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Elaine S.

Cortez Purposive Communication BSABE-2M1

1. What is informative, persuasive and argumentative communication?

Informative Communication
Informative communication is a pro-active approach, rather than a
reactive or ad hoc response as issues crop up. Being proactive can avoid
problems that arise from an “information vacuum”. Informative Communication
is more on giving informations, facts, or upadates.
Persuasive Communication
Persuasive communication is persuading others to understand what
one is trying to communicate. Persuasive communication has one core
purpose and that is to get the readers to support, believe, and act in favour of
Argumentative Communication
Argumentative communication is a well-known modern approach in
making decisions that considers real argumentations where rational
communicators do the best they can to justify their standpoints in a certain
context. This is considered to be argumentative communication, the art of
persuading based on reason, on facts and not emotions.

2. What are the differences and similarities of the three?


Informative "These are the facts"

You are stating the facts, often backed by scientific research or other
references to opinions by acknowledged experts. There is no attempt to sway
others to your point of view, and in fact you do not even give your own view.

Persuasive "Why I am right"

You are doing your best to convince other to support your own view of
the situation. You use logical and emotional argument to show why what you
are saying is right. If you mention the other side of the story you are only
doing so to show why your own perspective is a better choice. The focus is on
your own perspective and not on putting down the other side. You say what
you are standing "for".
Elaine S. Cortez Purposive Communication BSABE-2M1

Argumentative "Why you are wrong"

You are stating the pros of your side and the cons of the other side,
doing you best to put the other side in its place. Most of the focus will be on
why the other perspective is wrong. You don't have to have a better solution as
long as you show why the solution you are criticising is not going to work. You
say what you are standing "against"


The similarities of the 3 is that they are all backed-up by supporting data,
documents or informations. One can’t go without substantial data behind every
communication or interactions they are having. And also, another similarity within the
3, is that they are all being use in communication.

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