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Assessment Method: Authentic Assessment (Recollection Journal)  

Assessment Criteria:      

1. Describe the characteristic of love that is found in your family.

The different characteristics of love are found in the reading given.
Choose what characteristic of love that best describes your family
by telling a specific experience.

 2. Write your realization about the characteristic of love your family
has acquired.

Task Instruction:  Write a minimum of 400 words in your Journal the characteristic of
love found in your family and express also your realization about it. Below are the
spaces provided in writing your journal. You make your own title.

Marking Guide:   

Content Point Points Acquired


Characteristic of family love 30  

Realization 15  

Presentation/Instruction 5  

Total 50  

(Note: Write your reflection in this page)


“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you
will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” –Lisa Weed. My family is the foundation
of what has resulted in me now. Whether how I look, how I act, or what do I believe in.
Throughout the years, I have observed and seen many things happen in our family. I
have witnessed our ups and downs as we strived fulfilling our roles in this called life.
This is my realization and my learnings of what this family has and contained in the
roofs of our living. I was also thankful to be part of our family.

To describe the types of love found in our family, well firstly, it's about sacrifice.
We are a poor family and there should always be the one who needs to work hard and
sacrifice for the wealthy of our family. Then another thing is respect and humbleness. I
treat my grandmother as part of my family especially when my father died and my
mother went abroad. Respect and humbleness is what clearly my grandmother was
made of. She was always there for us, she was open to all our problems and she
respected our decision and life and if there was a mistake to be corrected she was very
gentle and taught us lessons in a very humble way. I was so proud of her that every
decision in our life is all about because of her and all about this family. Another thing
that I have observed is that in every simple way, my family is proud of what I have
achieved and even on simple occasions like birthdays they are very open and

Based on the context given, we could clearly see that my sacrifice is also the
same as the characteristics of “Love is Kind” and “Love does not insist on its own way”.
That sacrificing is also a virtue of life which is to give something whether financially or
emotionally. Because my mother could simply abandon us to my grandparents and
have another husband. What happens is that she does not have another husband when
our father dies because she said she loved us so much and that virtue is the other virtue
which is “love does not insist on its own way”. Based also on what I have described on
love above, respect and humbleness is also a characteristics of “Love is Patient”, “Love
is not Jealous”, “Love is not Boastful”, “It is not Arrogant and Rude”, and lastly, “Love
does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices at right” and the “Not Irritable and resentful. My
family of being proud of what I have achieved is also the virtue of “Love does not insist
on its own way”.

What best describes my family is the type of love which is “Love does not insist
on its own way”. Serving us unconditionally without hesitation or things in return is
already a very strong foundation that could describe our family even if there are so
many circumstances we have encountered so far in this life. Based on my experiece, I
could say “Love does not insist on its own way”, because when my father died my
mother’s salary isn’t enough for the three of us. So she have to make a sacrifice in the
uncertain work abroad. There was also news that there were OFW’s that have been
mistreated and raped or molested. There are also news that some OFW’s have been
killed by their boss or hide thier visa. Even my mother is afraid she have to work or
sacrifice in order to give us a good life in the future. Thankfully, she is lucky that her
boss is a good person and respectful. 
All-in-all, I have realized how I really love my family and how precious our
bodings now especially to my lolo and lola’s because as we have know thier time is
running out and we don’t have forever to life in this earthly world and in some aspect we
have to die in order to satisfy our unsatified endless desire which only God can give us. 

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