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Modern Technology is creating a one world culture, because of various advantages of modern

technology. I am totally agree with the above point.

Nowadays, modern technology is very good in terms of saving time. After introducing digitalization,
all the payment process became easy and we are saving a lot of time. Any food or groceries can be
ordered by sitting at home, this is especially very helpful for the old people and for the physically
challenged people who cannot walk. For example, lot of apps introduced to take the order and serve
you better.

Addition to the above point, modern technology make the payment transaction process is easy, just
with one click we can do the payment to any person, where as earlier we used to wait lot of time
near banks to do one payment transfer. Also, people are adapted for the modern technology which
is improving in connectivity the people in the society.

Lastly, I would like to cover the modern technology on agriculture. Formers are very happy with
modern technology as their physical stress is been reduced a lot after introducing modern culture.
Also, the productivity has been increased as they involved in multiple activities at the same. For
example, to extract ground nuts lot of workers used to involve but now with the machine, it is
completing 50 mans work within few hours.

Finally, introducing modern technology improvise day to day activities which makes lives easy, and
very beneficial. I personally recommend everyone to adapt to the new technology and make your
lives easy.

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