La Ville Radiuse (Radiant City)

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- city for 3 million

Based on 4 principles:
- decongestion of the city centre
- increased density levels
- Enlarged means of circulation
- Increase in parks and open spaces
Le corbusier rearranged the key
features of the Ville Contemporaine.

The basic ideas of free circulation and

greenery were still present, but the
juxtaposition of different land-uses had

For example, the central area was now

residential instead of a skyscraper
office core.
• The central buildings were raised on
stilts to allow unbroken panaromic
views of the greenery at the ground
• The idea was to create a city in a
park rather than parkland in the
• City allowed mass production while
achieving natural and urban green

• Lack of human scale and connection to
its surrounding
• Malls alienating street space
• High rise with no reason
• High rise breaking social ties integral to
community development.
New Towns – 1960s
• Bringing Howard’s garden city back to life
• Post WWII housing rehabilitation need
• Decentralisation of city recognised as necessary by County of London
• Displacement of population and employment for a desirable density
• Introduction of satellite suburbs
• Virginia, Columbia, Maryland

Post Modernism 1970s

• Era that broke the notion that planning and architecture could result
in social reform (which was an integral dimension of Modernism)
• Need to integrate development
• Bringing back the opinion of the people
• Jane Jacobs – The Death and Life of Great American Cities
• Aim to create diversity, flexibility and change
• Accept and bring to light social differences

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