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Fulures, Vol. 27. No. 7, pp.

717-lY4, 1995
Copynght 0 1995 Elsevicr Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0016-3287195 $10.00 + 0.00



alt.civil izations.faq
Cyberspace as the darker side of the West

Ziauddin Sardar

Cyberspace is being described as the ‘new frontier’. But the notion of the new
frontier is a mythic formulation, constructed to bring the past into an organized
and reinterpreted unity with the present and emphasize how the new ‘territory’ is
to be dominated and controlled in the future. The occupation of cyberspace has
direct parallels with the colonisation of non-Western cultures. Cyberspace is
turning out to be the new Other of Western civilization which is projecting all its
colonial prejudices, and the images of sex and violence in which it framed non-
Western cultures, on to cyberspace. But this time the darker side of the West is
bouncing back on itself.

Richard Pepin’s Hologram Man is a third- stasis. His body is turned into a hologram,
grade film with a first-class insight into while his brain and soul are stored in a
Western psychosis. It exhibits and plays computer to be reprogrammed. Slash’s
with all that Western man desires, all that multicultural gang (this is a pc film!)
lies buried deep in his consciousness, and manage to free their leader, hacking his
all that is steaming his restless soul. The mind and soul out of the computer, but his
story is quite one-dimensional. A rookie body is destroyed in the attempt. Slash
cop, Decoda, arrests a psychotic terrorist, pours an artificial skin on himself and walks
Slash Gallagher, after a bloody encounter. the earth as an electromagnetic hologram:
In his own evil way, Slash just wants the walking through walls, changing his
world be a better place and free of the physical identity at will, a mind, a soul, free
Corporation that rules it; and in his own from the limitations of physical existence he
legal way, Decoda too just wants the world is invincible, a man turned into god by
to be a better place and doesn’t really care virtual reality. As is usual with such narra-
for the Corporation that sustains him! Slash tives, Decoda too turns into a hologram to
is sentenced to the worst form of imprison- defeat and capture his foe. Even though he
ment that the future can offer: holographic is not as strong as Slash, Decoda is smarter.
In the final encounter, Decoda not only kills
Slash but also takes care of the equally evil
chairman of the Corporation.
Ziauddin Sardar is a consuItIng editor of Futures The tone of Hologram Man is set
and visiting professor of science and technology within the first ten minutes of the film:
policy at Middlesex University. He can be grand spectacle wrapped in grotesque
contacted via the editorial office. violence and graphic sex. Its origins in

Essay: Z Sardar

computer games like Doom 2 and Mortal pattern. The hunger for new conquests
Kombat are quite evident; as is its love affair stems from the insatiable desire to acquire
with digital technology, which played no new wealth and riches which in turn pro-
small part in its production, and virtual vides impetus for the development of new
reality. Such combinations of violence, technologies of subjugation which are then
advance technology and sex are not only employed to bring new territories under the
used to sell films and video games (they are servitude of the West. Once a new territory
the raison d’6tre of Hologram Man and has been colonized, it is handed over to
numerous other similar films like Digital business interests to loot; and the worst
Man, Brain Scan, Videodrome and Lawn- elements of the West are posted there to
mower Man), they also come in rather administer and civilize the natives. The
useful in shaping civilizations. Violence, natives themselves are rendered non-
advance technology and sex have been the people by framing them with the images of
containers-vats-within which the West all that the West fears about itself. Cristobal
has existed for much of the second half of Colon’s (aka Columbus) voyage to the ‘new
the millennium. In the normal course of world’, for example, was a product of the
events, the West has used these barrels to quest for wealth and riches, what in con-
capture non-Western civilizations and temporary parlance we would call ‘new
cultures and then projected its own darker markets’. Colon and those who followed
side on to them, portraying and describing- him, adventurers and perverts, rampaged
and therefore containing-them in terms of what they discovered and butchered the
violence, sex and primitive technology. natives they encountered. The West’s
At the end of the second millennium, conquest and colonisation of the Muslim
however, the standard grand narrative world was motivated by its image of the
appears to be going through a new, and Orient where unfathomable riches existed
interesting twist: the darker side of the West and cruel and barbaric scenes were staged.
is bouncing back on itself! The very Once colonized, Islam was projected as
materials with which the West painted all evil and depraved, licentious and barbaric,
Other civilizations is now acquiring a life of ignorant and stupid, monstrous and ugly,
its own and is threatening to recast the fanatic and violent-the very traits of those
projected image as well as the self- who went to the Muslim world to rule it,
perception of the West. As the body of civilize it, and strip it of its wealth and
Western civilization gradually dissolves power. The English and Dutch East India
into digitial technology, it is slowly being Companies went to India and Indonesia
replaced, just like those of Slash and looking for new markets and, with the aid of
Decoda in Hologram Man, with a trans- advanced military technology, enslaved
parent virtual skin that reveals the true their cultures and turned these countries
darkness that lies underneath-in the mind into gold mines for the homeland. The
and soul of the West. Decoda and Slash are conquest of the American West was spurred
the two Janus-like faces of Western civili- by the gold rush, the desire of the settlers for
zation: one, the projected innocence absolute freedom, and ended with the
standard-bearer of civilization, the enforcer almost total annihilation of the native
of universal law and morals; the other, Indians. When the West ran out of physical
pathologically untamed, the psychotic landscapes to conquer it moved into mental
inner reality. To look at the inner reality of territories. Colonization paved the way for
the West, the darker side it projects on to modernity. During the second half of this
Other cultural and mental landscapes, we century, modernity relentlessly conquered
must look at the West’s latest conquest, the almost every culture and every mind.
new domain that it has colonized: cyber- Under colonization, the basic weapon was
space. the brute force of military technology;
modernity combines military technology
The allure of the colon with communication technology, Western
cultural products and instrumental
Western civilization has always been rationality. The ‘civilizing mission’ gives
obsessed with new territories to conquer. way to ‘progress’ and ‘modernization’ and
The narratives of these conquests, on the produces the same effect: cultures are
whole, have followed a basic, linear decimated, bulldozed, ‘globalized’ with

Essav: Z Sardar

barbaric abandon. When mental and African Interior, that excites the passions of
cultural territories are exhausted, the West explorers and carpetbaggers in equal
moves on to conquer the reality of Other measures’.’ Howard Rheingold, a guru of
people. The end of modernity, ushers in the the movement, describes his own flirtations
all-embracing totality of postmodernism. In with cyberspace as ‘my own odyssey to the
Other peoples’ reality, Other ways of outposts of a new scientific frontier. and
knowing and being, Other identities, post- an advanced glimpse of a possible new
modernism has discovered new spaces to world in which reality itself might become a
conquer and subdue. Here ‘progress’, manufactured and metered commodity’.6
‘modernization’ and instrumental rationality Many computer games, like Super Mario
are replaced with relativism, real human Brothers, Civilization, Death Gate,
beings are filtered through electronic Merchant Colony and Big Red Adventure
screens to render them into virtual images- are little more than updated versions of the
all the better to exploit them and butcher great European voyages of discovery. These
them without feeling real emotions.’ Virtual are not just games but worlds, constructed
persons bleed virtual blood-just like so Western utopias, where all history can be
many computer games, including that revised and rewritten, all non-Western
simulation of the real things, War in the people forgotten, in the whirl of the
Gulf.2 spectacle. It is hardly surprising that Mary
Beyond postmodernism’s subjugation Fuller and Henry Jenkins have found direct
of the realities, modes of knowing and parallels between many Nintendo games
actual being of Other cultures, the West and New World documents like Columbus’s
urgently needs new spaces to conquer. The Diario (1492-93), Walter Raleigh’s Dis-
moon and the inner planets are ruled out for coveries of the large, rich and beautiful
the time being given the cost of colonizing empire of Guiana (1596) and John Smith’s
them. The outer space is a domain best left, True Relation of such occurrences and
for the time being, to Star Trek, Star Trek: accidents of noate as hath hapned in
The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Virginia (1608). The theme is reflected in
Star Trek: Voyager, and Space Precinct. For more serious documents. ‘Cyberspace and
the conquest to be continued unabated, the American Dream: a Magna Carta for the
new terrestrial territories have to be found; Knowledge Age’, a document that ‘repre-
and where they don’t actually exist, they sents the cumulative wisdom and inno-
must be created. Enter, cyberspace. vation of many dozens of people’ including
Like most new technologies, cyber- Alvin Toffler, prepared for the right-wing
space did not appear, to use the words of The Progress and Freedom Foundation,
Chris Chesher, ‘from nowhere as a mystical states that ‘the biolectronic frontier is an
spark of inspiration from the mind of one appropriate metaphor for what is happening
individual’.3 It is a conscious reflection of in cyberspace, calling in mind as it does the
the deepest desires, aspirations, experi- spirit of invention and discovery that led the
ential yearning and spiritual angst of ancient mariners to explore the world,
Western man, it is resolutely being generations of pioneers to tame the
designed as a new market, and it is an American continent and, more recently, to
emphatic product of the culture, worldview man’s first exploration of outer space’.’ We
and technology of Western civilization. are not told what the voyages of discovery
That it is a ‘new frontier’, a ‘new continent’, did to the indigenous populations; or that
being reclaimed from some unknown they were motivated as much by greed as
wilderness by heroic figures not unlike the so-called ‘spirit of adventure’.8 Unlike
Cristobal Colon, is quite evident from how the original Magna Carta, which concerned
the conquest of cyberspace is described by itself with mundane political and civil
many of its champions. Analogies to liberties, ‘A Magna Carta for the Knowledge
colonization abound. The September 1990 Age’, places cyberspace at the zenith of
edition of the cyberpunk magazine, Mondo civilization: it represents ‘civilization’s
2000, carries the cover line: ‘The Rush Is truest, highest calling’ and would lead to
On! Colonizing Cyberspace’.4 Ivan Pope, unparalleled ‘demassification, customi-
editor of the British cyberspace magazine zation, individuality, freedom’ and will be
3W, describes it as ‘one of those mythical the main form of ‘glue holding together an
places, like the American West or the increasingly free and diverse society’.

Essay: Z Sardar

Cyberspace, then, is the ‘American dream’ catharsis to release the guilt of wiping out
writ large; it marks the dawn of a new numerous indigenous cultures from the face
‘American civilization’. White man’s of the earth, the colonization of two-thirds
burden, then, shifts from its moral of the world and the continuous degra-
obligation to civilize, democratize, dation of life in the Third World that the
urbanize and colonize non-Western West has engendered. Why else have these
cultures, to the colonization of cyberspace. colonial metaphors of discovery been
Those engaged in constructing the new adopted by champions of cyberspace-
cybercivilization often see their heroic particularly, as Mary Fuller and Henry
efforts in terms of ‘a moral responsibility to Jenkins note, when these
fulfill an historic destiny, comparing them-
metaphors are undergoing sustained critique in
selves with historical precedents, like the other areas of the culture, a critique that hardly
original White colonizers of North anyone can be unaware of in the year after the
America’.’ quincentenary of Columbus’s first American
The ‘frontier’ was, of course, an in- landfall. When John Barlow (1990) writes that
vented concept which recapitulated an ‘Columbus was probably the last person to
experience that had already passed. The behold so much usable and unclaimed real estate
frontier exists in the mind, it operates as a (or unreal estate) as these cybernauts have dis-
covered’ (page 37), the comparison to cyber-
myth only after the process of control has
space drains out the materiality of the place
been established. The fate of the American
Columbus discovered, and the nonvirtual bodies
West was already determined before the of the pre-Columbian inhabitants who did, in
idea of the frontier could be effective as the fact, claim it, however unsuccessfully. I would
means for its dominated integration within speculate that part of the drive behind the
the praxis of American citizenry.” As in rhetoric of virtual reality as a New World or new
idea, the frontier is a tool of domination that frontier is the desire to recreate the Renaissance
arises from the certainty that one already encounter with America without guilt: This time,
has total control. As an instrument, the if there are others present, they really won’t be
human (in the case of Nintendo characters), or if
function of the frontier is to pass the routine
they are, they will be other players like ourselves,
practice of domination into the hands of the
whose bodies are not jeopardized by the virtual
populace, to give them the illusion of weapons we wield. The prospect of seeing VR
freedom while they merely act out the (virtual reality) as a revisionary reenactment of
actual effective control that is already pre- earlier history raises issues that we address only
determined, scrutinized, and seen to be in passing: One would be the ethics and
good by those with power. The frontier is consequences of such a historical revision;
the agency through which power elites get another would be to ask whether it is accurate to
everyone to do their work while thinking say that VR is unlike Renaissance discovery in
having no victims, that at no point does it register
they are acting on their own volition. The
harmfully on real bodies that are not the bodies of
cyberspace frontier is no different. It has
its users.”
already been controlled; the populace, in a
whip of frenzy, are now being motivated to But, of course, cyberspace does have
explore and settle in the new frontier. The victims. The rewriting of colonial history
ideologically constructed anarchy of cyber- has direct impact on the lives of those
space reflects the drive of the early settlers whose history is being denied and whose
who colonized the territory like free agents, historic identity is distorted. It leads to
but only as the free agents of the evolving blaming the victims for the misery of their
concept of a particular civilization. What current reality. If Colon, Drake and other
the frontier gives is the liberty to indulge swashbuckling heroes of Western civili-
licence within the brief of the civilizational zation were no worse than pioneers of
stage directions, ‘to do’, as John Wayne cyberspace, then they must have been a
apocryphally termed it, ‘what a man’s got to good thing; and colonized people should
do’. What such men did turned out to be be thankful for the civilization and new
only what was in the self interest of the technology they brought and the new
civilization they represented and what markets they opened up! Western revisionist
characterized the doing was brutality to writers and thinkers never tire of making
Others. such claims as William A Henry ill’s re-
What cyberspace ‘frontier’ is doing as a interpretation of American history in his In
first step in rewriting history: an exercise in Defense of Elitism illustrates so well.”

Essay: Z Sardar

Cyberspace is particularly geared up decrees, instructions, letters, regulations, case

towards the erasure of all non-Western records, maps petitions from Indian chiefs, etc.,
which refers to the historical ties between Spain
histories. Once a culture has been ‘stored’
and its former colonies in Latin America. The
and ‘preserved’ in digital forms, opened up
whole archive is now being digitalised. The
to anybody who wants to explore it from the manuscripts are being recorded on interactive,
comfort of his armchair, then it becomes optical video disc, not only to protect the original
more real than the real thing! Who needs collection (to preserve the past for prosperity-
the arcane and esoteric real thing anyway? the present is once again discarded), but also to
In the postmodern world where things have increase their accessibility for the researcher: the
systematically become monuments, nature documents, discoloured by time, can be
has been transformed into ‘reserve’, ‘cleaned’ on the screen via the computer (stains
can be removed, creases smoothed out, colours
knowledge is giving way to information and
changed, letters enlarged or reduced, etc .) In
data, it is only a matter for time before
a way, a ‘contaminated’ and guilt-laden episode
Other people and their cultures become of history is being relieved of its blood, sweat and
‘models’, so many zeros and ones in cyber- tears, and being given a false air of innocence. In
space, exotic examples for scholars, the unbearable lightness of the realm of data,
voyeurs and other interested parties to load things are being relieved of their stoutness and
on their machine and look at! Cyberspace is weightiness: as ‘bits’ and ‘bytes’ they all look the
a giant step forward towards museumi- same. It is not about whether the originals speak
zation of the world: where anything the truth, but about their disappearance into a
retouchable ‘image’: the act of copying makes
remotely different from Western culture will
the originals artificial too. At the same time, the
exist only in digital form. And in digital
‘real thing’, having become inaccessible, is en-
form, not only their past but also their
trenched in secrecy for fear that it will be touched
present and potential futures can be manipu- by life, so that its existence becomes insigntfi-
lated: ‘we can run a simulation and show cant.‘j
you what are your best options for survival!‘.
But non-Western history is being sani- But cyberspace not only kills history, it
tized not just by the metaphors of cyber- actually kills people too! The dress
space, numerous computer and video rehearsal for the smart bombs that so con-
games, advertisments for software, but by a sistently missed their targets in the Gulf War
host of new CD-ROM encyclopaedias like was carried out in cyberspace. Cyberspace,
Microsoft Encarta, the Compton Interactive like Teflon and mini hi-ii and so much of
Encyclopedia where Star Trek’s Captain modern advanced technology, has its
Peccard is your tour guide, and The Story of origins in the military. The Internet was
Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant. The developed as a fool-proof mode of com-
great explosion of information on CD-ROMS munication in case of nuclear war and
is in old West-is-Great paradigm re- expanded as a computer network that
packaged for a new generation and extend- linked university research centres with the
ing the dominance of the old academy. The defence departments. Virtual reality first
hard won new spaces and discourses of emerged as a safe and inexpensive way of
Third World perspectives created in con- training pilots to fly advanced military
ventional fields now disappear into the planes. Indeed, the US military has been
oblivion of cyberspace; we thus return to testing equipment and operators using VR
square one, the beginning. The Other is technology for some time. The origins of the
once again the virgin land waiting passively term ‘information superhighway’ can be
to be dominated by the latest territory con- traced back to that other highway, also a
trolled by the West. Even the documentary product of military concerns, which
evidences of history are oxidized in the way emerged at the end of World War II-the
they are ‘preserved’ in cyberspace: grand US interstate highway system (the ‘Al
Gores’ have been involved in both: Al Gore
With the mushroom development of the elec- Sr played an instrumental part in the
tronic memory, the scope of storage is expanding
development of the federal highway
indefinitely. Data banks are being created for
system; Al Gore Jr has been instrumental in
every imaginable aspect of life, and age-old,
dusty archives are being transferred to the most
placing the information superhighway on
modern information systems. The Archive the American political agenda!) The soft-
General de lndias in Seville harbours hundreds of ware games market is saturated with
thousands of historical sources, in the form of ‘shoot’em-up’ games and flight simulators,

Essay: Z Sardar

involving flying jet fighters, shooting and viders are in the market to make profits. If
bombing targets, not simply because cyberspace is the new gold mine, it will be
people like playing such games, but exploited to the full with trade organi-
because weapons guidance and tracking zations dictating and shaping cyber
research for military use has filtered down policies.
into video games. Virtual reality has now Already, the really big thing on cyber-
moved on to the ‘entertainment’ arena space is business: foreign trade, trillions of
largely because the US defence industry dollars swashing around in a hyperparanoia
wants a return on its investment by finding of electronic transfer, chasing profit in the
other uses for the technology it originally 24-hour global market. The Internet is
developed.‘4 Not surprisingly, the first becoming more and more inviting to
major commercial application of VR betray business interests and within a few years it
its military origins. Battle Tech, one of the will become the vehicle for shopping and
earliest commercial uses of VR, is a game other forms of consumerism. Today, one
based on networked military tank simu- can’t log on to a commercial network like
lators. At Chicago’s North Pier, where a CompuServe without receiving an invitation
Battle Tech Center opened in 1990, to visit the ‘Shopping Mall’. Soon, in the not
Players pay and sign in at the front desk and are too distant future, the bank, the post office,
matched up with others to make teams. The shopping centre, library, job centre, video
teams play in a room decorated as the war room store and newspapers will disappear into
of a starship, with TV monitors filling up a wall. cyberspace and the computer, telephone,
Each player gets a Battler Tech console, which is
TV, VCR and hi-ii will all be replaced by a
steered like a battle tank, with floor pedals and
magic box in our living rooms. We will be
throttle. Speakers around the players supply the
logged on, tuned in and staying at home
sounds of machinery and battle. The joystick has
triggers and buttons for controlling weapons and shopping to our heart’s content. Life, as
systems. The idea is not to beat the machine but they say, will never be the same again!
to beat the enemy either individually or in teams. Indeed, cyberspace has done much to boost
As one report states, ‘what gives realism and business-trade is growing twice as fast,
challenge to the Battletech experience is the fact and foreign direct investment four times as
that you play against living opponents rather than fast, as national economies. But privati-
the algorithms of a computer’s program’.‘5
zation and deregulation mean that cyber-
Once the military has opened up the new- space is a space without rules; where it can
frontier, the settlers can move in to play promote business, it can also advance
their games, to explore, colonize and crime.16 Cybercrime is going to be the
exploit the new territory taking us back to crime of the future. Organized crime is a
mythic times when there were other worlds $7SO-billion-a-year enterprise, the drug
(Islam, China, India, Africa, America) with traffiking generates revenues of $400 billion
resources beyond imagination and riches to $500 billion; much of this money finds its
without limits. way into cyberspace, where it is totally out
Since its genesis as a military research of governments’ control, and where it can
project, the Internet has been managed by lose itself in split-second deals, and where it
the US-government funded National is legitimized by the international move-
Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF has ment of more than $1 trillion a day. Within
now handed over the managerial reins to ten years it will become well nigh
three commercial carriers, Sprint, Ameri- impossible to trace ill gotten revenues,
tech and Pacific Bell. These multinational, giving organized crime an unparalleled
modern equivalents of the East India boost. ‘Currency collapse’ from dirty cyber-
Company, will become the principal pro- money is something that even gives that
viders of access to the Internet. The many gung-ho bible of cyberspace, Wired, the
networks that make the Internet, the net- ‘creeps’. It is one of the ten technological
work of all computer networks, are inter- developments on ‘The Wired Scared Shit-
linked in a rough hierarchy: the bigger the list’: ‘corrupted currency destroys global
network the higher the ladder of hierarchy it markets’.”
sits. Thus the big multinational corporation The cyberspace frontier, then, is set to
will really dominate cyberspace. And, follow the patterns of the old West. And like
whereas government-funded network pro- the old West, it is a terrain where marshal
viders offered free access, commercial pro- and lawmen roam freely bringing order and

Essav: Z Sardar

justice whenever and wherever they can. side a barbedwire fence, with a ranch cabin in-
The lawmen of cyberspace and the new vitingly aglow in the background. An Apple
heroes of the West are hackers, whiz kids computer stands atop a fencepost and Barlow
packs a double-barreled shotgun under his arm.
who break into computers, punish those
Barlow’s clumsy and unthinkingly malevolent
who break the code of ‘netiquette’ and
symbolic exercise exemplifies themes of anti-
generally terrorize other users. While social monadism and implicit violence [of]
hackers are essentially lonely and social the history of American narrative. The ideal client
inadequates who can relate only to com- for this old-new ideology is the one who writes a
puters, l8 films like Sneakers and Hackers letter to the editors of Wireddamning the Clipper
have turned them into champions of the chip because ‘secure encryption, like firearms,
electronic frontier. ‘A Magna Carta for the represents an insurance policy for all citizens
Knowledge Age’ describes them as heroic against future tyrants’. Mounting guard over
private electronic property, not embracing social
individuals ‘who ignored every social
needs and human interdependency, defines this
pressure and violated every rule to develop
ethos of isolation and self-privileging. The
a set of skills through an early and intense
essential solitude of ‘don’t tread on me’ attitude
exposure to low-cost, ubiquitous com- and laissez-faire electronic frontier politics con-
puting’ (so did Billy the Kid but in his days tain walloping measures of anti-communi-
the new technology came in the form of tarianism.”
repeater revolvers!) and who created ‘new
wealth in the form of the baby business that
have given America the lead in cyberspatial The Others are on the other side of (actual)
exploration and settlement’. But not all reality
hackers have created wealth; quite a few
One of the most pernicious myths about the
have created crime and have led the way
Internet is that it provides free access to all
for total demolition of privacy. Cellular
the information about everything to every-
‘phone (these ‘phones give off signals even
body everywhere at any time. To begin
when they are switched off) hackers can tap
with, access to the Internet is not free.
into any conversation and trace anyone,
Individuals working in organizations,
almost anywhere.
universities and research institutions have
But with or without cellular ‘phones,
‘free’ access because their institutions pay.
soon there will be ‘nowhere to hide’.‘”
For individuals, without institutional
Almost every computer transaction would
support like myself, Internet access is an
be hacked, every conversation amenable to
expensive luxury: there is the cost of the
tapping, and mountains of personal data
computer and necessary peripherals
about individuals routinely collected, such
(f2000, recurring every two years as both
as medical history and financial records,
the hardware and software become useless
would be available to anyone who wants it.
within that period); payment to the Internet
Online terrorism is not too far away and
provider (f 180 per year) and the telephone
most of the early proponents of this sick art
bills (around f.500 a year). One can feed a
are hackers.” While some hackers will be
family of four in Bangladesh for a whole
causing increasing havoc, other hackers
year for that sort of money. Thus the Inter-
will be tracking them down. A few will
net is only available to those who can afford
become fully fledged marshals. One self-
a computer and connection and telephone
designated marshal of the new territory, a
charges that go with it. In the West, this
real equivalent to Hologram Man’s
means educated households with income in
Decoda, is John Perry Barlow, Wyoming
the upper brackets. In the USA, for
cattle rancher, lyricist for the Grateful
example, households with incomes above
Dead, and co-founder of the Electronic
$75 000 are three times more likely to own
Frontier Foundation which is dedicated to
a computer than households with incomes
protecting ‘freedom of expression, privacy
between $25 000 and $30000.22 That
and access to online resources and informa-
leaves most of the black households in the
tion’. Barlow, who is safeguarding cyber-
cold! (But Asian and Pacific Islanders are
space freedom for us all by riding shotgun,
more likely than whites to own a home
captured the essence of frontier freedom
computer and therefore have access to the
when he posed for the glossy photocover of his Internet). In the Third World-that is,
Wesleyan University alumni magazine standing countries with telecommunications infra-
heavily dressed in a twilight snowscape along- structures-only the reasonably well off can

Essay: Z Sarda,

afford access to the Internet. That leaves male view of what children find interesting;
most of humanity at the mercy of real killing, shooting and blowing things up. In
reality! games like Mortal Kombat and Comanche
Moreover, not everything on the Net is Maximum Overkill, which contain horrific
free and, as I have argued, it will be less and scenes of violence, the object is simply to
less so; and contrary to popular belief kill or hunt your opponent; Doom and its
computers themselves are not becoming various sequels involve nothing more than
cheaper. It is true that the price of com- relentless and perpetual digital killing. The
puting power falls by half every two years. women in these games, if there are any, are
But as soon as the price of a model falls, its either simply cyberbimbos, electronic
production is discontinued and manu- renderings of Barbie dolls, or are as
facturers move to higher-specification psychotic as the male characters. In most
machines to keep their profits growing. In cases, however, female characters are as
any case, new software does not run on the absent from these narratives as women from
cheaper (lower-specification) models; con- the Internet; at best, they are there to be
sumers have no option but to upgrade. So rescued from evil villians, as in Prince of
the presumption that the average citizen Persia-which is one of the best games in
can purchase increasingly sophisticated this genre-and its sequel. Given this back-
computers at decreasing prices is a gigantic ground, it is not surprising that women have
myth. Neither is information on the Net not taken to cyberspace.
free. Much of it, really useful stuff from the Cyberspace is inhabited not just by the
Pentagon to research on advance com- white, middle-class male, but a particular
mercial technologies is encoded. Not all type of white middle-class male-or more
the information in the world is on the Net appropriately two main types of white,
(thank God for that!); and unless all the middle-class males. The first and the most
world’s cultures are willing to be digitized it predominant type of male on cyberspace is
will never be so. The Net, in fact, provides the college student.23 Seven out of ten
us with a grotesque soup of information- institutes of higher learning in the USA
statistics, data and chatter from the military, provide free Internet access to their
academe, research institutions, purveyors students. Apart from spending most of their
of pornography, addicts of Western pop time ‘netsurfing’, game-playing, chatting
music and culture, right-wing extremists, on-line, these students also create ‘home-
lunatics who go on about aliens, paedo- pages’ as advertisements for themselves.
philes and all those contemplating sex with There are countless such homepages on the
a donkey! A great deal of this stuff is World Wide Web containing ‘information’
obscene; much of it is local; most of it is on what they eat and excrete, what they
deafening noise. Our attention is constantly would look like if they were Martians, and
being attracted by someone trying to sell us their musings on God, Hegel, the Chicago
something we don’t want, some pervert Bears and the Grateful Dead. When they
exhibiting his perversion, groups of cyber- get bored they create such home pages as
freaks giggling in the corner, while giant ‘Nymphomania’ (brainchild of a Duke
corporations trade gigabytes of information University freshman) or simply put porno-
about money and death. graphic pictures on their servers. When
Most people on the Internet are white, they get really bored, they write stories: the
upper- and middle-class Americans and case of Joe Baker, a 21 -year-old sophomore
Europeans; and most of them are men. at the University of Michigan’s College of
Indeed, women are conspicuous largely by Literature, Science and Arts, is only one
their absence: less than 1% of people on- example-the Net is full of them! In
line are women; most of these are bored February 1995, Baker posted a story to the
housewives, and perhaps quite a few are Usenet newsgroup stories in which
actually transsexual man. This is not he graphically described kidnapping and
surprising: cyberspace, like earthspace, has torturing one of his fellow students. In a
not really developed with women in mind. later e-mail correspondence, Baker even
The binary coding of cyberspace described how he was going to carry out his
carries with it another type of encoding: fantasy!14 And when they really get bored
that of gender relations. Most video games they have cyberweddings:
are designed with a very white, Western

Essay: Z Sardar

Two eWorld users (eWorld is an on-line

service hours after the bombing of Oklahoma City,
from Apple), Mandi and Art from Texas, got posted diagrams explaining how to make
married computer-style. They met several bombs similar to the lethal mixture that
months ago on-line and have spent more than
blew up the Alfred Murrah federal building,
their fair share of hours on-line chatting and
with the message: ‘There you go
mailing each other
their marriage was witnessed, albeit on-line, Thought that might help some of you’. Or
by hundreds of users. Since theirs was an the kind of individuals who regularly post
electronic wedding, their bridesmaid and best ‘stories’ that explain the best way of kid-
man were also people that the couple have met napping children and how to torture, muti-
on-line late and sodomize them, and the best way
So what were their wedding vows? of ‘snuffing’ (murdering) them. There is an
Art: I searched the vast oceans for a soul abundance of this kind of stuff on some 60
mate, plundering and lootingeverywhere I sailed, internet newsgroups whose titles begin with
and finding no one, to share the adventure of my
‘’ and literally thousands of privately
life. And now I have found an angel to help me
sail my course. My eMate forever as we set sail, run bulletin boards which pander to such
I promise to love and cherish you as my eWife, to horrors in the name of freedom of ex-
let you be free. I promise to be faithful to you on- pression. One of the oldest and best known
line, I will always sail as a free pirate but my heart bulletin boards is the WELL, which was
is yours alone. And I pledge you my love, my established by the founders of the hippie
soul, and my heart throughout all time. journal Whole Earth Review (formerly, Co-
Mandi: I longed for a sailor to capture my Evolution Quarter/y). Here’s a subscriber to
heart; a hero to set my passion free. My eyes
the ‘Well community’ giving his reasons for
searched the seas from the shore far away.
resigning his membership:
Nothing but water for miles for so long. Suddenly,
one clear, blue day you appeared before me- Racism, sexism, and pedophilia are alive and
strong, passionate yet so lonely. With the look of vigorously protected by the subscribers. ‘Jokes’
the lost sea in your eyes, our souls connected. about sex with 3- and B-year-old children are
Our hearts met and melted. My heart beats with available to anyone who cares to log on the
yours. My thoughts are with you always. WELL-including your children. When I asked
I promise, as your eWife, to be faithful on-line, to that such graffiti be placed in a less public
stay true to the meaning of this joining, and conference, the outrage came in surprising
above all, to keep my heart in time with yours salvos, including from Howard (Rheingold), who
alwaysz5 went on to discuss ‘First Amendment Rights’-
and to leave the ‘jokes’ on-line, no restrictions. It
This group of Internet users has the same
was explained to me that, ‘after all, the material
demographic profile as Playboy readers:
was labeled ‘Sick and Disgusting’-1 had been
that is, they are both aged 18-35, 80-90% warned. From his safely isolated keyboard
are male, they are well educated, and have another told me, ‘if you can’t take a joke then
a higher than average income.26 FUCK YOU!’ I try to imagine what a battered
The lo-20% of white, male Internet woman or a victim of sexual abuse feels when
users that fall outside the Playboy demo- such material scrolls into view. I prefer bigots
graphic profile-they have just as high level face to face as opposed to some computer-
hooded adolescent scribbling on cyberspace
of incomes but are, perhaps, not that well
toilet walls.”
educated-are the kind of individuals who,
in the days of the Empire, were rounded up The problem is that the half of cyberspace
and shipped off to Australia, the ‘New which is not commercial is largely a toilet
World’ or some other part of ‘the colonies’ wall. On, for example, you
to murder, rape, sodomize or otherwise can read stories about how infant girls have
tame and civilize the natives. In the new their nipples cut and throat slashed; tales of
frontier that is cyberspace, these chaps are fathers sodomizing their baby daughters;
forging digital colonies on behalf of mothers performing fellatio on their
Western civilization. Frankly, many of juvenile sons. Even in the less psychotic
these individuals are genuinely psychotic; arena of the colony, sex is just
real projections of the holographic Slash another blood sport, like killing Nazi
Gallagher, they live on various homepages Germans of Doom or shooting hostile aliens
maintained by numerous right-wing militia in Daedalus Encounter. It has nothing to do
groups or belong to newsgroups like with intimacy, tenderness or any other
‘’ and ‘ hair’. human emotion. Just what is going on in the
These are the kind of individuals who, mind of the individual who wants to place

Essay: Z Sardar

digitiized sound samples of his sexual Western cultures). Bedouins, for example,
encounter on the Internet? Or what kind of can sit for hours in the desert, feeling the
humanity is embodied in a person who ripples of time, without being bored.
provides an informed description, on Traditional societies know nothing of bore- bestiality, of how to mount a horse: dom. Traditional life is a goal-orientated
existence where the goals are deeply em-
If vou are seducing strange horses vou should
brihg them food. Tvhis is i good wa; to start a bedded in the worldview of the tradition
relationship Standing behind a horse is safe if and have real meaning for those who
you are no farther than a foot from its rump. If the imbibe the tradition. It is enriched by count-
horse can move forward you might fall into less face-to-face, intimate relationships,
kicking range, so try to tie it up or use a stall based both on extended families and
No one should attempt vaginal or anal inter- communal life; personal relationships in
course with a stallion unless they are experienced traditional societies tend to be shared,
in fist fucking or have taken a dog in to the
close, and intimate leading to a host of
duties and responsibilities that give orienta-
There are a lot of these people on the Inter- tion and meaning to individual lives. In
net-all hyperventilating, hyperabusing, most Third World societies, individuals and
hyperself-abusing, sitting alone in front of communities are normally too busy trying
their computer screens ‘chatting’ to people to survive to be bored.
they have never met and are unlikely ever Boredom is a product of a culture
to meet, projecting their darker side on the where individual and communal goals have
hypertext world of cyberspace. lost all their significance and meanings,
where an individual’s attention span is no
Give me nothing, or give me something longer than a single frame in an MTV
else vide-five seconds. In such a culture, one
needs something different to do, something
Hypertext is becoming the norm in cyber- different to see, some new excitement and
space from ‘edutainment’ CD-ROMS like spectacle every other moment. Net surfing
Microsoft’s Ancient Lands to tax-prepara- provides just that: the exhilaration of a joy-
tion programmes to the multimedia tours of ride, the spectacle of visual and audio
DNA and Dinosaurs (as, for example, on inputs, a relief from boredom and an
the Field Museum of Natural History’s illusion of God-like omniscience as an
Home Page) on the World Wide Web. One added extra.** But, of course, travel at such
can log on to the Web and cruise for hours, a high speed has a price. Hypertext
jumping from page to page, subject to generates hyperindividuals: rootless,
subject, country to country, computer to without a real identity, perpetually looking
computer-‘surfin’ the Net’ in a frenzied for the next fix, hoping that the next page on
journey to nowhere. It is important to the Web will take them to nirvana. The
appreciate that surfing is the essential meta- individual himself is reduced to hypertext:
phor here: one does not stop anywhere one a code of information. And this process
carries on at the speed of light. This is seems to be accelerating. The more we
totally different from looking for informa- come to rely on computers, the more we
tion. When you need information you go use them for work, education, entertain-
directly to it; and if you do not know where ment, communication, the more we be-
it is you use a whole array of excellent tools come an extension of cyberspace. Our
on the Net that can take you where the concerns are largely limited to discrete data
information that you want resides. No, this or information at best. Knowledge in its true
is not about information retrieval; or learn- sense, let alone wisdom, never really enters
ing: one can’t learn simply by perusing the equation. We are constantly moving
information, one learns by digesting it, towards the left of the axis:
reflecting on it, critically assimilating it; or
discrete data-information-knowledge-
indeed about education. It’s about bore-
It is probably not recognized by any- In the continuous tracking of cyberspace,
one that boredom is a cultural phenomenon the mind loses all sense of assimilation and
unique to Western culture (but now, un- synthesis as discrete data jumps out at us
fortunately, being spread like a virus to non- from one page to the next, from one hyper-
Essay: 2’ Sardar

link to another, often without logical And what responsibilities does an ‘elec-
sequence. Human perception itself be- tronic neighbourhood’ place on its
comes discrete as we jump from page to members? Can one simply resign one’s
page, here taking in a text, there listening to membership from a community! And, is
that sound, and over there looking at a identity simply a matter of which electronic
video; everything occurring at the click of newsgroup one belongs to? Communities
the mouse, with the speed of intuition. The are shaped by a sense of belonging to a
individual’s Self is reduced to discrete bits place, a geographical location, by shared
of binary code; our humanity is digested by values, by common struggles, by tradition
cyberspace. and history of a location-not by joining a
The loss of humanity is quite evident in group of people with common interests. On
how the rhetoric of cyberspace is being this logic, the accountants of the world will
used to give new definitions to community instantly be transformed into a community
and identity. Cyberspace, it is argued, will the moment they start a newsgroup:
provide through electronic pathways what ‘alt.accounts’ (with ‘alt.accounts. spread-
cement roads were unable to do: connect sheets’ constituting a sub-community!).
us rather than atomize us. ‘Cyberspace’, John Gray:
says ‘A Magna Carta for the Knowledge
We are who we are because of the places in
Age’, ‘will play an important role in knitting which we grow up, the accents and friends we
together the diverse communities of to- acquire by chance, the burdens we have not
morrow, facilitating the creation of “elec- chosen but somehow learn to cope with. Real
tronic neighbourhoods” bound together not communities are always local-places in which
by geography but by shared interests’. people have put down roots and are willing to
Virtual communities, the mindnumbing put up with the burdens of living together. The
cyberforecaster Howard Rheingold28 fantasy of virtual community is that we can enjoy
the benefits of community without its burdens,
announces, will bloom like wild flowers in
without the daily effort to keep delicate human
the future; and every individual will be able
connections intact. Real communities can bear
to choose the community or communities these burdens because they are embedded in
they want to belong to. ‘You want identity?‘, particular places and evoke enduring loyalties. In
scream Usenet groups and countless bulletin cyberspace, however, there is nowhere that a
boards. ‘Select from the menu and sign sense of place can grow, and no way in which
on!‘. ‘Or start your own community! Create the solidarities that sustain human beings through
a new conference!‘. difficult times can be forged.”
Cyberspace, then, is the place to dis-
cover what has escaped Western man in Real community creates context. It
mundane reality-community and identity, generates issues which arise with relations
the two prerequisites for being human. to time and space, history and con-
Computer networks provide the ability to temporary circumstances, and require
transcend geography, time zones and social responsible judgment-which is why so
status and develop relationships on ‘forums’ many issues are difficult, they require
and ‘newsgroups’. Conferences, online balancing of opposing pressures. A cyber-
chats, bulletin boards are supposed to over- space community is self-selecting, exactly
come the atomism of society and lead the what a real community is not; it is con-
individual to develop multiple bonds that tingent and transient, depending on the
urban life denies. For, out there in the real shared interest of those with the attention
world, communities have broken down, span of a 30-second sound bite. The
social institutions lay derelict, family has essence of real community is its pre-
come to mean a collection of atomized sumptive perpetuity-you have to worry
individuals thrown temporarily together by about other poeple because they will
the accident of birth, cities are little more always be there. In a cyberspace community
than alienating perpendicular tangles, inner you can shut people off at the click of a
cities resemble bombed sites and fear and mouse and go elsewhere. One therefore has
loathing stalk the streets. But belonging and no responsibility of any kind. Where
posting to a Usenet group, or logging on to community has come to mean not knowing
a bulletin board community, confirms no that your old neighbour has died until this
more an identity than belonging to a stamp body begins to rot and driving for miles to
collecting club or a Morris dancing society. go to a shopping mall for essential groceries,

Essay: Z Sardar

cyberspace provides an easy simulation for to discuss the meaning of life over a modem
the sweaty hard work required for building with complete strangers. Just what is going
real communities. But virtual communities on in terms of the very best in electronic
serve another purpose: they protect from communication is represented in Mark
the race and gender mix of real community, Taylor and Esa Saarinan’s Imagologies,32
from the contamination of pluralism. Even which comes complete with glowing
when ethnic and race user groups establish recommendations from the high and mighty
themselves on the Internet, they are of cyber- and other intellectual spaces. A
invisible, accessed only by others from the sample: ‘creates new ideas and vocabu-
same backgrounds and interests. Thus the lary’, says the virtual reality pioneer, Jaron
totalizing online character of cyberspace Lanier; a ‘profound and prescient book’,
ensures that the marginalized stay margi- declares Carnel West, the black scholar and
nalized: the external racism of Western activist; ‘if you want to get a headstart on
society is echoed in cyberspace as online the 2Ist century, lmagologies is required
monoculture. Cyberspace provides an reading’, announces Terry Semel, President
escape from the inescapable reality of of Warner Brothers. Taylor and Saarinen
diversity in the actual world. Moreover, it claim that they wrote their book ‘for an age
fulfils the desire of community by the neat in which people do not have the time to
trick of labelling users with communal tags. write or read books’ (presumably because
‘in the midst of desire’, writes Joe Lockard, they are too busy flaming each other on the
we sometimes function under the conceit Internet) via e-mail between the USA and
that if we name an object after our desire, Finland. Their aim is to produce a new form
‘the object is what we name it. Hard-up of ‘media philosophy’ for the postmodern
men buy large blow-up figures of women age. The book thus has no logical structure,
and hump desperately, admiring the it simply strings together musings and
feminity of their “girlfriends” and groaning reflections on such topics as style, speed,
women’s names over them. But whatever virtuality, cyborgs, pedagogies and other
their imagination, it’s rubberized plastic, concerns of cyberfreaks in haphazard and
not a woman. Likewise, cyberspace is to panicky manner. We are treated to such
community as Rubber Rita is to woman’.30 gems of wisdom as ‘in simcult, excess
In fact, desire is being ideologically becomes excessive’; ‘the play of surfaces
manipulated to endanger familiarity and exposes depth as another surface’; ‘the tele-
acceptance of the hardware and software visual reflects the presence of absence that
that goes to make cyberspace. is the absence of presence’, ‘reality is only
Let alone generate community, cyber- skin deep’, ‘electricity is an occult force that
space does not even enhance communi- is the light of the world’; and ‘philosophy
cation. Listen to a newsgroup or a bulletin lacks the courage to be superficial’. This is
board conference: are people talking to what two serious analytical philosophers
each other, is there real communication were communicating to each other via
that transforms both the sender and the e-mail for God’s sake! One-liners, sub-
recipient: what sorts of relationships are Forest Gump textual debris, amounting to
really being forged? Is it ‘discussion’, or is it some 300 pages, all in the pretence of
people shouting at each other across a inventing a new paradigm for cyberspace
crowded bazaar, or simply gang warfare?” communication. One gets better graffiti at
Everyone on the newsgroups or bulletin the public convenience in London’s Oxford
boards seems to be looking for something or Street! Is it really possible to believe that
someone-a particular bit of information, communities could grow out of such
clients, files, ‘how do I do that?‘, or, much breathtaking banality? To a more discerning
more frequently, for ‘hot’ sex-‘are there eye, ‘electronic communities’ that exist on
any girls on this thing?’ When they are not the Internet consist of millions of isolated,
looking for something, correspondents are insatiable, individual desires feeding
usually abusing each other; even serious, blindly on each other’s dismal projections.
research-orientated newsgroups appear to Apart from promoting community,
be burning with ‘flame’ (abuse) wars. This is cyberspace is also projected as a panacea
hardly surprising: how is it possible for for most of our political problems. All the
people who can’t even say hello to each problems of representative democracy are
other as the door shuts on an elevator begin going to be solved, we are told, when

everyone gets online and starts voting on is thoroughly plugged in to Washington--too
plugged in for its own good.35
everything. 33 In cyber-led society, citizens
will not only be better informed but will Citizens become no more responsible
also be able to sidestep varieties of pressure simply because they give instant opinion
groups to participate directly in decision through cyberspace than when they decide
making. For Democrat Vice-President Al to join a lynch mob. Cyberdemocracy is
Gore, the information superhighway is lynch law. It fosters the delusion of the
required ‘to promote, to protect and to frontier that you can get the laws you
preserve freedom and democracy’. Speaker want-but laws are not products of
of the House, the arch-Republican Newt individual clamour but of collective and
Gingrich, sees in cyberspace the beginnings consultative acts that have to reflect the
of a ‘virtual Congress’ in which power is balance of the community. To be humane,
transferred electronically ‘towards the just and protective of all segments of
citizens out of the Washington Beltway’.j4 society, laws need the context of dis-
‘A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age’ cussion, information and testing against the
also presents a vision of cyberspace, ‘the needs of all-the very things you cannot get
latest American frontier’: it will empower from an instant reflex in cyberspace. Instant
American people through unhindered decision by cyberpolls obviates the need to
access to information. The problem with understand and consider, thereby taking us
this vision is that it does not actually change further and further on the march from
the system which in fact constitutes the knowledge and wisdom.
problem-it simply places its faith in The romantic, liberating notion of
information technology to make the system information technologies draws our atten-
run more smoothly. Most democratically tion away from its more real potential: to
elected governments do what they, often enslave us in its totality. Beyond the rapture
ideologically, have decided to do. If cyber- of free access to unlimited information and
democracy could get governments to the dream of controlling all human know-
change their minds, if ‘push-button voting’ ledge, lies the reciprocal threat of total
in ‘electronic townhalls’-to use the terms organization. All newsgroups, bulletin
of Ross Perot-could force elected repre- boards, Web pages-well, everything in
sentatives to listen to their constituencies, cyberspace-are managed by invisible
then opinion polls would be just as system operators (sysops) who ensure that
effective. The Western democracies are not the system runs smoothly and who hold
lacking public feedback; what people lack unrestricted power to deny entry, cut,
is faith in politics, politicians and political delete or censor any communication, and
institutions. Would electronic democracy who observe all that is going on their
make politicians more upright, more moral, system. On bigger networks, Big Sysops can
more conscientious, more responsible? not only monitor what is going on but also
Would cyberdemocracy make the Pentagon have the ability to intercept communi-
more open and accountable to public? cations, read them and reroute them in
Would CIA operations be open to public different directions. Private e-mail is not
scrutiny? What electronic democracy offers really all that private! Those who control
is more of the same: more instantaneously the system, economically, technically and
mushrooming pressure groups, more frag- politically, have access to everything on the
mented politics, more corrupt public life. system. Absolute Sysop holds infinite in-
As Pime magazine notes: visible power. Underneath the fabricated
Some of the information technologies that so per- tranquility of cyberspace lies the possibility
vade Washington life have not only failed to cure of surveillance by the all-knowing, all-
America’s ills but actually seem to have made seeing, central network system operator.
them worse. Intensely felt public opinion leads lo Who can handle so much power without
the impulsive passage of dubious laws; and being corrupted? The monopolistic tenden-
meanwhile, the same force fosters the gridlock cies of those who control cyberspace reflect
that keeps the nation from balancing its budget,
the ethos of the East India Companies. Just
among other things, as a host of groups clamour
like the imperial companies, the access
to protect their benefits. In both cases, the
problem is that the emerging cyber-democracy providers, like Sprint and Pacific Bell, are
amounts to a kind of ‘hyper-democracy’: a nation monopolies licensed by central government
that, contrary to all Beltway-related stereotypes, with the mandate to chart new territories

Essay: Z Sardar

and are working to promote a particular reality’.40 The first pictorial representations
worldview. And just like the companies, of America are of a passive female virgin
the access providers seek total dominion figure! Eastern mysticism had an equal
over the ‘new world’. Soon, ‘common seductivenessit provided an answer to
carriage’, the public-policy means by arid Christianity and Western man’s
which free-speech principles are safe- spiritual angst. Cyberspace provides both:
guarded, may not be all that common: an arena for the projection of erotic
privately owned carriers are not too con- fantasies as well as a gnostic trip.
cerned about free speechj6-just as The potential for sexual union and
imperial companies were not too con- spiritual high is best manifested in virtual
cerned about the rights of those they reality (VR) technologies. Virtual reality is
colonized. We are thus set to move from nothing more than computer-generated,
the physical colonization of the Other to three-dimensional, simulated worlds in
virtual colonization of everything by virtual which individuals, geared up with suitable
capitalism. Virtual capitalism is not just apparatus, can project themselves, move
about profitability, it is about cynical around, and interact directly by means of
power: vide Microsoft’s Bill Gates’ megalo- the senses. Virtual reality is a product of the
maniac obsession with absolute power.37 collective consciousness of Western
Virtual colinization is the new dimension of culture: it has its roots in the military, space
European colonialism: ‘a reinvigorated programme, computer industry, science
recolonization of planetary reality that fiction, the arts, cyberpunk and computer
reduces human and non-human matter to a hacker culture. The counterculture played a
spreading wake of a cosmic dust-trail in the major part in its evolution and embraced it
deepest space of the blazing comet of as its own; during the 198Os, cyberpunk
virtual capitalism’.38 One of the worst magazine Mondo 2000 became the main
nightmares of Wired foretells of a possible platform for VR. The old-hippy-acid gurus,
future to come: like Timothy Leary, see VR as a new form of
electronic LSD. Jaron Lanier (he who pro-
Redmond, Wash., Noon: Jan. 20, 2001 (Via
Microsoft Network)-During swearing-in cere- vided zealous endorsement for the dumb-
monies held today on the step of Whitehouse 97 foundly ignorant and crude tome, Imagolo-
(formerly building # 91, Microsoft Chairman Bill gies), sees VR as the answer to ‘the
Gates shocked the business world by announcing American stupor’ or moral and spiritual
a hostile takeover of every company listed on the crisis of Western civilization; ‘Virtual reality
New York and Nasdaq stock exchanges minutes is the first medium to come along which
before taking the oath of office dS 44th president doesn’t narrow the human spirit’ and ‘all
of the United States.‘”
you can do is be creative in Virtual Reality’,
he declares.4’ A blind man leading so many
blind moths towards a lamp that gives no
Suicidal twin kills brother by mistake
If cyberspace is the newly discovered Other ” What we are actually being sold, bv
of Western civilization, then its coloni- cyberpunks, the computer and entertain-
zation would not be complete without the ment industry, magazines like Wired and
projection of Western man’s repressed mindless hype of books like Being Digital,“’
sexuality and spiritual yearning on the ‘new is a designer techno utopia. And it is a
continent’. The notion of ‘free cyberspace’ utopia that delivers what capitalism has
is nothing more than the ‘virgin land’ always promised: a world where everything
concept of the original explorers of the New is nothing more than the total embodiment
World. In the days of the Empire, the of one’s reflected desires. When morality
colonies provided the White man with an and politics become meaningless, when
arena to live out its wildest sexual fantasies, social, cultural and environmental problems
unrestrained and uncontrolled by the seem totally insurmountable, when in-
modes of European social behaviour. These justices and oppression in actual reality
fantasies were projected on the natives become unbearable, then the seduction of
themselves, in for example, numerous the magical power of technology becomes
colonial fictional and travel narratives, and all embracing. Cyberpunks are latter-day
generated, in the words of Rana Kabbani, utopians, the counterpart of Sir Thomas
a ‘sense of reality in the midst of un- More, Francis Bacon, Tommaso Campa-
Essay: 2’ Sardar

neila and other European utopians who seen again and again. A supernova explodes into
cannibalized the ideas and cultures of the weather system, then spirals back down to the
‘New Worlds’ to construct their redeeming pods on the leaf of a fern plant. The two men
fantasies. As a subculture, the merging of witness the creation and recreation of universes.
bohemia with information technology, Barlow scratches his whiskers and tips his
cowboy hat. ‘It’s like looking at the mind of
cyberpunk first appeared in the 1980s; it is
God’. The nerd corrects him: ‘it is the mind of
basically a mutant of the drug and hippie
culture of the 1960s. Just as classical
utopians envisaged that the encounter with The mysticism of the Mandelbrot sets are
the people of the new worlds could pro- perplexed wonders for those who have lost
duce a better society in Europe, cyberpunks all connection with the natural world and
believe that virtual reality would lead us to spirituality, who are used to thinking of the
a better human understanding. And just as world as a machine and have no idea of the
16th and 1i’th-century utopians saw the function of a soul. The tantric dimension of
indigenous communities of America and cyberspace in well captured by William
elsewhere as a source for discovering new Gibson, who first described the term cyber-
styles of communal living, the cyberpunks space as a ‘consensual hallucination’, in his
see virtual reality as a new well of social seminal novel, Neuromancer.44 Case, the
awareness, freedom, love and spiritual burnt-out, suicidal protagonist of the novel,
enlightenment. From reshaping the realities has an intense relationship with cyber-
of Others to suit the European man, we space. For him, it is a place of ecstasy and
move to a new form of technological sexual intensity, of uncontrollable desire
utopianism geared to shaping the reality and total submission. Ordinary experience
inside a computer. is boring and artificial by comparison. He
The fascination with virtual reality is despairs at not being able to get back into
not simply functional or even aesthetic; it cyberspace, of being trapped in the meat
is, for the want of a better word, tantric. In that was his body, it would amount to the
the first instance it is purely carnal; but Fall. Again and again, the computer wizard
beyond that virtual reality holds the promise is obsessively driven back to the informa-
of magical sex leading to mystical rapture. tion network. He desires nothing less than
Western society has always considered the to become one with cyberspace.
body to be little more than a machine, so it In direct opposition to non-Western
is hardly surprising that it is so ready to cultures, which enhance body awareness
extend its limitations by merging it with by directing the mind towards the body in
other machines. When reality becomes such systems as Tai Chi, Yoga, Tantra and
indistinguishable from binary code in acupuncture, Western culture seeks libera-
virtual reality, then even sex and mysticism tion from the body by dissolving into the
are reduced to binary communication. After machine. To escape his utter loneliness, his
all, what is sex? A simple exchange of signal inability to relate meaningfully to nature or
blips between two genetic machines! And other cultures, even his own society,
what is mysticism? The dance of binary Western man seek union with the only thing
code in virtual space: that he sees as redemptive-technology.
Postmodern relativism provides no other
Two men are staring into a computer screen at
Apple’s research and development branch. root for escape. Only total dissolution in his
While the first, a computer nerd straight out of own products, in the will of his technology,
Central Casting, mans the keyboard, beside him can bring relief from his all-embracing
sits the other, John Barlow, lyricist for the Grate- solitude. This is like iana-the total
ful Dead, psychedelics explorer, and Wyoming annihilation of one’s Ego and Self in the
rancher. They watch the colourful paisley Will of God. ‘Who are you?‘, they asked the
patterns representing fractual equations swirl like Muslim Sufi al-Hallaj, when he reached the
the aftervisions of a psychedelic hallucination,
state of fana. ‘I am the Truth’, he replied.
tiny Martian colonies forming on an eerie conti-
For Western man the Truth lies in the pro-
nental coastline. The computer operator magni-
fies one tiny piece of the pattern, and the detail jections of his desires that shapes his tech-
expands to occupy the entire screen. Dancing nology and constitutes cyberspace.
microorganisms cling to a blue coral reef. The Whereas al-Hallaj sought liberation from
new patterns reflect the shape of the original desire, the Western man seeks enslavement
picture. He zooms in again and the shapes are to desire; whereas Western man seeks

Essay: Z Sardat

release from tradition, disciplined experi- design your own mate and have your own
mental knowledge and pursues short-cuts to way with her any way you wish.
nirvana via drugs, borrowed gnosis and Beyond that lies the possibility of a
redemptive technology, al-Hallaj laboured whole new breed of ‘human’: in the first
long and hard, within tradition and disci- instance it will be more like Digital Man
plined experiential inquiry to reach his than Hologram Man. Once the processor
desired goal; whereas al-Hallaj sought circuitry miniaturizes enough, it could be
annihilation of his Self in a higher Being, put inside a tiny rice-shaped piece of bio-
Western man wants experiential knowledge compatible material and placed under the
and hence salvation through his own skin. This is happening now to identify lost
gadgets. Just as Western man seeks cats and dogs. Soon, criminals may be
community without the burdens of belong- tagged like that. Then children-so that
ing (‘community at zero cost’), instant those kidnapped can be traced. Then
identity without the confinements of everyone. In less than a decade, nono-
tradition or history, and spiritual enlighten- technology will make it possible for micro-
ment without the troublesome bother of machines to be connected directly to our
believing in anything higher than himself or body tissues, even to our brains-and
his technology, he seeks sex without cyborgs, ‘the ultimate transhuman, who
responsibility. The quest for absolute free- can choose the design, form, and substance
dom, without any responsibilities, duties or of his/her own body’, will walk the earth.45
burdens is central to Western man’s being. But holographic man is not too far, either.
Cybersex promises intimacy without the Real-time holographic videos of full-colour,
necessity or even desirability of giving to shaded images, which float freely in space
another. It’s a one-way street: in cyberspace have already been developed: ‘about the
you enter the simulant of your desires, you size and shade of a teacup or a dumpy-
feel what she (it?) feels, she is yours but you looking Princess Leia’.46 In less than 20
don’t belong to her, while she is your years, Princess Leia will grow up into a fully
puppet you are totally free. Cybersex CD- developed hologram person.
ROMs, like Virtual Valerie, already offer As they enter the virtual reality of
this scenario. Soon there will be full-scale cyberspace and become a mere extension
interactive movies offering totally of the machine, what still continues to be
immersive experiences. One potential of human about humans? What humanity is
virtual reality is that it could make actors there in a digitalized tantric trance? How
totally redundant; if virtual images of a herd dispensable is the human in cyberspace? As
of dinosaurs can be made to stampede the Sufi agitator and anarchist guru, Hakim
across a movie screen, what barriers are Bay, argues, information-induced ‘gnostic
there to synthesizing human actors digitally Trace accumulates very gradually (like
as well? When the actor Brandon Lee died mercury poisoning) till eventually it turns
during the shooting of The Crow, the pro- pathological’.47 What emerges out of
ducers continued with the picture by virtual reality is Slash Gallagher, a holo-
pasting digitized images of the actor into gram without a body, a disturbed mind
unfinished scenes. In In the Line of Fire, trapped in an agitated soul. Cyberspace
digital sequences of Clint Eastwood (playing is not a new, unknown territory; it is an
a CIA agent trying to protect the president) artificial creation where the creator(s) and
were pasted on to old newsreel of a George the computer already know everything-
Bush motorcade; in Forest Gump, Tom every nook and cranny, every secret behind
Hanks pops up digitally in a whole range of every door. ‘Remove the hidden recesses,
historical footage. Not just that real actors the lure of the unknown’, writes Michael
can be replaced with their virtual counter- Heim, ‘and you also destroy the erotic urge
parts, but the movie itself can become an to uncover and reach further; you destroy
interactive experience. Interactive games the source of yearning. Set up a synthetic
like Under the Killing Moon, which reality, place yourself in a computer-
combine live and digitized action show the simulated environment, and you under-
future possibilities. Within a decade, one mine the human craving to penetrate what
will be able to shoot/dine/sleep with Julia radically eludes you, what is novel and
Roberts and/or Silvester Stallone and have unpredictable. The computer God’s_eye
virtual reality software that allows you to view robs you of your freedom to be fully

Essay: Z Sardar

human’.48 citizens happy giving them a sense of their

importance as they are being used. Thus the
Friends, what country is this? mythic notion of the frontier is constructed
to bring the past into an organized, re-
The digital quest for absolute freedom ends interpreted unity whose main function is to
with information, the strings of ones and give a new interpretative emphasis to
zeros, taking the form of physical entity. But desired aspects of how the dominated
the personal and social relationships territory is to be controlled in the future and
engendered by this entity have already been establish that ‘progress’ has been achieved.
engineered by those who make the William Gibson describes cyberspace
machine that makes information so as ‘an infinite cage’.50 The cage is the con-
palpable and those who write the software tours of the colonial history within which
that gives it its physical attributes. Cyber- the darker side of the West is given an
space is social engineering of the worst infinite reign. Manufacturing fantasies that
kind. Those who have made cyberspace provide escape from the injustices of the
inevitable have shaped its datascape with mundane world is so much easier than
their subconscious perceptions and preju- dealing directly with real people, with real
dices, conscious fantasies and fears-all of lives, real histories and real emotions, living
them pulled out from the dark well of in their own non-programmed, real com-
colonial projections. The frontier, as munities. Under colonialism, these fanta-
Frederick Jackson Turner recast it in a series sies framed and controlled non-Western
of writing dating from 1 893,4q was merely a cultures of the world. In the new colony of
trick of the light to make people perceive cyberspace, they bounce right back to
similarity and continuity as development surround Western man in the darkness of
and change, the declusion that they had his own projections. Cyberspace, with its
indeed a new identity. Turner’s raw techno-utopian ideology, is an instrument
material was the same substance that for distracting the Western society from its
Cristobal Colon brought to the New World, increasing spiritual poverty, utter meaning-
Vasco de Gama took to the East, and lessness and grinding misery and in-
various colonial corporations took to India humanity of everyday lives.
and South East Asia. The goal of getting to Prepare for holographic Slashers to
India and fulfilling Colon’s dream was a break out of ‘’ and stalk the
notion alive in the minds of the founding earth!
fathers of the AmericanRepublic. The
frontier was a merchant venture, just like
Notes and references
the opening of the New World, and now
cyberspace. But this venture cannot be 1. For a discussion of the relationship between
envisioned without the context of an colonization, modernity and post-
ideology and the mechanism of control. modernism see Ziauddin Sardar, ‘Do not
These, whether it be ‘discovery’ of the New adjust your mind: post-modernism, reality
World, the spice empires, settling the and the Other’, Futures, 2X8), October
American West, or cyberspace are all the 1993, pages 877-893.
2. War in the Gulf, from Empire Software,
same: White supremacism, the West as the
begins with the wonderful words, ‘lets go
yardstick of civilization, the divine right
kick some ass’!
stuff and military force-from armed 3. Chris Chesher, ‘Colonizing virtual reality:
galleons to the Seventh Cavalry to the construction of the discourse of virtual
armed citizenry with their right to bear arms reality 198441992’, Cultronix, 1(l). On-
and vote through the computer terminal. line journal available from: http://english-
The supposed democracy of cyberspace
only hands control more effectively back to 4. Mondo 2000, Summer 1990, no. 2, cover.
a centralized elite, the ideology of the free 5. Ivan Pope, ‘Public domain: cruising the
wires’, ?he Idler, Issue 4, April-May 7994.
citizen making everyone oblivious to the
6. Howard Rheingold, Virtual Reality (New
more enduring deep structures of control.
York, Summit, 1991), page 17.
Decentralized domination solves two 7. Progress and Freedom Foundation, ‘Cyber-
problems simultaneously: it makes the new space and the American dream: a Magna
territory manageable and submissive to the Carta for the knowledge age’, available on
structures of control while keeping the the World Wide Web:

Essay: Z Sardar

8. For the impact of ‘voyages of discovery’ on 1995, page 5.

Other cultures see Ziauddin Sardar, Merry1 28. Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Com-
Wyn Davies and Ashis Nandy, Barbaric munity (New York, HarperPerennial,
Others: A Manifesto on Western Racism 1993).
(London, Pluto Press and Boulder, COL, 29. John Gray, ‘The sad side of cyberspace’,
Westview Press, 1993). The Guardian, 10 April 1995.
9. Chesher, op tit, reference 3. 30. Lockard, op tit, reference 2 1,
10. See the seminal work by Henry Nash 31. For an interesting account of on-line gang
Smith, Virgin Lands: The American West as warfare see Michelle Slatalla and Joshua
Symbol and Myth (Cambridge, MA, Quitner, Masters of Deception: The Gang
Harvard University Press, 1978). That Ruled Cyberspace (New York, Harper-
11. Mary Fuller and Henry Jenkins, ‘Nintendo Collins, 1995).
and New World travel writing: a dialogue’, 32. Marck C Taylor and Esa Saarinen,
in Steven C Jones (editor), Cybersociety: Imagologies: Media Philosophy (London,
Computer-Mediated Communcation and Routledge, 1994).
Community (London, Sage, 19951, page 33. See, for example, James H Snider,
59. ‘Democracy online: tomorrow’s electronic
12. William A Henry III, In Defense of Nitism electorate’, The Futurist, September/
(New York, Doubleday, 1994). For a October 1994, pages 15-l 9.
critique of Henry Ill, see Ziauddin Sardar, 34. Robert Wright, ‘Hyper democracy’, Time,
‘Other futures: non-Western cultures in 23 January 1995, pages 51-56.
futures studies’, in Richard A Slaughter 35. Ibid, page 52.
(editor), The Knowledge Base of Future 36. See Eli Noam, ‘Beyond liberalisation II: the
Studies (Hawthorn DDM Media Grouo, impending doom of the common carriage’,
forthcoming). Telecommunications Policy, 18(6), August
13. Jorinde Seijdel, ‘Operation re-store world’, 1994, pages 435-452.
Mediamatic, 8(l), pages 1862-l 869. 37. For an antithesis to William Henry Gates
14. Harvey P Newquist Ill, ‘Virtual reality’s vision see Car Alperovitz, ‘Distributing our
commercial reality’, Computerworld, technological inheritance’, Technological
26(13), 1993, pages 93-95. Review, October 1994, pages 31-36.
15. Cheris Kramarae, ‘A backstage critique of 38. Arthur Kroker and Michael A Weinstein,
virtual reality’, in Jones, op tit , reference ‘The political economy of virtual reality:
11, page 39. pan-capitalism’, Ctheory, 17(1-21, 1994.
16. Jessica Matthews,‘Dirty money is way out Online journal available from: http://
of control in cyberspace’, International
Hera/d Tribune, 26 April 1995. 39. ‘The Wired scared shitlist’, op tit, reference
17. ‘The Wired scared shitlist’, Wired, 3(l), 17.
January 1995, pages 110-l 15. 40. Rana Kabbani, Europe’s Myths of the
18. See Bruce Sterling, Hacker Crackdown Orient: Devise and Rule (London, Mac-
(New York, Bantam, 1992). millan, 19861, page 29.
19. Richard Lacayo, ‘Individual rights: no- 41. Quoted by Chesher, op tit, reference 3.
where to hide’, Time, 11 November 1991, 42. Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital
pages 30-33. (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1995).
20. Mary Ellen Mark, ‘Terror on-line’, Vogue 43. Douglas Rushkoff, Cyberia: Life in the
(American edition), January 1995. Trenches of Hyperspace (San Francisco,
21. Joe Lockard, BadSubjects, No 18, February CA, HarperSanFrancisco, 1994), page 26.
1995. Online iournal available from: http:// 44. William Gibson, Neuromancer (London, HarperCollins, 1984).
22. Ken Cottrill, ‘Poverty of resources’, The 45. Wes Thomas, ‘Nanocyborgs’, Mondo
Guardian, On-Line Section, 30 March 2000, issue 12, pages 19-25 (there’s no
1995. date on this issue; I presume cyberpunks
23. Fern Shen, ‘America’s newest student are not too concerned about time!).
craze? It’s the internet’, international 46. Negroponte, op tit, reference 42, page
Hera/d Tribune, 27 April 1995. 125.
24. Gilbert Yap, ‘Tension.on the frontier’, The 47. Hakim Bey, ‘The information war’,
Star (Kuala Lumpur), In-Tech Section, Ctheory, 18(l), 1995. See reference 38.
2 May 1995. 48. Michael Heim, The Metaphysics of Virtual
25. M H Ng, ‘Wedding made in cyberspace’, Reality (Oxford, Oxford University Press,
The Star (Kuala Lumpur), Section 2, 1 May 1993)), page 105.
1995. 49. Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance
26. ‘Playboy set to snare internet riches’, The of the Frontier in American History (1893).
Independent, 17 May 1995. 50. William Gibson, Mona Lisa Overdrive
27. Letter in Utne Reader, No 69, May-June (New York, Bantam, 19881, page 49.


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