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Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control✩

Hussein Obeid a , Leonid M. Fridman b, *, Salah Laghrouche a , Mohamed Harmouche c
Femto-ST UMR CNRS, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté/UTBM, 90010, Belfort, France
Departement of Robotics and Control, Engineering Faculty, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), D.F 04510, Mexico
Actility, Paris, France

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a new barrier function-based adaptive strategy is proposed for first order sliding mode
Received 19 August 2017 controller. This strategy is applied to a class of first order disturbed systems whose disturbance is bounded
Received in revised form 2 December 2017 with unknown boundary. The proposed barrier strategy can ensure the convergence of the output variable
Accepted 9 February 2018
and maintain it in a predefined neighborhood of zero independent of the upper bound of the disturbance,
Available online xxxx
without overestimating the control gain.
Keywords: © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sliding mode
Adaptive control
Barrier functions

1. Introduction 2016; Negrete-Chvez & Moreno, 2016). However, the FOSMC gain
in this strategy is overestimated and one cannot be sure that the
For systems with matching disturbances, the sliding mode con- SM will not be lost in the future. To overcome this problem, an
trol has proven its high efficiency (Utkin, 1992). Indeed, it provides approach based on increasing and decreasing the gain has been
a closed-loop insensitivity to these disturbances and guarantees developed (Bartolini, Levant, Plestan, Taleb, & Punta, 2012; Incre-
the finite-time convergence. However, the implementation of the mona et al., 2016; Plestan, Shtessel, Bregeault, & Poznyak, 2010;
first order sliding mode controllers (FOSMCs) requires the knowl- Shtessel, Taleb, & Plestan, 2012). This approach ensures the finite-
edge of the upper bound of disturbances. In practice, this bound is time convergence of the sliding variable to some neighborhood of
not constant and, moreover, frequently it is unknown. This means zero without big overestimation of the gain. The main drawback of
that the gains of the FOSMCs are overestimated. This is a main this approach is that the size of the above mentioned neighborhood
obstacle in the FOSMCs implementation growing the undesired and the time of convergence depend on the unknown upper bound
chattering effect (Boiko, 2008). of disturbance, i.e. they are unknown a priori and one can never be
Recently, two different strategies to create adaptive sliding sure that SM will never be lost for bigger values of time.
mode (SM) controllers have been considered in the case where the The second strategy of adaptation is based on the usage of
upper bound of the disturbance exists but it is unknown. the equivalent control value as an estimation of the disturbance
The first strategy of adaptation consists in increasing the gain (Bartolini, Ferrara, Pisano, & Usai, 1998; Edwards & Shtessel, 2016;
until the moment when the SM is reached, and then the gain is Oliveira, Cunha, & Hsu, 2016; Utkin & Poznyak, 2013). In Oliveira
fixed at this value, ensuring an ideal SM for some interval of time. et al. (2016) a model based approach is presented. To realize
When the disturbance grows, the SM can be lost, therefore the this strategy a low-pass filtered approximation of the equivalent
gain increases to reach it again (Incremona, Cucuzzella, & Ferrara, control were proposed. However, during the realization, the filter
constant should be chosen much less than the inverse of the upper
✩ The authors are grateful for the financial support from projects RECH- bound of the first derivative of disturbance.
MOB15000008 of Franche-Comté Regional Council (France), CONACyT(Consejo The aim of this paper is to propose an adaptive strategy that
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia): 282013; PAPIIT-UNAM (Programa de Apoyo a
can achieve the convergence of the output variable to a predefined
Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica) IN 113216 and PASPA-UNAM
(PROGRAMA DE APOYOS PARA LA SUPERACIÓN DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO DE LA neighborhood of zero, with a control gain that is not overestimated,
UNAM). The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper and without using any information about the upper bound of the
was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Maria Letizia disturbance, nor the use of the low pass filter.
Corradini under the direction of Editor André L. Tits. This paper proposes the use of Barrier Functions (BFs) as an
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Obeid),
adaptive strategy for FOSMC in order to reach above mentioned
(L.M. Fridman), (S. Laghrouche), goal. In this current paper, two different classes of BFs are used: (M. Harmouche). the positive semi-definite BF and a positive definite BF.
0005-1098/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Obeid, H., et al., Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control. Automatica (2018),
2 H. Obeid et al. / Automatica ( ) –

The main advantages of the proposed barrier adaptive SM con-

trol are:

• The output variable converges in a finite time to a predefined

neighborhood of zero, independently of the bound of the
disturbance, and cannot exceed it.
• The gain provided by the proposed strategy is not overesti-
mated, as it can only achieve the convergence of the output
variable to a predefined neighborhood of zero.
• The proposed strategy theoretically does not require neither
the bounds of the disturbance nor the use of the low-pass filter.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the problem for- (a) Kpb (x). (b) Kpsb (x).
mulation is given. Section 3 presents the barrier adaptive FOSMC
algorithm. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section 4. Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of Kpb (x) and Kpsb (x).

2. Problem formulation

Consider the first order system Then for any s(0) and ε > 0, there exists t̄ the smallest root of
equation |s(t)| ≤ 2ε such that for all t ≥ t̄, the inequality |s(t)| < ε
ṡ(t) = u(t) + δ (t), (1) holds.
where s(t) ∈ R is the output variable, u(t) is the FOSMC and δ (t) is The proof of Theorem 2 is given in the Appendix.
a disturbance. Here δ (t) is bounded function with unknown bound,
i.e. |δ (t)| ≤ δmax . The bound δmax > 0 exists but is not known. Remark 3. Note that this strategy allows the adaptive gain to
In this context, the gain of the FOSMC is to be adapted in ac- increase and decrease based on the current value of the output
cordance with the adaptive strategy defined later. The idea behind variable. When the output variable is going to zero, the adaptive
the proposed adaptive strategy is to first increase the adaptive gain gain decreases till the value which allows to compensate the dis-
until the output variable reaches a small neighborhood of zero 2ε at turbance.
time t̄ by using a constant derivative gain as in Plestan et al. (2010). On the other hand, when the disturbance grows and the control
Secondly, for t > t̄, the adaptive gain switches to a BF that can gain is less than the absolute value of disturbance, the output
maintain the output variable in the predefined neighborhood of variable grows and the control gain can grow if it is necessary till
zero |s(t)| < ε . the level ensuring that the system solution will never leave the ε
vicinity of zero.
2.1. Preliminaries
Remark 4. Theoretically, the a priori knowledge of actuator capac-
2.1.1. Barrier functions (BFs) ity P is not required, but it should be supposed that the actuator
is capable to compensate the disturbance. However, in practice, an
actuator is used and its capacity P is known. In this case for discrete
Definition 1. Let us suppose that some ε > 0 is given and fixed,
implementation of the proposed algorithm, the sampling step τ
the BF can be defined as an even continuous function Kb : x ∈
should be chosen as τ ≪ ε/P . Otherwise, the attractive feature of
]−ε, ε [ → Kb (x) ∈ [b, ∞[ strictly increasing on [0, ε [ .
the BF will be lost, and the output variable will leave the predefined
• lim|x|→ε Kb (x) = +∞. neighborhood of zero.
• Kb (x) has a unique minimum at zero and Kb (0) = b ≥ 0. The behavior of each barrier function PBF and PSBF, and the
In this paper, the following two different classes of BFs are achievement of real or ideal SM in finite time, together with the
considered; continuity or discontinuity of the control signal are discussed in
Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
ε F̄
• Positive definite BFs (PBFs): Kpb (x) = ε−|x|
, i.e. Kpb (0) = F̄ >
0. 3.1. Adaptation with PBF
• Positive Semi-definite BFs (PSBFs): Kpsb (x) = |x|
, i.e.
Kpsb (0) = 0. Consider the adaptation with PBF. In this case, Kpb (s(t)) has a
lower bound F̄ when s(t) = 0. Therefore, when |δ (t)| < F̄ the
The PBF Kpb (x) and the PSBF Kpsb (x) are illustrated in Fig. 1. adaptive gain is overestimated. In this case, this strategy provides
an ideal SM. In order to attenuate this overestimation, F̄ can be
3. Barrier adaptive FOSMC algorithm chosen small enough. The usage of PBF when the bound of the
disturbance is less than F̄ will provide a discontinuous control
The following theorem is true for both possible FOSMC gains signal leading to the chattering whose amplitude is proportional
design: using KB (s(t)) = Kpb (s(t)) and KB (s(t)) = Kpsb (s(t)). to the choice of F̄ .

Theorem 2. Consider system (1) with bounded disturbance δ (t) with 3.2. Adaptation with PSBF
the controller
Consider now the adaptation with PSBF. In this case, Kpsb (s(t))
u(t) = −K (t , s(t))sign(s(t)), (2) tends to zero when s(t) → 0. Hence, Kpsb (s(t)) has the same
|s(t)| |s(t)|
and with the adaptive control gain K (t , s) behavior as ε in the neighborhood of zero, i.e. ε ≪ 1 →
Kpsb (s(t)) = ε−|s(t)| ≈ ε .
|s(t)| |s(t)|
Ka (t), K̇a (t) = K̄ |s(t)|, if 0 < t ≤ t̄
K (t , s(t)) = (3) This means that if δ (t) and s(t) tend monotonically to zero,
KB (s(t)), if t > t̄
consequently the adaptive gain Kpsb (s(t)) will go to zero. The dis-
where K̄ to be arbitrary positive constant. continuity of the control signal can appear only once at time t̄,

Please cite this article in press as: Obeid, H., et al., Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control. Automatica (2018),
H. Obeid et al. / Automatica ( ) – 3

Table 1
Parameter values of the PBF, PSBF and APS.
Parameter values K̄ = 1000, ε = 0.02, K̄ = 1000, ε = 0.02, K̄ = 1000, ε = 0.02,
F̄ = 0.1, Ka (0) = 10 Ka (0) = 10 µ = 0.1 , K (0) = 10

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2. (a) Disturbance δ (t), and the zoomed-in plot of s(t) with: (b) PBF, (c) PSBF, (d) APS.

when the adaptive gain switches to PSBF. It is necessary to note This means that the disturbance amplitude is δmax = 0.3 for
that starting from time t̄, the control signal becomes continuous. t ≤ 100 s, δmax = 1.4 for 100 < t ≤ 200 s, and δmax = 6.2
for t > 200 s (see Fig. 2(a)). The zoomed-in plots of the output
3.3. Simulation results variable s(t) with PBF, PSBF and APS are depicted in Figs. 2(b)–
2(c)–2(d). It can be noticed in Figs. 2(b)–2(c) that for both barrier
functions PBF and PSBF, the output variable does not exceed the
Two cases are considered carrying out simulations in order to
predefined neighborhood of zero ε = 0.02. On the other hand, it
show two main advantages of the proposed adaptive strategy over
can be seen in Fig. 2(d) that the size of the neighborhood of zero
the adaptive algorithm presented in Plestan et al. (2010).
to which converges s(t) with APS is changing together with the
For the barrier strategy, the adaptive gain is given by Eq. (3) with
amplitude of disturbance δmax (for t ≤ 100 s, |s(t)| ≤ 0.024, for
KB (s(t)) once defined as PBF and then as PSBF. In contrast, for the
100 < t ≤ 200 s, |s(t)| < 0.029, and for t > 200 s |s(t)| ≤ 0.031).
adaptive algorithm in Plestan et al. (2010), referred to as (APS), the
Therefore, it cannot be predefined. Also, it is worth noting that
adaptive gain is computed through
when the amplitude of disturbance suddenly increases to a big
K̄ |s(t)|sign(|s(t)| − ε ), if K > µ
value, the output variable will also jump to a big value (t = 200 s,
K̇ (t) = (4)
µ, if K ≤ µ |s(t)| > 0.04).
where K̄ , ε and µ are positive constants to be selected.
3.3.2. Case of monotonically decreasing disturbance
Consider the first order system (1) with the initial value as
s(0) = 0.04. Table 1 contains the parameter values of PBF, PSBF The following monotonically decreasing disturbance is consid-
and APS, where the parameter ε is selected as ε = 0.02, while all ered (Fig. 3(a))
the others are set according to (Plestan et al., 2010). The attention 8.2
will be focused on the behavior of each adaptation for t > t̄, since
δ (t) = + 0.002.
t +1
starting from this moment the adaptive gain switches to the BFs.
Figs. 3(b)–3(c)–3(d) show the behavior of the control signal
u(t) with PBF, PSBF and APS. For t > 83 s the amplitude of the
3.3.1. Case of increasing disturbance amplitude disturbance becomes less than F̄ = µ = 0.1 (see Fig. 3(a)). That is
In this subsection, the disturbance is given by why starting for this moment, the chattering will appear for both
0.3sin(t), if t ≤ 100 s PBF and APS with the amplitude equal to 0.1 (see Figs. 3(b)–3(d)).
δ (t) = 1.4sin(t), if 100 s < t ≤ 200 s On the other hand, the control signal for PSBF is continuous and
6.2sin(t), if t > 200 s. will go to zero without chattering (see Fig. 3(c)).

Please cite this article in press as: Obeid, H., et al., Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control. Automatica (2018),
4 H. Obeid et al. / Automatica ( ) –

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. (a) Disturbance δ (t), and the control u(t) with: (b) PBF, (c) PSBF, (d) APS.

( )
4. Conclusion Proof. The time derivative of V s(t), KB (s(t)) is given as follows

This paper presents a barrier strategy to adapt the gain of V̇ = sδ − sKB (s)sign(s) + (KB (s) − KB (0))K̇B (s)
FOSMC for the case of first order disturbed system with the up- (A.2)
per bound of the disturbance is unknown. This strategy ensures ≤ δmax |s| − KB (s)|s| + (KB (s) − KB (0))K̇B (s),
the convergence of the output variable and prevents its violation since KB (s(t)) = Kpb (s(t)), one gets
outside a predefined neighborhood of zero. Moreover, the adaptive
gain in this strategy is not overestimated. V̇ ≤ − (−δmax + Kpb (s))|s|
  
Appendix. Proof of Theorem 2
− (−δmax + Kpb (s))|Kpb (s) − F̄ | (A.3)
Proof. According to Plestan et al. (2010) the system solution will (ε − |s(t)|)2 
reach 2ε in finite time.
 
   βs
ζ >0
Denote t = t̄ the smallest root of equation |s(t)| ≤ 2ε , and
consider the Lyapunov candidate function containing both the = −βs |s| − ζ βs |Kpb (s) − F̄ |.
output variable and the adaptive gain dynamics
• Suppose that F̄ < δmax , and consider the case when |s(t)| >
( ) 1 1( )2
s1 . Then, taking into account that Kpb (s(t)) is an increasing
V s(t), KB (s(t)) = s2 (t) + KB (s(t)) − KB (0) .
2 2 function on [0, ε[, it yields Kpb (s(t)) > Kpb (s1 ) = δmax . This
leads to βs > 0. Therefore
A.1. Adaptation with PBF
V̇ ≤ −βs |s| − ζ βs |Kpb (s) − F̄ |
Consider the case when KB (s(t)) = Kpb (s(t)). It is shown that if √ ( |s| |Kpb (s) − F̄ | )
|s(t̄)| > s1 where = −βs 2 √ + ζ √
⎧ 2 2
F̄ (A.4)

ε (1 − ), if F̄ < δmax √ ( |s| |Kpb (s) − F̄ | )
s1 = δmax (A.1) ≤ −βs 2 min{1, ζ } √ + √

0, if F̄ ≥ δmax 2 2
1 √
then PBF ensures that |s(t)| ≤ s1 in a finite time period τ1 . ≤ −β1 V , 2 with β1 = βs 2 min{1, ζ }.
Furthermore, it is proven that for all t ≥ t̄ + τ1 , the output variable
will remain inside |s(t)| ≤ s1 < ε . Note that τ1 = 0 if |s(t̄)| ≤ s1 . • Suppose that F̄ ≥ δmax and |s(t)| > s1 = 0. Thus, βs > 0 since
Kpb (s(t)) > Kpb (0) = F̄ ≥ δmax (see Eq. (A.3)). It yields that
Lemma 5. Given the output variable dynamics (1) controlled by (2) V̇ ≤ −β1 V 2 .
and (3) with KB (s(t)) = Kpb (s(t)). Then, for all t ≥ t̄, and for all
Therefore, finite time convergence to the domain |s(t)| ≤ s1 is
|s(t)| > s1 , the time derivative of the Lyapunov function satisfies the
ensured, and the reaching time τ1 can be estimated as
following inequality
( ) ( ) ( ( ) 21 ( ) 12 )
V̇ s(t), Kpb (s(t)) ≤ −β1 V 2 s(t), Kpb (s(t)) , with β1 > 0 2 −V s1 , Kpb (s1 ) + V s(t̄), Kpb (s(t̄))
τ1 ≤ . □
which yields a finite time convergence to the domain |s(t)| ≤ s1 . β1

Please cite this article in press as: Obeid, H., et al., Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control. Automatica (2018),
H. Obeid et al. / Automatica ( ) – 5

Now, the case when t ≥ t̄ + τ1 , and |s(t)| < s1 is studied. In V̇ ≤ −βs |s| − ζ βs |Kpsb (s)|
this case, V̇ would be sign indefinite (see Eq. (A.3)), and s(t) can go
toward s1 . Please note that at the time instant when |s(t)| reaches
√ ( | s| |Kpsb (s)| )
= −βs 2 √ + ζ √
s1 , V̇ ≤ 0 since βs = 0, and V would be constant or decreasing. This 2 2
means that for all t ≥ t̄ + τ1 , |s(t)| ≤ s1 . √ ( |s| (A.7)
|Kpsb (s)| )
Finally, as |s(t̄)| ≤ 2ε , it becomes evident that for all t ≥ t̄ the ≤ −βs 2 min{1, ζ } √ + √
inequality |s(t)| < ε holds. 2 2
1 √
≤ −β2 V , 2 with β2 = βs 2 min{1, ζ }.
A.2. Adaptation with PSBF Therefore, finite time convergence to the domain |s(t)| ≤ s2 is
ensured, and the reaching time τ2 can be estimated as
Consider now the case when KB (s(t)) = Kpsb (s(t)). Following the ( ( ) 12 ( ) 21 )
same proof and replacing Lemma 5 by the following Lemma 6, it is 2 −V s2 , Kpsb (s2 ) + V s(t̄), Kpsb (s(t̄))
easy to demonstrate that if |s(t̄)| > s2 where
τ2 ≤ . □
δmax β2
s2 = ε ( ) (A.5)
δmax + 1 Theorem 2 is proven. □
then PSBF ensures that |s(t)| ≤ s2 in a finite time period τ2 .
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Please cite this article in press as: Obeid, H., et al., Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control. Automatica (2018),

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