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Outbreaks of the plague caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis .The location of the Black
Death outbreak appeared in Central Asia, then the disease was most likely through the rats
on the merchant ships that spread to the Krym peninsula in 1346 and into the Mediterranean
and Europe. The terrible destruction of the Black Death has led to great changes in
European society such as the birth of many new religions.


Plague has three main symptom - bladder, septicemia and lung inflammation
1. bladder ->

Sudden fever and chills

Exhaution or discomfort
Muscle pain
2. Septicemia ->
Feeling extremely tired and weak
Bleeding from the mouth, nose, or under the skin
Necrosis (blackening) of the extremities, most commonly fingers, toes and nose
3. Lung inflammation ->
Cough, bloody mucus (phlegm)
Shortness of breath
High fever
Chest pain

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