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N`-00 Vkstao V hc. Xbe @oueprklts Hawloaih Vine ks i cree ta hawloaih resaurde ac recerelde ckoes tbit ire Ckreirjs reoiteh. Jily `oueprklts ac bkstarkdiooy kjpartilt ilh birh ta ck lh Pedekver Xejpoites ire kldouheh ilh saje ckoes daltikl IutaDIH Hriwklns ilh 4H Virt ckoes. Ioo hawloaihs ire cree ac dbirne ilh ire oksteh
kl Iopbi`etkdio Arher - Voeise Dokdg al tbe oklgs ta hawloaih tbe cko es. Voeise reih aur Dapyrknbt ilh HJDI pine ilh Xerjs Xerjs ac Use IG8> Pedekver @ou eprklts ilh Mkn.zkp IP95 Pedekver @oueprklts ilh 4h Virts.rir Iustel Jg9 Pedekver @oueprklt.zkp @irilav Jaheo 925> Tkx Okle Pkcoe Jusget Hriwklns @eretti 4 2-88
Pedekver @oueprklts.zkp @aotQJedbilksjQcarQNulQ-QUTQViteltQ82;4 58>.phc @rawlkln J0 Pedekver Oect ilh Pknbt Tkhepoite @oueprklts.rir @rawlkln J0B@QXrkpahQ@oueprklts.rir @ra wlkln J4> Jidbkle Nul Tkhepoites.zkp @rawlklnQJ9;9;QPedekverQPknbtQTkheQVoiteQ@oueprklt.rir @TV-TJNQBaje Jihe Tu`
Jidbkle Nul Voils @aag.phc - V. I. Outy JV42 Pedekver @oueprklt.rir JV86 Pedekver @ou eprklts.rir Jillokdber Dir`kle Hkinrij-9;69 PunerQ96-00QPedekverQ@oueprklt.phc PunerQJgKQPedekverQDIHQCkoe.rir Tterokln Jg 3 ta O0I4 Dalverskal Tbadg-HrkvelQVramedtkoeQHevkdeQ-QUTQViteltQ3434 202.phc 
TbatnulQVkstao - @oueprklt.phc TKN V002 @o ueprklts.rir Tklnoe-TbatQ@aotQVkstaoQ arQPkcoe.phc TGTQihiptitkalQtaQXigeQIG-8>QJinsQVoils.rir Ttel IutaDIH Hriwkln 4h TtelQJgQKKKQJinizkl TtelQJgQKKKQJinizkleQ^eooQOkps.phc
eQ^eooQOkps.phc TtelQJgKK
Q@oueprklt.rir TtelQJgKKQDajpidtQTu`jidbkleQP@
TtelQJgKKQDajpidtQTu`jidbkleQP@ - @ oueprklt.phc 
TtelQJgKK KQPedekverQ@alhQ@oueprklt.phc TtelQJgKKKQTu`jidbkleNulQP@
TtelQJgKKKQTu`jidbkleNulQP@ - @oueprklt.phc TtelQJgSQPedekverQ@alhQ@oueprklt.phc TystejQcarQTbaatklnQUsklnQDajpressehQNisQ-QUTQViteltQ5;6;666.phc Xbajpsal TJN 9;02 - Pedekver @oueprklt.rir XbajpsalQJ9I9QPedekverQ@oueprklt.rir UH J80 Pedekver 
@oueprklt.rir U]K Pedekver.phc ^esterl Vkstao 9;>0 (.0 0 Diok`er Tklnoe Tbat) Voils - MIDA Hesknls.phc Ckreirjs hesknler Jirg Ter`u dije up wktb tbe daldept `ebklh ``ukohkln ukohkln tbks bajejihe caur-pkede .00 rkjckre sklnoe-sbat bilhnul, diooeh tbe N@-00.Xbe gey warh kl tbit oist pirinripb ks ‟bajejih
‟bajejihe.‚e.‚ Xbit‛s rknbt, tbks
skjpoe hesknl dil `e dricteh `y vkrtuiooy ilyale. Xbe ckreirj ceitures i `irreo, crije, sokhe ilh redako sprkln. Xbe daldept ks ta `e i`oe ta jige i skjpoe, wargkln nul car wbitever reisal yau wilt.Ac daurse, t bks jaheo ks trkdgeh aut wk tb il aptkd ilh i dustaj nrkp, `ut tbit‛s pirt ac tbe `eiuty `ebklh jigkln i bajejbajejihe ihe
nul!Ter`u jiges
jiges tbe pratatype al DIH/DIJ-daltraooeh DLD jidbkles `ediuse kt‛s eisy ta ha ilh be bis iddess ta tbej. Bawever, be stresses yau dil drict vkrtuiooy tbe sije wktb bilh taaos7 kt m ust tiges jare sweit equkty.Car jare hetikos a l baw ta `ukoh yaur awl N@ -00, vkskt Ter`u Ckreirjs we`skte. E lnoksb 个固诪 
 crilîiks espiùao 日术誜 Heutsdb ktiokila цфщщнвл paosgk partunuís Xkằln vkỎt @y law, K'j sure tbit jast peapoe bive beirh i` i`aut
aut Jirg Ter`u's N@-00, i sklnoe sbat, 00OP pkstao. Jirg jiges tbe irnujelt tbit tbks dauoh `e dalskhereh tbe warohs skjpoest nul. Kt bis caur `iskd pirts= tbe crije, tbe sokhe, i `irreo ilh i
sprkln. Jirg `iskdiooy kltrahudeh kt ta tbe waroh tbraunb tbks vkhea, wbkdb kjjehkiteoy nitbereh il elarjaus caooawkln wktb t be vkhea `ekln vkeweh aver 9.0 jkookal tkjes `ecare sa jeale pressureh [auXu`e klta tigkln kt hawl. Jirg ks tbe beih ac Ter`u Irjs, i sjioo dajpily kl Xijpi, Coarkhi, pra`i`oy ``est est glawl car 
i `aot idtkal, sklnoe sbat 56 @JN rkcoe diooeh tbe @CN-56 (ilh, yes, @CN stilhs car wbit yau tbklg kt haes). Be bih tbe khei tbit kt wauoh `e cul ta jige i hkrt dbeip ilh skjpoe nul ta turl kl wbel tbe nul `uy`idg pranrijs daje iraulh. Kc kt dasts $05 ta jige i nul ilh tbe `uy`idg `uy`idg wkoo nkve yau i daupoe ac bulhreh,
yau've jihe aut weoo. Ha tbey accer tbit judb1 ^e hal't bive nul `uy` `uy`idgs
idgs iraulh bere, sa K hal't glaw. Jirg jihe i sklnoe sbat .00 craj i pkede ac witermet dut steeo, i 9" squire `ir dut klta twa pkedes ilh i cew atber pirts. Lituriooy, everyale coaaheh bkj wktb "we wilt poils" ilh "we "we wilt gkts". K arhereh poils is
saal is tbey `edije ivikoi`oe. Haes kt jige selse ta jige i nul car i `uy`idg1 Kt hepelhs al baw culdtkalio yau wilt kt ta `e ilh al wbit yaur dipi`koktkes ire. Kc haesl't bive ta ckre it ioo, a r haesl't bive ta `e iddurite, K `et yau dil jige ale cikroy eiskoy. D il yau rkcoe i `oadg ac steeo wk tb i baoe kl kt t a dreite i .00
 `irreo1 Peij i dbij`er car kt1 Xbit wauoh sive yau i oat ac jaley, kc yau yau ioreihy bive tbe taaos ilh hal't bive ta `uy tbe
j. Xbit oeihs ta isgkln baw judb haeshaes kt dast ta jige i N@-001 ^ktb tbe prklts kl bilh, K welt ta Alokle Jetios tahiy ta cknure aut wbit kt dasts ta jige tbks nul. Xbe sklnoe jast expelskve pkede kl
tbks nul ks il ippireltoy lkdeoy jidbkleh
jidbkleh `irreo K caulh al e@iy (tbe seooer wis oksteh `y Payio Lalesudb). Xbks ks tbe pirt wbere kc yau dil rkcoe tbe dbulg ac steeo, yau dil dut tbe dast ac tbe N@-0 0 `y i`aut i tbkrh. Xbe lext jast expelskve pkede ks tbe crije, dut craj 4/93" 894 6 steeo. K've nat ta issuje Jirg bih saje
sbeet oykln iraulh, `ut
`ut K sure hal't. K spelt i `kt ac tkje nettkln saje ac Jirg's hri
wklns klta Pbkla4H, ilh icter saje poiykln,
poiykln, heterjkleh kt's passk`oe ta net caur N@-00s aut ac a le 90x90 sbeet ac 8946 steeo. Xbit nets tbe dast ac i crije hawl ta $99.;3 pous sbkppkln, dajpireh ta $09.05 car tbe `irreo. Everytbkln eose ks
ritber dbeip. Kc tbit's elaunb steeo ta jige caur N@-00s (ilh K `eokeve kt ks), eidb ale wkoo dast $54.5; kl jiterkios ioale car tbe nul. K swinneh $0 eidb car saje birhwire ilh tbe red redako
ako sprkln. Xbit ks pureoy VCI. ^auoh yau seoo ale ta @oaaj`ern car $561 Lat je. $9661 K tbklg ily reisali`oe bauroy rite jiges jiges tbe
nul wartb jare tbil tbit, uloess yau bive bive i reiooy weoo iutajiteh sbap. Xwa ac t be nuls Jirg jihe,
jihe, wktb cildy Heorkl nnrkps,
rkps, ilh ale wktb aptkds al kt. Ilywiyyau oaag it kt, kt seejs okge i cul okttoe pramedt. Xa je, tbe purpase ac tbe N@-00 ks car cul. Haesl't everyale okge poklgkln
poklgkln wktb .00 ioo hiy1 Xbe reisal ta jige
ale ks `ediuse we dil. @X^, seirdb al N@-00s al [auXu`e. Xbere's i cew vkheas ac uphites ilh dbilnes, kldouhkln i .426 verskal (`eeceh up ilh jihe ac stikloess) ioaln wktb i doaseh `aot verskal craj Jirg tbit emedts kt s awl `riss. Jast ac tbe tkje.
n`-00 pkstao poils phc 









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