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Jennifer Dowden
April 18, 2019 ·

*5 Reasons to rethink Vaccination

5) TRUST - History shows brazen conflicts of interests including
revolving door employment between corporations & governmental
regulatory agencies, regulatory capture, questionable motives,
cronyism, corruption, corporate science, suppression of information
regarding risks, steady attempts to erode our rights to informed
consent, oppressive/deceptive/divisive/dismissive fear mongering
tactics, disregard for the well-being of others, coupled with a general
lack of ethics among those who create, promote, & try to force
vaccines, particularly on minorities &/or poor people in violation of
informed consent & the Nuremberg Codes. Vaccine manufacturers
have had NO accountability in the US since 1986 & not only do they
lobby the state to push increasingly heavy handed legislation to force
their dangerous products on people in violation of informed consent,
they have the taxpayers subsidize their vaccines as well as cover the
costs when vaccines injure &/or kill people.
4) PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE - The inserts will flat out tell you they
have not been evaluated for carcinogenicity (cancer causing potential),
mutagenicity (potential to damage genes/DNA), impairment of fertility
in general (harms could do to ability to have kids), or for use in
pregnant women (what harm could cause pregnant women &/or their
growing babies), yet they contain carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic,
endocrine disrupting substances, infectious pathogens, foreign
proteins from diseased animals, aborted babies, insects, & GMOs.
3) RISK VS BENEFITS - Vaccines introduce the potential for lifelong
debilitating &/or lethal vaccine injuries & they supplant natural,
lifelong immunity with what is at best limited, waning artificial
immunity with questionable efficacy at protecting against diseases
that generally present as asymptomatic or mild in the majority of
people who get them.
2) SAFEGUARDS - Our bodies were meant to be a closed system, with
foreign substances & proteins being processed through our digestive
tract - not bypassing all of our natural defenses via injection. You'd be
hard pressed to find an ingredient in vaccines that isn't toxic or
otherwise harmful when injected & they can actually exponentially
enhance each other’s toxicity - yet no testing is done prior to
vaccination to protect those with allergies, kidney impairment, &/or
mitochondrial disorders which are known to predispose an individual
to severe, even lethal reactions.
1) ACCOUNTABILITY - Because you love your family & would never
want to deliberately expose them to dangerous, possibly lethal,
controversial procedures involving toxic substances pushed by those
with conflicting interests, questionable integrity, & no accountability in
the event of injury or death occurring. Vaccination is literally betting
your children’s well-being & lives on the trustworthiness of proven
liars controlling corrupted, captured, criminal agencies, corporations,
& educational institutions. 0

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