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UNIT 1. / PART 1.

1. Feladat.
I grew up in a small family, I only have a brother, Sam, who is two years older than me. Nowadays, we don't
have close contact, because he got married a couple of years ago, but we keep in touch by emails and the
phone. He has to work a lot, he is the breadwinner in his family, his wife won't work. Bringing up the
children is enough responsibility for her, she says. She may be right, however, when I bumped into her the
other day in a supermarket, she didn't seem the least worried about my nephew, who was in a pram outside
the shop all the time. My brother keeps telling me he'll get a divorce, but I suppose he'll never do that (unless
his mother-in-law drives him crazy, of course). Well, we'll have to wait and see, I guess.

2. Feladat
1. parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling (=lakni) together or not.
2. the children of one person or one couple (=pár) collectively
3. the spouse (=házastárs) and children of one person.
4. any group of persons closely related by blood (=közeli, vér szerinti rokonok), as parents, children, uncles
(=nagybácsik), aunts (=nagynénik ), and cousins (=unokatestvérek).
5. all those persons considered as descendants (=leszármazottak)of a common progenitor.
6. a group of persons who form a household (= háztartás ), and there's usually one person, who is the head
of the family (=családfõ ).
7. the staff, or body of assistants, of an official: the presidential family.
8. a group of related things: the halogen family of elements.
9. a group of people who are generally not blood relations but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals.

10. a local unit of the Mafia or Cosa Nostra.

4. Feladat
When I was younger, my brother was not in the least interested in money. He had a lot of friends who were
around his age. He worked with computers, in a small shop, but I don't know where exactly. Anyway, as far as
I remember he wasn't much of a cook, still every other weekend we visited granny, who wasn't overjoyed when
my brothe stated he wanted to cook. Nowadays men don't cook, they are the breadwinners, which means they
don't have enough time to help around the house, or to play with their children. No wonder many of them don't
have a close contact with their children. Well, that's about all I can tell you on this topic.
Checkpoint 1.
1. Your brother's son is your nephew .
2. Wife and husband are also called spouses
3. In most families the father is the breadwinner (so he is the head of the family), and the mother's
responsibility is to bring up the children. If the mother doesn't work she might be called a stay-at-home
4. I don't know the first thing about cooking, I'm not much of a cook.
5. I'm not in the least interested in doing this exercise any longer.
6. He had a lot of friends who were around his age.
7. If you don't lose contact with somebody, you try to keep in touch.

Checkpoint 2.
1. My brother got married last year and he hasn't divorced / got a divorce yet.
2. My mother-in-law has always had close contact with her blood relatives / blood relations.
3. I grew up in the country, I have lived here since I was born.
4. He lives quite a routine life, he's not too rich, and has problems finding work.
5. I have been the head of the family since my godfather escaped.
6. He's always got on well with his neighbours.
7. They take care of each other, they share a house and the family atmosphere is mostly very happy.

1. Feladat.
1. adoption
2. admires
3. advised
4. affected
5. at
6. aggressive
7. similar
8. lonely

2. Feladat.
1-b; 2-d; 3-g; 4-j; 5-h; 6-c; 7-f; 8-a; 9-k; 10-e; 11-i

2. Feladat (reading comprehension)

1. False ( guidance specialists, and Jim Tuman, a speaker...)
2. False (Raymond and Veronica share a close relationship with their parents ...) but they don't have close
relationship with each other
3. False (Every family is unique, and there is no set formula used...)
4. True (The book could spark discussions on building and maintaining family relationships)
5. False - we only know that Carrie's parents are divorced.

4. Feladat.
1. Blood relative=vér szerinti rokon; bloody relative=rohadt/átkozott rokon (bõvebben olvashatsz errõl az
Ultimate Error Buster címû nyelvhelyességi szótárban!)

2. adop=örökbe fogad; adapt=alkalmaz (pl. darabot televízióra), átír (pl. színmûvet), átvesz (pl. módszert);
(bõvebben olvashatsz errõl az Ultimate Error Buster címû nyelvhelyességi szótárban!)

3. alive=élõ (ti. nem halott!); lively=élénk. Ezt a szót kerestük, a másiknak van egy 'nocsak, az a gyerek még
él' felhangja (bõvebben olvashatsz errõl az Ultimate Error Buster címû nyelvhelyességi szótárban!)

4. dye one's hair=befesteni a haját. Vigyázzunk a die NEM tárgyas ige, tehát a másik mondat nyelvtanilag sem
helyes (kb. meghalta a haját!!).

5. Amit itt érdemes megtanulni: egy 'e' a férfi, két 'e' a nõ!

6. fateful=sorsdöntõ; faithful=hûséges (furcsán hangzik a 'hûséges vasárnap este')

7. genius=zseni; genie=dzsinn, szellem (bõvebben olvashatsz errõl az Ultimate Error Buster címû
nyelvhelyességi szótárban!)

5. Feladat.
A kultúránk mitológiája a nevelésrõl azt tartja, hogy létezik 'a helyes út' gyermekeink felnevelésére. A legtöbb
ember azt hiszi, hogy a sikeres gyerekneveléshez szükséges egy háztartásbeli anya (legalábbis addig, amíg a
gyerekek picik), valamint egy kenyérkeresõ apa, egy hosszútávú házasságban 'míg a halál minket el nem
Azt tanították nekünk, hogy az a család, amelyik eltér ettõl a normától, negatív hatással van a fiatalokra.
Ugyanakkor, a családok többsége nem illik bele ebbe a modellbe. A legtöbb anyának kényszerül, vagy szeretne
a háztartáson kívül is dolgoznia; a házasságok közel fele végzõdik válással, az eddiginél sokkal több embere
választja, hogy anélkül nevel gyermeket, hogy összeházasodna.
Új tudományos eredmények látak napvilágot az elmúlt 10 évben, amelyek ellentmondanak annak az
elképzelésnek, hogy van egy helyes út. Tudjuk, hogy a gyermekek sokfajta családformában képesek élni. A
tudományos eredmények meggyõzõen bizonyítják, hogy ami számít a gyerekeknek, az elsõsorban a
kapcsolatok minosége azokkal az emberekkel, akik gondjukat viselik, nem pedig a gondviselõik száma, neme,
vagy családi állapota. Mindazonáltal, azok a teljesen normális családok, akik nem illenek bele a hagyományos
családmodellbe, rosszul érzik magukat, és gyakran úgy gondolják, hogy alacsonyabb rendû családi életet
tudnak biztosítani gyermekeiknek. Ezeknek a szülõknek az, hogy megpróbálnak a Normális Család Mítoszának
megfelelni, gyakran okoz lelkiismeretfurdalást, idegességet, és stresszt.

6. Feladat
As I see it, basically - how shall I put it - he is not a bad person. Generally speaking, I don't mind anybody lying
as it's part of our job. Nevertheless, we haven't heard of anyone doing such a thing as yet - not even the
director's girlfriend, for that matter. As it turned out yesterday, everybody is of the opinion that he should be
fired for this.

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