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Very busy with lots of David currently has a lot on his plate as

A lot on my plate
responsibilities his boss is on vacation

We went back to sqare one after wasting

Back to square one To get back to where it started
two full days

Back to the drawing We went back to the drawing board after

To start all over again
board our plan was rejected

People who do important work but He resented being a backroom boy when
Back-room boys
aren't visible to general public Dave took all the credit.

Can you give me a ball park figure as to

Ballpark figure A rough estimate
what this project will cost?

Something that gives you more

Online ads provide more bang for the
Bang for the buck value back than the money you
buck than TV commercials

Our company had to do some belt-

Belt tightening rigorous reduction in spending tightening because of the recent
economic downturn

The board has given the company

Complete freedom of action or
Blank check/cheque president a blank check to introduce the

Someone who does manual labor Joe is a blue-collar worker at the

work company warehouse.

Final total of the account or the I don't need any details. All I care about
Bottom line
ultimate deciding factor is the bottom line

Loss of educated workforce to France suffered a brain drain during

Brain drain
other geographic locations economic crisis

To have no profit or loss at the end

Break even point It took us two years just to break even.
of a business activity

Spending your time doing the The painter spent busman's holiday
Busman's holiday
same​​ thing you do at work painting his own house

Rules are not to be broken - Barb does

By the book Strictly according to the rules
everything by the book

Call it a day To stop working and go home Lets call it a day and go home

Call the shots To make the important decisions Who calls the shots when the boss is out
of town?

a consistently profitable business That line of leather shoes is a real cash

Cash cow
or product cow.

Agree to something you didn't The management caved in to the

Cave in
want to accept previously demands of the union

The company eventually clamped down

Clamp down on Take a strong action
on the striking workers

Climb the corporate Work your way up to higer He quickly climbed the corporate ladder
ladder positions in a company to become CEO.

A call made without appointment Sales people were were handed a list of
Cold call
to sell something numbers to cold-call.

Compare apples to Comparing two very different Comparing life in New York to a small
oranges things town is like comparing apples to oranges

Alter facts or figures dishonestly or The mafia boss forced the accountants to
Cook the books
illigelly cook the books

She cornered the market and put two

Corner the market To dominate a market or business
competitors out of business.

Threatening people to make them Joes father had to crack the whip to
Crack the whip
work harder make him study harder.

Google hires the cream of the crop

Cream of the crop The best person in a group

Do a lot of math calculations to They crunched the numbers before

Crunch the numbers
make a decision buying that new property

Her agent cut a deal giving her 30% of

Cut a deal To reach an agreement
the profits.

Skip certain steps in order to do Don't hurry. You cannot cut corners if
Cut corners
something as easily or cheaply you want to do a perfect job.

Joan was very busy so I cut to the chase

Cut to the chase Get to the point quickly
and told her the fact

There is a cut-throat competition to gain

Cut-throat Very fierce and intense
the marketshare

Dead end job Job where there is no chance of I am in a dead-end job and looking for a
promotion new opportunity

Someone or something that is no She cleared out the dead wood as soon
Dead wood
longer useful as she took over

Henry dropped the ball by voting against

Drop the ball Make a mistake
the merger

A huge problem that no one wants Debt crises is the elephat in the room
Elephant in the room
to talk about that no one is talking about

Eric always waits until the eleventh hour

Eleventh hour The last minute
before starting a project

Important details usually printed Read the fine​​ print before you
Fine print
in​​ tiny letters in a contract sign the contract

The first step toward a goal by She got her foot in the door working as a
Foot in the door
gaining entry into an organization researcher on a TV show.

Lets start working on the project from

From the ground up Starting from the very beginning
the ground up

We need a new game plan for the

Game plan Plan of action or a strategy
upcoming season

Start doing things that needs to be Lets get down to business first, we can
Get down to business
done eat lunch later

She tried to get the ball rolling by asking

Get The ball rolling To begin an activity or a process
a few questions.

An unofficial or social barrier to She crushed the glass ceiling to be the

Glass ceiling
advancement in a profession first woman president

To increase much more than He is rich now because his commissions

Go Through the Roof
expected have gone through the roof

Special benefits offered to keep an They hired her with a pair of golden
Golden handcuffs
emplyee from leaving handcuffs

Large amount paid as an incentive The new owners offered all employees a
Golden handshake
for early retirement golden handshake

Employment contract that

She is not afraid of getting fired because
Golden parachute guarantees great benefits if
of the golden parachute
A situation in which it is difficult
At the moment, the law on compensation
Gray area to distinguish between right &
is very much a grey area.

Accomplish a difficult task in a He will have his work cut out to get into
Have your work cut out
short time the team.

To recruit the best people for top-

Headhunt A rival company headhunted her.
level positions

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