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a ere Unit 7 - Week 5 ‘Course outine case 21: Catone an Stem Haterec sare) Lect 25: ep Quem ‘ut Assignments ‘About the Course Ask a. Assignment 5 roiowwt@rgtlimaciny ‘The de date for submitting thi asgnment hs posse Due on 2020-09-04, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent Let fn the Kan K posits in th Bilan ve of Graph s o 1) [pty] Where, 1) =-1 |e : aon J] 1m onder to identify the Dirac points, take /(e)~ 0 or the complex conjugate f°(k)~ 0. Solve ‘cad and choowe the correct option for Kan K 1 (0-43) 2. (bots) 3 (038) 4 (49%) t,o ane iaicae ‘Accents Aree: 2) For Graphene, the energy spectrum is given by ou (de) 4 For y= Dand t=-1, the value of Bong, Bat point (0,85) is 2 Ponts tse on never nica ‘copied Anewors Ope Reno 5) Form two dimensional unit square lattice, wha value of B correspon to half fled hand (Take f= tand t=1) Ma 28 a2 t,o ane iaicae ‘Aecentes Aree: © Fra squace latte, at very Tow filing the shape of Uke Fer surface 1 Square 2. Distorts Square a6 4. Distorted Circle one names incomet. ses few: 8) Which ofthe folowing statement ie FALSE? 1 In tower dimensions, a cain of one atom per unite! got dstrtad vo fo two atom unit eal 2. Hlecizon Phonon coupling is responsible fr the above distortion 8. The final energy depends om wheter Uhe atoms nove right or lef 4. Ibis extremely dificult to frm a regular erystalline Iatie in one dimension on never icamet ‘evento Anewors © Which ofthe folowing is TRUE for alow dimensional systeni? 1. Blotronie structuo of nanostructures in independent of size 2. The surface to volume ratio decrees as we deere the sve 3, ‘Tho energy spostrum becomes diserote rater than coutinvous 4. Schrodinger equation Is no longer val at extremely small seal. on never aca ‘evento Anewors 2) Consider a dopa semiconductor in which each donor atom gives one electzon ech to the ienpacty Towel. I Ge Hall eect at room temperature be Ry = 6.25 % 10-S8C thee the rumber of donons ism MP", ‘The valve of mis? to, anor iio. ‘Accepts Aree: (pet ange) 351.05 ©) The low-nesgy electronic excitations in a twodiiensional set of graphene is given by ‘E(E) = hopk, where vis the Penni Velocity. The density of states is proportional 10 Le 2 an ame 4am to, anor isicore. seers mw: 8A Hal fect: low probe is pla on an artery, applying w 0.100°T magnetic fl veo itn setup similar to that im figure below, What 38 the Hall eu, given the vest’ iasde diameter Ss ‘100 mun and the average bod velocity iy 200 en /? 1 Tv 2 To 8. Tu 4. suv on rowers caret scp ener: 8) Consider a siilar stp a Uh of Hall feet diserssed in Ioeare. If te spin dee of few ‘of lets are alo conskleeed, which ofthe fllowing woul bs cose? (0) The up and down spins of the eesrons pots aerumulated on the oppite surfaces of the pie (i) Analogous to eurent generated by charge, spin current is oberved in the experiment (i) The up and down spins get aceama crelnson pine dm the surface of the sample following the Pal 1 () and Gi) 2 Gi) and (i) S$. Alle cores A. Nene ane correct scsi Arar: 1 point 10m pom 10m 1 point pom + pom 1 point 1 point

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