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1- What is heat?
- Heat is the total energy of moving molecules in an object.
(Total internal energy)
‫هى الطاقة الداخلية الكلية التى تسبب حركة الجزيئات‬-
2- What property of liquids are used in a thermometer?
- Liquids expand with increasing temperature.
‫ الخاصية التى بنى عليها ترمومترات السوائل هى تمدد السوائل مع ارتفاع درجة حرارتها‬-
3- How does a bimetal thermometer work?
- Different metals expand at different rates, causing the bimetal strip to bend
and make electrical contact.
‫ المعادن تتمدد بمعدالت مختلفة مما يؤدى الى انحناء الشريحة ويحدث تالمس مع الدائرة الكهربية‬-
4- What are the boiling and freezing points of water on a Fahrenheit scale
thermometer? On a Celsius thermometer?

Scales Fahrenheit Celsius

‫درجة تجمد الماء‬ Freezing point of water 32°F 0 °C
‫درجة غليان الماء‬ Boiling point of water 212°F 100°C

5- What does absolute Zero mean?

- The temperature when matter stops moving and it has no kinetic energy.
. ‫ الصفر المطلق هو درجة الحرارة التى تتوقف المادة عندها عن الحركة وتكون ليس لها طاقة حركة‬-
6- Why is Kelvin scale used in science?
- Absolute Zero is a logical starting point for studying motion and energy.
7- What is the difference between temperature and amount of heat energy?
- Temperature: measure of average kinetic energy
‫ هى مقياس لمتوسط طاقة الحركة‬-
- Heat: is the total internal energy
‫ هى الطاقة الداخلية الكلية‬-
8- Two pieces of iron of different masses are removed from a hot oven. Both
are red-hot and have the same temperature.
When dropped into identical containers of water of equal temperature, which
one raises the water temperature more, why?

- The large piece of iron has more molecules and therefore more internal energy
to warms the water than the small piece.
- ‫القطعة االكبر في الكتلة سترفع وتسخن الماء عن القطعة الصغيرة النها تحتوي علي عدد جزيئات اكبر‬
.‫وبالتالي تكون ذو طاقة داخلية اكبر‬
9- What are the different states of water?
-solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam).
)‫حاالت الماء صلب (ثلج) وسائل (ماء)وغاز(بخار الماء‬
10- If T=10ºc, the Kelvin temperature would be …….k.

Tk=Tºc+273.15 =10+273.15=283.15 k
11- If T=50ºf, the temperature would be ……..ºc
5 5
Tºc = (Tºf -32) = (50 -32) =10 ºc
9 9
12- What temperature on centigrade corresponds to the common room
temperature of 68 ºf?
5 5
Tºc = (Tºf -32) = (68 -32) =20 ºc
9 9
13- What is an explanation of temperature?
- It measures the average energy of the moving molecules.
- ‫هي مقياس لمتوسط طاقة حركة الجزيئات‬
14-How did Fahrenheit determine 100 degree?
- He measured his body temperature.
15- What happens at absolute zero?
- Molecules stop moving ‫الجزيئات تتوقف عن الحركة‬
16- Which is bigger a degree on the Celsius scale or a degree on the Kelvin
- They are the same ∆Tk=∆Tºc
A constant-volume gas thermometer registers a pressure of 90 mmHg
where it is at temperature of 260 ºc .
• Calculate the pressure at the triple point of water.
• Calculate the temperature when the pressure reads 4 mmHg .
P = 90 mm Hg , T = 260˚C
T P P 90 mm Hg
= → P3 = 273.16 = (273.16) = 46.11 mm Hg
273.16 p3 T 260 + 273.15
T P 273.16 P 273.16 ∗ 4
= → T= = = 23.7 K
273.16 41.77 41.77 46.11

A constant volume gas thermometer registers an absolute pressure

corresponding to 40 kpa at the triple point of water calculate temperature
when the pressure read 20 kpa ?
P3 = 40 kpa , P = 20 kpa , T = ??
T P 273.16∗𝑃 273.16
= → T= = * 20 = 136.58 k
273.16 p3 p3 40

1- What is the single temperature at which a Celsius and a Fahrenheit

thermometer will give same reading .
T˚C = [T˚F – 32]
T= [T – 32]
5 5
T= T– * 32
9 9
5 5
T(1 – ) = – * 32
9 9
T = – 40˚ ∴ T = – 40˚C = – 40˚F
2- What are the boiling and freezing points of water on a Fahrenheit Scale
thermometer? On a Celsius thermometer? and on Kelvin scale?
On Celsius Tb = 100˚C , TF = 0˚C
On Fahrenheit T˚F = T˚C + 32
Tb = * 100 +32 = 212˚F
TF = * 0 +32 = 32˚F
On Kelvin TK = T˚C + 273.15
Tb = 100 + 273.15 = 373.15 K
TF = 0 + 273.15 = 273.15 K
1- The relationships of the four temperature scales
Fill in the blanks: ‫اكمل الفراغات‬

Heat units

Heat is measured in terms of the calorie, defined as
the amount of heat
necessary to raise the temperature of 1 g of water at a pressure of 1 atm from
15°C to 16°C.”

Cal = 4.1840 joules (J)

British thermal units, or Btu

One Btu is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of
1 lb 0.45 kg) of water from 59.5°f ( 15.3°C) to 60.5°f ( 15.8°C) at constant
pressure of 1 atmosphere ”.
Btu = 1055 J = 252.0 cal

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