(E) Dheeran Chinnamalai (1756-1805) : Vellore Revolt 1806

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pasted on the walls of the Nawab’s palace (e) Dheeran Chinnamalai

in Tiruchirappalli fort and on the walls of (1756–1805)

the Srirangam temple. Many palayakkars of Born as
Tamil country rallied together to fight against Theerthagiri in 1756
the English. Chinna Marudhu collected in the Mandradiar
nearly 20,000 men to challenge the English royal family of
army. British reinforcements were rushed Palayakottai,
from Bengal, Ceylon and Malaya. The rajas Dheeran was well
of Pudukkottai, Ettayapuram and Thanjavur trained in silambu,
stood by the British. Divide and rule policy archery, horse riding
followed by the English spilt the forces of the and modern warfare.
palayakkarars soon. He was involved in
Dheeran Chinnamalai
resolving family and
Fall of Sivagangai land disputes in the Kongu region. As this
region was under the control of the Mysore
In May 1801, the English attacked the
Sultan, tax was collected by Tipu’s Diwan
rebels in Thanjavur and Tiruchirappalli. The
Mohammed Ali. Once, when the Diwan was
rebels went to Piranmalai and Kalayarkoil.
returning to Mysore with the tax money,
They were again defeated by the forces of Theerthagiri blocked his way and confiscated
the English. In the end the superior military all the tax money. He let Mohammed Ali
strength and the able commanders of the go by instructing him to tell his Sultan that
English Company prevailed. The rebellion “Chinnamalai”, who is between Sivamalai
failed and Sivagangai was annexed in 1801. and Chennimalai, was the one who took away
The Marudhu brothers were executed in the taxes. Thus he gained the name “Dheeran
Fort of Tirupathur near Ramanathapuram Chinnamalai”. The offended Diwan sent a
on 24 October 1801. Oomathurai and contingent to attack Chinnamalai and both
Sevathaiah were captured and beheaded at the forces met and fought at the Noyyal river
Panchalamkurichi on 16 November 1801. bed. Chinnamalai emerged victorious.
Seventy-three rebels were exiled to Penang Trained by the French, Dheeran
in Malaya. Though the palayakkarars fell mobilised the Kongu youth in thousands and
to the English, their exploits and sacrifices fought the British together with Tipu. After
inspired later generations. Thus the rebellion Tipu’s death Dheeran Chinnamalai built a
of Marudhu brothers, which is called South fort and fought the British without leaving
Indian Rebellion, is a landmark event in the the place. Hence the place is called Odanilai.
history of Tamil Nadu. He launched guerrilla attacks and evaded
capture. Finally the English captured him
Carnatic Treaty, 1801 and his brothers and kept them in prison in
Sankagiri. When they were asked to accept
The suppression of the Palayakkarars
the rule of the British, they refused. So they
rebellions of 1799 and 1800–1801 resulted in
were hanged at the top of the Sankagiri Fort
the liquidation of all the local chieftains of
on 31 July 1805.
Tamilnadu. Under the terms of the Carnatic
Treaty of 31 July 1801, the British assumed
6.3   Vellore Revolt 1806
direct control over Tamilagam and the
Palayakarar system came to an end with the Before reducing all palayakkarars of south
demolition of all forts and disbandment of Tamilnadu into submission the East India
their army. Company had acquired the revenue districts

7   Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

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of Salem, Dindigul at the conclusion of the war sons and the family members of Tipu being
with Tipu in 1792. Coimbatore was annexed interned in Vellore Fort. The trigger for the
at the end of the Anglo-Mysore War in 1799. revolt came in the form of a new military
In the same year the Raja of Thanjavur whose regulation notified by the Commander-in-
status had been reduced to that of a vassal in Chief Sir John Cradock.
1798 gave up his sovereign rights over that According to the new regulations, the Indian
region to the English. After the suppression soldiers were asked not to wear caste marks or ear
of resistance of Kattabomman (1799) and rings when in uniform. They were to be cleanly
Marudhu Brothers (1801), the British charged shaven on the chin and maintain uniformity
the Nawab of Arcot with disloyalty and forced a about how their moustache looked. The new
treaty on him. According to this Treaty of 1801, turban added fuel to fire. The most objectionable
the Nawab was to cede the districts of North addition was the leather cockade made of animal
Arcot, South Arcot, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai skin. The sepoys gave enough forewarning by
and Tirunelveli to the Company and transfer refusing to wear the new turban. Yet the Company
all the administrative powers to it. administration did not take heed.
(a) Grievances of Indian Soldiers (b) Outbreak of the Revolt
But the resistance did not die down. The
On 10 July 1806, in the early hours, guns
dispossessed little kings and feudal chieftains
were booming and the Indian sepoys of the
continued to deliberate on the future course
1st and 23rd regiments raised their standard of
of action against the Company Government.
revolt. Colonel Fancourt, who commanded
The outcome was the Vellore Revolt of 1806.
the garrison, was the first victim. Colonel
The objective conditions for a last ditch fight
MeKerras of the 23rd regiment was killed next.
existed on the eve of the revolt. The sepoys
Major Armstrong who was passing the Fort
in the British Indian army nursed a strong
heard the sound of firing. When he stopped
sense of resentment over low salary and
to enquire he was showered with bullets.
poor prospects of promotion. The English
About a dozen other officers were killed
army officers’ scant respect for the social and
within an hour or so. Among them Lt. Elly
religious sentiments of the Indian sepoys also
and Lt. Popham belonged to His Majesty’s
angered them. The state of peasantry from
which class the sepoys had been recruited also
bothered them much. With new experiments Gillespie’s Brutality
in land tenures causing unsettled conditions
and famine breaking out in 1805 many of the Major Cootes, who was outside the
sepoys’ families were in dire economic straits. Fort, informed Colonel Gillespie, the
The most opportune situation come with the cavalry commandant in Arcot. Gillespie

Vellore Fort
  Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu 8

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9 Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

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reached the fort along with a squadron of chief Sir John Cradock, the Adjutant General
cavalry under the command of Captain Agnew and Governor William Bentinck were
Young at 9.00 am. In the meantime, the held responsible for the revolt, removed
rebels proclaimed Fateh Hyder, Tipu’s from their office, and recalled to England.
eldest son, as their new ruler and hoisted The military regulations were treated as
the tiger flag of Mysore sultans in the withdrawn.
Fort. But the uprising was swiftly crushed (d) Estimate of Revolt
by Col. Gillespie, who threw to winds all
war ethics. In the course of suppression, The Vellore Revolt failed because
according to an eyewitness account, eight there was no immediate help from outside.
hundred soldiers were found dead in the Recent studies show that the organising
fort alone. Six hundred soldiers were kept part of the revolt was done perfectly by
in confinement in Tiruchirappalli and Subedars Sheik Adam and Sheik Hamid and
Vellore awaiting Inquiry. Jamedar Sheik Hussain of the 2 nd battalion
of 23 rd regiment and two Subedars and the
(c ) Consequences of Revolt Jamedar Sheik Kasim of the 1st battalion of
Six of the rebels convicted by the Court the 1st regiment. Vellore Revolt had all the
of Enquiry were blown from the guns; five forebodings of the Great Rebellion of 1857.
were shot dead; eight hanged. Tipu’s sons The only difference was that there was no
were ordered to be sent to Calcutta. The civil rebellion following the mutiny. The
officers and men engaged in the suppression 1806 revolt was not confined to Vellore
of the revolt were rewarded with prize money Fort. It had its echoes in Bellary, Walajabad,
and promotion. Col. Gillespie was given Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Nandydurg, and
7,000 pagodas. However, the commander–in- Sankaridurg.


The Palayakarar system is explained.


Prominent Palayakkarars of Tamil country and their resistance to the rule of East India Company
are discussed.

The wars waged by Puli Thevar, Velunachiyar, Veerapandya Kattabomman, followed by Marudhu
brothers of Sivagangai and Dheeran Chinnamalai against the British are elaborated.

The reasons for the Vellore Revolt and the ruthless manner in which it was suppressed by Gillespie
are detailed.

  Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu 10

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trained by the French and Tipu. In his bid English. Thus the Vellore Fort became
to launch an attack on the Company’s fort the meeting ground of the rebel forces of
in Coimbatore (1800), Chinnamalai tried south India. The sepoys and the migrants
taking the help of the Marudu brothers to Vellore held frequent deliberations,
from Sivagangai. He also forged alliances attended by the representatives of the
with Gopal Nayak of Virupatchi; Appachi sons of Tipu.
Gounder of Paramathi Velur; Joni Jon
Kahan of Attur Salem; Kumaral Vellai of Immediate Cause
Perundurai and Varanavasi of Erode in
In the meantime, the English enforced
fighting the Company.
certain innovations in the administration
Chinnamalai’s plans did not of the sepoy establishments. They
succeed as the Company stopped the prohibited all markings on the forehead
reinforcements from the Marudu brothers. which were intended to denote caste
Also, Chinnamalai changed his plan and and religious, and directed the sepoys
attacked the fort a day earlier. This led to to cut their moustaches to a set pattern.
the Company army executing 49 people. Added to these, Adjutant General Agnew
However, Chinnamalai escaped. Between designed and introduced under his direct
1800 and July 31, 1805 when he was supervision a new model turban for the
hanged, Chinnamalai continued to fight sepoys.
against the Company. Three of his battles
The most obnoxious innovation
are important: the 1801 battle on Cauvery
in the new turban, from the Indian point
banks, the 1802 battle in Odanilai and the
of view, was the leather cockade. The
1804 battle in Arachalur. The last and the
cockade was made of animal skin. Pig
final one was in 1805. During the final
skin was anathema to Muslims, while
battle, Chinnamalai was betrayed by his
upper caste Hindus shunned anything to
cook Chinnamalai and was hanged in
do with the cow’s hide. To make matters
Sivagiri fort.
worse the front part of the uniform had
been converted into a cross.
Vellore Revolt (1806) The order regarding whiskers,
Vellore Revolt 1806 was the culmination caste marks and earrings, which infringed
of the attempts of the descendents of the the religious customs of both Hindu and
dethroned kings and chieftains in south Muslim soldiers, was justified on the
India to throw of the yoke of the British grounds that, although they had not been
rule. After the suppression of revolt of prohibited previously by any formal order,
Marudu brothers, they made Vellore the it had never been the practice in any well-
centre of their activity. The organizers of regulated corps for the men to appear with
an Anti-British Confederacy continued them on parade.
their secret moves, as a result of which The first incident occurred in
no fewer than 3,000 loyalists of Mysore May 1806. The men in the 2nd battalion
sultans had settled either in the town of of the 4th regiment at Vellore refused to
Vellore or in its vicinity. The garrison of wear the new turban. When the matter
Vellore itself consisted of many aggrieved was reported to the Governor by Col.
persons,  who had been reduced to dire Fancourt, commandant of the garrison,
straits as a sequel to loss of positions or he ordered a band of the 19th Dragoons
whose properties had been confiscated (Cavalry) to escort the rebels, against
or whose relatives were slain by the whom charges had been framed, to the
Early Resistance to British Rule 137

Presidency for a trial. The 2nd battalion Outbreak of Revolt

of the 4th regiment was replaced by the
2nd battalion of the 23rd regiment of
Wallajahbad. The Court Martial tried 21
privates (a soldier of lower military rank)–
10 Muslims and 11 Hindus–, for defiance.
In pursuance of the Court Martial order
two soldiers (a Muslim and a Hindu) were
sentenced to receive 900 lashes each and
to be discharged from service.
Despite signals of protest the
Vellore Fort
Government decided to go ahead with the
change, dismissing the grievance of Indian At 2:00 a.m. on 10 July, the sentry at the
soldiers. Governor William Bentinck also main guard informed Corporal Piercy
believed that the ‘disinclination to wear saying that a shot or two had been fired
the turban was becoming more feeble.’ somewhere near the English barracks.
Though it was initially claimed Before Piercy could respond, the sepoys
that the officers on duty observed made a near simultaneous attack on the
nothing unusual during the night of July British guards, the British barracks and
9, it was later known that the English the officers’ quarters in the Fort. In the
officer on duty did not go on his rounds European quarters the shutters were kept
and asked one of the Indian officers to open, as they were the only means of
do the duty and Jameder Sheik Kasim, ventilation from the summer heat. The
later one of the principal accused, had rebels could easily fire the gun ‘through
done it. The leaders of the regiment who the barred windows on the Europeans,
were scheduled to have a field day on the lying unprotected in their beds.’ Fire was
morning of 10 July, used it as a pretext to set to the European quarters. Detachments
sleep in the Fort on the night of 9 July. were posted to watch the dwellings of the
The Muslim native adjutant contrived to European officers, ready to shoot anyone
post as many of his followers as possible who came out. A part of the 1st regiment
as guards within the Fort. took possession of the magazines (place
where gun powder and ball cartridges
Jamal-ud-din, one of the twelve stored). A select band of 1st Regiment
princes of Tipu family, who was suspected was making their rounds to massacre the
to have played a key role in the revolt, European officers in their quarters.
kept telling them in secret parleys that
the prince only required them to keep the Thirteen officers were killed, in
fort for eight days before which time ten addition to several European conductors of
thousand would arrive to their support. ordnance. In the barracks, 82 privates died,
He disclosed to them that letters had been and 91 were wounded.
written to dispossessed palayakkarars Major Armstrong of the 16th native
seeking their assistance. He also informed infantry was passing outside the Fort
that there were several officers in the when he heard the firing. He advanced
service of Purniah (Tipu’s erstwhile to the glacis and asked what the firing
minister) who were formerly in the meant. He was answered by a volley from
Sultan’s service and would undoubtedly the ramparts, killing him instantly. Major
join the standard. Coates, an officer of the English regiment

138 Early Resistance to British Rule


who was on duty outside the Fort, on the 19th dragoons under the direction of
hearing of the revolt tried to enter the Lieutenant Blakiston. The troops entered
Fort. As he was unable to make it, he sent the place, headed by a squadron of the
off an officer, Captain Stevenson of 23rd, cavalry under Captain Skelton.
to Arcot with a letter addressed to Colonel The Gillespie’s men were met by
Gillespie, who commanded the cavalry a severe crossfire. In the ensuing battle,
cantonment there. The letter reached Colonel Gillespie himself suffered bruises.
Arcot, some 25 km away, at 6 a.m. Colonel The sepoys retreated. Hundreds escaped
Gillespie set out immediately, taking over the walls of the Fort, or threw down
with him a squadron of the 19th dragoons their arms and pleaded for mercy. Then
under Captain Young, supported by a the cavalry regiment assembled on the
strong troop of the 7th cavalry under parade ground and resolved to pursue the
Lieutenant Woodhouse. He instructed fleeing soldiers, who were exiting towards
Colonel Kennedy to follow him with the the narrow passage of escape afforded by
rest of the cavalry, leaving a detachment the sally port. A troop of dragoons and
to protect the cantonment and to keep up some native horsemen were sent round
the communication. to intercept the fleeing soldiers. All the
When Colonel Gillespie arrived at buildings in the Fort were searched,
the Vellore Fort at 9 a.m., he thought it and mutineers found in them pitilessly
prudent to await the arrival of the guns, slaughtered. Gillespie’s men wanted to
since there was continuous firing. Soon enter the building and take revenge on the
the cavalry under Kennedy came from princes, the instigators of the plot; but Lt.
Arcot. It was about 10 o’Clock. The gate Colonel Marriott resisted the attempt of
was blown open with the galloper guns of the dragoons to kill Tipu’s sons.

According to J. Blakistan, an eyewitness to Gillespie's atrocity, more than 800 bodies were
carried out of the fort. In W.J. Wilson's estimate 378 were jailed for involvement in the revolt;
516 were considered implicated but not imprisoned. Based on depositions before the Court of
Enquiry, the Court Martial awarded death punishment and banishment to select individuals,
which were carried out by the commanding officer of Vellore on 23 September 1806.

1st battalion of 1st Regiment

Blown from a gun ... 1 Havildar, 1 Naik
Shot ... 1 Naik, 4 sepoys
Hanged ... 1 Jamedar, 4 sepoys
Transported ... 3 Havildars, 2 Naiks, 1 sepoy.

2nd battalion of 23rd Regiment

Blown from a gun ... 2 Subedars, 2 Lascars
Hanged ... 2 Havildars, 1 Naik

(Source: W.J. Wilson, History of the Madras Army, vol. III, 1888-89).

Early Resistance to British Rule 139


Colonel Gillespie is said to have of revenue farming system, the peasantry

brought the Fort under the possession was oppressed by the revenue contractors
of the English in about 15 minutes. and company officials who imposed
Col. Harcourt (Commanding Officer high revenue demands and collected
at Wallajahbad) was appointed to the them forcibly. Initially the peasants sent
temporary command of Vellore on July a petition to the Company’s government
11. Harcourt assumed command of the asking for redress. But when their appeal
garrison on 13 July, 1806 and clamped for justice went unheeded, they organized
martial law. It was believed that the prompt themselves and resorted to direct action.
and decisive action of Gillespie put an end They attacked the local cutchery (revenue
to ‘the dangerous confederacy, and had collector’ office), looted gain stores and
the fort remained in the possession of refused to pay revenue.
the insurgents but a few days, they were A peasant movement of the 1840s
certain of being joined by fifty thousand and 1850s was the Malabar rebellion
men from Mysore.’ in present day Kerala. The Mappillas
But the obnoxious regulations were the descendents of Arab traders
to which the soldiers objected were who had settled in this region and had
withdrawn. The Mysore princes were married the Malabar women. Gradually
ordered to be sent to Calcutta, as according the Mappillais became dependent on
the Commission of Inquiry, their agriculture and turned into a community
complicity could not be established. They of cultivating tenants, landless labourers,
were removed from Vellore, on 20 August petty traders and fishermen. When the
1806. The higher tribunals of the Home British took over Malabar in 1792, they
Government held the chief authorities sought to revamp the land relations by
of Madras, namely the Governor, the creating individual ownership in land.
Commander-in-Chief, and the Deputy The traditional system provided for an
Adjutant General, responsible for the equal sharing of the net produce of the
bungling and ordered their recall. land by the janmi (holder of janmam
Vellore had its echoes in Hyderabad, tenure), the kanamdar (holder of kanam
Wallajahbad, Bangalore, Nandydurg, tenure), and the cultivator. The British
Palayamkottai, Bellary and Sankaridurg. system upset this arrangement by
Vellore Revolt had all the forebodings recognising the janmi as absolute owners
of Great Rebellion of 1857, if the word of land, with right to evict tenants, which
cartridge is substituted by cockade and did not exist earlier. Apart from that,
Bahadur Shah and Nana Sahib could be over-assessment, a huge burden of illegal
read for Mysore Princes. cesses and a pro-landlord attitude of the
judiciary and the police led the peasants
to live in conditions of extreme poverty.
18.4 Peasant and Tribal
Revolts A series of incidents therefore
occurred in Malabar throughout the
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth nineteenth century. Three serious
centuries the land tenures and revenue incidents occurred in Manjeri in August
settlements of the Company’s government 1849, in Kulathur in August 1851 – both
had fundamentally disrupted the Indian in south Malabar – and in Mattannur in
rural society and affected the peasantry in the north in January 1852. British armed
an unprecedented manner. In the early days forces were deployed to suppress the

140 Early Resistance to British Rule

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