hope that you are feeling
much better today than the day of your accident. We will come to meet you in the
hospital very soon.

The Cricket match on this Sunday was not as expected. Our team scored very less
runs. This was probably the reason that you were not there with us to score more runs.
The opposite team “Royal Champions” won the match because of the less target
score. I was very disappointed due to losing the match.

The weather condition was another reason to lose the match. It was a rainy day and
the pitch was very muddy. At the end of the game everyone was wet and full of mud.

Anyways, the next match is scheduled on the next weekend. I hope till that time you
will get discharge from the hospital and you will be with us to play the match.

On our team’s behalf I wish you a speedy recovery.

Best Regards,

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