1. English language. Ағылшын тілі. Английский язык

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1. English language. Ағылшын тілі.

Английский язык

2. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption. -"family"

3. "A pattern of interaction with one or more persons over time."- relationships

4. All the people who are born and live in about the same time span.- generation

5. A married man and woman and their biological children.- nuclear family

6. Chosen by a family to take responsibility for a child if the parents are no longer able to provide.- guardian

7. А persons place in a group- " role"

8. The makeup of a family.- "family type"

9. A couple or single parent decides to raise another person's child as their own- adoptive family

10. Extended Family- several generations of relatives

11. A single parent marries- stepfamily

12. Single parent family- one adult who is raising one or more children

13. Cares for children who are not related to other children- foster family

14. She is the daughter of my mother. - sister

15. He is the son of my uncle. He is my…- cousin

16. He is the son of my brother. He is my…- nephew

17. "Read the texts and fill in the gaps. Alice: I don’t …… clothes very often and I don’t ….. what people wear is very
important. When I ….. shopping, I buy the clothes .I need and that’s all. I usually wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some trainers
and a jumper or a jacket when it’s cold. And I ….. buying shoes - I’ve only got three pairs!Read the texts and fill in the
gaps.Alice: I don’t …… clothes very often and I don’t ….. what people wear is very important. When I ….. shopping, I buy the
clothes I need and that’s all. I usually wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some trainers and a jumper or a jacket when it’s cold.
And I ….. buying shoes - I’ve only got three pairs!- - buy, think, go, hate

18. "Read the texts and fill in the gaps. Emma: Oh, I ….. clothes! I buy fashion magazines every week and …..
programmes about clothes on TV. And I really love shoes I’ve got more than fifty pairs at home. My friends and I ….. about
clothes a lot and we ..... shopping every Saturday afternoon. What do I want to buy today? Some new shoes, of course!- love,
watch, talk, go

19. Choose the right variant: Marat is very kind, …?-isn’t he

20. Choose the right variant: No, we aren’t. We have to get home tonight.- Are you and Tom staying here?

21. Choose the right variant: My grandfather’s watch ... made of gold.- was

22. Choose the right variant: Do you have ___ curtains?- any

23. This man has dark_________________hair

24. This man has dark___________________beard

25. He is wearing a jacket

26. He is holding a piece of paper

27. He is sitting at his_____________ desk

28. Perhaps he is ____________ at work

29. You arrive at a party at 8 p.m. What do you say?- Good evening
30. Someone offers you a drink. You don’t want it. What do you say?- No thank you

31. Henderson doesn’t like going to work.

32. Does he get up early in the morning?

33. He is learning to drive a car.

34. A train is a bus.- quicker than

35. He can not swim very well.

36. Roberts always catches the bus to work.

37. Peter works in London ._______________ He goes there by train.

38. Did he watch TV last night?

39. I spoke slowly, but he could not understand me.

40. He made a lot of money last year.

41. I asked him__________ not to go away

42. He used to live in London

43. James spoke to him on the phone

44. Quit, please – ______________ I am doing a test!

45. I won’t go to Cambridge if it rains tomorrow.

46. While he was driving to London he saw an accident.

47. Millions of cigarettes are smoked every year.

48. He has a wide experience of marketing in Europe.

49. I remember meeting him in London.

50. But I saw him in Frankfurt _________. 3 years ago

51. Could you look at the blackboard and read what is on it.

52. Smith went abroad last year__________ he had never been.

53. The last Olympic Games were held in Barcelona.

54. He took all of the cheese.

55. The committee held a meeting last week.

56. I listened to the Prime Minister’s speech very carefully.

57. He would have known that, if he had attended the meeting.

58. Would you mind opening the door?

59. In August he will have worked for us for 25 years.

60. Has Robinson telephoned since I came back to the office?

61. He speaks English very well although he’s only 12.

62. “Don’t do that,” I said. I told him not to do that.

63. He never takes risks. He’s a very cautious man.

64. I’d like to put forward a suggestions, if I may.

65. I have been doing this test for at least half an hour now.

66. I’ll speak to him when he _______. arrives

67. «Can you come tomorrow?» - He asked if I could come tomorrow

68. He hasn’t come again today. If he doesn’t come he won’t know what to do tomorrow.

69. "Mr. and Mrs. Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent.

Agent: Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Wallace?

Mrs. Wallace: Mr. Hogan?

Agent: How do you do.

Mrs. Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. This is my husband. Mr. Wallace: How do you do."

70. Agent: How do you do. Please sit down.

71. Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re ____ interested

72. You’re interested in buying a property for about $ 85 000, is that ____ right

73. Mr. Wallace: No, well, the price is right, but – er – well, we ________ have

74. "We have a problem. We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years. Mr. Wallace: Longer
than that."

75. Mr. Wallace: Yes, I suppose it is – and settle back here, but we have very different ideas.

76.We have very different ideas of the ________ of place we’d like to live in. (kind)
77.Mr. Wallace: Yes, you see¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____ prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat. (I’d)
78.Mr. Wallace: I am really keen to live in ______ country. (the)
79.I want a big garden. I want a new view. I want to be_________ to go for works. (able)
80.I want to back to work – that is to get back to teaching. Mr. Wallace: Well, I’m sure you__________ teach in London,
in town, just as easily. (could)
81.Mr. Wallace: Yes, _________ I think the chances of getting a job. (but)
82.Getting a job________ probably much greater in a village school and I would like to be part of the community again,
darling. (is)
83.And I _____ like to be part of the community again, darling. (would)
84.Mr. Wallace: And I want to live in flat ____ maintenance included. (with)

85.You know – you may pay for all the ______mean. I am not a do – it – yourself man. (services)
86.I don’ like to mend leaky _______, and that sort of things.( roofs)

Mr. Graham has just checked into a hotel, but he is not happy with his room. He goes down to the reception desk.
87.Mr. Graham: I’m ______ there’s been a mistake. My room doesn’t have a bath: (afraid)
88.Hotel Clerk: Well, I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118, _____?(isn’t it)
89.Mr. Graham: ______ could I have a bath, please?(well)
90.Hotel Clerk: I’m afraid we don’t _____ a room with a bath.(have)
91.Mr. Graham: Look, I’m very tired. I don’t want to ______ but my firm always books a room with a bath.( Argue)
92Hotel Clerk: I’ll check the _____.(correspondence)
93.I don’t think you were _______ into a room with a bath. There we are. It is Mr. Graharn. isn’t it? (Booked)
94.Hotel Clerk: Yes. One___room (Single)
95.Mr. Graham: I’ll see them when I get back. Well, I____that it’s our mistake.( appreciate)
96.Are you sure there’s____with a bath? (nothing)
97.Mr. Graham: I’ve just flown a very long ______ and I’m very tired and all I want is a bath and a sleep. (Distance)
98.Hotel Clerk: Well, as I’ve said sir, there’s _____ nothing for tonight. But let’s see. You’re here for five days, aren’t

Mr. Graham: Oh dear!

99.Hotel Clerk: I’ll just have a _____ with the manager.(word)
100.I would_____ it. (appreciate)
101.I’m _____ to have a long hot bath! (desperate)
102.Hotel Clerk: Don’t worry, sir! _____ it with me. (leave)

103.Choose the right answer. In the morning we have… ( breakfast)

104.Choose the right answer. In the afternoon we have… (lunch)
.105. Choose the right answer. At school pupils…(have lessons)

106.Choose the right answer. Pupils do their lessons…(at home)

107.Choose the right answer. Where could you buy a newspaper? (A newsagent)

108.Choose the right answer. Where could you buy a puppy?( A pet shop)

109.Choose the right answer. What … dress do you want? Show me something in brown.( colour)

110.Choose the right answer. This is too … . I’d like something cheaper.( expensive)

111.Choose the right answer. My grandmother buys … at the grocer’s department.( spaghetti)

112.Choose the right answer. Mary and Sue ... to the cinema.( don't go)

113.Choose the right answer. Mark ... English(speaks)

114.Choose the right answer. Mark ... cakes.( doesn't love)

115.Choose the right answer. You will see the house … is opposite the petrol station. (Which)

116.Choose the right answer. The camera… costs about 200 pounds has been lost. (That)

117.Choose the right answer. The little girl… doll was broken is crying.( Whose)
118.Choose the right answer. The house… roof is white belongs to my grandparents.( Whose)

119.Choose the right answer. He'd been in a … mood since he got up. I didn’t get enough sleeping last night. (Grumpy)

120.Choose the right answer. David is quite … so he doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know(Shy)

121.Choose the right answer. Nothing makes me more … than when I fail my exams. (Upset)
122.Choose the right answer. I feel quite … and I don't want to do anything. (Lazy)

123.Choose the right answer. I'm a little … about whether to get married or not. (Doubtful)
124.Choose the right answer. – I come from a … family. Now, I just have my mom, an older and three
younger brothers. (Large)
125.Choose the right answer. Your son's son is your ___(Grandson)
126.Choose the right answer. Your sister's brother is your ___(Brother)
127.Choose the right answer. Any of various edible seeds of plants used for food?(Bean)

128.Choose the right answer. Oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food?(Egg)
129.Choose the right answer. The part of milk containing the butterfat?(cream)
130.Choose the right variant of the Numerals : 405(four hundred and five)
131.Choose the right date:
- What date is it today?
- May the first two thousand and six. (1 May 2006)
132.Choose the right time:
- What time is it?
- It’s half past eleven.( 11.30;)
133.Complete the question .
…. is he from? - Brighton, England.(where)

134.Put the correct pronoun: I recorded my first album when I was 10, and people loved ________! (it)
135.Mozart composed many songs, but we don’t have all of __________ (them)
136.Match the words to the ordinal numbers.
3rd, 2nd 4th, 5th, 6th (third, second, fourth, fifth, sixth)

137.Choose the right variant.( the fifth of September in nineteen ninety-nine)

138.His birthday is …. the fourth of October.(on)
139.The book contains ... information. It’s very useful.(much)
140.Don’t talk so loudly. Our son … in his room.(is studying)
141.My nephew … for another job these days. He wants to work at night.(is looking)
142.Choose the right variant:
143.This coffee is very weak. I like it … .( stronger)
144.Complete the sentence: The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be …(Smaller) .
145.Nick ... to be a very interesting person.(is bein known)
146.Our school conferences ... once a year.(are held)
147.Choose the right variant:
You did … in your exams.(well)
148.Choose the right variant:
I like your hat. It looks … on you.(Good)
149.I got up … 7 o’clock this morning.(at)
He isn’t here … the moment.(at)

1. This man has dark_________________




D) *hair

2. This man has dark___________________




D)face hair

3. He is _________________ a jacket



C) having


4. He is _______________a piece of paper

A) wearing




5. He is sitting at his_____________




D) room

6.Perhaps he is ____________

A) work

B)*at work

C) business

D) on job

7. You arrive at a party at 8 p.m. What do you say?

A)Good night

B)Good –bye

C)*Good evening

D)Good afternoon

8. Someone offers you a drink. You don’t want it. What do you say?

A)Thank you


C)*No thank you

D)No please

9. Henderson _____________ going to work.

A)likes not

B)don’t like

C)*doesn’t like

D)not like

10. __________ early in the morning?

A)*Does he get up.

B)Gets up.

C)Do he get up.

D)Get he up.

11. He _________ to drive a car.

A)am learning.


C)*is learning

D)are learning

12. A train is ________ a bus.

A)more quickly


C)*quicker than

D)more quick

13. He ____________ swim very well.

A)not can

B)*can not

C)doesn’t can

D)don’t can

14. ______________ the bus to work.

A)Always Robert catches

B)*Roberts always catches

C)Roberts catches always

D)Roberts does always catches

15.Peter works in London ._______________

A)*He goes there by train.

B)He there goes by train.

C)He goes by train there.

D)There goes he by train.

16. ________________ TV last night?

A)*Did he watch

B)Watched he
C)Did he watched

D)Does he watch

17. I spoke slowly, but he ____________ understand me.

A)canned not

B) didn’t can

C) didn’t could

D)* could not

18. He made ______________ last year.

A. many money

B) much money

C)* a lot of money

D) lots money

19. I asked him__________

A) to not go away

B) to go not away

C)* not to go away

D) go not away

20. He used to live _________ London

A) on

B)* in

C) to

D) at

21. James ____________to him on the phone

A) spoked

B) speaked

C)* spoke

D) spoken

22. Quit, please – I ______________

A) *I am doing a test!

B) do a test!

C) doing a test1
D) does a test!

23. I won’t to go to Cambridge if it ____________ tomorrow.

A) rain

B) would rain

C)* rains

D) raining

24. While he ___________ to London he saw an accident.

A)*was driving

B) drives

C) drove

D) had driven

25. Millions of cigarettes __________ every year.

A) is smoke

B) are smoking

C)* are smoked

D) are smoke

26. He has a ___________experience of marketing in Europe.

A) grand

B) *wide

C) big

D) many

27. I remember ______________him in London.

A) of meeting

B) to meet

C) to meeting

D) *meeting

28. But I saw him in Frankfurt _________.

A) *3 years ago

B) for 3 years

C) before 3 years

D) since 3 years
29. Could you look ________the blackboard and read what is on it.

A) to

B) on

C) for

D)* at

30. Smith went abroad last year__________.

A) *he had never been

B) he had been never

C) he never went

D) he went never

31. The last Olympic Games ___________in Barcelona.

A) were helded

B) was holded

C) *were held

D) were hold

32. He took _________ cheese.

A) all of

B) all

C) the all

D) *all of the

33. The committee held a ___________ last week.

A) *meeting

B) gathering

C) sessions

D) sitting.

34. I ___the Prime Minister’s speech very carefully.

A) heard to

B) heard

C)* listened to

D) overheard

35. He would have known that, if he__________ the meeting.

A)* had attended

B) would have attended

C) has attended

D) would attend

36. Would you mind ____________ the door?

A) open

B) to open

C)* opening

D) to opening

37. In August he___________ for us for 25 years.

A) *will have worked.

B) will work

C) is going to work

D) will be working

38. ___________ since I came back to the office?

A) Did Robinson telephone

B) Was Robinson telephoning

C) Telephoned Robinson

D) *Has Robinson telephoned

39. He speaks English very well ___________ he’s only 12.

A) whereas

B) despite

C) in spite of

D) *although

40. “Don’t do that,” I said. I ___________ him not to do that.

A) talked

B)* told

C) spoke

D) said

41. He never takes risks. He’s a very_________man.

A) mindful
B) anxious

C) attentive

D)* cautious

42. I’d like to put ___________a suggestions, if I may.

A) *forward

B) over

C) across

D) through

43. I _____ this test for at least half an hour now.

A) do

B) am doing

C) have done

D)* have been doing

44. I’ll speak to him when he _______.

A) will arrive

B) is arriving

C) *arrives

D) would arrive

45. «Can you come tomorrow?» - He asked ________tomorrow.

A) if I come

B) that I come

C) *if I could come

D) that I can come

46. He hasn’t come again today. If he doesn’t come _____what to do tomorrow.

A) he wouldn’t know

B) he didn’t know

C) he will not have known

D)* he won’t know

Conversation Section

47. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent.

Agent: Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Wallace?

Mrs. Wallace: Mr. Hogan?

Agent: How do you do.

Mrs. Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. ____ is my husband.

A) *This                             

B) It              

C) He                            

D) That

Mr. Wallace: How do you do.

48. Agent: How do you do. ______ sit down.

A) You                            

B) *Please

C) Now

D) Let

(They all sit down at a desk).

49. Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re ____          

A) intending                            

B) interesting              

C) intended

D) *interested

50 You’re interested in buying a property for about $ 85 000, is that ____?

A) true                            

B) possible

C) not

D)* right

51. Mr. Wallace: No, well, the price is right, but – er – well, we ________

A) make

B)* have

C) are

D) seem

52. We have a problem. We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years.

Mr. Wallace: Longer ________that.

A)* than

B) that

C) as

D) to

53. Mr. Wallace: Yes, I suppose it is – and settle back here, _______ we have very different ideas.

A) because

B) and


D) so

54.We have very different ideas of the ________ of place we’d like to live in.


B) piece

C) shape

D) area

55. Mr. Wallace: Yes, you see_____ prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat.

A) I

B)* I’d

C) We

D) We’d

56. Mr. Wallace: I am really keen to live in ______ country.

A)* the

B) a

C) some

D) –

57. I want a big garden. I want a new view. I want to be_________ to go for works.

A) *able

B) possible

C) can

D) allow

58. I want to back to work – that is to get back to teaching.

Mr. Wallace: Well, I’m sure you__________ teach in London, in town, just as easily.
A) would

B) might

C) should

D)* could

59. Mr. Wallace: Yes, _________ I think the chances of getting a job.

A) and

B) *but

C) so

D) then

60.Getting a job________ probably much greater in a village school and I would like to be part of the community
again, darling.

A) is

B) *are

C) will

D) would

61. And I _____ like to be part of the community again, darling.

A. *would

B) do

C) will

D) shall

62. Mr. Wallace: And I want to live in flat ____ maintenance included.

A) for

B) *with

C) and

D) by

63.You know – you may pay for all the ______mean. I am not a do – it – yourself man.

A) *services

B) servant

C) assistance

D) assistants

64. I don’ like to mend leaky _______, and that sort of things.

A) walls
B) floors

C) *roofs

D) ceilings

65. Mr. Graham has just checked into a hotel, but he is not happy with his room. He goes down to the reception

Mr. Graham: I’m ______ there’s been a mistake. My room doesn’t have a bath:

A) sorry

B) *afraid

C) anxious

D) regret

66. Hotel Clerk: Well, I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118, _____?

A) don’t you

B)* isn’t it

C) doesn’t it

D) can you

67. Mr. Graham: ______ could I have a bath, please?

A) Thus

B)* Well

C) In spite

D) Thank you

68. Hotel Clerk: I’m afraid we don’t _____ a room with a bath.

A) reserve

B) get

C) *have

D) retain

69. Mr. Graham: Look, I’m very tired. I don’t want to ______ but my firm always books a room with a bath.

A) shout

B) denounce

C) anger

D) *argue

70. Hotel Clerk: I’ll check the _____.

A) *correspondence
B) mailing

C) communicate

D) lettering

71. I don’t think you were _______ into a room with a bath. There we are. It is Mr. Graharn. isn’t it?

A) reserved

B) checked

C)* booked

D) registered

Mr. Graham: It is. yes

72. Hotel Clerk: Yes. One___room

A) alone

B) *single

C) bathless

D) only

73. Mr. Graham: I’ll see them when I get back. Well, I____that it’s our mistake.

A)* appreciate

B) deprecate

C) respect

D) expect

74.Are you sure there’s____with a bath?

A) not

B) something

C) anything

D)* nothing

75. Mr. Graham: I’ve just flown a very long ______ and I’m very tired and all I want is a bath and a sleep.

A) *distance

B) airline

C) period

D) timing

76. Hotel Clerk: Well, as I’ve said sir, there’s _____ nothing for tonight. But let’s see. You’re here for five days,
aren’t you?

A) extremely
B) perfectly

C) *absolutely

D) especially

77. Mr. Graham: Oh dear!

Hotel Clerk: I’ll just have a _____ with the manager.

A) *word

B) sentence

C) phrase

D) dialogue

78. Mr. Graham: I would_____ it.

A) value

B) *appreciate

C) thank

D) reward

79. I’m _____ to have a long hot bath!

A. despaired

B) worried

C)* desperate

D) overwhelmed

80. Hotel Clerk: Don’t worry sir! _____ it with me.

A) Let

B)* Leave

C) Give

D) Stop

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