Soul of Beauty Co, LTD

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Preface This Project is a part of 1203302 Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation

Course in the second semester of 2010. In this project is studying the feasibility of jewelry

and gem business in Chiang Mai, which is include generally of jewelry and gem business,

management in jewelry and gem business, competition analysis and marketing feasibility, the

technical process in jewelry and gem business, the financial feasibility of jewelry and gem

business, and risk of jewelry and gem business.

This project makes everyone who interested to get knowledge and information about

jewelry and gem business before make decision to investment, including preoperational

process and operation process of jewelry and gem business, for the benefit to investment and

profit of doing this jewelry and gem business.

We expect that our project will provide benefit more and more interested person,

more over, if they are any error in this project or whatever, our ground made an apology at

this opportunity.

Group members

Miss Nattida Bua-ngam

Miss Nartnarin Suksao
Miss Nopphawan Klabdi
Miss Piyaporn Nojit
Miss Ulaikorn Singsook


Table of Content
Title Page
Preface.................................................................................................................................... A
Content................................................................................................................................... B
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Significance of the project..........................................................2
1.2 Project objectives...................................................................................................2
1.3 Benefits of project................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Operations methods...............................................................................................4
1.5 Time frame of study.............................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2 Industry Profile....................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Nature of Industry................................................................................................. 7
2.2. Situation of Industry........................................................................................... 10
2.3 Product and Service..............................................................................................20
2.3.1 Hand craft............................................................................................. 20
2.3.2 Fashion.................................................................................................. 24
2.3.3 Order......................................................................................................28
2.4 Vision................................................................................................................... 28
2.5 Mission..................................................................................................................28
2.6 Strategy................................................................................................................ 28
2.6.1 Corporate Level......................................................................................28
2.6.2 Business Strategy....................................................................................29
2.6.3 Functional Strategy................................................................................ 29
Chapter 3 Marketing Feasibility Study.................................................................................. 31
3.1 Marketing Analysis..............................................................................................32
3.1.1 General Environment of Chiang mai....................................................32
3.2. General Environment Analysis............................................................................37

3.2.1 Political Analysis..................................................................................37

3.2.2 Economic Analysis...............................................................................43


3.3 Competition Analysis........................................................................................49

3.4 Customer Analysis.............................................................................................51

3.5 Competitive Analysis..........................................................................................53

3.6 STP Analysis.......................................................................................................54

3.6.1 Market Segmentation...........................................................................54
3.6.2 Target Analysis....................................................................................55
3.6.3 Position Analysis..................................................................................55
3.7 Marketing Mix Strategy Analysis.......................................................................56

3.7.1 Product strategy...................................................................................56

3.7.2 Price strategy........................................................................................58

3.7.3 Place strategy.......................................................................................62

3.7.4 Promotions strategy.............................................................................62

3.8 Sales Forecast/Profit Estimation........................................................................63

3.9 Marketing Expenses...........................................................................................71

3.10 Conclusion in market feasibility......................................................................73

Chapter 4 Technical Feasibility Study................................................................................75

4.1 Production and Operation Analysis...................................................................76

4.1.1 Product characteristics........................................................................76
4.1.2 Service Process...................................................................................81
4.1.3 Location............................................................................................. 82
4.1.4 Facility Layout................................................................................... 84
4.1.5 Machine/Tools/Equipment..................................................................86
4.1.6 Logistics Management........................................................................97
4.1.7 Machine/Tools/Equipment..................................................................100
4.2 Cost of Investment......................................................................................…..104
4.2.1 Pre- Operating Cost............................................................................104

4.3 Investment Cost................................................................................................ 108


4.3.1 Equipments & Tools...........................................................................108

4.3.2 Depreciation.......................................................................................109
4.4 Management Analysis.......................................................................................115
4.4.1 Organization Management.................................................................115
4.4.2 Organization Chart............................................................................ 116
4.4.3 Administration Cost.......................................................................…120
4.5 Technical Feasibility Conclusion......................................................................121
Chapter 5 Financial Analysis...............................................................................................123
5.1 Income Statement............................................................................................. 126
5.2 Balance Sheet....................................................................................................131
5.3 Statement of Cash Flow................................................................................... 136
Chapter 6 Risk Management...............................................................................................142
6.1 Risk analysis.................................................................................................... 143
6.1.1 External Forces...................................................................................143
6.1.2 Internal Forces................................................................................... 148
6.2 Conclusion of Risk Management..................................................... ……….…155
Chapter 7 Summary..............................................................................................................156
7.1 Summary of project feasibility study................................................................ 157

Reference............................................................................................................................ 160

Appendix............................................................................................................................ 161

Chapter 1


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and Significant of the Project

The word jewelry is derived from the word jewel, which was Anglicized from the Old

French "jouel" circa the 13th century. Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale",

meaning plaything. The first jewelry was worn by the Cro-Magnons, ancestors of Homo

sapiens. Their jewelry included crude necklaces and bracelets made of bone, teeth and stone

stitched to animal sinew. Jewelry was made for practical uses such as pinning of clothes

together. It was used not only for decoration but was also considered as a status symbol.

Jewelry had various functions to serve. Its main purpose, in ancient times, was to ward off

evil. People have paid dowries with jewelry. It was also created to be used as currency for

trading goods, evident from the use of slave beads. It also was a distinguishing mark between

the ruler and the ruled. (

Jewelry making is an old craft that has been in existence since ancient times. Many

centuries men and women both liked to adorn themselves with jewelry items. Thailand in

recent years has extended its range and scope of traditional handicraft products. Thai

handcraft jewelry is saliently because Thailand is famous in handcraft and art. It is special

identity and differentiation and the products which made by handcraft are attract foreigners.

Thai handmade products are now being made to cater for western tastes and to a much higher

western quality. Therefore Soul of Beauty jewelry offer the Thai handcraft jewelry which is

salient, special identity and various designs to customers.

Chiang Mai is center of North, Thailand and has distinguish culture, identity and

traditional. We selected Chiang Mai, Thailand to launch the business because it is important

of tourism industry in Thailand and has much tourist in every year. Moreover, Chiang Mai is

traditions reflect the charm of the region namely diverse dialects, cuisine, handicrafts,

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
festivals and architecture. Therefore Soul of Beauty company try to be combine Lanna art

and jewelry together to design the quality of product and has identity, difficult to copy

because our purchase of genuine handicraft products can really make a difference to some

Thai artisans out in the countryside. Our company reminds in detail of product and neatly

design and customer can preorder and design their own jewelry.

So we are interested in study feasibility jewelry business in Chiang Mai, opportunity

to access the market, risk and barrier and etc.

1.2 Project objective

-To study feasibility of jewelry business

- To study market activities.

- To study trend and situation of jewelry market

- To study finance feasibility

- To study risk analysis and sales forecast of jewelry market.

- To study behaviors of customer

- To study new channel of distributions.

- To study the way to success goal of our business.

1.3 Benefit of project

- To gain more knowledge in jewelry market.

- To know customer behavior and demand of jewelry

- To know about business cycle of jewelry business

- To know about customer demand and the way to satisfy them.

- To get a structure that suitable for jewelry market in Chiang Mai.

- To gain profit from business.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
1.4 Operating Methods

● Brainstorming to find project and topic

● Collect data and information searching

● Discuss and conclude the business

● To specify business structure and create prominent point for our business

● Discuss about background of business

● Create project objective, benefits and create project time frame.

● Industry profile discussion

● Create Product/Service, Situation mission, Vision and Strategy.

● Discuss about Market Feasibility.

● Create Market Analysis, Marketing Mix, Strategy and Sales Forecast.

● Discuss about Technical Feasibility Study and Financial Analysis.

● Create Production and Operations Analysis, Pre-Operating Cost, Investment Cost,

Operating Cost and management analysis.

● Create Statement, cash flow and balance Sheet

● Create Advertising

● Review all part of project.

● Prepare final report draft

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
1.5 Time frame of study

Operation Method November December January February

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. Brainstorming to find project and topic

2. Collect data and find information.

3.Discuss and conclusion about our


4.To specify business structure and create

prominent point for our business

5.Discuss about background of business

6. Create project objective, benefits and

create project time frame.

7. Discuss industry profile.

8. Create Product/Service, Situation,

Mission, Vision and Strategy.

9. Discuss about Marker Feasibility.

10. Create Market Analysis, Marketing

Mix, Strategy and Sales Forecast.

11. Discuss about Technical Feasibility,

Study and Financial Analysis.

12. Create Production and Operations

Analysis, Pre-Operating Cost, Investment
Cost, Operating Cost and management

13. Create Ad.

14. Review all part of project.

15 Prepare draft of final report.


Table 1.1 Time frames, since November 2010 - February 2011

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 2

Industry Profile

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 2 Industry Profile

2.1 Nature of industry

The word "jewelry" is derived from the Latin word jocale, meaning "plaything," and

the word jewel, which was anglicised during the 13th century from the Old French word

"jouel." The word "jewelry" (spelled jewellery in European English) is used to describe any

piece of precious material (gemstones, noble metals, etc.) used to adorn one's self.

Jewelry making began with the ancestors of Homo sapiens. Over 40,000 years ago the

Cro-Magnons (c. 45,000 BC—10,000 BC) began to migrate from the cradle of civilization in

central Africa to the Middle East, the Indus Valley, and to the continent of Europe. As these

early humans traveled the land they collected objects of curiosity, fashioning them into

jewelry which would tell the story of their journey. The basic form has been used since the

dawn of man, in conjunction with use of both clothing, and tools. The first jewelry was made

from readily available natural materials including animal teeth, bone, various types of shells,

carved stone and wood. It is believed that jewelry started out as a functional item used to

fasten articles of clothing together, and was later adapted for use as an object for purely

aesthetic ornamentation, or for use as a spiritual and religious symbol. Jewelry, like art, is a

window into the soul of humanity, and a poignant reminder of that which separates

humankind from the animal kingdom — a desire to capture the essence of beauty, to posses

its secrets, and to unlock its mysteries. Jewelry was used as a symbol of wealth and status, as

well as to protect against harm, ward of evil, and heal ailments. Jewelry was used by early

man to adorn nearly every part of the human body, and has been made out of almost every

natural material known to mankind.

In jewelry circles today and in the recent past, there are considered only four truly

precious stones: the diamond, the ruby, the emerald and the blue sapphire. Among the earliest

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
known treasures of the pharaohs, emeralds, rubies and

sapphires were seldom used, while turquoise, jasper, lapis

lazuli, carnelian and rock crystal played a substantial role.

Since color was all important, diamonds were quite

unknown. The use of gemstones and precious metals during

this time were not limited, but spread lavishly about

wherever ornament was desired. Moreover, jewelry advanced from a simple ornamental or

amulet stance to a more practical one. It became used as a symbol of rank, wealth and social

standing. When taking on this role, they became an investment of marketable value. This

economic aspect of easily liquidating these possessions became an essential part of the

politics of Europe when Francis I instituted the crown jewels as legal entity. For his

successors these jewels were often used during the religious wars to guarantee foreign loans.

The three basic roles that jewelry has played, the ornament, the amulet and the symbol of

wealth, have remained constant to the present time.


Diamonds are perhaps the most sought after and most valued in all kinds of gemstone

jewelry. A diamond is also the hardest known substance and represent of gemstone of Venus.

Although diamonds are extremely expensive, these are

not exactly rare. This is solely due to the fact that there

are many numbers of diamonds being mined throughout

the year. Of course, large diamonds, which are of a very

high quality, are rare. In the ancient days, diamonds were

known to be as a way of protection for the wearer.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Diamonds also remain to be the focal point in most engagement rings. The wearers of

diamond can be saved from ominous things and evil spirits such as witches, ghosts, black

magic and even the effect of poison also decreases. Diamond gemstone increases the stamina

and makes the marital life happy and permanent. Diamond gemstone also improves health,

checks untimely death also. Diamond gemstone is advantageous in diseases like epilepsy,

impotency, rheumatism, shortage of semen and other sexual diseases.(http://crystal-


Ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone its color

varies from deep cochineal to pale rose red, in some cases with

a tinge of purple; the most valued is a pigeon-blood red and

also known as the Lord of the Gems. Be it the beauty or the

uniqueness of this gemstone, it has found quite a few admirers

till date. This gemstone is known to symbolize love and

friendship. Some of the finest and most exotic of all rubies are found in Burma.



This green gemstone is popular because of the intense green shade, which lends a

unique kind of a beauty to all types of gemstone jewelry. The

emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was

thought to preserve love, Lucky for love, give your lover an

emerald to stay faithful. In several cultures the emerald was the

symbol for fertilizing rain. In the Christian faith it is the symbol

of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled

mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

The strongest time for the powers of the emerald is said to be

spring. One may think the emerald to be a really hard gemstone but

if you own gemstone jewelry set with emeralds, and then does treat

it with care as it may chip easily. Emeralds have been worn since ancient days to cure health

related issues and also as a way to protect one from spells. (http://crystal-


Opals are available in a variety of options, such as the

common opals, the precious opal etc. The name opal has been

derived from the Latin word Opalus; this symbolizes a change in

color. This is because, opals always sparkle differently in various

angles and this dazzling beauty attracts many to own any

beautiful jewelry that makes use of opals. Although initially, opals were associated with

many stories that kept people away from these gemstones, they later became a symbol of

fidelity and even assurance.

Moreover, opal is said to be many things including the most powerful of healing

stones, the stone of hope, the stone of great achievement and even the "stone of the Gods". It

is said to be the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers. The opal will bring misfortune to an

unfaithful lover.


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

A sapphire means blue in Greek. The blue goes from dark blue almost black to pale

blue. The finest blue sapphires are a strong blue. The star sapphire is very valued. The deep

blue shaded gemstone is also found in other shades but the finest of all sapphires are known

to be those with a shade of blue. Sapphire also remains to be

the choice of many in England as an engagement stone. It is

also believed that the Sapphires were deeply respected by

ancient priests. The sapphire was called the "Stone of

Destiny". Sapphires contribute to mental clarity and

perception. They can promote financial rewards. Moreover, sapphire is the symbol of heaven

and joyful devotion to God. Sapphire is associated with Aquarius, Virgo, Libra and

Capricorn. It is the birthstone of September and has been the birthstone of April. Sapphire is

the symbol of Saturn (dark blue) and Venus (light blue). (http://crystal-


Aquamarine is a blue-green stone that comes from Colombia and Brazil. It has been

called "Water of the Sea", because of its color. Aquamarine

is quite popular as it is known to compliment all types of

skins and complexions. Aquamarines can be seen in a

beautiful shade of blue or even green. The name, Aquamarine

is derived from the Latin word, which means seawater.

Aquamarine is most powerful as a meditation stone,

as it brings a great peace and serenity. Some people can meditate on an Aquamarine to

receive the wisdom to see truth, but this is a very advanced meditation. It will protect against

gossip. It is also said the aquamarine will pick up spirits. It is an excellent stone to use for

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
meditating. The Romans used the aquamarine for diseases of the stomach, and believed it

could cure liver and throat troubles.



Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral

that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum. It

is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized

as a gem and ornamental stone for thousands of years

owing to its unique hue. Turquoise is one of the oldest

protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of

wealth in many ancient cultures.

Turquoise is a stone that has been prized for many years. The

ancient Egyptians used turquoise in jewelry. The name means "Turkish stone" as it came to

Europe by way of Turkey. Turquoise was mined more than 6,000 years ago in Sinai. The best

turquoise comes from Iran, but not much is exported now. Much turquoise comes from

Mexico and the United States today.

This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it. Turquoise

takes on the characteristics of the owner. Turquoise carries

great wisdom of basic truth within it. It is one of the oldest

stones known. This is a stone that a person must learn to

attune to instead of the stone attuning to the person. It is

important that the owner of a Turquoise give it the proper

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
attention. If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from

negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also

brings peace to the home. (


Topaz occurs in a range of different colors: deep golden

yellow (Imperial Topaz), blue, light to medium brown

(Champagne Topaz), pink, and white, or clear topaz. It can be

found in Brazil, USA, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, former USSR,

Australia, Tasmania, Pakistan, Mexico, Japan and Africa. Topaz

is a soothing, empathetic stone that will direct energy to the

place it is most needed. It heals and energizes. Topaz is a promoter of truth and forgiveness.

Use it to find your own path. (


Garnets are a related group of minerals. Members of this group include: almandine

(red to violet red); spessartite (yellow, rose, or orange to reddish-brown); pyrope (deep red);

grossular (white, yellow, yellow-green, and brownish-red,

orange or black); andradite (colorless, yellow-green, or brown

to black). The most prized garnet is an emerald green variety

called demantoid and is a member of the andradite group.

Currently, the world's largest supply of garnets is the continent

of Africa. In December 1996, a student in Central Australia

discovered what is thought to be the largest single garnet ever found - measuring nearly one

hundred feet across! Other sources of garnet include India, Soviet Union, Brazil and the

United States. A garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your

desk. It is believed that if a garnet is put under a pillow it will

cure depression. Garnets can be used to make a person popular

and have self-esteem when worn as jewelry. It helps protect one

on trips. Garnets bring constancy to friendships. Garnets are also

known for stimulating success in business. (


Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or

mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to

guard against darkness and to instill a sober mind. The

word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without

drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from

poison. It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia.

Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your

forehead to offer relief from a headache.

The amethyst is known as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops.

The amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the

amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius. (http://crystal-

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
2.2 Situation of industry

Nowadays, there are many jewelry businesses in Thailand. Those do for export and

sale in the country. Jewelry has many price ranges depend on material, quality and design.

Jewelry’s Thailand made from gems, color stones, pearl and zirconium so customer can

choose as needed. Customers buy jewelry for wearing or colleting. Design of jewelry is

important to attract customer’s want but depend on preference of each individual too. Design

of jewelry for male is different female. Jewelry shop must be having many design of jewelry

if other shops have more design that is attract customers to buying. In this business trusting is

important because most customers are concern about quality. They thing when they pay too

much, they want to get high value. Many companies try hardly to create their own strategies

to compete with each other such as competition in price, quality of service and the special

promotion in discount or premium to motivate the customers and after-sales service.


When business about jewelry import material from another country to made Jewelry,

the business isn’t pay for VAT because Thailand has exemption of VAT for import jewelry to

driving toward to center of strong Thai gems and jewelry.


Export value of Thailand is 304,361,845,140.00 baths and Import value is

294,710,817,092.00 baths in 2010 that is higher from 2009 so Jewelry business in Thailand is

grown continuously in future. (Source:

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Thailand Export Statistics
HS 71 : Gem & Jewelry
January-October , 2009 to 2010

2009 2010 Change

No. Product
Value (Baht) % Value (Baht) % (%)
1 Pearls 266,175,299.00 0.09 394,309,510.00 0.13 48.14
2 Diamonds 22,376,999,413.00 7.43 28,934,451,830.00 9.51 29.30
Precious Stones
3 and Semi-Precious 12,101,929,012.00 4.02 13,075,337,850.00 4.30 8.04
Synthetic or
4 1,727,025,343.00 0.57 2,108,381,177.00 0.69 22.08
Precious and Semi-
Precious Stones
Dust and Powder of
Natural or
5 Synthetic Precious 16,638,033.00 0.01 8,406,159.00 0.00 -49.48
or Semi-Precious
Total 36,488,767,100.00 12.12 44,520,886,526.00 14.63 22.01
6 Silver 1,359,277,070.00 0.45 287,908,917.00 0.09 -78.82
Base Metals clad
with Silver, not
7 343,571.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00
further worked than
8 Gold 185,144,520,369.00 61.50 169,220,676,271.00 55.60 -8.60
Base Metals or
Silver, clad with
9 Gold, not further 5,459,070.00 0.00 4,546,717.00 0.00 -16.71
worked than semi-
10 Platinum 56,995,548.00 0.02 79,718,699.00 0.03 39.87
Base Metals, silver
11 or gold , clad with 7,587,051.00 0.00 1,154,531.00 0.00 -84.78
12 Waste and Scrap 644,937,651.00 0.21 675,362,350.00 0.22 4.72
Total 187,219,120,330.00 62.18 170,269,367,485.00 55.94 -9.05

13 Articles of Jewelry 70,133,275,185.00 23.30 81,263,993,724.00 26.70 15.87

Article of
14 359,384,534.00 0.12 313,617,068.00 0.10 -12.73
Goldsmiths' or

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Wares and Parts

Other Articles of
Precious Metal or
15 586,827,109.00 0.19 187,564,542.00 0.06 -68.04
of Metal clad with
Precious Metal
Articles of Natural
or Cultured Pearls,
16 177,131,923.00 0.06 201,923,813.00 0.07 14.00
Precious or Semi-
Precious Stones
17 Imitation Jewelry 6,025,911,013.00 2.00 7,585,843,333.00 2.49 25.89
18 Coin 36,903,884.00 0.01 18,648,649.00 0.01 -49.47
Total 77,319,433,648.00 25.68 89,571,591,129.00 29.43 15.85
Grand Total 301,027,321,078.00 100.00 304,361,845,140.00 100.00 1.11

Table 2.1 Thailand Export Statistics

(Source: GIT with collaboration of Thai Customs Department)

Thailand Import Statistics

HS 71 : Gem & Jewelry January-October , 2009 to 2010

2009 2010 Change

No. Product
Value (Baht) % Value (Baht) % (%)
1 448,138,194.00 0.30 510,696,740.00 0.17 13.96
2 23,482,227,532.00 15.52 22,325,126,036.00 7.58 -4.93
Precious Stones and Semi-
3 Precious Stones 7,184,400,536.00 4.75 7,819,439,904.00 2.65 8.84
Synthetic or Reconstructed
Precious and Semi-Precious
4 1,489,279,230.00 0.98 1,820,194,073.00 0.62 22.22

Dust and Powder of Natural or

Synthetic Precious or Semi-
5 100,150,262.00 0.07 181,338,310.00 0.06 81.07
Precious Stones

Total 32,704,195,754.00 21.62 32,656,795,063.00 11.08 -0.14

6 14,365,849,094.00 9.49 19,929,112,206.00 6.76 38.73
Base Metals clad with Silver,
not further worked than semi-
7 1,214,285.00 0.00 3,867,450.00 0.00 218.50

8 86,200,233,066.00 56.97 223,185,995,299.00 75.73 158.92

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Base Metals or Silver, clad
with Gold, not further worked
9 658,393.00 0.00 10,956,004.00 0.00 1,564.05
than semi-manufactured

10 650,570,133.00 0.43 1,105,528,492.00 0.38 69.93
Base Metals, silver or gold ,
11 clad with Platinum 7,835.00 0.00 126,673.00 0.00 1,516.76
Waste and Scrap
12 3,266,896.00 0.00 654,817.00 0.00 -79.96
Total 101,221,799,702.00 66.89 244,236,240,941.00 82.87 141.29
Articles of Jewelry
13 15,168,644,057.00 10.02 15,316,077,102.00 5.20 0.97
Article of Goldsmiths' or
14 Silversmiths' Wares and Parts 76,693,743.00 0.05 68,776,484.00 0.02 -10.32
Other Articles of Precious
Metal or of Metal clad with
15 934,111,306.00 0.62 1,135,203,877.00 0.39 21.53
Precious Metal

Articles of Natural or Cultured

Pearls, Precious or Semi-
16 106,189,994.00 0.07 113,822,593.00 0.04 7.19
Precious Stones

Imitation Jewelry
17 612,825,876.00 0.41 780,415,026.00 0.26 27.35

18 484,419,942.00 0.32 403,486,006.00 0.14 -16.71
Total 17,382,884,918.00 11.49 17,817,781,088.00 6.05 2.50
Grand Total 151,308,880,374.00 100.00 294,710,817,092.00 100.00 94.77

Table 2.2 Thailand Import Statistics

Thailand have exhibition for sale jewelry every years that is Bangkok Thai gems &

jewelry fair. There are many jewelry shops. Customers can choose much jewelry such as

peals, gems, and color stones. This event held for stimulate jewelry sales in Thailand.


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
First prize for Vol.1 hot 2009 and 2010

A survey of the latest industry jewelry that silver jewelry is a product sold best during

the economic downturn and the price of gold higher, while this respect, the survey found that

sales of silver is increasing in the last 3 years. Expected in 2011, Silver jewelry would still

sell well because of silver jewelry is lower price of gold and diamonds jewelry. Products with

new format are particularly popular with teenagers. Silver jewelry containing pearl,

zirconium and beads are popular and Vendor jewelry more recently in small time. The

competition between the retail sales increases. (Source: Dec, 1,


Chiang Mai is the economic center of the Upper North. Therefore, it has several

advantages of geographic location with an area of contact with neighboring countries. Ease of

moving goods transportation growth of several types of business hotel, restaurant, Jewelry

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
and others these reflects the overall availability of commercial development in the future.

Chiang Mai has potential to earn the support of travel abroad to travel to throughout the years

in business, jewelry in Chiang Mai is the competition is quite high because it is a tourist

destination of tourists coming through and has the capacity to purchase high. Allowing

operators have increased rapidly as well.


2.3 Product and Service

There are 3 main product of our company, which are hand craft, fashion and order. In

each type of product we design in various styles such as necklace, bracelet, ring, and earring

2.3.1 Hand craft

Product deign neatly by using handmade under the concept of Lan-na or Thai design

to conserve concept of Lan-na and Thai style

• Necklace

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Bracelet

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Earring

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Ring

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
2.3.2 Fashion

Fashion design contemporary product. We design product in modern style. Most of

this product we serve to teenager or group of customer who love to be the modern style.

These products decorate by modern material.

• Necklace

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Bracelet

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Earring

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Ring

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
2.3.3 Order

This type of product is customer can design product by them self. The company

concern on satisfy of customer need the pre-order product our designer will help the customer

design what they want.

2.4 Mission

Our company focuses on customer; we offer honest service, the best in jewelry

selection and takes great inspiration from the indigenous cultures found throughout the north

of Thailand attention to detail and respect for the highest standards in all activities of the


2.5 Vision

“Brings the place where dreams come alive throughout our jewelry‘s designs,

Combined the modern style and soul of indigenous cultures style for the best classic beauty.

You can touch the value we deliver.”

2.6 Strategy

2.6.1 Corporate Strategy

Soul of beauty is a new jewelry shop in Kalare Night Bazaar Chaing Mai. Our

company wants to be a well know in jewelry business so we choose best strategy for ultimate

success. In Corporate Level Strategy, we decide to use Concentration Strategy because our

company is a new business we need to maintain existing customers, create new product to

increase sale and expand the market widely to increase a new customer. In the future, if Soul

of beauty have strong customer base, we try to use Backward Strategy that we own design

and produce by our company without Third Party Company.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
2.6.2 Business Strategy

Soul and Beauty is a new brand in the market so we need to create the differentiation

and build brand identity to make the customer remember our brand “Soul of Beauty”. We

need to improve capability in creativity and up to date design of fashion. From the survey we

found the most jewelry shop in Thailand is small size and number, because there are few

jewelry manufactures in Thailand. Almost jewelry’s price in the market is not different, so it

makes us to select Focused Differentiation for our Business Strategy because we have only

one shop in Chiang Mai province, this is specific place and we serve the best quality product

to our customers.

2.6.3 Function Level

Marketing Mix Strategy

• Product

-Building brand and logo which salient and easy to remember

-Product is a high quality and high standard

-Customer can design jewelry individually

-Product guaranteeing

• Prices

-We use cost based pricing strategy because we set the prices from the cost.

- Skimming price strategy because our product is a high quality jewelry and emphasis on


• Place

We select Kalare Night Bazaar Chiang Mai location because this place is shopping

bazaar with a unique combination of cultural- performances open and it is a center of Thai

and foreigner Tourists with high purchasing power. Most customers will buy as souvenirs.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Promotion

-Advertising in Tour Guide Magazine


-Bill board

-Customers can clean jewelry free.

--In festival we have promotions such as free gifts warping.

-Couple ring discount

• Human Resources Strategies

We emphasize to salesperson performance because they can influence customer

decision, they need to develop themselves all the time, grooming, appearance, speech, service

mind and etc. for satisfy customer, make customer impressive and increase the sale volume.

There are many reasons that we select this strategy;

1. Training and repeating all staffs to be always ready to work.

2. Motivating salesperson by high commission.

3. Salesperson can speak several languages.

• Financial Strategy

We have financial strategies to analyze revenue, company expense, and operation by

consider form all financial resource.

1. Provide the financial management to improve circulation in business every month.

2. Making shop account.

3. Financial must be clear.

4. Analyzing financial situation and planning to reduce financial risk

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 3 Market

Feasibility Study

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 3 Market Feasibility Study

3.1 General information of Chiang Mai

Figure 3.1 the symbol of Chiang Mai

• Location

Chiang Mai valley averages 310 metres (1,027 feet) above

sea level, and the province covers 20,107 square kilometres

(12,566,910 rai). The widest point of the province measures 136

kilometres (85 miles), and the longest 320 kilometres (200miles).

To the north, a 227 kilometre (141.88 miles) stretch of

mountains divides Chiang Mai's northern districts of Fang and Mae

Ai from the region around Kengtung in the Shan State of Myanmar (Burma). On the east,

Chiang Mai is bordered by Chiang Rai, Lampang and Lamphun provinces. The Mae Tuen

River, Ream Mountains and Luang Mountains separate Chiang Mai's south from the province

of Tak. Some stretches of Chiang Mai's south also border Lamphun province. To the west,

Chiang Mai is bordered by Mae Hong Son province.

• Geography

Chiang Mai province is about 700 km from Bangkok and is situated on the Mae Ping

River basin and is 300 m above sea level. Surrounded by high mountain ranges, it covers an

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
area of approximately 20,107 km². The district is covered by many mountains, chiefly

stretching in the south-north direction. The river Ping, one of the major tributaries of the

Chao Phraya River,originates in the Chiang Dao mountains. The highest mountain of

Thailand, the 2,565 meter high Doi Inthanon, is located in the province. Several national

parks are in the district: Doi Inthanon, Doi Suthep-Pui, Mae Ping, Sri Lanna, Huay Nam

Dang, Mae Phang, Chiang Dao.

The mountainous terrain is mainly jungle, parts of which are within national parks

which are still fertile and verdant with plentiful flora and fauna. There are many sites and

locations where tourists prefer to visit to study the lifestyle of the tribal people who live on

high hills.

• Population

As of December 2004, Chiang Mai has a population of 1,603,220. (790,107 males and

813,113 females) The average population density is 80 inhabitants per square kilometer and

the total number of households is 551,696.

There are 1,251 villages of highland communities scattered across many districts in

Chiang Mai, making up 70,820 households or 312,447 inhabitants. The majority of them are

from 13 ethnic backgrounds including Karen, Musoe, Hmong, Leesaw, Akha, Yao, Lua,

Chinese, Burmese, Palong, Tai Yai and Tai Lue. The majority of people living in Chiang Mai

are Buddhist (around 91.8%). 1.17% of people are Muslim, 5.6% Christian, and 0.02%

Brahmin, Hindu or Sikh. 1.41% subscribe to other religions and beliefs.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Education

Some cities seem to have been created to be seats of learning - ideal places both for

teachers and students. Chiang Mai is such a city.

Chiang Mai is home to six universities,

Buddhist and Christian seminaries, technical colleges,

six international schools and one German one, a large

university teaching hospital and several private ones,

some with nursing schools. There are also many private language schools as well as the

AUA, the British Council, Australian and New Zealand centers and the Alliance Françoise.

All this means that there are many opportunities for native English language

teachers, especially if they have a university degree and teaching qualifications. The many

Thai schools are hungry to employ English teachers.

The international schools cater for the children of expatriates living in Thailand and

are increasingly attracting Thai children and those from neighboring countries, whose parents

want them to be educated in English. Universities are offering more and more courses in

English and are anxious to establish exchange programs for overseas students and lecturers.

All this activity results in a stimulating environment - students exchanging ideas at the

food stalls around the university or picnicking beside the lake at the foot of the mountain;

English teachers relaxing after a hard day's work in the quiet bars and restaurants along the

banks of the River Ping.

In the age of cyberspace and satellite dishes, Chiang Mai, only one hour's flight from

Bangkok, is no longer an isolated outpost. It is, in fact, a regional centre of communications,

the gateway to Burma, Laos and southern China.

Chiang Mai is a safe, healthy and stimulating place for students and a low cost,

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
convenient and idyllic heaven for teachers.

Six years of primary education are compulsory and free for all Thai children, although

there are certain small expenses for uniforms, books and writing materials. Some children fall

through the net either because their parents can not afford even these expenses, because they

live far from any school or because they do not have Thai citizenship.

There is government and private charity scholarships that help poorer children

complete their secondary education. Many of the schools in Chiang Mai are excellent - four

of the best were founded by Christian missionaries, although there is no religious pressure on

the children. Universities, technical colleges and vocational schools offer a wide range of

subjects for those who wish or are able to go on to further education. Fees are not high but are

still out of the reach of many, but again there are government and private charity


Basic Infrastructures

• Transportation

By Car

Take Highway No. 1 (Phahonyothin Road) and turn to Highway No. 32 (Asia Highway)

passing Ayutthaya, Angthong, Nakhon Sawan, then by Highway No. 11, from Tak,

Lampang, Lamphun to Chiang Mai: a distance of 696 kilometres or 9 - 10 hours.

By Rail

Express and rapid trains leave for Chiang Mai from

Hualamphong Station several times daily and the trip takes

about 12 - 15 hours depending on the class. It is

recommended to reserve seats in advance, especially for

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

For further information please contact Tel. 0 2220 4334 or call 1690 or visit Chiang Mai Railway Station Tel. 0 5324 2094

By Air

Chiang Mai International Airport is the center for air

travel in the north and is the second largest airport in Thailand

after Bangkok International Airport. It is the main airport in the

Northern Region and the hub for inter provincial flights from

other regions, as well as international flights from other countries in Asia and Europe.

• Infrastructure


Electricity service in Chiang Mai province is provided in 22 districts, 2 sub-districts

and 1,892 villages, comprising 92.61% of all villages. Villages without electricity are located

in jungles, forest conservation areas and national parks. In 2004 there were 496,448

electricity consumers, a 10.98% increase on the preceding year. Total electricity consumption

in the province was 1, 630. 46 million units, a 7.11% increase on the year before. The major

consumer of electricity is offices and factories, using 878.99 million kilowatts per hour,

followed by residential users, government offices and public utilities using 621.24, 100.60

and 29.63 million kilowatts per hour respectively.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

There are 7 waterworks in the province capable of producing 49,546,800 cubic meters

of water per year. In 2004, total water production was around 32,644,289 cubic meters. There

were 76,939 consumers of mains water, an increase of 5,710 consumers over the preceding



In 2004 there were 251,501 fixed telephone lines in the province; an increase of 9,780

lines over the previous year is total of 211,405 lines. The ratio of telephone lines to

inhabitants is 1:6.

(Source:; )

3.2. General Environment Analysis

It consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing

management’s ability to build and opportunities and threats to our business.

3.2.1 Political Analysis

Political situation is directly affect to the jewelry market in Thailand because the

demand of product depend on tourist and power purchasing and two factor will decrease if

political not stability.

Political situation of Thailand in presently is the lack of stability. That factor affects to

demand of product and the purchasing power because the customers have more concerning

about spending and choosing products or services. In domestic market is people worry about

stability that make they reduce unnecessary spending such as unnecessary product, traveling

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
that make our value sale and profit decrease. In traveler market is directly affect about

political problem because if political not stability they may change their minds and travel to

other countries they see as more peaceful and safety. So revenue from this target market will

be losing.

• Thailand: Tourist Arrivals from 1998 till 2010. Quarterly Data 2007-2010

International arrivals to Thailand from 1998 to 2009 show a significant rise from

1998 onwards. There are significant dips with the SARS epidemic, and after the Tsunami of

end 2004.

From end 2008 political events in Thailand have influenced tourist arrivals. While

total number of arrivals in 2009 was only mildly down on the year before, the tourist industry

surely had expected more revenue. Probably a potential additional number of 1 to 2 million

visitors elected not to come to Thailand.

Both the Office of Tourism Development and the National Economic and Social

Development Board (NSDB) provide arrival statistics, though not always timely or easy to

find. We almost accidentally found the best updated files eventually on the Office of Tourism

Development website (follow the little banner on the left saying: Tourism Statistics, on this

otherwise Thai language website).

Since somewhere in the middle of 2008 a severe worldwide recession dampened the

desire to travel. Thailand furthermore suffered from political instability, starting with the

closure of Suvarnabhumi Airport (26 november 2008, by the Yellow Shirts protesters). A

Red Shirt mob invaded the East Asia Summit in Pattaya on 11 April 2009, leading to a

cancellation of the summit, with world leaders scurried away to safety. This was followed by

violent riots the next day (during Songkhran) and the declaration of a state of emergency by

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. The protesters withdrew and the state of emergency was

lifted on 24 April.

On top of all that, flu cases emerged in March and April of 2009 in Mexico, with the

official first announcement of the new H1N1 flu on 23 April. On 12 May, it was made public

by Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai that two Thais who returned from Mexico had

been infected with swine and subsequently recovered. Fortunately while infections became

epidemic, the resulting health risk of H1N1 infection proved to be less serious than expected

by some.

The graph below shows the evolution of international visitors to Thailand between

1998 and 2009. We made the graph but the data come from the Tourism Authority of


Despite the serious disturbances in April 2009, tourism arrivals for the whole year

were only mildly affected, with a significant upturn (+28%) in the last quarter of 2009, when

compared to the last quarter of 2010. The first quarter of 2010 was very promising, but

serious demonstrations by the Red Shirts happened in April and May 2010, with serious

repercussions for arrivals in the second quarter of 2010.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure: 3..2 Tourist Arrivals
A from
m 1998 till 2010.
2 Quarrterly Data 22007-2010

In the recennt past, bothh SARS in early

e 2003, and the Tsuunami of Deecember 200
04, had

significcant effects on
o the numbber of internnational arrrivals. Bird flu
f also emeerged at thee

beginniing of 2004 in Thailandd and probabbly with thee Tsunami, caused a deecreased num
mber of

visitors in the 20044-2005 perioods. The chhart otherwisse shows thhe number oof arrivals stteadily

increasiing to more than 14 miillion in 20008. This may

y seem a lot, but quite a few counttries in

Europe (and also China)

C receive many more visitors.

• ndustry in Thailand
Tourism In

Thailand's tourism
t inddustry makes up about 6.5
6 percent of the counntry's GDP. When

seeing the
t number of tourists, and the num
mber of tou
urist destinattions and hootels, one would

actuallyy expect a more

m substanntial pertainn of GDP. But
B Thailandd's tourism iindustry, wh

very vissible, bringss in much leess money than

t other seervice indusstries, and ccertainly lesss than

its manuufacturing industry.


Neverthheless, interrnational vissitors spent more than 547

5 billion baht (sometthing like 16

U Dollarrs) in 2008. The averagge length of stay per touurist in 20077 was 9 day
billion U.S. ys.

  f by Uxttâàç
Interestingly, the tourism sector does not only depend on foreign visitors. The number

of domestic tourists actually dwarfs the number of foreign tourists. But domestic tourists

(mostly Thais) do spend much less per day and their trips are shorter, on average two days

and a half. In 2007 there were reportedly more than 83 million in-country travel trips. This

created 380 billion baht in revenue.

Average daily expenditure was around 1770 baht per person in 2007 (as compared to 4120

baht per person for international tourism).

In 2008, 52.37 % of international tourists were East Asian, with Malaysia and Japan

providing the most visitors. Close to two million Malaysians visited Thailand. We assume

they take short trips over the Thai-Malaysian border, and we think the number of Malaysian

visitors, unduly inflates the total number of international visitors.

Europeans provided close to 4 million visitors in 2008, about 27.22 % of the total. The

number of visitors from the Americas, South Asia and Africa, is much smaller. However,

close to 700,000 Australians visited Thailand, which is actually an enormous number, when

taking the total population of Australia into account. The downturn in the second quarter of

2009 was expected by the prime minister (as reported in April 2009) to cost the country

something like 4 billion U.S. Dollar.

Arrivals from 2007 to 2010 per quarter

The number of tourist arrivals in the first quarter and second quarter of 2009 were 3.64

million and 2.96 million respectively. These figures were lower than during the first 2

quarters of 2007 or 2008. In the third quarter of 2009 we see that the number of visitors is

similar to the number of visitors in both 2007 and 2008, suggesting that the worst was over.

In the 4th quarter of 2009, we saw more arrivals than in 2007 and 2008. See the yellow line

crossing over in the graph below.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
The first quarter of 2010 saw a significant increase of tourist arrivals, especially in January

and February.

Related to the political disturbances during April and May 2010, the second quarter

arrivals of 2010 were low (but not much lower than in the second quarter of 2009, which also

was characterized by riots and demonstrations. However, tourism rebounded strongly during

the third quarter of 2010, with arrivals higher than in any of the preceding years.

The surge in arrivals in the last quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010 shows the

potential of the Thai tourism industry for sustained growth. However arrivals in both the

second quarter of 2009 and the second quarter of 2010 show the influence of political riots

and uncertainty. We figure that Thailand missed out on in between 1 and 2 million potential

extra visitors in both 2009 and 2010.

It is interesting to know that negative factors (the same happened with the various flu

scares) seem to loose influence in just 2 to 3 months each time, with visitors resuming their

interest in Thailand as a tourist destination.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Dates of
o political unrest:

2009: most negative

n evvents 11-122 April 20
010: most negative
n eveents: 19 Ma

Figure: 3.3
3 Arrivalss from 2007
7 to 2010 peer quarter

Office of nt) (http://w
o Tourism Developmen
D www.thaiweb ourism.asp)

3.2.2 Economic Analyysis

The movem
ment of jeweelry businesss is direct variation
v byy the econom
mic crisis which

the sam
me other bussinesses. So,, the jewelryy business will
w grow down if the eeconomic faall,

while jeewelry businness will grrow up if thee economicc rise becausse customerrs believe th

factor affect
a in theyy life. So, thhe power puurchase of consumer
c w be relateed by economic

situation. This probblem is not only Thai, but

b also inccluding foreigners who is tourist ass

importaant target market.

m But more
m over, Thai
T econom
my in 2011 is forecasteed to grow at
a the

  f by Uxttâàç
normal rate of 4.5 percent. This is great opportunity about increasing revenues and our

business growth.

• Economic Growth

Thai economy in 2011 is forecasted to grow at the normal rate of 4.5 percent per year

(or within the range of 4.0–5.0 percent per year). The main driver contributed to this growth

is domestic spending, both consumption and investment, which are projected to continue to

grow from 2010. Private consumption is forecasted to grow at 4.2 percent per year (or within

the range of 3.7–4.7 percent per year) as consumer confidence would pick up following an

ease in political tension. Private investment on the other hand is projected to grow at 5.9

percent per year (or within the range of 4.9–6.9 percent per year), with improving investor

confidence combined with higher capital utilization especially in export-oriented industry that

has stood high since 2010. Furthermore, the momentum from the persistent global economic

growth would also help supporting the growth of export of goods and services at the

projected rate of 5.4 percent per year (or within the range of 4.9–5.9 percent per year). This

high rate is however lower than in 2010 due to high base. Import volume of goods and

services is expected to grow at 8.3 percent per year (or within the range of 7.3–9.3 percent

per year). On the public spending side, public consumption is forecasted to grow at 6.4

percent per year (or within the range of 7.3–9.3), follows the constant budget disbursement in

2011. Public capital expenditure growth, on the other hand, is projected to slow down to 1.7

percentper year (or within the range of 0.7–2.7 percent per year) as the role of government in

supporting the economy begins to subside in the time when private sector is fully functioning

in driving the economy forward.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure: 3.4 Forecasted Economic Growth in year 2011

• Economic Stability

Economic Stability On the internal stability, headline inflation in 2011 is

projected to stand at 3.5 percent per year (or within the range of 3.0–4.0 percent per

year), given oil price is still expected to remain steadily high. Unemployment is

forecasted to stand at the normal rate of 1.2 percent of total labor force (or within the

range of 1.1–1.3 percent of total labor force). On the external front, in 2011 Thailand

is projected to record a smaller current account surplus of 11.9 billion US Dollars,

equivalent to 3.4 percent of GDP (or within the range of 2.9–3.9 percent of GDP), as

trade surplus is expected to drop to 9.4 billion US Dollars (or within the range of 8.4 –

10.4 billion US Dollars). This is due to import growth which is expected to outweigh

export growth. More specifically, import value of goods is expected to grow at 13.2

percent per year (or within the range of 11.7–14.7 percent per year), while export

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
value of goods is forecasted to grow at 12.0 percent per year (or within the range of

11.0–13.0 percent per year).

Figure: 3.5 Inflation Rate in year 2011



• Social and Environment Analysis

Social includes the belief, value, and attitude of person in the social. The social is

reflected by culture, education, religious, and other social environments of other social. The

social condition is continuously changed because of person in the social need to control and

adapt you with the environment. When the social condition is changed, the need of person is

also changed such as dressing, hobby, even requirement of goods and service.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Women and jewelry belong together for a long time ago, but not for only beauty or

attract the eyes only. But people believe it has hidden power of each type of gem stone or

jewelry .Especially in ancient time people believe gemstone cloud empower they lives and

rise they fortunes, as well as prevent them from any dangers and sickness. And represent love

for couple and has been used to denote status. All of things cloud add-value for our product

and attach customer so, it is opportunity for our business.

Figure 3.6: Nine star glittering gemstones

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure 3.7: The myth of gemstone

Figure 3.8: Birthstone

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
3.3 Competition Analysis

• Competitor

For the jewelry business, it has some competition. The competitors in the market try

to create their own identities for their brands and trust for customer. By emphasize the quality

of products and services and design of product. And tries hardly to create and design of

product. They are all having many interesting and attractive design and concern identity of

product to promote their brands. Most of our competitors have good locations and many of

them are the stores which were opened for a long time. So, they are well known for market

and customer’s want because of their have more experiences.

Five Force Model for Jewellery Industry







Figure 3.9: five force model

- Rivalry among existing competitors: Strong

• Slow market growth

• Sales highly fragmented among locally owned jewelry stores, retail jewelry store


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Jewelry product has demand always since the part to present.

• Jewelry product not only accessory but collectible.

- Bargaining Power of Suppliers High

• In jewelry industry the suppliers in domestic not much and more of supply produce

for export.

• The suppliers in other country have more barriers to check grade of gemstone.

• Few Alternatives of cutting & polishing.

• In jewelry industry skilled labor is lack because they much have more experience in

this job.

• Bargaining power of supply is enhanced because Thai’s gemstone is famous and have

more demand form domestic market and international market

- Bargaining Power of Buyers Medium

• Divided in two types 1. Domestic buyers & 2. Foreign buyers

• Consumers can choose from many jewelry retailers if they are not satisfied

• Bargaining power of buyers is more because jewelry is high price product, so they

spend a lot of time and want satisfy service for make decision.

- Threat of Substitutes: Low

• Jewelry is value-product and less some product can be substitutes.

• Status and standard of living increase so demand is increasing at high rate.

- Barriers to entry Medium

• High capital investment

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Skilled manpower is essential

• Existing jewelry retailers well know into international areas of business.

3.4 Customer Analysis

Ministry of Tourism and Sports,Thailand

Accommodation Establishments at Tourist Attraction (Hotels,Guesthouses,Resorts) in Thailand 2010

(January - March)
Accommodation Guest Arrivals at Accommodation
at Tourist Attraction in Thai Foreigners Total
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
∆(%) ∆(%) ∆(%)
Total 1,558,2 1,586,6 - 545,9 425,6 + 2,104,1 2,012,2 +
24 67 1.79 03 15 28.26 27 82 4.56
Kampaengphet - 867 2,040 - 30,985 52,584 -
30,118 50,544 40.41 57.50 41.08
Chiangrai + 56,09 44,02 + 240,53 207,31 +
184,433 163,283 12.95 8 9 27.41 1 2 16.02
Chiangmai - 368,0 271,6 + 658,12 682,90 -
290,026 411,212 29.47 94 93 35.48 0 5 3.63
Tak - 5,043 5,654 - 136,92 195,88 -
131,880 190,227 30.67 10.81 3 1 30.10

Ministry of Tourism and Sports,Thailand

Accommodation Establishments at Tourist Attraction (Hotels,Guesthouses,Resorts) in Thailand 2010
Accommodation Guest Arrivals at Accommodation
at Tourist Attraction in Thai Foreigners Total
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
∆(%) ∆(%) ∆(%)
Total 1,299,6 1,366,1 - 254,2 311,3 - 1,553,8 1,677,5 -
55 90 4.87 43 76 18.35 98 66 7.37
Kampaengphet 29,909 23,109 + 1,035 1,468 - 30,944 24,577 +
29.42 29.48 25.91
Chiangrai 134,75 142,28 - 19,89 27,21 - 154,64 169,50 -
5 9 5.29 3 8 26.91 8 7 8.77
Chiangmai 283,20 298,54 - 193,0 197,3 - 476,22 495,91 -
0 4 5.14 29 74 2.20 9 8 3.97
Tak 77,154 123,65 - 1,937 5,677 - 79,091 129,33 -
7 37.61 65.89 4 38.85

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Ministry of Tourism and Sports,Thailand
Accommodation Establishments at Tourist Attraction (Hotels,Guesthouses,Resorts) in Thailand 2010
Accommodation Guest Arrivals at Accommodation
at Tourist Attraction in Thai Foreigners Total
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
∆(%) ∆(% ∆(%
) )
Total 1,685,5 1,247,6 + 349,0 355,1 - 2,034,6 1,602,8 +
99 57 35.10 24 56 1.73 23 13 26.9
Kamphaengphet 30,220 19,037 + 710 401 + 30,930 19,438 +
58.74 77.0 59.1
6 2
Chiangrai 167,68 170,82 - 33,45 35,41 - 201,14 206,23 -
3 3 1.84 9 0 5.51 2 3 2.47
Chiangmai 620,88 223,27 + 244,7 226,4 + 865,60 449,77 +
5 9 178.0 17 99 8.04 2 8 92.4
8 5
Tak 84,441 95,310 - 2,719 4,692 - 87,160 100,00 -
11.40 42.0 2 12.8
5 4

Ministry of Tourism and Sports,Thailand

Accommodation Establishments at Tourist Attraction (Hotels,Guesthouses,Resorts) in Thailand 2010
Accommodation Guest Arrivals at Accommodation
at Tourist Thai Foreigners Total
Attraction in
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
∆(% ∆(%) ∆(%
) )
Total 1,736,062 1,685,905 + 479,9 462,9 + 2,216,0 2,148,8 +
2.98 85 67 3.68 47 72 3.13
Kampaengphet 30,620 27,818 + 1,702 1,230 + 32,322 29,048 +
10.0 38.37 11.2
7 7
Chiangrai 278,005 175,776 + 50,04 40,94 + 328,05 216,71 +
58.1 8 3 22.24 3 9 51.3
6 7
Chiangmai 440,888 475,344 - 324,8 291,0 + 765,78 766,35 -
7.25 99 10 11.65 7 4 0.07
Tak 140,814 127,306 + 6,949 3,132 + 147,76 130,43 +
10.6 121.8 3 8 13.2
1 7 8
Table 3.1 Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Thailand


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
The consumers separate to typically two types:

- Domestic customer

Someone will be shopping; they are not in need of anything, will see the item and

have to have it, were looking for an "accessory" that would match an outfit and happens

to come across the piece of jewelry and buy it. They will made decision under condition

that they satisfy and feel they receive the benefit from product and service. We are

divided into two groups. There are Local citizen and Thai tourism. Chiang Mai tourist is

299,591 and Thai tourist is 252,120.

- Foreign customer

Customer, who wants to buy gifts or souvenir and sometime them only sightseeing

buys interest about product, a purchase occurs when the buyer is looking for a gift for

someone, sees the art and design of product piece, and then purchases it. In this case the

plan is to make a purchase, it is just not known what or where that purchase will be made.

Consumers can choose from many jewelry retailers if they are not satisfied with certain of

product or service. So, price differs and service is important e.g. information of product,

certification, lower prices for high quality jewelry, customer service, guarantee etc.

because refund, return or change the product could not be easy. So the trust and

creditworthiness is more concerning. Foreign Tourist is 1,316,355.

3.5 Competitive Analysis


The jewelry industry, or even broader the art industry, is quite large and diverse.

There are countless different artisans making so many different pieces of work. There are

artists from every state that manufacture products. Some sell to large department stores, some

to galleries, some sell them only via a website, others will travel with the products and sell

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
what they are carrying. Many entrepreneurs interested to open jewelry shop that gives full

service in Chiang Mai. After that the jewelry business becomes the business which is popular.

Then the affects of jewelry business is high competition about price of products and various

kind of dosing and creativity. Therefore the entrepreneurs of each store should be tries hardly

to create their own identities for their brands and doing the best for attracting customer’s

attentions to becomes successful business in finally.

3.6 STP Analysis

3.6.1 Market Segmentation

The market segmentation of “Soul of Beauty” divide customers segment into 3 groups

The first group is primary customer segment which can generating the most revenues for Soul

of Beauty include Thai tourist, and foreign tourist which can generate secondary revenues

and The last group is Chiang Mai local citizen. Chiang Mai local citizen divided into 5

groups of segment by age which age between 25-34 years old, 35-44 years old, 45-54 years

old, 55-64 years old and more than 65 years old. Because we can satisfy customer needs and

want and offer our product in different design, price, size and etc follow the customer

segment behavior. Then, it can penetrate markets in each target market. Statistics from

Tourism in Chiang Mai during the years 2007-2010, Soul of Beauty can be divided into

market segmentation by a pie chart to understand easily.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Averagee Tourism and
a Citizen in
i Chiang Mai
M during the
t years 20007-2010


Foreign touristt
% Thai tourist
CM Local citizen

Figure 3..10 Market Segmentatiion of Soul of Beauty

3.6.2 Target Analysis

Jewelry of “Soul of Beeauty” innovvation from

m the soul off Lanna, Thhai style whiich

combinne the moderrn style it iss already a souvenir

s wh
hich our cusstomer can rreach to it. We
W try

to respoonse our target needs annd want. We

W focus on foreign tourrism becausse Chiang Mai
M is

center of
o travel in Thailand
T annd very popuular in touriist. Thailandd is famouss on gemston
ne and

jewelryy. Thailand is
i the top onne-fourth off the world so productss that have bbeen populaar

with touurists who will

w buy bacck as souvennirs and gift
ft. Foreign toourists havee more pow
wer of

purchasse so we aree target on foreign

f touriist.


Foreing To
Local citize
75% Thai tourissm

Figure 3.11 Target
T mark
ket of Soul of Beauty

  f by Uxttâàç
3.6.3 Position Analysis

"Soul of Beauty" is a creative work art of jewelry and still maintain the quality and

value unique branded Soul of Beauty jewelry has created a new jewelry design up to date

fashionable and still keep quality, identity and valuable under the brand “Soul of Beauty” Our

image of product occurred in the mind of target group of customers is personal feeling.

Target groups is customer have perception and perceive of our identity, from Soul of Beauty

in a Thai contemporary because of this identity, we can continue to provide products that

relate to it. And include the skills of our employees or expertise that can provide advice or

consultation with clients for buying jewelry orders from their own design. We are also

concerned meet the needs of customers first. So our business is recognized and customers can

remember. The last, customers can tell to another by using word of mouth. It can gain more


3.7 Marketing Mix Strategy Analysis

3.7.1 Product strategy

• Branding

Branding strategy, we set the brand in English language and symbol is SB. It

represents “Soul of Beauty Brand”. This word means the core of beauty that radiate from

diamond. The customer can remember easily and impressive when see our logo “Soul of


Figure 3.11 Logo of Soul of Beauty

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Product

Soul of beauty has several products and categorize in 3 big groups that offer to

customer selection that different life style and preferred.

1. Modern style, we selected jewelry is a high quality materials form high skill

technician. A design of products is trend to modern style which up to date fashionable. This

category always change design depend on fashion trendy.

2. Hand craft style, this product category is high identity because we integrate the

Lanna style and jewelry together in design the product. Moreover Handicraft jewelry is

designed by Lanna artist in Vua-Lai Street that is salient Lanna art.

3. Made to order, the customer can design and create jewelry by themselves.

• Packaging

Although jewelry box is not show to customers on shop window, but we are

emphasizing on packaging because we think jewelry is valuable must be suitable with elegant

packaging. We choose luxury and modern package.

We have 4 types

4. Glass box

5. Leather box

6. Velvet box

7. Wood box

• Services

We are attention to every detail of services for both during sale and after sale services.

We select high skill salesperson and they can speak several languages to service foreign

tourists. We have clean jewelry service to customers, whether they buy from anywhere. We

are pleased to advice and fain for customers in any time. Our shop have credit card service,

this service is high security to offer confidence to our customers.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
3.7.2 Price strategy

We designed the price to be competitive to other jewelry shop. We use cost based

pricing strategy. The pricing is based on the cost of product, depend on the refinement of

hand craft, to each product has different components, the weight of product and type of

jewelry. Our product we set the price starts in the hundreds bath. In currency trading we use

the Thai Bath because easy to exchange for Thai customers. Because of our products is a

fashion jewelry and emphasis on luxury, we set the Skimming price strategy to show value of

the product. We set the price to promote our products, we use Special-event pricing for high

season and festivals such as New Year festival, Valentine festival and Birth day.

Detail of the products

Model silver size main gems weight/ color decorate price

/gram karat Bath


R1341 99.99%/14.1 58 star gem 12.44 black swiss gems 10400

R1223 99.99%/9.30 52 ruby 2.39 pink square shape 4900

R1221 99.99%/9.30 52 ruby 2.39 white square shape 2900

R1453 92.50%/5.30 7-8 garnet 1.20 red white zesad 4500

R1567 99.99%/4.70 52 emerald 3.40 green swiss gems 6100

R1345 99.99%/6.60 53 ruby 4.31 red swiss gems 6500

amethyst green

R1315 99.99%/9.50 52 casedony 2.36 purple swiss gems 3900

R1464 99.99%/5.40 52 ruby 2.30 red sappier 4900

R1245 99.99%/6.70 53 quartz 3.2 green swiss gems 7500

R1334 99.99%/5.40 52 Shitrin 2.83 orange - 4900

R2315 99.99%/4.30 52 codolite 2.97 purple - 4500

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Model silver size main gems weight/ color decorate price
/gram karat Bath

R2316 99.99%/4.30 52 prenite 7.03 green - 3500

R2331 92.25%/ 53 nine-gems 1.20 nine - 6900


R2332 99.99%/4.95 53 london 10.69 blue swiss gems 4900


R2533 95.00%/7.69 53 zircon 0.9 white square shape 4500

R2534 95.00%/3.65 53 zircon 5.6 white - 4700

R1783 95.00%/5.66 53 black star 3.2 black swiss gems 4500

R1704 92.25%/4.25 53 emerald 7.6 green swiss gems 11250

R1572 92.25%/4.50 53 spechatie 2.5 orange swiss gems 5200

R1890 92.25%/4.25 52 topaz 3.6 blue CZndimond 2500

R1439 90.00%/9.8 53 CZ 4 white - 3000

R1237 90.00%/6.5 53 garnet 3.2 red swiss gems 5460

R1907 99.99%/4.90 52 amities 3.5 purple swiss gems 9400

R1569 99.99%/5.0 52 amities 3 blue swiss gems 4900

R1267 99.99%/5.60 52 quartz 5.6 green swiss gems 10800

R1097 99.99%/5.60 52 casedony 4 gray - 3800

R1094 99.99%/4.70 51 ruby 1.5 pink myanmar 3400

R1790 99.99%/5.60 53 topaz 0.87 white swiss gems 5900

R1556 99.99%/5.00 53 topaz 1.2 white swiss gems 6500

R1667 99.99%/6.60 53 ruby 1.2 pink myanmar 3100

R1668 99.99%/4.30 54 ruby 2.2 pink myanmar 3600

R1578 92.50%/4.30 53 ruby 1.2 pink myanmar 2700

R1390 92.50%/4.50 52 ruby 2 pink myanmar 3400


E2343 95.00%/11 - fancy 14 fancy 7600

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Model silver size main gems weight/ color decorate price
/gram karat Bath

E2112 95.00%/12 - sapphire 5.18 orange circle 5600

E2123 95.00%/11 - sapphire 4 orange circle 4500


B4543 95.00%/27 - fancy 19 fancy circle 11200

B4332 95.00%/34 - sapphire 21.30 orange circle 14000

B4556 95.00%/29 - shitrin 7.8 yellow circle 13000

B4565 95.00%/27 - fancy 18 yellow circle 9400

B4563 92.50%/40.1 - ruby 10.85 pink circle 19000

B4336 92.50%/40.1 - jade 23.35 green circle 14000

B4786 92.50%/40.0 - amities 10.85 purple synthesis 3600

B4778 92.50%/48.4 - jade 2.95 yellow circle 1300

B4906 92.50%/30.0 - fancy 13.5 fancy circle 12200

B4560 99.99%/32.0 - fancy 46.00 fancy circle 21600

B4314 99.99%/34.4 - rubellite 10.85 purple circle 19000

B4326 99.99%/28.7 - topaz 10.0 blue synthesis 3500

B4366 99.99%/40.2 - jade 15.40 green circle 13900

B4667 99.99%/32.0 - fancy 30.0 fancy circle 14600

B4668 99.99%/25.0 - fancy 26.0 fancy circle 13000

B4669 99.99%/21.0 - fancy 27.0 fancy circle 12400


BH656 99.99%/3.80 - fancy 9.30 fancy flower 4600

BH675 90.00%/7.50 - garnet 6.00 red white goal 11490

BH687 99.99%/4.20 - casedony 3 purple swiss gems 4200

BH690 99.99%/8.00 - amities 25.53 purple swiss gems 10200

BH642 90.00%/5.90 - silver - - Wua-Lai art 3600

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Model silver size main gems weight/ color decorate price
/gram karat Bath

BH691 99.99%/5.00 - prenite 13.42 green - 2900

BH665 99.99%/3.50 - garnet 5.0 purple - 4500

BH683 90.00%/6.00 - shitrin 15.95 yellow - 9456

BH644 99.99%/4.50 - ruby 4.7 pink - 7400

BH621 99.99%/4.50 - jade 3.5 green swiss gems 6300

BH689 99.99%/4.60 - ruby 3.5 pink gold sand 5800

BH694 99.99%/4.50 - garnet 9.1 black swiss gems 6200

BH677 99.99%/4.50 - sapphire 5.0 black swiss gems 2300

BH678 99.99%/5.20 - fancy 4.3 fancy swiss gems 5300

BH679 99.99%/4.30 - casedony 4.00 white swiss gems 4600

BH645 99.99%/4.70 - garnet 3.7 purple swiss gems 5000

BH670 99.99%/7.60 - jade 31.9 green swiss gems 11100

BH611 99.99%/6.90 - ruby 6.0 pink swiss gems 6500

BH613 99.99%/5.70 - fancy 7.30 pink swiss gems 4800

BH631 99.99%/14.1 - fancy 14.09 fancy swiss gems 11900

BH641 99.99%/4.70 - casedony 3.9 white swiss gems 4400

BH615 99.99%/5.90 - garnet 2 white - 1900

BH661 95.00%/5.40 - ruby 1.5 pink - 2900

BH622 99.99%/5.90 - fancy 7.30 fancy - 4800

BH634 99.99%/5.70 - fancy 12 fancy - 7600

BH684 99.99%/6.30 - fancy 7.00 fancy - 7600

BH673 99.99%/7.20 - casedony 4.3 white 4200

BH663 99.99%/3.50 - ruby 2.1 pink myanmar 2600

BH666 99.99%/4.70 - fancy 4.3 fancy swiss gems 5300

BH669 99.99%/9.50 - fancy 10.1 fancy swiss gems 12000

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Model silver size main gems weight/ color decorate price
/gram karat Bath

BH675 99.99%/4.20 - fancy 2.3 fancy swiss gems 2600

BH688 99.99%/17.5 - fancy 95.50 fancy flower 16000

Table 3.2 Product detail list

3.7.3 Place strategy

Soul of beauty shop established on Chaing Mai Kalare night plaza zone G - G115

block area on Chang Klan Road which is the main road for business, This is a good location

where has people around here, this is a center of Thai and foreigner tourists with high

purchasing power and popular of night market in Thailand. The plaza have plenty of parking

area is available and located near the shopping area.

Our shop has interior decoration by Lanna Contemporary Art for affinity to customers

and they can remember easily.

3.7.4 Promotions strategy

• Brochure

The employees distribute to restaurant, hotel, guest house and walking street.

• Billboard

We rent advertising area in Chiang Mai Airport because most customers are tourist

both Thai and foreigner who come to visit Chiang Mai. This advertising is favorably

influence target group.

• Sale promotions

We set the promotion for low season to influence sale revenue-10% on Low Season


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
3.8 Sales Forecast/Profit Estimation

Total Number of Tourism in Chian mai  
between 2006 to 2010

3000000 Number of Tourism in Chian 
2000000 mai /years
Y 2006 Y 2007 Y 2008 Y 2009 Y 2010

Figure 3.12 Total of Tourism in Chiang Mai statistic


According to the total number of tourism in chiang mai statistic between in 2006 to

2010 we assume the number of tourism in chiang mai in 2010 .There are 4,194,752 tourism

to forecast sales of our shop as following

Number of tourism in 2010 = 4,194,752 tourism

Number of tourism/month = 4,194,752/12 ~ 349,563 tourism

There are 15 main competitors = 349,563/15 ~ 23,304 tourism

Soul of Beauty divided the customer segment into three types which are Chiang mai

citizen,Thai tourism and foreign tourism.

The primary customer segment which can generate the most revenues for Soul of

Beauty is Thai tourism.

Total of Thai tourism = 58.76%* 4,194,752 = 2,464,836 tourism

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
-Female = 51.9%*2,464,836 = 1,279,249 peoples

-Male = 48.1%*2,464,836 = 1,185,586 peoples

-Number of Thai tourism that buy Jewelry is 10% of Thai tourism, Female is 9 % of Thai

Female tourism and Male is 1% of Thai Male tourism.

-Number of Thai Female tourism who buy jewelry = 1,279,249 *9% = 115,132 peoples

-Number of Thai male tourism who buy jewelry = 1,185,586 *1% = 11,855 peoples

So Tourism who buys jewelry is 115,132+11,855/12 = 10,582 / months

The secondary customer segment which cans generate the most revenues for Soul of

Beauty is foreign tourism.

Total of Foreign tourism = 41.42%* 4,194,752 = 1,729,915 tourism

-Female = 35.2%*1,729,915 = 562,222 peoples

-Male = 64.8%*1,729,915 = 1,167,693 peoples


-Number of Foreign tourism that buy Jewelry is 10% of foreign tourism, Female is 9 % of

foreign Female tourism and Male is 1% of foreign Male tourism.

-Number of foreign Female tourism who buy jewelry = 562,222 *9% = 50,600peoples

-Number of foreign male tourism who buy jewelry =1,167,693 *1% = 11,676 peoples

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
So Tourism who buys jewelry is 50,600+11,676/12 = 5,170 / months

There are 15 main competitor in Chiang mai = 10,582+5,170/15 = 1,050 / months

Jewelry shop in Chiang mai was sold 1,050 for each shop

Soul of Beauty can get about 30% of segment for first year

We assume that percentage of customer increase 10 % of total sale for 1-4 year and

15% in year 5

Year Total Sales

Y1 1,631,425
Y2 1,879,825 (increase 15% from sale of Y1)
Y3 2,817,250(increase 20% from sale of Y2)
Y4 3,383,500 (increase 20% from sale of Y3)
Y5 3,891,325(increase 15% from sale of Y4)

Table 3.3 Sale forecast

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Sale of year 2011

Product Necklace Bracelet Ring Earrings

Price 3,525 2,550 1,400 1,650

Table 3.4 Sales of "Soul of Beauty" in year 2011




Figure 3.13 Sales of Soul of Beauty in year 2011

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Sale of year 2012

Table 3.5 Sales of "Soul of Beauty" in year 2012

50,000  Necklace

40,000  Bracelet

30,000  Ring

20,000  Earrings


Figure 3.14 Sales of Soul of Beauty in year 201

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Sale of year 2013

Table 3.6 Sales of "Soul of Beauty" in year 2013




80,000  Necklace

60,000  Bracelet

Figure 3.15 Sales of Soul of Beauty in year 20

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Sale of year 2014

Table 3.7 Sales of "Soul of Beauty" in year 2014

100,000  Necklace

80,000  Bracelet

60,000  Ring

40,000  Earrings


Figure 3.16 Sales of Soul of Beauty in year 2014

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Sale of year 2015

Table 3.8 Sales of "Soul of Beauty" in year 2015

100,000  Necklace

80,000  Bracelet

60,000  Ring

40,000  Earrings


Figure 3.17 Sales of Soul of Beauty in year 2015

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
3.9 Marketing Expenses

Soul of Beauty is a new entrance to the market so we try to promote and communicate

with our target market for customers’ recognition and remember Soul of Beauty brand. We will

communicate with customers by

• Bill Board

The most customers are tourist both Thai and foreigner who come to visit Chiang Mai.

The high season is winter about November to February so our company make and advertising

on bill board for communicate with customers. Our company will improve Vinyl Bill Board 1

time per year and create the message up to customer’s behavior.

Cost=80,000 Baht

Organization Contact:

Boss Creative & Organizer

Address: 127/30 M.13 T.Padad, Moung, Chiang mai 50100 Tel.081-8850381

• Sale Commission

Because jewelry is rarely high price and valuable the customer assistant is very

important to give the product detail to customers and skills to communicate with customers

include appearance for customer trust. So we offer 2% of sale to customer assistant.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Brochure

Our target market is tourist both Thai and foreigner so we will give out Brochure in

Hotel, Guesthouse, Restaurants, and etc. Our company tries to communicate with customer as

much as possible and pleasure customer touch our product.

Year 2011 normally = 300 per month

High Season (Nov-Apr) = 500 per month

• Sale Promotion

We offer 15% on Low Season (May-Sep) because our company has a policy to attract

the customers in low season for increase sale volume.

Table 3.9 marketing expense year 2011

Table 3.10 marketing expense year 2012

Table 3.11 marketing expense year 2013

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Table 3.12 marketing expense year 2014

Table 3.13 marketing expense year 2015

3.10 Conclusion in market feasibility

From the Soul of Beauty sale forecasting in long-term, the sale revenue has increase in

every year because an effect of political factor, economic, political, technology and social

factor. More over tourist season and festival in Chiang Mai is also affect to sale revenue

because many tourists trend to high on high season or Chiang Mai festival and the Tourism

Department promote and attract tourist to visit Chiang Mai. So this is an opportunity to

increase the sale and make a profit of our company.

Winter season (Octobers to February), this is high season of Chiang Mai there are many

place and festival on winter such as mountain for touch cold weather, Loy Kra Tong festival,

Christmas and New year festival. So the sale revenue on this period is highest because many

tourists visit to Chiang Mai. Our company has promotion to attract customers such as Bill

Board, Brochure and etc. Although the cost of marketing in high season is too high, the

company still pays this cost because this season is high opportunity to make a profit.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Summer season (March to May), this season is moderate sale but in April has Song-

Kran festival. This festival can be attracting tourist to visit but it is a short period. We still

advertise our Bill Board and Brochure to continue our sale revenue. We believe that we can

increase sale from Song-Kran festival as much as possible.

Rainy season (June to September), the sale revenue of this season is rarely low. The

sale is decline. So we offer the 20% sale discount in rainy season for influence customer

demand and sustain the level of sale not too decrease sharply. Moreover, we plan to deal with

travel agency to increase and expand the market.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 4

Technical Analysis

Chapter 4 Technical Analysis

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.1 Production and Operation Analysis

4.1.1. Product Characteristic

Number Picture Cutting Stone pieces Price

Ruby sphere 24

1 1,450
Cubic zirconia sphere 24

Ruby sphere 18

2 1,300
Cubic zirconia sphere 18

Ruby square 5

3 850
Cubic zirconia sphere 3

4 Blue topaz sphere 1 1,600

5 Blue topaz Drop 2 1,500

6 topaz sphere 11 950

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Turquoise sphere 1

7 1,600
Cubic zirconia sphere 12

Amethyst Drop 1

8 1,100
Cubic zirconia sphere 12

9 Garnet sphere 3 1,600

10 Sapphire sphere 11 1,150

11 Ruby Square 28 1,700

Sapphire Drop 2

12 1,550
Cubic zirconia sphere 4

13 Cubic zirconia Square 14 1,800

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
14 Cubic zirconia Square 2 1,200

Turquoise Fancy 4

15 2,200
Cubic zirconia Sphere 32

16 Topaz Square 12 1,700

Blue topaz Drop 2

17 1,750
Cubic zirconia Sphere 36

18 Peridot Sphere 2 1,350

19 Amethyst Sphere 2 1,350

20 Cubic zirconia Sphere 18 1,750

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
21 Cubic zirconia Sphere 24 2,200

22 Cubic zirconia Sphere 64 2,700

Amethyst Egg shape 2

Blue topaz Egg shape 2

Citrine Egg shape 2

23 2,860
Garnet Egg shape 2

Peridot Egg shape 2

Cubic zirconium Sphere 9

Ruby Egg shape 1

24 3,160
Cubic zirconium Sphere 42

25 Turquoise 2,050

26 Cubic zirconium Sphere 4 2,200

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Peridot 1

27 2,700
Peridot Square 2

Pink marine Sphere 6

Amethyst Egg shape 3

28 4,500
Cubic zirconium Sphere 7

29 Ruby Egg shape 40 4,700

Table 4.1 Product Characteristic

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure :4.1 service process

4.1.2. Service process

Service mind is our heart. To customers satisfaction and make customer royalty. We

service to customer before sale to advice to customers. During the sale we talking friendly

with customer and pay correct information and the last after sale service we think this most

important because make customers impress. We emphasize in dressing of sale person because

make customers feel good in first sight; we have Lan-na style dressing. We train our sale

person to respect, give value and take care customer always we have clean service for customer

who are buy jewelry form our shop customer can clean your jewelry free.

• Step of process service

Before sale service

a. When the customer come to the shop. customer assistant welcome and invite to


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
During sale service

Sale assistant ask customer about “what kind of product do you want”

a. Customer asks about product detail.

- Talking friendly with customer and give correct information to customer.

- Customer assistant advise to customer about the product when customer don’t clear

about it.

- When customers agree and satisfy in product.

- Customer purchase product.

After sale service.

- When after purchased, customers have a problem about the product, they can return to

consult with customer assistant.

- We focus on service mind

- Customer will return to purchase our product.

4.1.3. Location

Soul of Beauty situated on Kalare Night Bazaar, Chang Klan Road Chiang Mai. It is a trading

center and meeting point for both Thai and foreigners as well as to show arts and culture and

main road for business in Chiang Mai, surrounded by many big projects and five star hotels.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure 4.2 Soul of Beauty location

Figure 4.3 Soul of beauty shop

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.1.4. Facility Layout

Figure 4.4 Plan of shop

●Structure of store

Figure 4.5 3D layout of the shop

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Figure 4.. 3Dlayout in front of shop

Figure 4.7 3Dlayout from side of shop

Store building has 1 floor size 4X4 meters. The front of the shop decorates with clear

glass and integrates Lanna style. The door made by wood and clear glass. The billboard of the

company made by acrylic name “Soul of Beauty”

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
●Inside of store

Figure 4.8 3Dlayout from be hind shop

There are 3 parts of space, first the space for show the product in front of the shop for

the customer passes or enters the shop and they can see the product. It made by glass cabinet.

Second customer service zone for entertain the customer. This zone has sofa, air conditioner,

television and other convenience tool. And the last zone is kitchen for staff.

4.1.5 Machine/Tools/Equipment

Computer set HP MS238L:

• 19150 ATHLON II Dual Core250U,1.6GHz

• Memory RAM 2048MB,DDR2,FSB 800MHz

• Hard Disk 750GB,7200RPM

• DVD-RW,Lightscribe,DL,6XUSB2.0

• Graphic on Board,1.3M Webcam & Mic

• 18.5" Widescreen LCD

• Operation System DOS

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• 10/100 Wireless 802.11B/G/N

• Power 450 Watts

• Price: 19,150 baht


• Convenient Built-in Fax. No PC required sending and

receiving documents.

• 1.9’ Color LCD Display. For viewing images and

easy menu navigation.

• Direct Photo Printing on Demand. Print photos on demand directly from your media


• Fast Color Printing. With speeds up to 33ppm black and 27ppm color.

• Versatile Scanning Capabilities. Easy to use scanning software and ability to scan

directly to your media cards.

• Flatbed Copying and Scanning. Flatbed copier allows you to copy bound, thick or odd

shaped documents

• Professional Printing Resolutions. With droplet sizes as small as 1.5 picoliters and high

resolutions up to 6000 x 1200dpi.

• 4-Cartridge Ink System. Only change the cartridge that needs to be replaced.

• Energy Star Qualified.

• Price: 3,590 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

• Size: 45 * 61.5 * 93.6 CM

• Price: 2,990 baht

Computer Table PROVENCE

• Size 120 * 60* 75 cm

• Price: 4,990 baht


• Auto cut paper (fax, photocopying, and answering machine)

• send a time sheet 10 bit

• Automated calls to 64 numbers

• Protection bent paper

• Splitters Tel / Fax: automatically

• Price 3,290 baht


• Seat and back covered with BI-CAST as caries-

free storage. Easy to clean.

• The comfortable design is ergonomic.

• Use a sponge, standard export quality.

• Price: 15,900 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Coffee Table

• Size: 80 * 45 * 40 cm.

• Price: 2,790 Baht

Air- Conditioner HITACHI RAS- RAS-S18CZT

• Size 20142 BTU

• Disinfection of bacteria with light & UV

• Nano Titanium filter discs eliminate bacteria and odor quickly

• Speed Cool cooling system, accelerate faster

• Silent Cool system noise reduction

• 2-way air distribution system

• Panel cooling large increases in thermal efficiency

• Label low fiber 5

• Power 2,000 watts

• Price 30,990 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Electrical fan Hatari HA-P18M1

• Fan Type Floor

• Color Dove Gray

• 18-inch blade

• Adjust the wind has 3 levels

• System Thermo Fuse

• Power 78 Watts

• Price 1,858 baht

Drinking water machine SANYO SWC-591CS

• To drink hot and cold water

• Cooling with compressor of high quality

• Automatic temperature control system

• Containing water volume

• Electrical short-circuit protection

• Beautiful shape, easily installed

• Power cooling 125 watts

• Power 450 watts of heat

• Price 4,990 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Refrigerator TOSHIBA GR-B183ZPP

• Refrigerator 1 door, size 6.5 queue

• Cooling System No Frost

• Dispatch cooler Cool Air Wrap.

• Odor removal system, a Hybrid Plasma

• Freezer capacity 31 liters

• Type of safety glass shelves

• Defrost System Automatic

• Power 220 watts

• Size 56x125x57cm.

• Price 4,994baht


• Price: 1,590 baht

Safe Prosafes Platinum PMS-601

• Safe secure extra thick steel

• Size: Outside: 581 x 631 x 835 mm.

Inside: 438 x 425.5 x 695 mm.

• Net weight: 380 kgs.

• Price: 24,900 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

• LCD TV 32 "

• Motionflow100Hz for smoother motion picture without interruption

• Resolution screen Full HD 2 million pixels (1920x1080)

• Dynamic Contrast 150,000:1

• BRAVIA Engine 3 to improve the quality of

the image is always sharp

• Intelligent Picture Plus noise reduction. For viewing

TV sharper

• Scene Select System Preferences by automated video and audio types of items to watch

• Power 112 Watts

• Price: 16,990 baht


• FK-8880


• FK-600

• Price of set 13,500 baht

CASIO 130CR-S 5500

• Journal or receipt printing selection

• Received on account/Paid-out functions

• Error correction

• Refund mode for recording of the returned goods

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Percentage and discount amount

• Battery backed up for memory protection

• Time and date display

• Lockable cash drawer

• Security system

• Easy and quick programming

• Price 5,500 baht

Portable Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher SATURN

"SATURN" is available online. Easy to use and safe to all types of fire

• Price 1500 baht

Calculator SHARP EL-330A

• Display size 8 primary

• Tax calculations

• Price 219 baht

Chandelier Emperor

• Metal + glass tube Champa burning candles or E14 Max

40 watt

• Price: 9,900 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Stapler Aroma HD-10NR

• Price: 50 baht

Stapler Max

• Price: 45 baht

Punch machine DP-500

• Price: 139 baht


• Size of blade 18 mm

• Price: 34 baht


• Size of blade 18 mm

• Price: 21 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

• Price: 27 baht


• Price: 6 baht

Bill spit

• Size: 8 cm.

• Price: 20 baht

A4 Paper

• Price: 545 baht for 3 each

Adding paper Thermal

• Price: 120 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Clip file

• Size 240 x 350 mm

• Price: 40 baht


• Channel 4 slot

• Cable length 2 m.

• Supports 2500 watts load

• The plug is made of plastic rail PC (Poly

Carbonate) and ABS heat resistant non-combustible

• Price: 365 baht

Liquid paper

• Price: 53 baht


• Price: 20 baht


• Size 121x61x74.3 cm

• Price: 1960 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.1.6 Logistics Management

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient,

effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to

point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements." Note that this

definition includes inbound, outbound, internal, and external movements, and return of

materials for environmental purposes. -- (Reference: Council of Logistics Management,, 12 Feb 98)

Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory,

warehousing, material handling, and packaging, and occasionally security. Logistics is a

channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility. Today the

complexity of production logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by

plant simulation software. -- (Wikipedia 2011)

• Our product Transportation

Our company choose Thai Post as a delivery way. By the way we set date and time with

the shop that we have been engaged in jewelry design and delivery on time. The service that

we choose from Thai Post is a special register which safety for our product. We get our order

by deal directly to the shop if the product is very high value or sensitive.

Figure 4.9 Transportation

Postal services and related business continuity. Good quality fast time in the

appropriate fee. Marketing is focused on aggressive marketing to create satisfaction with

Customers at all levels. Financial and investment Committed to the self-reliant in terms of

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
financial and investment expansion in the future. Human resource personnel to effectively

manage and promote the welfare of various appropriate. Administration and management.

Aspect that facilitates the operation in terms of business.

We have selected two types of transportation is via EMS delivery is Postal items will be

sent via an express delivery system. With our special and separate EMS system, you can be

confident that your mail will be delivered to recipients speedily and safely. Thailand Post is

pleased to repay service fees if we can’t meet our mail delivery standard. In case there is any

loss or damage caused by Thailand Post, we will provide compensation, and Domestic

Parcel delivery is a package of items, products or product samples addressed to domestic


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Transportation rate

Rate of Product in Thailand

Weight EMS Parcel post
100 g. 32 20
200 g. 37 20
300-500 g. 47 20
600-1000 g. 62 25
1100-1500 g. 77 45
1600-2000 g. 92 45
2100-2500 g. 107 50
2600-3000 g. 122 50
3100-4000 g. 142 65
4100- 4500g. 182 80
4600-5000 g. 202 80
5100-5500 g. 227 65
5600-6000 g. 252 95
6100-6500 g. 277 110
6600-7000 g. 302 110
7100-7500 g. 327 125
7600-8000 g. 352 125
8100-8500 g. 382 140
8600-9000 g. 412 140
9500-10000 g. 472 155

10000-15000 g. 487 180

16000-20000 g. 562 245
21000-25000 g. 385
26000-30000 g. 460

Table 4.2 Rate of product in Thailand

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.1.7 Machine/Tools/Equipment

Jewelry cleaner Equipment

• Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner CMT-2385

CMT-2385 the Ultrasonic cleaning is faster, more thorough, and safer than any other

cleaning method. It is powerful enough to remove heavy oils, waxes, or proteins,

penetrating deep enough to de-flux circuit boards, yet gentle enough to clean delicate

precision assemblies. It is leak-proof, easy to handle, and safe to fill. The new degas feature

is especially helpful at start-up and the mechanical timer models allow you to set a full

cleaning cycle with one quick twist. The advanced digital models will feature a

microprocessor controlled thermostat and digital readout which offers you maximum

control of the cycle time and temperature all in one setting. With a touch of the control you

can set and monitor exact cleaning cycles for up to 99 minutes. Each of the models is

available with the following features allowing you to choose the unit that best suits your


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
· Tightened lid design for effective noise reduction

· Improved products durability and safety by water resistance capability enhancement

· Cleans discs such as CDs, VCDs, DVDs, etc.

· Use only plain tap water to clean

· Remove dirt effectively; results can be seen with bare eyes!

· Articles to shine just like new

Dimensions 210x158x125mm

Tank Size 750 ml

Standard plug* A

Power Supply AC 220V 50/60Hz

5 cycles: 180s, 280s, 380s, 480s,

Timer setting

Power 50W (220V)

Individual packing Color box


· Discs Cleaning

CDs, DVDs, VCDs, etc.

· Jewelry and Watches

Necklaces, Earrings, Rings, Bracelets, Coins, Watches Straps and Bands etc.

· Eye Care

Glasses, Sunglasses, Contact Lens Accessories

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
· Daily Personal Care

Dentures, Combs, Toothbrushes, Table Wares

. Price 5,280.00 Bath

• Jewelry Cleaner

De Bois is high Quality Product for cleaning of

diamond, gold and precious gems ornaments and watches. It

dissolves dirt without damaging the jewelry. Add shine and

sparkle to the jewelry with refreshing fragrance. No

ammonia or any acidic ingredients that may cause skin

irritation. Environmentally friendly

De Bois jewelry cleaner

Weight: 100 grams

Price 200 Bath

• Jewelry boxe

A & D Package and card Ltd.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Made and designed cards, box jewelry, Standard display products, the price tag,

plastic molding, etc. made with PVC, PP, paper, leather, velvet, foam, sponge printing

with hot stamp, silkscreen, offline. Set manufacturers and made to order package. And

jewelry display Chi Jewelry and Hair Accessories.

28/166-8 Soi 34 Ekachai Road, Bang Khun Thian District, Chom Thong,

Bangkok 10150.

Tell: 02-8932546-7, 02-3338960-2

Fax: 02-8932135.



Ring velvet boxes

5.2 cm x5.8cm x4.5 cm [length x width x height]

Price 450Bath per/1dozen

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Bracelet/Necklace/ Claspvelvet boxes

.13.7 cm x12.5cm x4.5 cm [length x width x height]

. Price 650 Bath per/1dozen


.12 cm x14cm [length x width]

. Price 90 Bath per/1dozen

.10 cm x10cm [length x width]

. Price 75 Bath per/1dozen

.7 cm x 8 cm [length x width]

. Price 54 Bath per/1dozen

4.2 Cost of investment

4.2.1. Pre-Operating cost

●Prepaid for Rent

The rental cost of store is about 30,000 baht per month and has to prepaid 3 month so

the company has to pay 90,000 baht

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
●Billboard of Company

The Billboard of company made by acrylic and English character “SOUL OF

BEAUTY” the size of billboard about 1x0.3 meter and the cost of Billboard is about 5,000

baht Organization Contact: BOSS Creative & Organizer Email:


Figure 4.10. Billboard of the shop

●Billboard tax

The Billboard of Soul of Beauty is English font and pay for English Billboard at 40

Baht per 500 square centimeters. Soul of Beauty Billboard size 1X0.3 meters or 3,000 square

centimeters so the company has to pay 240 baht.

Organization contact: Chiang Mai municipality

Document for tax payment;

-Copy of rent contract

-Copy of personal identification card


-License to set Billboard

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

Company limited registration under the name Soul of Beauty Company Limited and the

business registration is 2,000,000 so the registration fee is 10,000 baht. Organization contact:

Department of Business Development Chiang Mai province.

-Document fee (Commercial registration50 Baht)

-Copy of Identity Card

-Company address

-Contract of rent

●Mark of Company

Soul of Beauty is a company limited so the company has to create

the mark or sign of company. A sign of company is SB. It means Soul of

beauty and order on online shop ( The cost is

300 baht (Free transportation fee) E-mail:

●Cost of clear glass door

The door made by clear glass. The size of door is 1.6X2.0 meter so the cost of door is

about 6,400 baht.

●Cost of clear glass (Front of store)

The size of glass in front of the store is 1.8X2 meter 2 pieces. The cost of clear glass in

the front of store is about 12,800 baht

●Cost of build in of glass cabinet

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
The glass cabinet for show the products, we hire the interior to build and design the

cabinet. The cost of build in is about 18,000 baht per each.

●Cost of setting telephone and internet (3,700 baht)

The document for setting telephone as follow: copy of identification card, certificate of

company limited and all of document need to company sign.

No Description Price

1 Billboard 5,000

2 Company sign 300

3 Company limited registration 10,050

4 Billboard tax 240

5 Doors 6,400

6 Clear glass 12,800

7 Glass cabinet 72,000

8 Telephone and internet setting 3,700

9 Prepaid for rent 60,000

10 Meter of electricity 2,140

Total 172,630

Table 4.3 Pre-Operation cost

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.3 Investment cost

4.3.1. Equipment and Tools

No Description No. Product Price/Unit Total

1 Computer 1 19,150 19,150
2 Printer 1 3,590 3,590
3 Chair 4 2,990 11,960
4 Computer table 1 4,990 4,990
5 Fax 1 3,290 3,290
6 Sofa 1 15,900 15,900
7 Coffee table 1 2,790 2,790
8 Air conditioner 1 30,990 30,990
9 Fan 1 1,858 1,858
10 Drinking water machine 1 4,990 4,990
11 Refrigerator 1 4,990 4,990
12 Phone 1 1,590 1,590
13 Safe 1 24,900 24,900
14 Television 1 16,990 16,990
15 TV table 1 4,590 4,590
16 Computer Chair 1 1,550 1,550
17 Camera CCTV 2 13,500 27,000
18 cash register 1 5,500 5,500
19 Portable dry chemical fire 1 1,500 1,500
20 Chandelier 1 9,900 9,900
Total 198,018
Table 4.4 : Total of office element

No Description No. Product Price/Unit Total

1 Ring size 1 450 450

2 Mirror 2 1,000 2,000
3 Finger size 1 150 150
4 Platform necklet 10 150 1,500
Total 4,100
Table 4.5: Total of Equipment

No Description No. Product Price/Unit Total

1 Digital Ultrasonic 1 5,280 5,280
2 Jewelry clener 2 200 400
Total 5,680
Table 4.6: Total of Machine

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.3.2 Depreciation

Table 4.7: Total Depreciation Year 2011

Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner 5,280 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 1,056
Jewelry cleaner 200 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Total 5,480 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1,092

Ring size 450 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 84
Mirror 1,000 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 204
Finger size 160 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36
Platform necklace 150 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24
Total 1,760 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 348

Total operating depreciation 7,240 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

Pre-investment cost

Billboard 5,000 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Mark of company 300 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60

Clear glass door 6,400 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1,284
Clear glass at
front of store 12,800 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 2,568

Build in of glass 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
cabinet 72,000 0 0 1,200 0 1,200 0 0 1,200 0 0 1,200 0 14,400

1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,60

Total 96,500 9 9 1,609 9 1,609 9 9 1,609 9 9 1,609 9 19,308


Computer 19,150 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 6,372

Printer 3,590 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720

Chair 2,990 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600

table 4,990 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Fax 3,290 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660

Sofa 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180
table 2,790 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 564
conditioner 30,990 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 6,192

Fan 1,858 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 372

machine 4,990 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

r 8,190 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 1,632

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Phone 1,590 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 324

Safe 24,900 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 4,980

Television 16,990 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396

TV table 4,590 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 912

Chair 1,550 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 312
CCTV 13,500 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2,700
register 5,500 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 1,104
fire 1,500 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300

Chandelier 9,900 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 1,980

Total 178,748 1 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 38,292

depreciatio 4,80
n 275,248 0 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 57,600

Table 4.8: Total Depreciation Year 2012


Cleaner Machine Amount FEB SEP Total

Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner 4,224 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
88 88 1,056
Jewelry clener 164 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 36
Total 4,388 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91
91 91 1,092

Equipment Amount FEB SEP Total

Ring size 366 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 84
Mirror 796 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
17 17 204
Finger size 124 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 36
Platform necklet 126 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 24
Total 1,412 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
29 29 348

Total operating
5,800 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 a
depreciation 120 120

Pre-investment cost

Billboard 4,004 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Mark of company 240 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60

Clear glass door 5,116 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1,284

Clear glass at front of store 10,232 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 2,568

Build in of glass cabinet 57,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,400

Total 77,192 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

Computer 12,778 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 6,372

Printer 2,870 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720

Chair 2,390 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600

Computer table 3,994 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Fax 2,630 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660

Sofa 12,720 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

Coffee table 2,226 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 564

Air conditioner 24,798 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 6,192

Fan 1,486 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 372

Drinking water
machine 3,994 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Refrigerator 6,558 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 1,632

Phone 1,266 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 324

Safe 19,920 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 4,980

Television 13,594 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396

TV table 3,678 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 912

Computer Chair 1,550 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 312

Camera CCTV 13,500 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2,700

cash register 5,500 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 1,104

Portable dry chemical fire 1,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300

Chandelier 9,900 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 1,980

Total 146,552 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 38,292

Total admin
depreciation 223,744 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 57,600

Table 4.9: Total Depreciation Year 2013



Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner 3,168 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 1,056

Jewelry clener 128 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36

Total 3,296 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1,092


Ring size 282 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 84

Mirror 592 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 204

Finger size 88 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36

Platform necklet 102 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24

Total 1,064 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 348

Total operating depreciation 4,360 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

Pre-investment cost

Billboard 3,008 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Mark of company 180 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60

Clear glass door 3,832 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1,284

Clear glass at front of store 7,664 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 2,568

Build in of glass cabinet 43,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,400

Total 57,884 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308


Computer 6,406 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 6,372

Printer 2,150 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720

Chair 1,790 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600

Computer table 2,998 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Fax 1,970 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660

Sofa 9,540 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

Coffee table 1,662 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 564

Air conditioner 18,606 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 6,192

Fan 1,114 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 372

Drinking water machine 2,998 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Refrigerator 4,926 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 1,632

Phone 942 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 324

Safe 14,940 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 4,980

Television 10,198 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396

TV table 2,766 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 912

Computer Chair 1,550 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 312

Camera CCTV 13,500 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2,700

cash register 5,500 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 1,104

Portable dry chemical fire 900 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300

Chandelier 9,900 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 1,980

Total 114,356 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 3,191 38,292

Total admin depreciation 172,240 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 57,600

Table 4.10: Total Depreciation Year 2014



Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner 2,112 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 1,056

Jewelry clener 92 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36

Total 2,204 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1,092


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Ring size 198 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 84

Mirror 388 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 204

Finger size 52 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36

Platform necklet 78 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24

Total 716 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 348

Total operating depreciation 2,920 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440


Pre-investment cost

Billboard 2,012 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Mark of company 120 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60

Clear glass door 2,548 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1,284

Clear glass at front of store 5,096 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 2,568

Build in of glass cabinet 28,800 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,400

Total 38,576 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308


Computer - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Printer 1,430 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 720

Chair 1,190 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600

Computer table 2,002 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Fax 1,310 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660

Sofa 6,360 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

Coffee table 1,098 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 564

Air conditioner 12,414 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 6,192

Fan 742 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 372

Drinking water machine 2,002 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 996

Refrigerator 3,294 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 1,632

Phone 618 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 324

Safe 9,960 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 4,980

Television 6,802 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396

TV table 1,854 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 912

Computer Chair 1,550 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 312

Camera CCTV 13,500 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2,700

cash register 5,500 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 1,104

Portable dry chemical fire 600 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300

Chandelier 9,900 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 1,980

Total 82,126 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 31,920

Total admin depreciation 120,702 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 51,228

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Table 4.11: Total Depreciation Year 2015


Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner 1,056 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 1,056

Jewelry clener 56 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 56

Total 1,112 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1,112


Ring size 114 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 114

Mirror 184 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 184

Finger size 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16

Platform necklet 54 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 54

Total 368 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 368

Total operating depreciation 1,480 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,480


Pre-investment cost

Billboard 1,016 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 1,016

Mark of company 60 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60

Clear glass door 1,264 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1,264

Clear glass at front of store 2,528 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 1,528

Build in of glass cabinet 14,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,400

Total 19,268 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 18,268


Computer - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Printer 710 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 710

Chair 590 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 590

Computer table 1,006 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 1,006

Fax 650 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 650

Sofa 3,180 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

Coffee table 534 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 534

Air conditioner 6,222 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 516 6,222

Fan 370 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 370

Drinking water machine 1,006 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 1,006

Refrigerator 1,662 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 1,662

Phone 294 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 294

Safe 4,980 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 4,980

Television 3,406 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,406

TV table 942 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 942

Computer Chair 1,550 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 1,550

Camera CCTV 13,500 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 13,500

cash register 5,500 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 5,500

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Portable dry chemical fire 300 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300

Chandelier 9,900 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 9,900

Total 56,302 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 2,660 56,302

Total admin depreciation 75,570 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 4,269 75,570

4.4 Management Analysis

4.4.1. Organization Management

Soul of beauty we are family work. We have activities among employees in each department.

In each department is high responsibility to work. Every day we have meeting before and after

work. Chairman must talk with employees for make relationship in organization. We train

employee by we think they are one in our family. In every monday employees ware company


Figure: 4.11. Shirt of staff

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.4.2. Organization chart

Figure 4.12. Organization chart

• Position and character

Soul of beauty shop have total of employee amount 7 people and the below is show

descript the Position and character

1. CEO

CEO is more important for organization. They are will be high responsible in the

organization. Administration who has good human relation, good management, more

intelligence and experiences, good vision and good in strategy.


- Male or Female

- More than 26 years old

- Bachelor degree up

- Work experience more than 2 year

- High responsibility, good skill in Microsoft office.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
- Good relationship and good skill in management.

2. General Manager

Have more skill in training the employee and can control work of employee to be

system and effective. Prepare for company working plan and selection new employees into the

appropriate position.


- Male or female

- Age 24 - 30 years

- Graduate bachelor degree in school of management.

- Have computer skill

- Can do many works in the same time.

- High responsibility in work and good relationship.

- Good communicate to work with other person.

3. Marketing manager

Managing for product and service to customers satisfaction and analysis market trend

form seasoning. Do marketing and advertising and continuous to fine new customer.


- Male or Female.

- Age 24 - 30 years.

- Bachelor degree with the major is marketing or relate major.

- Work experience more than 2 years.

- Have computer program skill.

- Good personality and relationship.

- Have negotiation skill.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4. Financial

Financial have a responsible for revenue and expense of Soul of beauty. High skill of

financial and high responsibility. Managing the budget for make a finance spending complies

with regulation.


- Male or Female.

- More than 24 years old.

- Bachelor degree up in accounting.

- Work experience more than 2 years

- Good experience in financial.

- Good skill on account program in computer.

- Can analysis the liquidity and financial of company.

- High responsibility.

- Have patience, enthusiasm and integrity.

- To be honest on work.

5. Sale manager

For increase sale sale manager do marketing and make advertising to promote the shop.

Analysis market trend from seasoning and managing for product and service to customers



- Male or Female

- Age 24 - 30

- Bachelor degree in marketing major or relate major.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
- Work experience more than 2 years.

- Computer program skill.

- High negotiation skill and relationship skill.

- Good personality.

6. Customer assistant

We focus on service mind. Sale person is important because they make customer

royalty in our products. So sale person need to good relationship with customers, this is



- Female

- Age more than 20 years.

- Secondary school degree or Vocation education level up with relate to the major

was learn.

- Work experience more than 1 year.

- Friendly personality can speak English.

- High responsibility, body active and calculate skill.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.4.3. Administration cost

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
4.5 Technical feasibility conclusion

“Soul of Beauty” is Soul of beauty has several products and categorize in 3 big groups

that offer to customer selection that different life style and preferred. Creating image of quality

products and customer can order product by their own design. Soul of Beauty jewelry has

created a new jewelry design up to date fashionable and still keep quality, identity and valuable

and have service mine for make our customer satisfy and respond our customer’s want. We

give attention to every detail of services for both during sale and after sale services. We select

high skill salesperson and they can speak several languages to service foreign tourists. We

have clean jewelry service to customers, whether they buy from anywhere. We are pleased to

advice and fain for customers in any time. Our shop have credit card service, this service is

high security to offer confidence to our customers. And create an atmosphere in the shop that

our customer can feel good and know how they impotent because we take care to customer and

we try to make convenience to customers to satisfaction and feel happily. By create beautifully

and modern decoration all equipment and utility in the shop we concern about quality and

convenience for customer. Our shop building on Kalare Night Bazaar is located on 7 raise

piece of land in night bazaar area in zone G this area for souvenir jewelry and handicrafts. We

choose this area because it is the main road for business in Chiang Mai, surrounded by many

big projects and five star hotels and trading center and meeting point for both Thai and

foreigners. Moreover, this area is convenience to our customer to shop several of shops and


In the part of management divide in to pre-operation period and operation period, first

we select standard construction material because we concern about safety. Moreover, we try to

create good atmosphere to attract the customer and build the brand image tend to be modern.

The interior aims to dark tone for enhance our product saliently. Second we set the internet for

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
communicate with supplier or customer and fast up date information. Then any facilities all

invest for create the best things for customer and support our operation run smoothly.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 5

Financial Analysis

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 5 Financial Analysis

Interest 60 month
Month Principle Payment Interest (9%) Principle payment Accu interest Total
- 2,000,000
1 1,973,483 41,517 15,000 26,517 15,000 41,517
2 1,946,768 41,517 14,801 26,716 29,801 83,033
3 1,919,852 41,517 14,601 26,916 44,402 124,550
4 1,892,734 41,517 14,399 27,118 58,801 166,067
5 1,865,413 41,517 14,196 27,321 72,996 207,584
6 1,837,887 41,517 13,991 27,526 86,987 249,100
7 1,810,154 41,517 13,784 27,733 100,771 290,617
8 1,782,213 41,517 13,576 27,941 114,347 332,134
9 1,754,063 41,517 13,367 28,150 127,714 373,650
10 1,725,702 41,517 13,155 28,361 140,869 415,167
11 1,697,128 41,517 12,943 28,574 153,812 456,684
12 1,668,340 41,517 12,728 28,788 166,540 498,201
13 1,639,336 41,517 12,513 29,004 179,053 539,717
14 1,610,114 41,517 12,295 29,222 191,348 581,234
15 1,580,673 41,517 12,076 29,441 203,424 622,751
16 1,551,012 41,517 11,855 29,662 215,279 664,267
17 1,521,127 41,517 11,633 29,884 226,912 705,784
18 1,491,019 41,517 11,408 30,108 238,320 747,301
19 1,460,685 41,517 11,183 30,334 249,503 788,817
20 1,430,124 41,517 10,955 30,562 260,458 830,334
21 1,399,333 41,517 10,726 30,791 271,184 871,851
22 1,368,311 41,517 10,495 31,022 281,679 913,368
23 1,337,057 41,517 10,262 31,254 291,941 954,884
24 1,305,568 41,517 10,028 31,489 301,969 996,401
25 1,273,843 41,517 9,792 31,725 311,761 1,037,918
26 1,241,880 41,517 9,554 31,963 321,315 1,079,434
27 1,209,677 41,517 9,314 32,203 330,629 1,120,951
28 1,177,233 41,517 9,073 32,444 339,701 1,162,468
29 1,144,546 41,517 8,829 32,687 348,530 1,203,985
30 1,111,613 41,517 8,584 32,933 357,115 1,245,501
31 1,078,434 41,517 8,337 33,180 365,452 1,287,018
32 1,045,005 41,517 8,088 33,428 373,540 1,328,535
33 1,011,326 41,517 7,838 33,679 381,377 1,370,051
34 977,394 41,517 7,585 33,932 388,962 1,411,568
35 943,208 41,517 7,330 34,186 396,293 1,453,085
36 908,765 41,517 7,074 34,443 403,367 1,494,602
37 874,064 41,517 6,816 34,701 410,183 1,536,118
38 839,103 41,517 6,555 34,961 416,738 1,577,635
39 803,880 41,517 6,293 35,223 423,031 1,619,152
40 768,392 41,517 6,029 35,488 429,061 1,660,668
41 732,638 41,517 5,763 35,754 434,823 1,702,185
42 696,616 41,517 5,495 36,022 440,318 1,743,702

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
43 660,324 41,517 5,225 36,292 445,543 1,785,219
44 623,760 41,517 4,952 36,564 450,495 1,826,735
45 586,922 41,517 4,678 36,839 455,173 1,868,252
46 549,807 41,517 4,402 37,115 459,575 1,909,769
47 512,414 41,517 4,124 37,393 463,699 1,951,285
48 474,740 41,517 3,843 37,674 467,542 1,992,802
49 436,784 41,517 3,561 37,956 471,103 2,034,319
50 398,543 41,517 3,276 38,241 474,378 2,075,836
51 360,015 41,517 2,989 38,528 477,368 2,117,352
52 321,199 41,517 2,700 38,817 480,068 2,158,869
53 282,091 41,517 2,409 39,108 482,477 2,200,386
54 242,690 41,517 2,116 39,401 484,592 2,241,902
55 202,993 41,517 1,820 39,697 486,413 2,283,419
56 162,999 41,517 1,522 39,994 487,935 2,324,936
57 122,705 41,517 1,222 40,294 489,157 2,366,452
58 82,109 41,517 920 40,596 490,078 2,407,969
59 41,208 41,517 616 40,901 490,694 2,449,486
60 0 41,517 309 41,208 491,003 2,491,003

Table 5.1 Interest 60 statement

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Income Statement (2011)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Sale 200,250 200,250 100,750 100,750 75,475 67,225 75,475 100,750 100,750 183,750 213,000 213,000 1,631,425

Cost of goods sold 60,075 60,075 30,225 30,225 22,643 20,168 22,643 30,225 30,225 55,125 63,900 63,900 489,428

Gross income 140,175 140,175 70,525 70,525 52,833 47,058 52,833 70,525 70,525 128,625 149,100 149,100 1,141,998

Operating expense

Selling 4,505 4,505 2,515 2,515 13,331 11,928 13,331 17,428 17,428 3,975 4,760 4,760 100,980

General & Administrative 50,994 46,440 46,440 46,440 46,440 46,440 46,840 46,440 46,440 46,440 46,440 46,440 562,234

Pre-investment expense 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308

Depreciation 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

Total operating expenses 61,883 57,329 55,339 55,339 66,155 64,752 66,555 70,252 70,252 56,799 57,584 57,584 739,822

- - - - - - - -
Income before interest and tax 18,217 22,771 15,039 15,039 35,965 37,862 36,365 29,952 29,952 16,701 27,616 27,616 87,252

Interest expense (2,000,000)(9%) 15,000 14,801 14,601 14,399 14,196 13,991 13,784 13,576 13,367 13,155 12,943 12,728 166,540
- - - - - - -
Net income(loss) for the year 3,217 7,771 39 39 20,965 22,862 21,365 14,952 14,952 1,701 12,616 12,616 92,748

Table 5.2 Income statement in Y2011

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Income Statement(2012)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Sale 208,500 208,500 107,800 107,800 107,800 107,800 118,375 118,375 118,375 208,500 221,250 246,750 1,879,825

Cost of goods sold 62,550 62,550 32,340 32,340 32,340 32,340 35,513 35,513 35,513 62,550 66,375 74,025 563,948

Gross income 145,950 145,950 75,460 75,460 75,460 75,460 82,863 82,863 82,863 145,950 154,875 172,725 1,315,878

Operating expense

Selling 4,170 4,170 2,156 2,156 2,156 2,156 2,368 2,368 2,368 4,170 4,425 4,935 37,597

General & Administrative 49,894 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,740 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 549,034

Pre-investment expense 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308

Depreciation 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

Total operating expenses 55,793 51,239 49,225 49,225 49,225 49,225 49,837 49,437 49,437 51,239 51,494 52,004 607,379

Income before interest and tax 90,157 94,711 26,235 26,235 26,235 26,235 33,026 33,426 33,426 94,711 103,381 120,721 708,499

Tax (20%) 18,031 18,942 5,247 5,247 5,247 5,247 6,605 6,685 6,685 18,942 20,676 24,144 141,700

Interest expense (2,000,000)(9%) 12512.55 12295.02 12075.86 11855.05 11632.59 11408.46 11182.64 10955.14 10725.93 10495 10262.33 10027.93 135,428

Net income(loss) for the year 59,613 63,474 8,912 9,133 9,355 9,580 15,238 15,786 16,015 65,274 72,442 86,549 431,371

Table 5.3 Income statement Y2012

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Income Statement (2013)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Sale 321,875 321,875 171,000 171,000 166,500 166,500 166,500 199,000 199,000 290,250 321,875 321,875 2,817,250

Cost of goods sold 96,563 96,563 51,300 51,300 49,950 49,950 49,950 59,700 59,700 87,075 96,563 96,563 845,175

Gross income 225,313 225,313 119,700 119,700 116,550 116,550 116,550 139,300 139,300 203,175 225,313 225,313 1,972,075

Operating expense

Selling 6,438 6,438 3,420 3,420 3,330 3,330 3,330 3,980 3,980 5,805 6,438 6,438 56,345

General & Administrative 49,894 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,740 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 549,034

Pre-investment expense 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308

Depreciation 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

Total operating expenses 58,061 53,507 50,489 50,489 50,399 50,399 50,799 51,049 51,049 52,874 53,507 53,507 626,127

Income before interest and tax 167,252 171,806 69,211 69,211 66,151 66,151 65,751 88,251 88,251 150,301 171,806 171,806 1,345,948

Tax (20%) 33,450 34,361 13,842 13,842 13,230 13,230 13,150 17,650 17,650 30,060 34,361 34,361 269,190

Interest expense (2,000,000)(9%) 9,792 9,554 9,314 9,073 8,829 8,584 8,337 8,088 7,838 7,585 7,330 7,074 101,398

Net income(loss) for the year 124,010 127,891 46,055 46,296 44,092 44,337 44,264 62,513 62,763 112,656 130,114 130,371 975,360

Table 5.4 Income statement Y2013

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Income Statement(2014)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Sale 404,875 354,750 242,500 242,500 199,000 144,000 199,000 242,500 242,500 339,500 367,500 404,875 3,383,500

Cost of goods sold 121,463 106,425 72,750 72,750 59,700 43,200 59,700 72,750 72,750 101,850 110,250 121,463 1,015,050

Gross income 283,413 248,325 169,750 169,750 139,300 100,800 139,300 169,750 169,750 237,650 257,250 283,413 2,368,450

Operating expense

Selling 8,098 7,095 4,850 4,850 3,980 2,880 3,980 4,850 4,850 6,790 7,350 8,098 67,670

General & Administrative 49,894 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,740 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 549,034

Pre-investment expense 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 19,308

Depreciation 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,440

Total operating expenses 59,721 54,164 51,919 51,919 51,049 49,949 51,449 51,919 51,919 53,859 54,419 55,167 637,452

Income before interest and tax 223,692 194,161 117,831 117,831 88,251 50,851 87,851 117,831 117,831 183,791 202,831 228,246 1,730,998

Tax (20%) 44,738 38,832 23,566 23,566 17,650 10,170 17,570 23,566 23,566 36,758 40,566 45,649 346,200

Interest expense (2,000,000)(9%) 7,074 6,816 6,555 6,293 6,029 5,763 5,495 5,225 4,952 4,678 4,402 4,124 3,843

Net income(loss) for the year 171,879 148,513 87,709 87,972 64,572 34,918 64,786 89,040 89,312 142,355 157,863 178,473 1,380,955

Table 5.5 Income statement Y2014

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Income Statement (2015)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Sale 436,625 428,375 307,625 242,500 242,500 204,750 242,500 242,500 307,625 391,000 412,000 433,325 3,891,325

Cost of goods sold 130,988 128,513 92,288 72,750 72,750 61,425 72,750 72,750 92,288 117,300 123,600 129,998 1,167,398

Gross income 305,638 299,863 215,338 169,750 169,750 143,325 169,750 169,750 215,338 273,700 288,400 303,328 2,723,928

Operating expense

Selling 8,733 8,568 6,153 4,850 4,850 4,095 4,850 4,850 6,153 7,820 8,240 8,667 77,827

General & Administrative 49,890 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,740 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 45,340 549,030

Pre-investment expense 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 1,609 18,268

Depreciation 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,480

Total operating expenses 60,352 55,637 53,222 51,919 51,919 51,164 52,319 51,919 53,222 54,889 55,309 55,736 646,605

Income before interest and tax 245,286 244,226 162,116 117,831 117,831 92,161 117,431 117,831 162,116 218,811 233,091 247,592 2,077,323

Tax (20%) 49,057 48,845 32,423 23,566 23,566 18,432 23,486 23,566 32,423 43,762 46,618 49,518 415,465

Interest expense (2,000,000)(9%) 3,561 3,276 2,989 2,700 2,409 2,116 1,820 1,522 1,222 920 616 309 23,461

Net income(loss) for the year 192,668 192,105 126,704 91,565 91,856 71,613 92,125 92,742 128,470 174,129 185,857 197,765 1,638,398

Table 5.6 Income statement in Y2015

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Balance Sheet (2011)

Current asset

Cash 200,250 200,250 100,750 100,750 75,475 67,225 75,475 100,750 100,750 183,750 213,000 213,000 1,631,425

Total current asset 200,250 200,250 100,750 100,750 75,475 67,225 75,475 100,750 100,750 183,750 213,000 213,000 1,631,425
Fixed Asset

Machine 5,680 - - - - - - - - - - - 5,680

Equipment 4,100 - - - - - - - - - - - 4,100

Office equipment 196,728 - - - - - - - - - - - 196,728

Total fixed asset 206,508 - - - - - - - - - - - 206,508

Total asset 406,758 200,250 100,750 100,750 75,475 67,225 75,475 100,750 100,750 183,750 213,000 213,000 1,837,933
Liability and Equity

Long term note payable 2,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000

Total liability 2,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000


Owner equity 2,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000

- -
Total equity 162,067 - - - - - - - - - - - 162,067

Total liability and equity 1,837,933 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,837,933

Table 5.6 Balance sheet Y2011

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Balance Sheet (2012)

Current asset

Cash 208,500 208,500 107,800 107,800 107,800 107,800 118,375 118,375 118,375 208,500 221,250 246,750 1,879,825

Total current asset 208,500 208,500 107,800 107,800 107,800 107,800 118,375 118,375 118,375 208,500 221,250 246,750 1,879,825
Fixed Asset

Machine - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Office equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total fixed asset - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total asset 208,500 208,500 107,800 107,800 107,800 107,800 118,375 118,375 118,375 208,500 221,250 246,750 1,879,825
Liability and Equity

Long term note payable 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Total liability 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Equity -

Owner equity 240,489 - - - - - - - - - - - 240,489

Total equity 240,489 - - - - - - - - - - - 240,489

Total liability and equity 1,879,825 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,879,825

Table 5.7 Balance sheet Y2012

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Balance Sheet (2013)

Current asset

Cash 321,875 321,875 171,000 171,000 166,500 166,500 166,500 199,000 199,000 290,250 321,875 321,875 2,817,250

Total current asset 321,875 321,875 171,000 171,000 166,500 166,500 166,500 199,000 199,000 290,250 321,875 321,875 2,817,250
Fixed Asset

Machine - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Office equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total fixed asset - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total asset 321,875 321,875 171,000 171,000 166,500 166,500 166,500 199,000 199,000 290,250 321,875 321,875 2,817,250
Liability and Equity

Long term note payable 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Total liability 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Equity -

Owner equity 1,177,914 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,177,914

Total equity 1,177,914 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,177,914

Total liability and equity 2,817,250 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,817,250

Table 5.8 Balance sheet Y2013

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Balance Sheet (2014)

Current asset

Cash 404,875 354,750 242,500 242,500 199,000 144,000 199,000 242,500 242,500 339,500 367,500 404,875 3,383,500

Total current asset 404,875 354,750 242,500 242,500 199,000 144,000 199,000 242,500 242,500 339,500 367,500 404,875 3,383,500
Fixed Asset

Machine - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Office equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total fixed asset - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total asset 404,875 354,750 242,500 242,500 199,000 144,000 199,000 242,500 242,500 339,500 367,500 404,875 3,383,500
Liability and Equity

Long term note payable 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Total liability 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Equity -

Owner equity 1,744,164 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,744,164

Total equity 1,744,164 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,744,164

Total liability and equity 3,383,500 - - - - - - - - - - - 3,383,500

Table 5.9 Balance sheet Y2014

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Balance Sheet (2015)

Current asset

Cash 436,625 428,375 307,625 242,500 242,500 204,750 242,500 242,500 307,625 391,000 412,000 433,325 3,891,325

Total current asset 436,625 428,375 307,625 242,500 242,500 204,750 242,500 242,500 307,625 391,000 412,000 433,325 3,891,325
Fixed Asset

Machine - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Office equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total fixed asset - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total asset 436,625 428,375 307,625 242,500 242,500 204,750 242,500 242,500 307,625 391,000 412,000 433,325 3,891,325
Liability and Equity

Long term note payable 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Total liability 1,639,336 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,639,336

Equity -

Owner equity 2,251,989 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,251,989

Total equity 2,251,989 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,251,989

Total liability and equity 3,891,325 - - - - - - - - - - - 3,891,325

Table 5.10 Balance sheet Y2015

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Cash flow statement (2011)

Capital Investment (own) -
Working capital - 100,000
Loan repayment - 26,517 - 26,716 - 26,916 - 27,118 - 27,321 - 27,526 - 27,733 - 27,941 - 28,150 - 28,361 28,574 - 28,788

revenue 200,250 200,250 100,750 100,750 75,475 67,225 75,475 100,750 100,750 183,750 213,000 213,000
selling cost - 4,505 - 4,505 - 2,515 - 2,515 - 13,331 - 11,928 - 13,331 - 17,428 - 17,428 - 3,975 - 4,760 - 4,760

Sale promotion cost - - - - - 11,321 - 10,084 - 11,321 - 15,113 - 15,113 - - -

cost of good sold - 60,075 - 60,075 - 30,225 - 30,225 - 22,643 - 20,168 - 22,643 - 30,225 - 30,225 - 55,125 63,900 - 63,900
Total variable cost - 64,580 - 64,580 - 32,740 - 32,740 - 47,295 - 42,180 - 47,295 - 62,765 - 62,765 - 59,100 68,660 - 68,660
Equipment & Machine
cost - 206,508 - - - - - - - - - - -
Marketing expense - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 300 - 300 - 300 - 500 - 500
Administration cost - 50,994 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,840 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440
Total fixed cost - 258,002 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 47,340 - 46,740 - 46,740 - 46,740 - 46,940 - 46,940
Interest - 15,000 - 14,801 - 14,601 - 14,399 - 14,196 - 13,991 - 13,784 - 13,576 - 13,367 - 13,155 12,943 - 12,728

Tax (20%) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash flow - 263,849 47,213 - 20,447 - 20,447 - 60,276 - 63,411 - 60,676 50,272 - 50,272 36,393 55,883 55,883
Discounted cash flow -฿20,171.93 ฿3,609.58 -฿1,563.20 -฿1,563.20 -฿4,608.27 -฿4,847.95 -฿4,638.85 -฿3,843.40 -฿3,843.40 ฿2,782.36 ฿4,272.42 ฿4,272.42
Cumulative discounted
cash flow -฿20,171.93 -฿16,562.35 -฿18,125.56 -฿19,688.76 -฿24,297.03 -฿29,144.99 -฿33,783.84 -฿37,627.24 -฿41,470.65 -฿38,688.28 -฿34,415.86 -฿30,143.44

Table 5.11 Cash flow Y2011

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Cash flow statement (2012)

Capital Investment
(own) -
Working capital -
Loan repayment - 55,521 - 55,937 - 56,357 - 56,779 - 57,205 - 57,634 - 58,067 - 58,502 - 58,941 - 59,383 - 59,828 - 60,277
revenue 208,500 208,500 107,800 107,800 107,800 107,800 118,375 118,375 118,375 208,500 221,250 246,750
selling cost - 4,170 - 4,170 - 2,156 - 2,156 - 2,156 - 2,156 - 2,368 - 2,368 - 2,368 - 4,170 - 4,425 - 4,935
Sale promotion cost - 16,170 - 16,170 - 17,756 - 17,756 - 17,756
cost of good sold - 62,550 - 62,550 - 32,340 - 32,340 - 32,340 - 32,340 - 35,513 - 35,513 - 35,513 - 62,550 - 66,375 - 74,025
- - -
Total variable cost - 66,720 - 66,720 - 34,496 - 34,496 - 50,666 - 50,666 - 55,636 55,636 - 55,636 - 66,720 70,800 78,960
Equipment & Machine
cost - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marketing expense - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 300 - 300 - 300 - 500 - 500
Administration cost - 50,994 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,840 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440
Total fixed cost - 51,494 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 47,340 - 46,740 - 46,740 - 46,740 - 46,940 - 46,940
Interest 12,513 - 12,295 - 12,076 - 11,855 - 11,633 - 11,408 - 11,183 - 10,955 - 10,726 - 10,495 - 10,262 - 10,028
Tax (20%) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash flow 73,747 73,548 4,871 4,669 - 11,704 - 11,909 - 6,511 - 6,719 - 6,928 71,902 80,359 97,485
Discounted cash flow 5,638 5,623 372 357 - 895 - 910 - 498 - 514 - 530 5,497 6,144 7,453
Cumulative discounted
cash flow -฿24,505.32 -฿18,882.41 -฿18,509.98 -฿18,152.99 -฿19,047.78 -฿19,958.24 -฿20,455.99 -฿20,969.64 -฿21,499.31 -฿16,002.21 -฿9,858.53 -฿2,405.54

Table 5.12 Cash flow Y2012

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Cash flow statement (2013)

Capital Investment (own) -
Working capital -
Loan repayment - 31,725 - 31,963 - 32,203 - 32,444 - 32,687 - 32,933 - 33,180 - 33,428 - 33,679 - 33,932 - 34,186 - 34,443

revenue 321,875 321,875 171,000 171,000 166,500 166,500 166,500 199,000 199,000 290,250 321,875 321,875
selling cost - 6,438 - 6,438 - 3,420 - 3,420 - 3,330 - 3,330 - 3,330 - 3,980 - 3,980 - 5,805 - 6,438 - 6,438
Sale promotion cost - 24,975 - 24,975 - 24,975 - 29,850 - 29,850
cost of good sold - 96,563 - 96,563 - 51,300 - 51,300 - 49,950 - 49,950 - 49,950 - 59,700 - 59,700 - 87,075 - 96,563 - 96,563
Total variable cost - 103,000 - 103,000 - 54,720 - 54,720 - 78,255 - 78,255 - 78,255 - 93,530 - 93,530 - 92,880 - 103,000 - 103,000

Equipment & Machine cost - -

Billbroad - - - 80,000
Marketing expense - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 300 - 300 - 300 - 500 - 500
Administration cost - 50,994 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,840 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440
Total fixed cost - 51,494 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 47,340 - 46,740 - 126,740 - 46,740 - 46,940 - 46,940
Interest - 9,792 - 9,554 - 9,314 - 9,073 - 8,829 - 8,584 - 8,337 - 8,088 - 7,838 - 7,585 - 7,330 - 7,074

Tax (20%) - - - - - - - - 141,700 - - -

Cash flow 125,864 130,418 27,823 27,823 - 212 - 212 - 612 17,213 - 204,486 109,113 130,418 130,418

Discounted cash flow 9,623 9,971 2,127 2,127 - 16 - 16 - 47 1,316 - 15,634 8,342 9,971 9,971
Cumulative discounted
cash flow 7,217 17,188 19,315 21,442 21,426 21,410 21,363 22,679 7,046 15,388 25,358 35,329

Table 5.13 Cash flow Y 2013

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Cash flow statement (2014)

Capital Investment (own) -
Working capital -
Loan repayment - 34,701 - 34,961 - 35,223 - 35,488 - 35,754 - 36,022 - 36,292 - 36,564 - 36,839 - 37,115 - 37,393 - 37,674

revenue 404,875 354,750 242,500 242,500 199,000 144,000 199,000 242,500 242,500 339,500 367,500 404,875
selling cost - 8,098 - 7,095 - 4,850 - 4,850 - 3,980 - 2,880 - 3,980 - 4,850 - 4,850 - 6,790 - 7,350 - 8,098
Sale promotion cost - - - 29,850 - 21,600 - 29,850 - 36,375 - 36,375
cost of good sold - 121,463 - 106,425 - 72,750 - 72,750 - 59,700 - 43,200 - 59,700 - 72,750 - 72,750 - 101,850 - 110,250 - 121,463
Total variable cost - 129,560 - 113,520 - 77,600 - 77,600 - 93,530 - 67,680 - 93,530 - 113,975 - 113,975 - 108,640 - 117,600 - 129,560
Equipment & Machine cost - -
Billbroad - 80,000
Marketing expense - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 300 - 300 - 300 - 500 - 500
Administration cost - 50,994 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,840 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440
Total fixed cost - 51,494 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 47,340 - 46,740 - 126,740 46,740 - 46,940 - 46,940
Interest - 6,816 - 6,555 - 6,293 - 6,029 - 5,763 - 5,495 - 5,225 - 4,952 - 4,678 - 4,402 - 4,124 - 3,843
Tax (20%) - 269,190

Cash flow 182,304 152,773 76,443 76,443 17,013 - 12,137 16,613 40,268 - 39,732 142,603 161,443 186,858
Discounted cash flow 13,938 11,680 5,844 5,844 1,301 - 928 1,270 3,079 3,038 10,902 12,343 14,286

Cumulative discounted cash flow 49,267 60,947 66,791 72,635 73,936 73,008 74,278 77,357 74,319 85,222 97,564 111,850

Table 5.14 Cash flow Y 2014

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Cash flow statement (2015)


Capital Investment (own) -

Working capital -
Loan repayment - 37,956 - 38,241 - 38,528 - 38,817 - 39,108 - 39,401 - 39,697 - 39,994 - 40,294 - 40,596 - 40,901 - 41,208

revenue 436,625 428,375 307,625 242,500 242,500 204,750 242,500 242,500 307,625 391,000 412,000 433,325
selling cost - 8,733 - 8,568 - 6,153 - 4,850 - 4,850 - 4,095 - 4,850 - 4,850 - 6,153 - 7,820 - 8,240 - 8,667
Sale promotion cost - 36,375 - 30,713 - 36,375 - 36,375 - 46,144
cost of good sold - 130,988 - 128,513 - 92,288 - 72,750 - 72,750 - 61,425 - 72,750 - 72,750 - 92,288 - 117,300 - 123,600 - 129,998
Total variable cost - 139,720 - 137,080 - 98,440 - 77,600 - 113,975 - 96,233 - 113,975 - 113,975 - 144,584 - 125,120 - 131,840 - 138,664

Equipment & Machine cost -

Billbroad - 80,000
Marketing expense - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 300 - 300 - 300 - 500 - 500
Administration cost - 50,990 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,840 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440 - 46,440
Total fixed cost - 51,490 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 46,940 - 47,340 - 46,740 - 126,740 - 46,740 - 46,940 - 46,940
Interest - 3,561 - 3,276 - 2,989 - 2,700 - 2,409 - 2,116 - 1,820 - 1,522 - 1,222 - 920 - 616 - 309
Tax (20%) - 346,200

Cash flow 241,854 241,079 159,256 115,260 79,176 59,462 79,365 80,263 35,079 218,220 232,604 247,412

Discounted cash flow 18,490 18,431 12,176 8,812 6,053 4,546 6,068 6,136 2,682 16,683 17,783 18,915

Cumulative discounted cash flow 130,341 148,772 160,947 169,759 175,812 180,358 186,426 192,562 195,244 211,928 229,711 248,626

Table 5.15 Cash flow Y2015

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
- NPV (0.09) = 248,626

- IRR = 113.36%

The rate of return of this investment project is 113.36%. The net worth of this project is


Net present value is positive so we will accept the project

Internal rate of return exceeds cost of capital, project is worthwhile.

- Return on Investment Ratio = net profits before tax / shareholders equity.

Y 2011

ROI = 87,252/162,067 = 0.538

So return on investment is 53.8 %

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 6

Risk Management

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Chapter 6 Risk Management

6.1 Risk analysis

6.1.2 Internal Forces

• Political

Government is a key leadership role in creating prosperity to occur. Across all regions

of the country and create a quality of life of Thai people have always been and also has

incentives to accelerate the tax support. Developing export tourism industry is affect the

economy, Country’s growth and people have a job with more income and poverty. Most of the

Thai people exhausted. Local government must take measures and rights, benefits tax. To

support, modifying growth business investment of private sector in Chiang Mai, Rights and

benefits of tax Chiang Mai Municipality will use the tool. Promote the changes in the jewelry

business. In a separate principle, 2 way is to tax and tax breaks that are in jurisdictions.

Operators interested in investing or expanding investment. The financial cost is lower by the

tax exemption or modification to specific types of activities will support the development of

business and tourist markets of Chiang Mai achieve goals.

. Political weakness may affect. The weak economy, tourist city of Chiang Mai, which

mainly economic is aimed at tourists. The country has political problems would affect the

audience. To come here, which means consumers are sensitive to news or news that is

concerned with the general public. Before consumption products and services Political and

smog problems that occur in the North now. Impact on tourism Mon. Chiang Mai Foreign

tourists, particularly Europe, has decreased significantly. Because tourists are not confident in

the situation to deflect see neighbors instead. The Thai visitors were reduced as well.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Political policies could affect business. If the government has promoted the jewelry

business may increase the economic growth of the business. Government policy should

promote tourism both at the local level and national level.

• Economic

Selling ceramic affected continued problems and other political and economic burden

of adjustment costs increase and affect the confidence of consumers. It makes real estate in

distress and make hard decisions in purchasing power of consumers has also reduced severe

competition from goods produced in both countries, together own and imported products,

especially from China. Make available ceramic used as construction materials. Bush and

flagstone walls and a bathroom down is sales personnel flagstone wall in 2009 is 147.16

million square meters of volume. Sanitary and sales volume down from 3.89 million units last

year 2.43 percent and 12.74 respectively, which is subject to market conditions of flagstone.

Bush sided with the market based on the old home while repairs to sanitary ware based on the

new home market.

Jewelry production and distribution in 2010 was affected by economic problems.

Politics and the burden of adjustment cost increases. Affect the confidence of consumers. Real

estate business in the slow hard and the power to make buying decisions of consumers are

down. Some of these products expand to export markets. Resulting in production growth this

year also increased. But the growth rate decreased from the previous year.

Jewelry design is based on the needs in each period. Severe distress is affected directly.

Making Manufacture ware production decreased significantly. If buying a good economy

people are buying. It is another factor. That the jewelry businesses grow. In addition to the

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
severe competition from goods produced in countries with friendly and imported products,

especially from China. In neighboring countries and major competitors like China.

business must be developed to compete with a country. For jewelry production and distribution

in 2011 are likely to grow up a little. The economic situation in the country in the recovery

stage and Operations in 2011 with a budget to stimulate the economy, the Thai government's

program will be strong. From the practical results which will cause more flow in the economy.

And people are buying more in the export of jewelry products in 2010 was affected by the

financial crisis that occurred in the United States and progression to the European Union.

Cause the world economic slowdown. Resulting in export products, jewelry products decreased

in all major markets including the United States Union America, Europe and Japan for export

products, jewelry flat trend in 2010, Because of exports to key markets including the United

States, European Union and Japan also can not grow much.

• Technology

Department of Science Service is research and Experiments in ceramic technology to

be develop manufacturing processes and Quality of raw materials and products and also

broadcast to the audience. This action of the Department of Science Service helps reinforce

basic science and technology performance of the country strong. The Department of Science

Service has set guidelines for the research and development, industry and agriculture

industries, the stone size and medium-sized (SME) for sustainable development and new

knowledge to use in developing and industrial. Rural economies and societies of the country


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• Internet

We used to communicate information within and outside agencies to reduce the steps at

work cause convenience correct operation of the organization. Working with the Internet is part

of the organization will be successful in operating high. It can be used to contact customers

directly but on the other hand is the cost higher. If you want a quality system cost will upward


• Transportation

Used in moving and transporting goods from factory to customer. The implementation

of computer and technology help to convenient and Speed of the transport. Affect the

transportation is efficient. The company has won the trust and confidence of customers. When

the move, Transportation and good and on schedule.

• Infrastructure

Because of the company are components of the electronic system Infrastructure

technology is worth more. Costs in procurement are more maintenance, respectively. But the

part that God will have advantages in advanced manufacturing. Meet customer needs

• Social

Social includes the belief, value, and attitude of person in the social. The social is

reflected by culture, education, religious, and other social environments of other social. The

social condition is continuously changed because of person in the social need to control and

adapt you with the environment. When the social condition is changed, the need of person is

also changed such as dressing, hobby, even requirement of goods and service. There have

effect to our business if social condition changes that it is risk, business have to improve and

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
develop for suitable about social condition. The company is located within the source business.

There are also other companies located nearby and neighboring provinces also. Factors include

the cultural aspects that are the same culture and they have good health consciousness,

population has growth rate, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors

affect the demand for a company's products are high and company can operates as well.

Furthermore, companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social


• Customer

The need of customer in the purchase of product and service of Soul of Beauty is may

change the cause to different such as the trend of customer demand is changes to the era which

there are attitudes and lifestyle are different and want the jewelry form is unique because the

customer will pay attention with jewelry for the work out is best. Moreover there are a lot of

competitor’s businesses it is choice for customer choose. In this cause are the direct risk to the

business that may occur which will affect to sales and revenue etc.

From above the reasons is risk that affects to changes the demand of buying behavior

of customer. Soul of Beauty must to risk management for consideration customer demand is

important. So we should using the Marketing strategy is focuses on customer intimacy by

through talking until can attractive of customer demand for focus on service is expertise,

decoration, image with a professional and give consultants include pay attention to detail,

customer satisfaction with our services. Furthermore we can create the variety design for

respond the customer demand.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
6.1.2 Internal Forces

Internal risk had effected to the company as the company can control and protect to reduce risk

include Human resource risk, forecasting risk and stolen.

• Human Resource Risk

The Soul of Beauty Company’s employees are very importance because employees

work with customer closely and have to introduce product and communicate with customer

directly. Employee need to have interpersonal skill, communication skill, language skill and

negotiation skill. These skills are basic employee qualification for company. The company

have a risk in hiring employee to organization such as employee skill, performance and honest.

So the company resolves these risks by

- Resume checking and background scanning for recruitment good employee to the


-The company determines qualification and duty of each position

-Training employee before work to reduce mistake during work

• Demand Forecasting Risk

The company holds risks in forecasting demand, in high season generally many tourists flow to

Chiang Mai and rich trade so the company order big amount of product. It risk to over

inventory and increase cost of holding inventory. So our company has promotion for inventory

to reduce risk in holding and fashionable trend risk and aware the level of inventory for

planning demand forecast. Shortage in low season, because forecasting lower demand and

order in less amount. It risks to lose opportunity to sell products, customer switch to

competitor, customer unsatisfied and lose customer. Then our company have to deal with

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supplier immediately and order for customer as soon as possible. Moreover, we have to

concern, follow the product and answer the customer immediately for customer satisfied.

• Stolen

Jewelry is valuable product so it may be stolen and lose. The company risk to fail and hold the

cost. Then company has policy in security system to protect losing product and stolen. Our

company’s design the plan of shop systematically and can see in every point and setting

closed-circuit television and the valuable product is kept in strongbox.

Increase in interest rate

If interest rate increases by 1%, that is 10%, the payback period is 2 years and 6 months

If interest rate increases by 2%, that is 11%, the payback period is 2 years and 7 months

If interest rate increases by 3%, that is 12%, the payback period is 2 years and 8 months

Hence, if interest rate increases by 10%, 11% and 12%, it doesn’t have effect to our

company payback period.

Increase in interest rate







Increase by 1% Increase by 2% Increase by 3%

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Finance Risk

- If the company decrease by 2% in sale , It will be affect to company sale revenue as follow .

Y 2011 2,005,050 sale revenue is 1,964,949

Y 2012 2,308,000 sale revenue is 2,261,840

Y 2013 2,657,375 sale revenue is 2,604,228

Y 2014 3,188,625 sale revenue is 3,124,853

Y 2015 3,823,000 sale revenue is 3,746,540

- If the company sale revenue decreases 2% in sale, it will affect on net income as follow.

Y 2011 489,681 net income is 479,887

Y 2012 673,919 net income is 660,441

Y 2013 923,753 net income is 905,278

Y 2014 1,277,090 net income is 1,251,548

Y 2015 1,697,145 net income is 1,663,202

So, if the company decrease 2% in sale, it will affect to our company's payback period is 2

years 347 days.

- If the company decreases by 3% in sale, it will be effect to company sale revenue as follow.

Y 2011 2,005,050 sale revenue is 1,944,899

Y 2012 2,308,000 sale revenue is 2,238,760

Y 2013 2,657,375 sale revenue is 2,577,654

Y 2014 3,188,625 sale revenue is 3,092,966

Y 2015 3,823,000 sale revenue is 3,708,310

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
- If the company sale revenue decrease 3% in sale ,it will affect on net income as follow.

Y 2011 489,681 net income is 474,990

Y 2012 673,919 net income is 653,702

Y 2013 923,753 net income is 896,041

Y 2014 1,277,090 net income is 1,238,777

Y 2015 1,697,145 net income is 1,646,231

So, if the company decrease 3% in sale, it will affect to our company's payback period is 2

years 355 days.

-If the company decrease by 4% in sale, It will be affect to company sale revenue

as follow.

Y 2011 2,005,050 sale revenue is 1,924,848

Y 2012 2,308,000 sale revenue is 2,215,680

Y 2013 2,657,375 sale revenue is 2,551,080

Y 2014 3,188,625 sale revenue is 3,061,080

Y 2015 3,823,000 sale revenue is 3,670,080

- If the company sale revenue decreases 4% in sale, it will affect on net income as follow.

Y 2011 489,681 net income is 470,094

Y 2012 673,919 net income is 646,963

Y 2013 923,753 net income is 886,803

Y 2014 1,277,090 net income is 1,226,006

Y 2015 1,697,145 net income is 1,629,259

So, if the company decrease 3% in sale, it will affect to our company's payback period is 2

years 363 days.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Decrease in Total Sales between year 2011-2015

3,000,000  Y 2011
Y 2012
1,500,000  Y 2013
1,000,000  Y 2014
500,000  Y 2015
2% 3% 4%

2% 3% 4%
Y 2011 1,964,949 1,944,899 1,924,848
Y 2012 2,261,840 2,238,760 2,215,680
Y 2013 2,604,228 2,577,654 2,551,080
Y 2014 3,124,853 3,092,966 3,061,080
Y 2015 3,746,540 3,708,310 3,670,080

So, if company's total sale continuing to decrease more than 4%,it will effect to our company's

payback period will be longer.

Increase in cost/expense

- If the company's cost/expense increases by 2%,it will affect to pur company's net income as


Y 2011 730,345 net income is 475,074
Y 2012 758,612 net income is 658,747
Y 2013 866,453 net income is 792,893
Y 2014 913,359 net income is 1,109,010
Y 2015 962,215 net income is 1,491,919
So,if company's cost/expense increase by 2% it will affect to our company's payback period is

3 years and 24 days

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
- If the company's cost/expense increases by 4%,it will affect to pur company's net income as



Y 2011 730,345 net income is 460,467

Y 2012 758,612 net income is 643,575

Y 2013 866,453 net income is 775,564

Y 2014 913,359 net income is 1,090,743

Y 2015 962,215 net income is 1,472,675

So,if company's cost/expense increase by 4% it will affect to our company's payback period is

3 years and 40 days

- If the company's cost/expense increases by 6%,it will affect to pur company's net income as



Y 2011 730,345 net income is 445,860

Y 2012 758,612 net income is 628,403

Y 2013 866,453 net income is 758,235

Y 2014 913,359 net income is 1,072,476

Y 2015 962,215 net income is 1,453,431

So,if company's cost/expense increase by 6% it will affect to our company's payback period is

3 years and 57 days

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Decrease in Total Sales between year 2011-2015

Y 2011
Y 2012
600,000  Y 2013

400,000  Y 2014
200,000  Y 2015
2% 4% 6%

2% 4% 6%
Y 2011 475,074 460,467 445,860
Y 2012 658,747 643,575 628,403
Y 2013 792,893 775,564 758,235
Y 2014 1,109,010 1,090,743 1,072,476
Y 2015 1,491,919 1,472,675 1,453,431

So, if company's total sale continuing to increase more than 6%,it will affect to our company's

payback period will be longer.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
6.2 Conclusion of Risk Management

Company risk means opportunities for Soul of Beauty can not operate successfully

according to plan, loss or not follow goals. Our company’s risk can divide to 2 parts. First is

risk from external factor. Second is risk from internal factor. The external factor risk is hard to

predict and can not to control, such as Technology risk, economic risk, changing in demand of

customer risk and have competitor risk. The internal factor risk is we often to confront in the

organization, and it is the risk that we can control it, such as Human Resource Risk, Demand

Forecasting Risk, and Stolen. Finally, financial risk, such as if our income have to reduce it is

directly effect to our company’s income also reduce too, in the same time, if our company

expense increase, it will effect to our company’s pay back period will have long time. About

interest rate is not more effect to our company, because it effect a little on our income

statement, so financial risk is important to our company. We must always to maintain and

control cost, in addition we should to development.

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Chapter 7


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Nowadays, Fashion of jewelry is change by daily life, life style, social, globalization,

culture, believe and so on. People are attracted to follow the trend. There are many jewelry

businesses in Thailand. Those do for export and sale in the country. Jewelry has many price

ranges depend on material, quality and design. Jewelry’s Thailand made from gems, color

stones, pearl and zirconium so customer can choose as needed. Customers buy jewelry for

wearing or colleting. Design of jewelry is important to attract customer’s want but depend on

preference of each individual too. Jewelry shop must be having many design of jewelry if other

shops have more design that is attract customers to buying. In this business trusting is

important because most customers are concern about quality. Many companies try hardly to

create their own strategies to compete with each other such as competition in price, quality of

service and the special promotion in discount or premium to motivate the customers and after-

sales service.

Jewelry making is an old craft that has been in existence since ancient times. Many

centuries men and women both liked to adorn themselves with jewelry items. Thailand in

recent years has extended its range and scope of traditional handicraft products. Thai handcraft

jewelry is saliently because Thailand is famous in handcraft and art. It is special identity and

differentiation and the products which made by handcraft are attract foreigners. Thai handmade

products are now being made to cater for western tastes and to a much higher western quality.

Therefore Soul of Beauty jewelry offer the Thai handcraft jewelry which is salient, special

identity and various designs to customers.

For the jewelry business, it has some competition. The competitors in the market try to

create their own identities for their brands and trust for customer. By emphasize the quality of

products and services and design of product. And tries hardly to create and design of product.

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They are all having many interesting and attractive design and concern identity of product to

promote their brands. Most of our competitors have good locations and many of them are the

stores which were opened for a long time. So, they are well known for market and customer’s

want because of their have more experiences.

Sale forecasting of Soul of Beauty, the sale revenue has increase in every year because

an effect of political factor, economic, political, technology and social factor. Moreover tourist

season and festival in Chiang Mai is also affecting to sale revenue because many tourists trend

to high on high season or Chiang Mai festival and the Tourism Department promote and attract

tourist to visit Chiang Mai. So this is an opportunity to increase the sale and make a profit of

our company. Winter season (Octobers to February), this is high season of Chiang Mai there

are many place and festival on winter such as mountain for touch cold weather, Loy Kra Tong

festival, Christmas and New year festival. So the sale revenue on this period is highest because

many tourists visit to Chiang Mai. Summer season (March to May), this season is moderate

sale but in April has Song-Kran festival. This festival can be attracting tourist to visit but it is a

short period and Rainy season (June to September), the sale revenue of this season is rarely


“Soul of Beauty” has several products and categorize in 3 big groups that offer to

customer selection that different life style and preferred. Our company has created a new

jewelry design up to date fashionable and still keep quality, identity and valuable and have

service mine for make our customer satisfy and respond our customer’s want. Our shop pleased

to advice and fain for customers in any time. Our shop has credit card service. An atmosphere

is created in the shop that our customer can feel good and make convenience to customers to

satisfaction and feel happily. Our shop building on Kalare Night Bazaar, the main road for

business in Chiang Mai, surrounded by many big projects and five star hotels and trading

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
center and meeting point for both Thai and foreigners located on 7 raise piece of land in night

bazaar area in zone G this area for souvenir jewelry and handicrafts. Moreover, this area is

convenience to our customer to shop several of shops and products.

In the part of management divide in to pre-operation period and operation period, first

we select standard construction material because we concern about safety. Moreover, we try to

create good atmosphere to attract the customer and build the brand image tend to be modern.

The interior aims to dark tone for enhance our product saliently. Second we set the internet for

communicate with supplier or customer and fast up date information. Then any facilities all

invest for create the best things for customer and support our operation run smoothly.

Risks are effect to the company both external and internal risk. First is risk from

external factor. Second is risk from internal factor. The external factor risk is hard to predict

and can not to control, such as Technology risk, economic risk, changing in demand of

customer risk and have competitor risk. The internal factor risk is we often to confront in the

organization, and it is the risk that we can control it, such as Human Resource Risk, Demand

Forecasting Risk, and Stolen. Finally, financial risk, such as if our income have to reduce it is

directly effect to our company’s income also reduce too, in the same time, if our company

expense increase, it will effect to our company’s pay back period will have long time. About

interest rate is not more effect to our company, because it effect a little on our income

statement, so financial risk is important to our company.

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

• High-End Jewellers & Luxury Jewellery & Diamonds,

<> .

• Diamond Gemstone meaning, <>.

• Ruby Gemstone meaning ,<>.

• Emerald Gemstone meaning,<>.

• Opal Gemstone meaning , <>.

• Sapphire Gemstone meaning ,<>.

• Aquamarine Gemstone meaning, <>.

• Turquoise Gemstone meaning ,<>.

• Topaz,<>.

• Garnet Gemstone meaning ,<>.

• Amethyst Gemstone meaning ,<>.

• มิติใหมธุรกิจจิวเวลรี่'กาวาง' โชวคอนเซ็ปตแขงอินเตอร


• ครม.ไฟเขียวยกเวนภาษีมูลคาเพิ่มนําเขาอัญมณี,


• สมาคมผูคาอัญมณีไทยและเครื่องประดับ โดยการสนับสนุนจากกรมสงเสริมการสงออก กระทรวงพาณิชย จัดงานบางกอกเจมส

แอนด จิวเวลรี่ แฟร ครั้งที่ 46,


  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
• นางสมจินต เปลงขํา,เครื่องประดับเงิน Silver Jewelry มาแรง ,<>.

• จังหวัดเชียงใหมศูนยเศรษฐกิจภาคเหนือ


• Chiang Mai Infrastructure


• Thailand : Tourist Arrivals from 1998 till 2010. Quarterly Data 2007-2010,


• Thailand’s Economic Projection for 2010 and 2011,



• Guest Arrivals at Accommodation Establishments IN THAILAND


; Q2;Q3;Q4>.

• Guest Arrivals at Accommodation Establishments IN THAILAND,



• Council of Logistics Management,, 12 Feb 98.

• NPV and IRR formula,

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

Miss Nattida Bua-ngam ID:5031203025

Major: Business Administration, Mae Fah Luang University Tel.089-5338884


Miss Nartnarin Suksao ID:5031203037

Major: Business Administration, Mae Fah Luang University Tel. 0871896457

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Miss Nopphawan Klabdi ID:5031203120

Major: Business Administration, Mae Fah Luang University Tel. 0875907797

Miss Piyaporn Nojit ID: 5031203160

Major: Business Administration, Mae Fah Luang University Tel. 082-1935368

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  
Miss Ulaikorn Singsook ID: 5031203177

Major: Business Administration, Mae Fah Luang University Tel. 0848850923

  fÉâÄ by Uxtâàç  

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