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M.E. Alexander and D.A. Thomas

ince 1936, the Washington
Office of the USDA Forest In an effort to unbury the past
Service has published a period- and to increase both institutional memory
ical devoted to articles dealing with
a very wide range of fire manage-
and organizational learning within the wildland
ment topics. The name of this jour- fire community, we are reprinting past articles
nal has changed through the years, on fire behavior.
from Fire Control Notes, to Fire
Management, to Fire Management
Notes, and finally to Fire Manage- This special issue of Fire Manage- ly support this notion and have
ment Today.* A good many of the ment Today begins a series of three endeavored to reflect it in our indi-
243 issues that have been pub- consecutive issues with articles vidual work areas in fire research
lished in the past 67 years have related to fire behavior. This issue and fire management, respectively
included a fire-behavior-related contains the first of two install- (Alexander and Lanoville 1987;
article. With the passage of time, ments of articles involving fire Thomas 1991).
however, many of these articles behavior case studies and analyses
have become “buried,” found only of wildfires; examples pertaining to The idea of relying on wildfires as a
by the most intrepid researchers on prescribed fires are not included possible source of data is especially
the shelves of major libraries. (e.g., Custer and Thorsen 1996). pertinent to empirically based
The 19 case studies and analyses in schemes for quantitative fire
In an effort to unbury the past and this issue are presented in chrono- behavior prediction that rely on
to increase both institutional mem- logical order, from 1937 to 1967. this kind of information in whole
ory and organizational learning The third issue in this series will or in part (e.g., Alexander 1985;
within the wildland fire communi- be devoted to aids, guides, and Forestry Canada Fire Danger
ty, the authors approached the edi- knowledge-based protocols Group 1992; Rothermel 1991).
torial staff of Fire Management involved in forecasting wildland This fact is especially significant at
Today with the idea of republishing fire behavior for safe and effective the extreme end of the fire intensi-
a selection of these past fire-behav- fire suppression. ty scale, where experimental fires
ior-related articles. We are pleased are exceedingly difficult to arrange
that they took us up on our sug- General Value of Case (Alexander and Quintilio 1990;
gestion. Studies Cheney and others 1998).
The importance of documented
case studies or histories of wildland Information gleaned from wildland
fires has been repeatedly empha- fire behavior case studies has also
Marty Alexander is a senior fire behavior sized by both fire managers and proved of value in testing and eval-
research officer with the Canadian Forest fire researchers (e.g., Byram 1960; uating various fire models, theo-
Service at the Northern Forestry Centre, ries, decision aids and support sys-
Edmonton, Alberta; and Dave Thomas is Thomas 1994; Turner and others
the regional fuels specialist for the USDA 1961). As long-time Forest Service tems, and management guidelines
Forest Service, Intermountain Region, wildland fire researcher/adminis- (e.g., Anderson 1983; Haines and
Ogden, UT. others 1986; Nelson 1993; Pearce
trator Craig Chandler (1976) has
noted, “Time and time again case and Alexander 1994). For example,
* For more on the history of Fire Management Today,
histories have proven their value as Lindenmuth and Davis (1973) used
see Hutch Brown, “How Did Fire Control Notes
Become Fire Management Today?” Fire Management training aids and as sources of an observation of the initial run of
Today 60(1) [Winter 2000]: 8–14. the Battle Fire, a 28,400-acre
research data.” The authors strong-

Fire Management Today

(11,500-ha) fire that occurred May 1966; Sackett and DeCoste 1967). historical information to establish
14–20, 1972, on the Prescott This was no doubt due in large part the fire’s chronology and general
National Forest, AZ, to assess the to George Byram’s (1960) influ- behavior. The reports of Haines and
performance of their empirically ence. Sando (1969), Stocks and Walker
based model for predicting fire (1973), Street and Alexander
spread in Arizona’s oak chaparral Some limited documentation has (1980), and Rothermel (1993) are
fuel type. also been undertaken by fire man- good examples of this approach to
agers and fire researchers serving case studies.
Approaches to Case as fire behavior officers or special-
Studies ists/analysts on various wildland Pragmatic Value of
There are many examples in North fire incidents (e.g., Johnson 1964; Case Studies
America and elsewhere where fire McCaw, Maher, and Gillen 1992; A practical fire manager, always
researchers and fire managers have Norum 1982; Thomas 1991). Fire interested in the control of wild-
attempted to observe and docu- researchers have also been involved fires and the ignition of prescribed
ment the behavior of free-burning in many “after-the-fact” investiga- fires, might ask: What is the use of
fires, using various types of data tions (e.g., Butler and Reynolds historical fire behavior case stud-
collection methods and monitor- 1997; Fogarty and others 1996; ies? How can old documents help
ing equipment, on an ad hoc or a McCaw, Simpson, and Maher fire management personnel
more formal basis (e.g., Barney 1992). Van Wagner (1971) has become better managers of forest
and others 1978; Barrows 1961; pointed out that “some valuable and range fires, in all their forms?
Billing 1986; Schaefer 1957; reference data can be collected by Beyond the recreation of a “good
Traylor 1961*). These efforts being in the right place at the right read,” what utility do these articles
extend back many years (Gisborne time. It is, in fact, quite feasible to offer? How can old essays become
1929) and continue into the 21st obtain good data by visiting the relevant for a 21st-century fire-
century (e.g., Burrows and others scene of a … fire shortly after it fighter?
2000). has occurred, while its history is
still fresh both on the ground and The old articles will only seem
Fire behavior researchers are in the mind of the fire boss.” dated if we fail to make use of
rarely in the right place at the them. There are two primary rea-
right time to observe and docu- Byram (1954) made extensive use sons to thoroughly study these fire
ment the behavior of forest and of the case study method of indi- behavior case studies:
range fires. While there have, of vidual fires in his research into
course, been some exceptions (e.g., blowup fire behavior. As he notes, • To learn from them and thereby
Sneeuwjagt 1974; Stocks and “Some of the observations and lessen the chance of making the
Flannigan 1987), including escapes details of behavior are written same mistake again; and
from outdoor experimental fires down in fire reports, but most of • To prepare ourselves not to be
(Alexander and others 1991; Stocks the information is still in the surprised to the point of distrac-
1987), for the most part fire opera- memories of men who worked on tion by a fire’s surprising behav-
tions personnel tend to be in the the fires. Fire behavior may, there- ior in a particular fuel type under
best position to make and record fore, be difficult to reconstruct at a given weather condition.
key observations. Probably the times, especially on fires which
most concerted and systematic occurred a number of years ago. Not making the same mistake
effort by fire researchers to observe Usually, however, a surprising twice and being prepared to be sur-
and record actual fire behavior was amount of detail can be obtained prised will go a long way toward
made by the Forest Service’s by talking with men who were on creating a highly reliable firefight-
Southern Forest Fire Laboratory in the fires and by going over the fire ing organization where safety truly
Macon, GA, from the late 1950s to area with them.” matters.
early 1970s (DeCoste and Sackett
A final possibility is the hindsight Unless we actively learn from past
* A summary of this work can be found in R.E. Traylor,
analysis of major wildland fire inci- wildland fires, then the only way
“Correlation of Weather to Fire Spread in Grass and dents in the light of present-day we can gain additional fire behav-
Brush Fuels on the Snake River Plains in Southern
Idaho,” Fire Control Notes 22(4) [Fall 1961]: 118–119. knowledge and tools using existing ior knowledge is to actually experi-

Volume 63 • No. 3 • Summer 2003

ence a fire’s behavior or to model “Time and time again case histories
the fire’s behavior on a computer have proven their value as training aids
at our desk. Even the most active
fire behavior analyst (FBAN) rarely
and as sources of research data.”
gets enough near-real-time oppor- –Craig Chandler (1976)
tunities to predict the spread and
intensity in every fuel complex or experience does not include know- • Is there something that we can
to complete a prediction enough ledge of all the conditions.” apply to our current situation?
times to become good at it Presumably then, case studies can • Have we learned all that this old
(Thomas 1994). The best learning help supplement and thereby fire has to teach us?
scenario for a practicing fire behav- strengthen (but never replace) a • Could the same situation occur
iorist is a combination of all three person’s experience level. today?
learning techniques: actively using • What are we going to do differ-
case studies, getting field experi- Safety Value of Case ently after reading this case
ence, and practicing computer Studies study?
modeling. Each is a distinct mode
As we read through this chronolog-
of learning and adaptation; when This process, if faithfully followed
ical selection of articles, especially
combined, they become a powerful throughout a fire season, would
the accounts of forest fires where
model for continuous learning. increase both mindfulness and
firefighters lost their lives or there
were near-misses or unforeseen resilience (Weick and Sutcliffe
Case study knowledge, coupled 2001), the two hallmarks of indi-
blowups, we can ask ourselves and
with experienced judgment and fire viduals and their organizations
our crews whether we have fully
behavior modeling, is also consid- determined to do everything they
grasped the major “lessons
ered an effective operational tech- can to control and use wildland
learned” from these past fire
nique or procedure for appraising fire safely.
behavior events. Excellent methods
fire potential (Brown 1978).
of using past fire behavior knowl-
Burrows (1984) maintains that Both authors have used case stud-
edge from case studies to increase
most wildland firefighters base ies to lead training sessions in the
wildland firefighter safety in the
their expectations of how a fire will classroom. One of us (Thomas) has
future are the staff ride (Alexander
behave largely on experience and, also used the technique in the field
2002; Thomas and Cook 2002),*
to a lesser extent, on fire behavior at the site of past fires. In June
the sand box exercise (Euler 1946),
guides. If this is indeed the case, 1994, a group of FBANs on a visit
yearly fire refreshers (e.g., the 2001
then it is worth reiterating the to the site of the 1949 Mann Gulch
USDI Bureau of Land Management
points made by Forest Service fire Fire were asked, using existing his-
Fireline Safety Refresher videos),
research pioneer Harry T. Gisborne torical case study information as a
and weekly tailgate safety meet-
(1948) about experienced judg- starting point for a fire behavior
ment: “For what is experienced prediction, if they could have pre-
judgment except opinion based on vented the firefighter fatalities that
For example, one of these articles
knowledge acquired by experience? occurred on this infamous fire.
could be handed out each week to
If you have fought forest fires in Using the available historical fire
members of an organized fire crew.
every different fuel type, under all information, a similar question
The crew would be given time to
possible kinds of weather, and if was asked of a large group of fire
read and ponder the article. Then,
you have remembered exactly what management personnel on a staff
in a group setting, with the fire
happened in each of these combi- ride of the 1990 Dude Fire
foreman (i.e., hotshot superintend-
nations, your experienced judg- (Thomas and Cook 2002). In both
ent, smokejumper-in-charge, local
ment is probably very good. But if of these examples, many of the stu-
fire management officer, etc.) act-
you have not fought all sizes of dents said that these “training”
ing as facilitator, the crew could be
fires in all kinds of fuel types under sessions were some of the best they
led through a series of questions
all kinds of weather then your had ever attended. Using case stud-
that the article has inspired. For
example: ies or histories, an “old” fire’s fire
* For more on the staff ride technique, see the various behavior came alive.
articles on the Dude Fire Staff Ride in Fire
Management Today 62(4) [Fall 2001].

Fire Management Today

“A surprising amount of detail can be obtained MD: Society of American Foresters:
by talking with men who were on the fires Alexander, M.E. 2002. The staff ride
and by going over the fire area with them.” approach to wildland fire behavior and
firefighter safety awareness training. Fire
–George Byram (1954) Management Today. 62(4): 25–30.
Alexander, M.E.; Lanoville, R.A. 1987.
Wildfires as a source of fire behavior
Another benefit of having these follow, are in keeping with the data: A case study from Northwest
Territories, Canada. In: Postprint
articles available again is for their ideals and sentiment expressed by Volume, Ninth Conference on Fire and
use within fuel specialist reports Roy Headley (1936) in the very first Forest Meteorology; 1987 April 21–24;
used in environmental assess- issue of Fire Control Notes. San Diego, CA. Boston, MA: American
ments. Fuel specialists are increas- Meteorological Society: 86–93.
Headley, who cofounded the jour- Alexander, M.E.; Quintilio, D. 1990.
ingly called upon to justify why an nal as the head of the Forest Perspectives on experimental fires in
interdisciplinary team recom- Service’s Division of Fire Control Canadian forestry research. Mathematical
mended one fire hazard abatement (the predecessor of today’s Fire and and Computer Modelling. 13(12): 17–26.
Alexander, M.E.; Stocks, B.J.; Lawson, B.D.
technique over another. These case Aviation Management), called for 1991. Fire behavior in black
histories, especially the descrip- integrating and sharing “the expe- spruce–lichen woodland: The Porter Lake
tions of fire behavior in a given rience, thinking, and experiments” Project. Inf. Rep. NOR–X–310.
Edmonton, AB: Forestry Canada,
fuel type (e.g., Helms 1979), could of the many people engaged in Northern Forestry Centre.
be cited in those reports (or hyper- wildland fire management. To this Anderson, H.E. 1983. Predicting wind-driv-
linked to a main database), saving end, Headley envisioned Fire en wild land fire size and shape. Res. Pap.
much analysis time. The fuels spe- INT–305. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest
Control Notes as “a common meet- Service, Intermountain Forest and Range
cialist would not have to explain ing ground, a clearing-house of Experiment Station.
how a fire might burn in a given developments.” In this sense, Fire Barney, R.J.; Noste, N.V.; Wilson, R.A. 1978.
fuel type, for she or he would have Management Today, by republish- Rates of spread of wildfire in Alaskan
fuels. Res. Note PNW–311. Portland, OR:
a published account to cite or ing the past (and thereby reviving USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
hyperlink to. it for the future), has rediscovered Forest and Range Experiment Station.
its own unique niche. Barrows, J.S. 1961. Natural phenomena
exhibited by forest fires. In: Berl, W.G.,
Learning Contribution ed. Proceedings of the International
A learning organization has been Acknowledgments Symposium on the Use of Models in Fire
Research; 1960 November 9–10;
defined as one that is “skilled at The authors offer their sincerest Washington, DC. Publ. 786. Washington,
creating, acquiring, interpreting, heartfelt appreciation to Hutch DC: National Academy of Sciences—
transferring, and retaining knowl- Brown, Madelyn Dillon, and Carol National Research Council.
edge, and at purposefully modify- Billing, P. 1986. Operational aspects of the
LoSapio, editors of Fire Manage- infra-red line scanner. Res. Rep. No. 26.
ing its behavior to reflect new ment Today, for their significant Melbourne, VIC: Victoria Department of
knowledge insights” (Garvin 2000). contributions to this special issue, Conservation, Forests & Lands, Fire
Fire behavior case studies go a and to April Baily, the journal’s Protection Branch.
Brown, J.K. 1978. Fuel inventory and
long way toward preparing a foun- general manager, for supporting appraisal. Paper presented at the USDA
dation for organizational learning; the concept of these special issues Forest Service National Fire-Danger and
in so doing, they follow the true on wildland fire behavior. Their Fire-Weather Seminar; 1972 November
14–16; Missoula, MT.
spirit of learning implied in this dedication and outstanding editori- Burrows, N.D. 1984. Predicting blow-up
definition. Simply put, our fire al abilities have brought “life” to fires in the jarrah forest. Tech. Pap. No.
management culture, now domi- many of the articles contained in 12. Perth, WA: Forests Department of
nated by a learning pattern of trial Western Australia.
this issue that have long been Burrows, N.; Ward, B.; Robinson, A. 2000.
and error, would become a learn- forgotten. Behavior and some impacts of a large
ing culture, one in which a sys- wildfire in the Gnangara maritime pine
(Pinus pinaster) plantation, Western
tematic study of the past through References Australia. CALMScience. 3: 251–260.
the use of case studies would Alexander, M.E. 1985. Estimating the Butler, B.W.; Reynolds, T.D. 1997. Wildfire
become a routine procedure. length-to-breadth ratio of elliptical forest case study: Butte City Fire, southeastern
fire patterns. In: Donoghue, L.R.; Martin, Idaho, July 1, 1994. Gen. Tech. Rep.
R.E., eds. Proceedings of the Eighth INT–GTR–351. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest
This special issue of Fire Manage- Conference on Fire and Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station.
ment Today devoted to fire behav- Meteorology; 1985 April 29–May 2;
ior, and the two others that will Detroit, MI. SAF Publ. 85–04. Bethesda,

Volume 63 • No. 3 • Summer 2003

Byram, G.M. 1954. Atmospheric conditions Haines, D.A.; Sando, R.W. 1969. Climatic Schaefer, V.J. 1957. The relationship of jet
related to blowup fires. Stn. Pap. No. 35. conditions preceding historically great streams to forest wildfires. Journal of
Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, fires in the North Central Region. Res. Forestry. 55: 419–425.
Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. Pap. NC–84. St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest Sneeuwjagt, R.J. 1974. Evaluation of the
[Reprinted as: National Fire Equipment Service, North Central Forest grass fuel model of the National Fire
System Publication NFES 2565 by the Experiment Station. Danger Rating System. M.S. thesis.
National Wildfire Coordinating Group, Headley, R. 1936. Fire Control Notes offers Seattle, WA: University of Washington.
Boise, ID.] its services. Fire Control Notes. 1(1): 3–4 Stocks, B.J. 1987. Fire potential in the
Byram, G.M. 1960. A problem analysis and [reprint: Fire Management Today. 60(1): spruce budworm-damaged forests of
proposed research program for the 6–7]. Ontario. Forestry Chronicle. 63: 8–14.
Southern Forest Fire Laboratory. Macon, Helms, J.A. 1979. Positive effects of pre- Stocks, B.J.; Flannigan, M.D. 1987.
GA: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern scribed burning on wildfire intensities. Analysis of the behavior and associated
Forest Experiment Station, Southern Fire Management Notes. 40(3): 10–13. weather for a 1986 northwestern
Forest Fire Laboratory. Johnson, V.J. 1964. Chronology and analy- Ontario wildfire: Red Lake No. 7. In:
Chandler, C.C. 1976. Meteorological needs sis of the Hughes Fire, 1962. Res. Note Postprint Volume, Ninth Conference on
of fire danger and fire behavior. In: NOR–8. Juneau, AK: USDA Forest Fire and Forest Meteorology; 1987 April
Baker, D.H.; Fosberg, M.A., tech. coords. Service, Northern Forest Experiment 21–24; San Diego, CA. Boston, MA:
Proceedings of the Fourth National Station. American Meteorological Society:
Conference on Fire and Forest Lindenmuth, A.W., Jr.; Davis, J.R. 1973. 94–100.
Meteorology; 1976 November 16–18; St. Predicting fire spread in Arizona’s oak Stocks, B.J.; Walker, J.D. 1973. Climatic
Louis, MO. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM–32. Fort chaparral. Res. Pap. RM–101. Fort conditions before and during four signif-
Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky icant forest fire situations in Ontario.
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Inf. Rep. O–X–187. Sault Ste. Marie, ON:
Station: 38–41. Station. Canadian Forestry Service, Great Lakes
Cheney, N.P.; Gould, J.S.; Catchpole, W.R. McCaw, L.; Maher, T.; Gillen, K. 1992. Forest Research Centre.
1998. Prediction of fire spread in grass- Wildfires in the Fitzgerald River National Street, R.B.; Alexander, M.E. 1980.
lands. International Journal of Wildland Park, Western Australia, December 1989. Synoptic weather associated with five
Fire. 8: 1–13. Tech. Rep. No. 26. Perth, WA: major forest fires in Pukaskwa National
Custer, G.; Thorsen, J. 1996. Stand-replace- Department of Conservation and Land Park. Int. Rep. SSD–80–2. Toronto, ON:
ment burn in the Ocala National Management. Environment Canada, Atmospheric
Forest—A success. Fire Management McCaw, L.; Simpson, G.; Mair, G. 1992. Environment Service, Ontario Region.
Notes. 56(2): 7–12. Extreme wildfire behaviour in 3-year-old Thomas, D.A. 1991. The Old Faithful Inn
DeCoste, J.H.; Sackett, S.S. 1966. Baptism fuels in a Western Australian mixed euca- fire run of September 7, 1988. In:
by fire. Southern Lumberman. lyptus forest. Australian Forestry. 55: Andrews, P.L.; Potts, D.F., eds.
213(2656): 169–170. 107–117. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on
Euler, D.H. 1946. The sand box as a fire- Nelson, R.M., Jr. 1993. Byram’s derivation Fire and Forest Meteorology; 1991 April
control training tool. Fire Control Notes. of the energy criterion for forest and 16–19; Missoula, MT. SAF Publ. 91–04.
7(1): 37–39. wildland fires. International Journal of Bethesda, MD: Society of American
Fogarty, L.G.; Jackson, A.F.; Lindsay, W.T. Wildland Fire. 3: 131–138. Foresters: 272–280.
1996. Fire behaviour, suppression and Norum, R.A. 1982. Predicting wildfire Thomas, D. 1994. A case for fire behavior
lessons from the Berwick Forest Fire of behavior in black spruce forests of case studies. Wildfire. 3(3): 45, 47.
26 February 1995. FRI Bull. No. 197, For. Alaska. Res. Note PNW–401. Portland, Thomas, D.; Cook, W. 2002. Dude Fire
Rural Fire Sci. Tech. Ser. Rep. No. 3. OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific staff ride. Fire Management Today. 62(4):
Rotorua and Wellington, NZ: New Northwest Forest and Range Experiment 4–5.
Zealand Forest Research Institute and Station. Traylor, R.E. 1961. Correlation of weather
National Rural Fire Authority. Pearce, H.G.; Alexander, M.E. 1994. Fire to fire spread in grass and brushland
Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group. 1992. danger ratings associated with New fuel types on the Snake River Plains of
Development and structure of the Zealand’s major pine plantation wildfires. southern Idaho. M.S. thesis. Missoula,
Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference MT: Montana State University.
System. Inf. Rep. ST–X–3. Ottawa, ON: on Fire and Forest Meteorology; 1993 Turner, J.A.; Lillywhite, J.W.; Pieslak, Z.
Forestry Canada, Science and October 26–28; Jekyll Island, GA. SAF 1961. Forecasting for forest fire services.
Sustainable Development Directorate. Publ. 94–02. Bethesda, MD: Society of Tech. Note No. 42. Geneva, Switzerland:
Garvin, D.A. 2000. Learning in action: A American Foresters: 534–543. World Meteorological Organization.
guide to putting the learning organiza- Rothermel, R.C. 1991. Predicting behavior Van Wagner, C.E. 1971. Two solitudes in
tion to work. Boston, MA: Harvard and size of crown fires in the Northern forest fire research. Inf. Rep. PS–X–29.
Business School Press. Rocky Mountains. Res. Pap. INT–438. Chalk River, ON. Canadian Forestry
Gisborne, H.T. 1929. The complicated con- Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Service, Petawawa Forest Experiment
trols of fire behavior. Journal of Forestry. Intermountain Research Station. Station.
27: 311–312. Rothermel, R.C. 1993. Mann Gulch Fire: A Weick, K.E.; Sutcliffe, K.M. 2001.
Gisborne, H.T. 1948. Fundamentals of fire race that couldn’t be won. Gen. Tech. Managing the unexpected: Assuring high
behavior. Fire Control Notes. 9(1): 13–24. Rep. INT–299. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest performance in an age of complexity.
Haines, D.A.; Main, W.A.; Simard, A.J. 1986. Service, Intermountain Research Station. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass—A Wiley
Fire-danger rating and observed wildfire Sackett, S.S.; DeCoste, J.H. 1967. A new Company. ■
behavior in the northeastern United mobile fire laboratory. Fire Control
States. Res. Pap. NC–274. St. Paul, MN: Notes. 28(4): 7–9.
USDA Forest Service, North Central
Forest Experiment Station.

Fire Management Today


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