Table Creation Pract 1 PDF

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Create table and populate the value

Replace Table name with your own table name.

Table name (reg_no , stu_name, DOB, city)

Reg_no - integer , student_name – varchar2(20) , DOB – date , city – varchar2(10)

Note (Reg No: 1 entered two times in the table, this data is redundant, can be avoided when you
give primary key constraint, will be covered in upcoming portions)

Reg_no Stu_name DOB City

1 Amy 19-10-1988 Hyderabad
1 Amy 19-10-1988 Hyderabad
2 Krish 14-1-1989 Delhi
3 Mythili 15-6-1977 Chennai
4 Bhoomi 22-9-1984 Goa
5 Sekhar 10-10-2010 Assam

 Display the student_details schema. (Hint use desc )

 Include phone_no of the students
 Update the Reg_no as

1 as SR1
2 as SR2
3 as SR3
4 as SR4
5 as SR5
(Hint Try to change INTEGER to VARCHAR2 – Use Alter command

(This modification will not be allowed as there are values in the columns, So update the column
values to null )

Step 1: Update the column values to null

UPDATE table_name
SET your_column_name = NULL;

Step 2: Now use the Alter command to change the datatype

ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY column_name datatype;

Step 3: Update the column values as given .

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1
WHERE condition;


2. Create table

Replace Table name with your own table name.

Table name (book_name,author,price,quantity)

Book_name Author Price quantity

DBMS Sudharsan 750 4
Network Jim Kurose 300 3
Linear Algebra Gilbert Strang 500 7
Software Fred Brook 600 4

 Increase the price of book_name Network by 1% of the current book price

 Display the details of book_name Network after updating the price.
 Display the details from the table .
 Display details from the table only if price is greater than 500.


3. Create table

Details of customer: You can give table name

Cust_id Cust_name Addr ph_no pan_no

101 Malavika KK nagar 1010101010 PAN1234
102 Shiva Lalpet street 2345678900 BIKPA46
103 Vaidehi Krish garden 0012340043 PPD65431
104 shrenu Savitha hills 0101278633 LMV5431

 Display only the details of cust_id 101 and 102

 Display only the details of attribute Cust_id and ,Cust_name and pan_no

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